Tips for Mass Producing Cards & 12 Cards in 30 Minutes

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today i want to share with you the whole process  for cutting and prepping a group of cards now i   really like today's card design one because  you can make up a lot of cards quickly with   it two it allows you to use both sides of your  designer paper and use up some of that paper in   your collection now as we go through here i'm  going to be sharing lots of tips and tricks for   saving time on your card making projects and just  a few other helpful tricks so i'm hannah hellman   thanks for being here let's get started here you  can see some of the main products we're going to   be using on today's cards we have some of the  euro peach designer paper which is so so pretty   the pansy patch stamp set i pulled out for really  nice greeting in it and the main focus of these   cards is going to be using the dragonfly garden  stamp set and the dragonfly's punch now we're also   going to use the label me lovely punch on this so  let's go ahead and get started the first thing i   want to do is prepare my card bases so i'll show  you some trick tips and tricks for doing that so here i have my trimmer i love the stampin  up trimmer because it allows me to cut   and score using the same trimmer so i have my  scoring blade my cutting blade so what i like   to do to prepare my card bases is first to score  the entire piece i'm going to line it up over here   at four and a quarter and i've made marks on  here as you can see that help me know where to   line everything up so this lighter blade is the  scoring blade so i'm going to go down and score   that entire sheet of cardstock now i can  flip it the other way at five and a half   use the cutting blade and cut that in half so  i have two card bases prepared really quickly   we are going to be making up 12 cards today  so i am going to prepare six of these while   i'm at it and you do have to be careful here's  here's a what not to do you have to be careful   not to have that cutting blade in the  way when you're scoring so i will grab   another piece of calypso coral to  replace that one we'll start over with it score first turn it and cut so i'm curious if you have  tips and tricks for preparing your card bases   i love uh last year sometime i went  through and i prepped a whole bunch   of card bases i have some in each color  that i keep in a little basket beside my   craft table so it makes it so easy  for me to be able to pull them out   when i'm ready to craft and when i know oh i  want a balmy blue card base well i don't have   to go find my balmy blue cardstock i can just  reach into that basket that is really handy   and pull one out then when i get low if  i see that i only have one or two left   then i go ahead and grab a few more  pieces of that color of cardstock   and refill it so that next time i want  one it is going to be there and be ready one more for that one that i made my mistake on there are no mistakes in card making  right just opportunities for uh   opportunities for creativity  is that what we should call it   okay so my card bases are ready now let's go ahead  and we are going to cut down some designer papers   like i said this card design allows you  to use both sides of your designer papers so i've picked out three that i like both sides of  now if you don't like both sides of yours that's   okay you don't have to use the front and the back  from the same piece you can use the front from one   in the back from another but what i am going to  do is actually stack all three of these on top of   each other so here is a really helpful time saving  tip and i am going to line these up folded my   arm out here you can see i really like how nice  and long this measuring the ruler is over here   i'm going to line these up at 11 inches which  means i'm going to cut off one inch now i do want   to make sure since i have three here i am going to  move these before i move this that way if it did   not cut all the way through i can go ahead and run  that blade along there again and cut one more time i'm going to flip this and do  the same thing line it up at 11   and cut now these pieces are going to be scraps  i can use on another project so now i have an   11 inch square what i want to do now is i'm  going to line this up at eight and a half cut i'm going to flip it again  line it up at eight and a half cut now i'm going to trim this into  four and one quarter inch squares so i'm lining this up at four and a quarter i have always loved math which really  helps when i'm doing some of my card   projects to be able to do do my cutting  measurements quickly in my head but if   you are not the same way that is okay you can  always figure these out uh just by watching along   here what i'm doing or you know you can use a  calculator to do some of that math if you need to   okay now these are prepped we want to have  12 of these squares that measure four and a   quarter inches on each side now these pieces  we want to trim so that they measure four and   a quarter inches as well so they're going to  measure two and a half by four and a quarter so this one i believe measures eight and a half   along the top and i'm going to be cutting it  in half so now i have six of those prepped now this was the one i cut off  first it's a little bit longer   so i will cut these down to four and a quarter do another one there's a little handy  tick trick you don't even have to raise up   this cutting arm if you don't want to you can just  slide your papers underneath and it saves a little   bit of time these are going to be extra and here  are the rest of our pieces that measure two and a   half by four and a quarter so on these what i want  to do is prepare these into little tags or banners   and i am actually going to use this side on all  of these i believe which i actually don't have   to decide that right now but what i want is  a banner that has the bottom trim that looks   like a little ribbon or a banner and right  now i do not have a punch in my collection   that will uh do two and a half inch pieces so i'm  going to show you a little trick which is really   easy what you do is fold it in half now you don't  really want to crease it down here but just hold   it loosely together and just trim it with your  scissors now these are not all going to be exactly   the same and i'm okay with that because handmade  cards aren't supposed to be exactly the same   and if i get one that's a little bit  off i'll just trim it a second time   and make it look a little bit better i don't  know about you i do not get too worked up   about things being perfect with my card making  you know i used to be more of a perfectionist   and that just isn't very much fun we need to learn  to appreciate the imperfections in our card making that's what makes them special the uniqueness  the fact that they're one of a kind so i could probably be doing two  of these at a time if i wanted to and if you want to i'll show you another little  uh modification you can make if you want you could   cut these out with a deeper cut if you want  to so if you like that better you can do that so just a few more and we  will have our tags prepped so i'm really excited to share these  with you i know i am not the only one   that sometimes needs to make up quite a few  cards and do it in just a few minutes so   that's why i thought it would be fun  to do this with you and share some tips two more i feel a little bit like i'm in an extra  red size video just two more you can do it   except this is this is way more fun in my opinion you let me know do you like which  one do you like more crafting   for exercising okay we got a little off topic  but we have our banners prepared so our designer   paper pieces are prepared the next thing we are  going to do is stamp and punch some dragonflies and these will go really fast i  just love this dragonfly punch   i'm gonna do some in calypso coral and i think  i may want a few and some green as well so   while i have these out i'll do some  stamping for that so i've mounted   one of the dragonflies onto this  punch now this punch does have a second dragonfly that you can use so you can  use the same one you can use different ones   just for fun i am going to stamp twice  without re-inking so what this gives us is   a little bit of variation in that color which i  love i think it makes it look a little bit more   realistic and you can see here i am alternating  the direction i am stamping those dragonflies   the reason for that is it saves paper  so these strips measure two inches wide   it is the perfect width if you want to  make them a little bit wider you can it is the perfect width to be able to  fit dragonflies stamped both directions you can do these in lots of colors i am  just keeping mine pretty basic because   when i don't have to clean my stamp off that  saves some time and we're not switching colors this one if you keep them close together  you may even fit one more dragonfly in there   okay now i will clean my stamp this time and  i'm going to stamp on these green ones down here we'll have a few green dragonflies ready as well and then punching is just my absolute favorite  i i love using die cuts on my projects because   they're just absolutely beautiful but punching  i love because it is just so quick and easy   so let's get to that punching we  need to punch these dragonflies   and then the very next step will  be to punch our tags for the card i guess i better grab the right  punch i grabbed the tag punch at   first and that was not going  to be the right one for this so line it up i haven't shown a lot with  punches lately in my videos which is funny   i think a lot of times i punch and  prepare those pieces ahead of time   and i don't really show and talk  about them but you can line it up i like to do this upside down as you can  see so i can see exactly where i'm going   to punch and you can squeeze it i'm right-handed  so i do this right-handed but you can squeeze it   to where it's holding the paper in place but not  actually punching through yet and make sure it's   lined up where you want it and then if it is lined  up where you want it then just punch on through and these stampin up punches are the absolute  best oh uh i'll do a little sales plug at the   moment for why i love these punches one they hold  up forever if they do ever go a little bit dull i   just punch through either several layers of  aluminum foil or you can use those aluminum   aluminum baking pans you cut the edges off and  can punch through them a few times and it sharpens   them back up you have to be really careful with  that that you don't cut your hands with it but   really sharpens these punches back up quickly you  can also punch through some wax paper which just   kind of lubricates them a little bit makes them  work like new but these things last forever and   one of the other things i really love about them  is they fold down flat so they have this little   locking button and you can lock it up and they  store so nice and small compared to so many other punches so get these dragonflies punched i  probably have extras here i may just punch   three of these strips for now keep the other ones  on hand in case i need them i didn't really count   to make sure i have the right number  i think i'll have some extras so   we'll get this one punched and then we are almost to the assemble stage where we  get to see the results for work but next we will   prepare those tags and that is going to go really  fast probably even faster than these dragonflies so for the tags i am using  this label me lovely punch and i want to do these on some white paper so the  measurement for this that i need is i need some   two and a half inch strips so i'm actually going  to cut at the five here which is going to give   me one big one now i'm going to cut my five and a  half by my measuring it at the two and a half inch   mark this gives me three strips that i'm going  to go down and punch out quickly with this punch and here you can see right here why i love a  good punch look how quickly you can make these   so i can get five out of one 11 inch piece  of paper and it looks like i could have cut   these strips just a little bit narrower if  i'd wanted to maybe two and a quarter inches   so that could save you a little bit  of paper so that should be five and   then i'm planning on making 12 cards let's  do 11 12 and one for good measure in case   i don't stamp perfectly because you know what this  is real life and i don't always stamp perfectly   so we'll lay these out and then i'll go  through quickly and stamp the greetings on i think this is a really nice label shape and   this stamp right here i just love it says wishing  you a little extra happiness just because you're   you so you could use this stamp this is that one  from that pansy patch stamp set you could use   this stamp for so many occasions you could  use it for birthdays just because thank you   this would be a great one you could  make up and not stamp the inside which   is actually what i'm going to do today a lot of these i will use for my customer thank  yous which if you do not shop with me i would   love to send you a thank you package in the  mail when you place your first order with me   so just let me know if you'd like  to see a stampin up catalog and you   haven't seen one you can contact  me i'd be happy to send one to you i'll also mention a little bit about  the discount opportunity so you if you   are interested in a permanent discount on your  products you can actually sign up with stampin up   as a demonstrator but you don't have to do  classes you don't have to sell any products   it's just a really good chance to get a discount  on your products and i have a really fun group   of women known as my team we are the sassy  stampers and uh we do a lot of fun things we do   card making challenges in our facebook group  we have a monthly zoom meeting where we and   i i gotta come up with a new name besides meeting  because we uh we get together we talk about what's   happening with stampin up and we always do a fun  craft project so we send out the materials ahead   of time for what to prepare like these are the  pieces you'll need this is what you need to cut   and then either myself or one of our other team  members demonstrates how to put it together and   we have been having some of the  neatest projects here lately and then quarterly once every three months  we actually have just a big craft night   where we make several projects we send out  the materials list ahead of time of course   and just get together and  craft which is a lot of fun so here you can see i am folding and  creasing the card bases to do this   i like to fold it over make  sure my corners line up   and then i use my bone folder over here at this  edge i always used to use it up here on this   edge because that's what i saw other people doing  and then i discovered they lay a lot flatter if i use it here in the way that you can see a little secret when i am just making cards on  my own i don't crease i i don't score for those   bases i always do that when i am prepping card  bases for customers and people for my classes because i know a lot of you card makers prefer  that but i actually don't and it works out just   fine i just have to make sure my corners line up  when i fold it over before i use that bone folder   look how flat those lay i just love that now i  need to flip them all over this way to make sure   they're going to open the right way and i think  first what we will do is go ahead and attach   our designer paper pieces now i want to make  sure i have the print up that is going to be   face up and then i'm going to flip these over  the back and here is one of my time saving   tricks when i am doing quite a few cards at  once i like to lay out a lot of my pieces   a few of these may go off screen i'm going to lay  all of these out and put adhesive on them at one   time so just really allows me to go through and  do this quickly so put one strip down each side   sometimes i go ahead and put a third strip down  the middle it depends on how big the piece is and   how how uh what am i trying to say oh how heavy  it is sometimes with the heavier card stocks or   if it's embossed i'll go ahead and add some extra  adhesive just to make sure it's going to hold   so i'm using my seal adhesive for this which i  really like tip with the seal adhesive if you have   tried it my best tip for this is to use it with  a light touch i know every once in a while i'll   have a little struggle with it and what i find  is when i struggle with it i just push harder   and when i push harder it makes  everything worse so best tip is use a light touch okay so here's what  i'm going to start doing is attaching   these designer paper pieces  to the top of that card base so i'm going to leave a little strip at the top  of each one where i can still see that card base of these may need to be at a certain orientation  this peach paper so as you can see on some of   these i'm going to leave the peaches so that we  can see them here's some little peaches on this   one but i really like that on the back sides  we have these other prints we have some floral   prints we have some stripes and polka dots so  if you don't want a whole bunch of peach paper   a whole bunch of peach projects you always have  that back side to choose from of a different print   that's that's one of my well i have lots  of favorite things about stampin up paper   but one of the things i love is that double-sided  option that the one side is kind of a more bold   specialized print such as the peach or maybe it's  penguins and foxes for example with another paper   pack we have right now but when you flip it  over to the back side you have some kind of   more basic print that you could use for lots of  occasions like the stripes for the polka dots your paper is also just the best in general the  quality of it the weight of it it is so so nice if you like to make 3d projects at all our paper  is the best for 3d projects because it's just nice   and sturdy and for your cards you don't like to  make a card that when you set it up to display it   it's going to sag over time the card stock is nice  and heavy so you put that time into making those   cards for people and they can display them for a  long time and not have to worry about them sagging   okay now i am going to put adhesive on these  banner pieces that we've prepared and i'm debating   if the this side that is up is the side  i want for all of these and i think it is let's see we're gonna go through one  at a time we'll put that one up that   one up that one up we'll do a few like that oh sure we'll do that so i'm going  to lay out these banners just like   i did a minute ago with my bigger pieces  we will run adhesive down all of these and then we will find a card that looks  nice with each one of them to lay them onto so i talked a little bit about our seal tape  i'll mention our seal plus tape which comes in   the same type of dispenser here's a seal plus it's  just a little bit darker blue when you look at it   the seal plus i might actually like the seal plus  a little bit better it's a really nice and strong   adhesive with my seal the way i like to use it is  i pull it back and then when i get to my stopping   point i slide to the side if i don't slide to  the side i get a little gummy strip that pulls   and is funny so as you can see every time i stop  i just slide it aside it works really nicely now   if you don't want to have to get used to that once  you're used to it it's really easy but you don't   want to have to think about that the seal plus  is really nice and like i said it's very strong   so i am going to start flipping these over one  at a time let's make a little bit of space here   so you can see what i'm doing and i'm going to  put these banners on right about there okay now   i don't know which pieces are going to look  nice with which cards so i'm just going to   start doing this and hopefully it turns out all  right usually things turn out pretty alright i don't think about them too hard so we are going to have lots of different ones   we probably will not have any  two cards that look just alike as you can see every one of these  so far i am just putting it on   the one that i pull out and they  have all looked great so far i have three left since i only have three  left i do want to make sure that these   are going to look nice see i don't want this  print on top of this one so i'll put this one here two left and fantastic we'll  put this floral over here so   that we don't have a floral on top of a  floral now i'll put the polka dots here okay so here is where it really  gets fun we're going to put   some of the dragonflies on then we're going to put  the tags on then we are going to put some more of   the dragonflies on and some embellishments  to finish these off so we are really making   some great progress on these cards and we  have only been at it for just a few minutes   so i am pulling out the butterfly the butterflies  the dragonflies that i had stamped off on so   the ones that are a little bit  more muted in color so there's five here's six i think i'm going to be a little bit  short we'll do three of these ones that are green and it looks like i do need these that i  had not punched out yet so we'll finish that so what do you think about this dragonfly set is  this one that you would use in your collection it is one that i have used a ton i really like  it i like that it's different you know we see   quite a few butterflies we see quite  a few flowers but this is something   it's just different and because it has the  punch because it's so quick and easy to use   a lot of times i pull it out when i don't have a  lot of time and i'm trying to make something up   and all of the projects i have made with  it have been just absolutely beautiful   so what i'm going to do now i have  i have my seal plus here this time i am just going to put a teeny tiny bit of  adhesive right in the center of there and because   i have this seal plus i will not have to worry  about these coming off the seal would probably   hold as well but since i'm just putting a tiny  bit like i said i decided to use that that seal   plus so i'm going to put these on up here about  somewhere close to the corner of the banner piece   and i like the little wing extending  up over the top of the designer paper so we'll put these on the next step after this  will be let's do a green one   next up after this will be the tags like i said this is something i do a lot if i have a piece  upside down and i want to pick it up quickly   without having to fumble with my fingers i just  lightly touch where the adhesive is picks it up   right there on my finger really quickly and  easily and this is one i was going to try not   to do i may end up with some of these but  i was going to try not to end up with the   polka dotted dragonflies on the polka dotted  print here i'm sure i will have some of them   because i haven't been paying attention but we'll  do this these will both end up with green ones   now next let's prepare these tags again we are  going to flip them upside down lay them all out   this just makes it so much faster put all that adhesive on at one time now every  once in a while i see comments different places   about well these are handmade cards they're  not supposed to be uh produced in assembly   line or something like that and here's a quick  tip i'm going to use the seal on these and   be again because it is so strong i'm just  going to put one strip down the center of these so back to my comments so of course like  i said these are all going to be one of a   kind they're all going to be different  they all have different paper prints so i want to put this on i like to cover up the  dragonfly tail but i also want to leave it hanging   off over here a little bit on the edge of the  banner so no matter what with we do with these   they're all going to be one of a kind and the  people you give them to are going to appreciate   them regardless of whether you made one at a time  or you made 15 at a kind so it's just a nice way   that you can save some time and be able to impact  more people with your beautiful handmade creations by making up several at a time i just i know  i already said this but i just love this stamp   from this pansy patch stamp set i think the font  is really pretty and i really like the words so just a few more of these and then we'll  get the rest of our dragonflies attached   now our dragonflies the next ones  we put on we are going to use   a foam dimensional underneath you could use a  few foam dimensionals of course if you want to but i find that one under the center  of these dragonflies works really well   did i lose a card oh yeah i  forgot i made up one extra of this   in case i messed any up and amazingly i didn't  mess any up so okay we'll bring in the rest of   the dragonflies lay them upside down put  a foam dimensional underneath each one and i have a tip to share with you for this which  is using a really handy tool if you don't have   one of these i really encourage you to try one  out so this is the take your pick tool it has   two different ends and on this end there are  two different attachments that you can pull out   and remove and each attachment has two different  ends so there's really a lot you can do with this   i do have a video that is all about this take  your pick tool if you want to take a look at but   when i apply my foam dimensionals  if you have arthritis or if you have   a hard time getting your hands to work  sometimes this is the absolute best tool   i just poke it through the surface of that  dimensional lift it off it takes a few times   to kind of get the hang of it but once you  have the hang of it it works really well   lift it off and then you're going to see  here in just a second how else you can use it   actually my next couple of steps you'll see  different ways to use this handy tool okay so i   have a dimensional on each one of them like i said  if you want to you can add a couple you could add   one under each wing might be good if you prefer  that now you can poke through that paper backing   and lift those off and you can even do this  without having to pull them off of that tip   so you can see my paper backing pieces are just  building up and building up and building up   did i already do that one i've lost track of  where i am here and if you can see my hand   you can see that i have one of these stuck  to my hand yep this one still needs removed   did i get that one all right i think these  are all ready i may have missed one but so now we will go through and just add  this dragonfly over here facing this way a little bit different angle and with  its tail hanging down here over the tag so when i get to the ones with green dragonflies  i'll put the green ones on oh here's one you can mix up the colors of course if you like wrong color here's a green one i know i send out a lot of cards certain times of  the month when i'm sending my customer thank yous   and when i'm recognizing my  team members i love to send out   little rewards and things to my team members  for the different things they're doing sometimes   they're just surprises sometimes they're just  prizes for joining in with our team meeting that   month uh whatever it is i just i send out a lot  of cards certain times of the month so these are   going to be some really nice ones to have on hand  for when i need to send my next batch of cards okay so we have come a long way the last thing i  am going to do is just add a few embellishments   and i am going to show you how to do this and  then i am going to do it off screen and you'll   be able to see the final pictures here at the end  so again i'm going to use my take your pick tool   this end has a little bit of blue adhesive in  there and right now you can't see any of it so   i'm going to twist this just a touch i'm going  to wait a second and you may be able to see that   that blue is coming out the end so that is sticky  and that makes it super easy to pick up my gems   and put them on my project so i like little  groupings of three a lot of times so i'm   gonna put three right there looks like a one  hijacked on my hand i'll get rid of that one   so you can see that one here i'll do a second one  real quick and then we will wrap this up so thanks   so much for joining in today i hope you enjoyed  this video hope you got some tips and tricks to   help you be able to make up a lot of beautiful  handmade cards in just a few minutes so you can   find the ordering links for all the products i  used today in the video description below you can   also find a link to my blog for more information  on this and tons of ideas and inspiration for your   other projects please like and subscribe  below and i hope you have a wonderful day   i hope you'll be back again next time when i'll  be here again helping you to handmake with love
Channel: Handmake With Love with Anna Helman
Views: 173,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stamp, Stamping, Rubber, Stampin, Stampin up, crafts, crafting, Scrapbooking, card tutorial, stampin up Demonstrator, card making, ideas, tutorials, anna helman, scrapping stamping and stuff, learn to make cards, videos, cards, greeting cards, paper crafting, stampin up card ideas, how to make greeting cards, how to make a card, handmade cards, ideas for cards, card ideas, card making ideas, diy cards, greeting cards handmade, mass produce, quick, mass producing, dragonfly garden
Id: 72WNO_XarmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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