TIPS on: dip removal, shaping, prep, & growth!

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hey guys so in today's video I'm doing a super highly requested video that I've gotten on my channel recently and that is to show you guys my removal filing prep and nail care so that is what I will be sharing in this video and it is a little bit longer than usual but I do have quite a bit to cover so let's get right into the video alright so the things that I will be talking about in this video are a new tip powder removal method nail shaping nail prep as well as nail growth so the first topic I will be talking about is dip putter removal so here is my dominant hand and I have had these dip nails on for about two weeks and there definitely is some growth and also a little bit of lifting around the cuticle area and this color is you grow girl by panda tips in case you are interested and it is a beautiful minty shade so I actually heard about a new method from a few different sources so on my channel previously I do have quite a few dip our removal videos so I have tried out the nail clip method and that was pretty slow and I've also tried out the sparkling ko soaking Bowl which worked a little bit better and then my most recent video was using foils and that worked pretty good as well but this method is definitely a lot better than that so I actually found out this method from Carolina and she posted this video on her channel and I will leave it in the description and also Miranda from Rihanna's alkylations gave me some super helpful tips in how she soaks off her manicure and basically they both got their technique from a travel nail so I just thought I would give credit to them so the things that you will need for this process is a bowl with warm water a plastic ziplock bag and I chose to use this bigger one just to make sure that no acetone would spill out you will also need pure acetone and yes you definitely want pure acetone to make this process go faster and lastly a cuticle or coconut oil so I'm going to start off by filing off the gel top coat on my manicure and you don't need to do this if you have a deep powder topcoat on because it will just soak off like normal however if you do have a gel top coat on you do want to file that off so the acetone can penetrate the dip powder and now I'm going to be opening up my plastic baggie and I'm going to pour in a small amount of pure acetone and you definitely don't need to use a lot of this a little bit will do and you also want to add in a little bit of oil to help the acetone not dry your skin as much and then I place my fingers into these ziplock bag and put the bag into the bowl of warm water and I sealed off the bag just to speed up the process and keep the heat inside and a tip that Miranda gave me is to add a piece of fabric or a nail wipe to speed up the process because you can wipe your nails on it and take off all of the dip powder so I just threw in a little lint-free wipe and I sealed off the bag one more time and now I'm just going to be running my fingers along that to help speed up the process and here are the nails after five minutes of soaking so you can see that almost all of the dip powder is off and this technique is working really good compared to all of the previous removals and here are the nails after seven minutes of soaking and basically all of the dip powder is off with just some slight residue so I'm going to be taking my hand out of the bag and as you can see here my nails are pretty clean and majority of the dye powder came off and any of the pieces that are still on the nail can easily just be removed or buffed off [Music] and now I'm just dipping a new lint-free wipe in the acetone to remove any of the residue still on the nails and this wasn't working super well so I actually ended up taking a cotton ball soaked in pure acetone and removed any of the excess and here are the nails after doing so and now I'm just going over them one more time to remove as much of the dip butter as I can and like I mentioned before if you can't get some of the little dip outer pieces off you can either soak for longer or just take a buffing block and gently remove the excess [Music] so overall I definitely recommend this dip putter technique and it will be the only removal method that I use from now on because as you can see it worked absolutely amazing and now that I am done soaking I'm just going to apply a little bit of cuticle oil to rehydrate my skin and nails and I'm just going to gently rub that in and let it soak into my skin and nails [Music] and here's a look at the nails after soaking off my dip putter manicure alright so moving on I'm going to talk a little bit about my filing and shaping process so for my personal preference I like to use a 180 grit file I find that this is just enough for me to fix my shape without having it be it too rough and I start by going along these sidewalls so I personally like a coffin / ballerina shape and this means that the tip of my nail is skinnier than the middle part so it sort of elongate your fingers and gives a really pretty look and after I fix these sidewalls I go along the free edge to make it nice and straight and that's basically all I do for my filing routine it's nothing especially different or special I sort of just do what works for me and that is what I'm doing right now and one thing I want to note is I do go back and forth with my file and I know that's sort of a controversial thing in the nail world however it hasn't really damaged my nails or done anything to me so I still continue to do it that way and I've had no issues one thing I quickly want to say is if you hold your file up-and-down you'll get more of a coffin shape and if it's slanted slightly you'll get more of a ballerina shape so when I'm filing I have it sort of in between straight up and down and slanted to create the perfect shape for my liking [Applause] [Music] and another thing that I do that I didn't quite show in the video is I slightly round off the corners of my nails just to make sure they aren't super pointy and here are the nails after my filing routine now I will be discussing nail prep so this includes quite a few things so I'm going to go through all of that right now so first I like to push back my cuticles and remove any of the dead skin stuck on the nail plate and this is a really crucial step for getting your dip powder gel or whatever type of manicure you are doing to last because if you keep all of this dead skin on the nail plate it will cause lifting and won't allow your nails to last long so I'm super gently pushing back my cuticles and removing the skin and you want to do this very gently because you can it cause damage to your natural nail if you do it too harsh so it just goes slow and be gentle and now with a manicure brush I'm going to clean my nails and get rid of any of the dead skin and you could also go ahead and wash your hands at this point now this is an optional step but I like to take a cuticle nipper and nip away any of the dead hanging skin around my nails so as you can see here there is some dead skin the hanging around my cuticle area and I definitely want to remove that and you totally don't have to do this if you don't feel comfortable but I just like to take away any of the dead skin and I'm not going near my live skin at all and now I'm going to be taking a drill with this cuticle bit and I'm going to exfoliate and remove any of the further dead skin on the nail and you want to keep your drill on a very low speed I'm not trying to take any of the nail surface off I'm just gently exfoliating the cuticle area to make sure that my product can adhere and you want to work slow and make sure your drill is spinning in the correct direction and this will help you be able to work your drill and get the best quality nail prep as possible and if you aren't comfortable with an e file you can totally just run around the cuticle area with a buffer I just find that with this drill and with this specific bit I'm able to get a super clean cuticle line [Music] and now I'm going to gently buff the entire nail surface so I'm using this really old buffer that basically has no grip to it at all it's super gentle and I like to go around the cuticle area and then go up and down on the rest of the nail to perfect my nails and make them nice and smooth and ready for application and I know some people don't like to buff their nails and that's totally ok this is just a personal preference thing because I like my nails to last as long as possible and this helps me do so and I also just like the clean effect of having a smooth even nail and I'm going to brush off any of the excess filing dust and now my nail prep is all complete and the last section for today is nail growth and honestly I don't have a lot of things that I specifically do to help my nails grow but one of the main things that I do is apply cuticle oil every single day and candy skin care is my absolute favorite it works so amazing and has definitely helped my nails get to the length that they are right now one of my tips that I tell a lot of people in the comments is to always keep your nails protected so whether that be polished gel dip acrylic whatever you prefer having something over your natural nails will help them stay at nice and strong and protected so if you have a manicure on your natural nails can grow out underneath and they will be it nice and strong when you take them off and that is all I do for nail care so in this video you saw me go from my grown out old dip nails to my gross natural nails after soaking them off to my clean and filed and prepped nails to my hydrated and it beautiful ready for application nails so I hope that you guys found this video helpful because I know a lot of you have been requesting me to make a video like this so those were all of my tips and tricks for those four little sections so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to give it a like and subscribe down below and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: katesnails
Views: 42,987
Rating: 4.9712071 out of 5
Keywords: nails, nail, manicure, mani, tips, nail care, nail care routine, how to shape nails, how to file natural nails, dip, dip powder, dip powder nails, dip powder nail removal, how to remove dip nails, nail prep, natural nail prep, how to prep natural nails, how to grow nails, nail growth, nails of instagram, nails 2020, 2020, katesnails
Id: _fsWNJMcKeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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