Tips For Styling Thinning Hair Over 50

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so i promised i would share my haircut with you because i have very fine thinning hair which many of you do i am not a stylist but i've kind of been examining what she did um so she parted it down the middle the bottom is a bob just short but what she did is she cut a very big chunk at the top that's very blunt as well um same with this whole top it's just very blunt all the same length so that allows me to get some left so here's what i do um i use the kevin murphy anti-gravity gel because it doesn't add a lot of weight to my hair put a tablespoon in my hair and just put it all the way through it's a good time to show you where it's thinning i mean it's thinning all over but it's sitting a lot right here and right here i've always had a forehead this sort of qualifies as a five head okay so then i use a round brush this barrel is about an inch and a half so i use the low heat on the brush till it's warmed up and dry and then i use the cold shot button to cool the hair off before i remove the brush and this helps increase lift so now i flip my hair to different sides to get extra height i'll wear it three days on one side three days on the other so it just gives a little bit more lift depending on the direction i want it to go that day i blow it in that direction but then lay it the other way to cool so kind of like this and so as that's cooling the roots are getting even more of a lift and when i flip it back i've got extra height i do the same thing at the back of my head rolling it in the direction i want it to go but laying it forward the opposite direction until it cools then i just capture my hair in my round brush and leave it there like a great big roller until it's totally cool then i have a couple tools of the trade that i swear by and that's good old-fashioned hairspray and dry shampoo i use dry shampoo every day so i will just lift the sections and give it a little shot at the roots back out do the same little shot at the roots and then this is kind of like teasing it i suppose i end up with a cruella de vil look which i let cool when i go to style it and put it into shape and get rid of the mess i don't comb it all the way through i don't brush it right to the scalp because i'm trying to keep the lift and i don't want to snap my my hair because it's so fine so i just kind of lightly brush over the top of it because this will just go flat if i don't do something so i take hairspray and i lift it and i spray a teeny little bit underneath yeah that kind of dries instantly again even less brushing on the top now just to kind of put it into place and then when i have it at a shape that i like and i'm making it a helmet head but it's close okay so just a real all-over light spray and that's it that's how i style my hair so it doesn't look like a skull cap and still has a little bit of movement to it and a little bit of lift it falls throughout the day there's no question about it so i pop it behind my ears this is kind of a natural thing i'm always doing because that adds a little bit of left so anyway that's it that's how i'm styling my um poker straight baby fine hair that's thinning um a lot of product i think product is key and um not being afraid of using good old-fashioned hairspray and dry shampoo that's how i do my hair
Channel: Jennifer Connolly
Views: 939,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinning hair, thin hair hairstyles, thin hair over 50, thinning hair over 50, thin hair over 60, hairstyles for short hair
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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