Tips for Combat - Tears of the Kingdom

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oh welcome back everybody I started compiling these combat tips in my first or second week with the game so there are some tips in here that are better suited for beginners I'll pass on a bit of everything that I've learned and hopefully you Advanced players can pick up a thing or two as well let's start out with combat preparedness I won't focus on the obvious things like applying Buffs but those are certainly important instead let's dive into our inventories the default sorting method leaves something to be desired for your weapons it's a good start but you can take it a step further by dropping certain weapons then sorting your inventory and then picking those weapons up after what we are doing is creating a fourth section in our inventory what I include here are my beater weapons or the ones that I don't mind breaking on any enemies my ore Smasher my weaker Elemental Weapons Etc having them grouped close together makes finding what I need for 99 of my play time that much easier and quicker if I need a stronger weapon of a certain type then I know to look in one of the three default weapon groups something you'll learn fairly early on is that it's almost always worth fusing monster parts to your weapons I started out with a hoarder mentality and would typically fuse other weapons and zonai parts to my weapons but the damage was sorely lacking blue and black enemy drops will soon become common for you so don't hesitate to make a powerful weapon or two with those also just view it as a profitable exchange let's say you're trading in one monster part to eliminate a camp of Three Monsters odds are you'll get more of the same monster part in return I'll take this opportunity to highlight a few of my favorite fusions first I highly recommend trekking through the hot and cold regions for Fire and Ice lizalfos even a relatively inexperienced player can dispatch these enemies quickly due to their fatal weaknesses to their opposing elements those Fire and Ice lazalfos horns are so powerful early on and their status effects can help swing difficult battles in your favor next don't always run away from stall enemies at night some of the strongest weapons that you can make for the majority of the game are done simply by fusing two of their drops together how convenient these enemies usually spawn in pairs suppose you're in the middle of a fight but there's a problem the weapons that you want to use don't have anything fused to them or worse you don't even have cheap weapons that you could use you don't want to have to resort to using your strongest weapons right now let's solve the former problem first there are a few ways to make time to fuse weapons mid-battle but the one that anyone can execute is deploying a puffed room it doesn't have to be aimed precisely but it will incapacitate your enemies for a comfortable amount of time now you can reach into your inventory drop a monster part and fuse it to your weapon without worry the other scenario has you without an adequate weapon to begin with reach instead for something that can disarm your opponent like a shock fruit or a Dazzle fruit then steal their weapon and go to town on them to wrap up this video I'll quickly go over some tips about using the environment to your advantage you're all aware of how powerful bullet time is but maybe you're unaware of how ubiquitous opportunities for it are all it takes are a few strides up a tree or a cliff maybe you can backflip or side hop off a teeny tiny elevation or maybe you can get really creative with the send in the middle of combat it's up to you if you look for bullet time opportunities you'll start to find them everywhere if you don't want to dirty your hand so much then let water and steep Cliffs do the work for you maybe you've got one of those korok weapons the gusters clogging up your inventory why not position the enemy between you and that environmental hazard and let them have it you can also send enemies flying with bouncy weapons created by fusing mushrooms to weapons for the best results use a one-handed sword and quickly charge up a spin attack this should make any Coastal or Riverside fight a cinch finally you can achieve the same results with ice simply freeze the enemy and then blow them or push them off a cliff the only consequence of dispatching enemies in this manner is that you probably won't retrieve their drops after the very last tip is just a reminder that rewind can be used in battle as well enemies like OCTA rocks are likely to die after you rewind the projectiles back to them taluses boss bakoblins and other enemies that like to throw things will be in for nasty surprises when you launch their Boulders and explosives back at them while preparing for this video I realized that most combats could probably be brute forced by plainly hitting the enemies over and over again some of these tips like using different fruit to get out of sticky situations might seem to be more for show than for necessity but I hope that you'll be inspired to experiment with different tactics or at least consider something like how to organize your weapons more effectively I have had so much fun with combat in this game I can't even force myself to play the game in a boring way I'm always inspired to try new things to find new combinations and to discover new weaknesses to exploit if you'd like to see more of that in action then I've got a few combat Clips already uploaded and I promise they're entertaining now that I've published a handful of these tips videos I'd like to record more combats and then I should return with a couple more tips videos in the future in particular on Link's different abilities and on defeating specific enemies yes that includes lionels that's all for now though thank you to everyone for watching and thank you to anyone who's contributed with their own tips in the comments sections of these videos bye for now
Channel: The Legend of Leo
Views: 1,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, games, totk, zelda, the legend of, fighting, help, tricks, how to
Id: xydBYCqM0Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 39sec (339 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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