ZBrush Spotlight Polypaint Quick Tutorial

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hello today let's talk about how to do poly paint with spotlight in ZBrush today we're going to paint playing the James okay first of all let's go to textures calm eye you can find some pretty nice textures there I'm interested in fabric James so you can find some pictures good photos for example this one and also some stitches it's a good example so I download all these textures and we use them in my tutorial I have downloaded this textures let me take a look basically a car was all the details almost all the details of the James but before doing the jeans let me give you a quick overview of the spotlight functionality in ZBrush okay I create a ball I chose said they can clearly saw the material and the textures the default mode for ZBrush is za basically your scoped but in this in our tutorial are going to paint our text paint colors so I don't need sculpting but I need turned on RGB to paint colors okay when I choose a color you can see the whole geometry color change okay so before doing I need color picking I need to fill the object with white color which is my default color okay after this I change to red color I can start to paint RGB color onto the geometry and also a quick note the masking also works here for example if I am asked up an area that I don't want to change okay I'd want to change color of this area I can have Moscow area now if I paint color I choose a green color okay then I can paint only the unmasked area you don't need to worry about you know accidentally painting into some area that you don't want to paint on another note because we're doing polypaint basically we're painting our vertices of polygons right so the detail of our poly paint depending on the resolution of the geometry now let's take a look at the spotlight functionality first thing let's talk the texture a pilot okay we need a functionality here first let's click on the texture pattern okay it shows you all the textures loaded into current section of ZBrush let's use this one the hotkey for turning on and off spotlight is shift Z 6 plus letter G okay but first thing we need to add the texture to the spotlight ok so click on the button at the current texture to a spotlight this pattern here okay then you can see that the spotlight is on and you can see it image on top of your geometry all the functionality that spotlight can do are arranged this wheel you can scale the image by clicking this one this icon and you can rotate image if you click and drag inside the view but outside the small orange circle you will drag and move this image but if you click and drag within the small orange circle you will move the view on me press hot key Z to hide the view now we can apply the color from the image on to the geometry by projecting it onto the geometry but again now it's hard to see what we are painting press C again to toggle the view R we need to give some value to the spotlight reduce so that we can show some portion of me press C again to hide the view now we can only see a small portion of the image around the cursor let me change the brush size and start to project the image onto our jungjie remember when you're painting a high detail texture like this chain texture you need to have enough resolution on the geometry so for me I need to increase the poly car so that I can see the highly detailed texture and sometimes you got this street stitch line but you don't run this street line you can use the nuts functionality of the spotlight then this one the notch click down the knife and just brush on the image to take the image so that the line is not straight anymore it's more organic looking okay after you finish clicking the line then you can start to paint onto the junkie so you have a more natural-looking stitch line okay enough test let's work on my real model this is a sculpture have done some time ago I'd like to paint a texture for the jeans I tried starting with a resolution of 1.8 million Hey I imported all the textures I needed then I will at the basic texture to the spotlight and scale the size down Presi to hide the wheel and zoom in and you'll take so that detect texture align with the geometry now I can start to paint unto my Jean Jean after the test I realized the resolution is not enough 1.8 million is not enough so I go to divide the geometry one more time so now I have seven point four million this is pretty much a bit too high you can keep it as four to five million but I will give this a try okay now you can see the detail texture please note this is a projecting projection of image onto the geometry so at about 1 the geometry challenge your projection will stretch so you have to only paint the center area this time and rotate paint in all different directions to remove all the stretch lines stretched textures here I didn't tell arms symmetry you can do that that will save you a lot of time because this is the base layer of the texture right doesn't have any wrinkles I need accessories for case details only the base cut color and texture so you can turn down symmetry I slowly build one part by one part another thing is that and another tip is that try not to steal your jungjie because if you scare your geometry the textual resolution the texture scale will change so you have smaller detail and versus big great detail so they don't match anymore so try not to scare your germs you only rotate and I also didn't scare the texture also okay the front set is done I can start to I in the detail of the pocket unfortunately my messy brass crashed then I redid the base layer of texture with the resolution of photo five meeting then I start to add in the details of the stitches and seams and pockets another tip here is to lower the opacity of the image okay of the spotlight okay that doesn't I will not affect the color you paint you project onto the geometry it only lower the opacity of the spotlight you I that way is very good for you to position align the pocket with your geometry model after finishing the pocket I start to reuse some part of the image again again again and another tip here is to when you paint on small little details try to use a smaller brush size - painter stitches okay so here I imported another texture with Equestria stitch line I want to last it energy increase the opacity so I can see clearly the image and now G I scale it to match roughly the scale of other textures and I don't want the strip line I need to notch the image a bit to make make a a bit nicer looking after that is done then I will use a relative small size brush to paint this onto the jeans we have for some of the borders that doesn't match the color does match don't worry we have we can later come back again revisit to fix the color change okay continue align the stitches and continue painting okay after the stitch is done I choose a light color jeans texture at this one yeah this one okay I will paint the wrinkle because the wrinkle you supposed to be lighter color you after the wrinkle all done the last step would be used back to use the base texture again to learn in order to blend all the transitions between different textures basically okay so I choose to orange the base texture I look for areas that looks because it looks good I start to come in to blend the color a bit more so this all for today's quick tutorial on how to paint genes in ZBrush using spotlight hope you enjoy it see you next time
Channel: Kevfx Studio
Views: 50,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, spotlight, polypaint, tutorial, texture, realistic, fabric, jeans
Id: K27gQdMC9qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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