Tips for building Rovers! - Space Engineers (Vanilla)

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[Music] the future [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to space engineers um I'm gonna follow up my mining ship tips video with a Rover tips video so again this is going to be just a few of some of the tips and tricks that I've picked up over the years of playing Space Engineers um it's probably going to be most useful to to new players and and Midterm players um and there may also be a few tips that you're not aware of if you've been playing for a while just things to make your lives a bit easier and also some design choices to consider when building a Rover so I've got a few examples in the world here I've built a couple of River Bays got the the large survival Rover um that's the blue team Rover I've got Yoshi's Labrador and then Omega and I well omegas TAP Air Rover because they all incorporate some of the design choices that I'm going to be talking about today as well as some of the tips so the first tip I'm going to give is something that is present on the Labrador and also present on the tape here so what this is is basically when you build your first Rover you're probably going to be a bit of a sausage and you get a crash or you're going to break some wheels or something now a really useful way to do these repairs in the field is typically digging holes right you just dig holes around you over to pop the wheels back on um which can yeah it could be a bit of a pain trying to flip you over over or what have you so you're over over interesting so the best thing to do actually is to put these jacks on your Rover so if I show you here get a welder out so yeah we have these Pistons here so all you to be honest you can usually get away with one so just strap a piston somewhere to your over and then say you bust I don't know this wheel and it's it's broken right you grind the Piston off and you just attach it like here where this seat is extend it and then it will push this side of the Rover Up Lift It Up and then you can add the wheel fix it and then drop it The Rover back down and return the pit the Piston to its location alternatively you can do what omega's done here and what Yoshi's done which is Pistons all around so then let's say you break a wheel you can press this button lift the Rover off the ground and then you can add Wheels weld them up you can fix any any damage that you might have underneath um very quickly also it could be used to to write the Rover let's say you flip the Rover and you can't get it back up even with gyros you're in like you're maybe you're stalk you can if it was on its side you can perhaps put a piston on the top and use it to push the Rover on on that side a bit of Leverage basically so yeah I mean Pistons overall I always I would always always have at least one piston carried on your Rover somewhere because they're just so useful I mean the fact that you could just go under you can fix Wheels fix bits you can change things it yeah it's hard to beat um so yeah I would carry a piston on the Rover uh that comes with another tip which absolutely none of these have except Yoshi's but even still doesn't have what I would do so another useful tip is when that wheel does break it can be a bit annoying sometimes to have it sort of stored as components in there so what you can actually do is just attach a wheel on the side like literally just find your wheel size find a location and just like stick a wheel like that and just literally carry it like a real car would and then when you need to replace the wheel lift the Rover up grind to the existing one or actually it won't be there because it's broken right and then grind this one down for components and build it up so you basically just carry in the components but in the fully built form if that makes sense and it kind of looks cool sometimes um yeah so having this spare wheel can be good as well as a spell ladder I think I might have deleted it did I delete it yo she's gonna kill me yeah you see how there's a ladder there you could do the same thing as I just talked about you can grind this ladder off and put it on you know a different block or something if you need to climb up or get to somewhere that you couldn't otherwise get to so yeah and then you so yeah the second tip would be a spare wheel spell ladder the next thing is suspension tuning so in general you always want to configure Wheels Etc but so let's say you've built a little pad like this right you've got a connector for your Rover um it's all hooked up to your conveyor system Etc and you're going to drive you over on there we go let's back her up nice and gently hopefully oh the connector doesn't fit what do we do so there's a few things you can do the easiest thing to do to be honest is just hold X this crouches your Rover basically turns it into a low rider um and then you can hook it up and then as soon as you undock that'll just spring back up and then you're ready to go again you can also do jumps with this if you don't know as you drive in hold hold X Let It Go and you'll you'll do a jump yeah it sounds stupid if you know about it but a lot of people don't know about it could be really useful for getting out of situations and like I said you can Crouch to get onto connectors as well so that's a really useful feature instead of having to you know constantly go through your Rover suspension settings and things like that um you can just I've made a I've done that awfully there you could just uh Crouch the Rover with the x button and use it to connect so I'll just show you again so back onto the Rover Bay hold X press P dock up and then when you undock whoever comes back up so yeah that's uh that's the next tip so yeah you can literally just Crouch the Rover you can do jumps and you can also Crouch it to get into connectors which is always really useful um the next thing is gyro override so let's say you flip the Rover which let's be honest isn't isn't the maddest thing that could that could ever happen um how can I flip this Rover like that there you go oh no I flipped my Rover it's all upside down and and stuff and double deerie me so let's say you flip your over like this and you're like yeah right what do I do now put a gyro somewhere in eurova I would always have a gyro somewhere on your River find the gyro in the settings omega's already set this up so yeah find the find the gyroscope in your settings Omega set it up so I just have to unset it um and then you want to go to override controls and then you have to mess about with these but usually it's roll so if we set that to 60 and then turn it off once it's right up it will roll itself and now you can set it on your your taskbar here set it to override controls on off as you can see it's off at the moment so I can use the gyroscope normally I can you know pitch and tilt and what have you and then if I turn the override on the Rover will will roll so let's say I'm on Sideways I'm like oh no press the button and the Rover will literally just write itself that easily um yeah really useful tip to save you a lot of time trying to write you over so gyro override controls will save your life not save your life but they'll save you a lot of time uh they might save your life I don't know next thing is booster thrusters so this is something that you know a lot of Rovers have some don't have just a little tip sometimes it could be useful to strap some thrusters especially if it's a cargo Rover if you're going uphill I wouldn't recommend Hydro I just go like battery powered so ion or atmo and then you can flick them on and give you a little kick when you're going uphill or you've got a particularly large load of cargo um the next part is bumpers and roll bars so this is something you just got here you see the roll bar around the cockpit here omega's sort of got it to an extent um but like we just saw it's really easy to roll Rovers sometimes um so having a roll bar can always help I mean you know it's it's going to do you good having a roll bar um Yoshi's actually got it around the whole Rover if you can see so if this Rover rolls on any side there's armor protecting all of the components apart from the solar panel but you can't really wrap it around that without looking massive so yeah there's a roll cage around the whole Rover basically which means that if it rolls it's very unlikely you're gonna break the Rover and it won't be functional um another way to avoid this is to make Rovers low like this one so low and wide tread so this one would be quite hard to hard to roll because the wheels are so spread out and the center of mass is low but Yoshi I mean with the proper tuning like this wherever you think I oh it's well Tall we can't we you know it'll it'll roll easily but I like I'll give it full lock it's really not not as easy to roll as it looks um but when it does roll obviously you've got that roll cage to protect you so let's just uh Park this back up bumpers is a massive thing so a good idea is blast doors I think the The Blue Team Rover does this quite well so blast doors are pretty much indestructible I would have blast doors and heavy armor on your chassis like this one has uh because it's going to be taking a lot of hits especially if you you're moving quite quickly as you can see here blast doors armor uh heavy armor sorry blasters and heavy armor yeah for when you jump in and you're hitting you know terrain and bumps and and the likes it's really going to help you out so I would always put heavy armor blast or bumpers uh to absorb the impacts because they're pretty much indestructible it's in Space Engineers terms to be honest um real tuning now this is another tip so I would always go in and tune your wheels so there's a few things to consider I'll give you the basics uh but obviously it depends on what you do I would always have a little play with your wheels I would never leave them default let's say um you're building a Rover like this what I would do with the wheel settings is I would turn off steering for all the wheels by the front and then I'll return off breaking for the front as well basically what that'll do is if you're going at like 50 meters per second and you slam to a hole if you have front brakes on sometimes the Rover will tip forward like do like a like a you know roly-poly which is I'm sure the correct technical term I would turn brakes off the front and leave brakes on the rear and then steer with the front you could potentially do just power in the rear as well but usually it's all right to do power across the whole board obviously yes this will depend you know people I like to do it like this I liked yes that's obvious it's it's a given right everyone does things differently but in general you're not going to go wrong by only staying with the front and turn off the brakes because it'll stop you flipping um as often anyway so yeah and then the final thing is a little Rover bait tip so when you're building your over base one of the one of the most useful features 100 is obviously going to be getting underneath the Rover because let's say you don't have Pistons all around you just have one so you can't actually lift up the full Rover what I do is I do like a passage Gap and then you can have ladders down like this cargo access so you can get components out and then you can go underneath your Rover just like this and you can literally weld everything up because trust me this stuff is going to be getting beaten up it's going to be taking damage as you're driving across terrain you're going to be hitting rocks and you know bumps and hills and trees and all sorts so it's always good to be able to go underneath and actually weld up your Rover so yeah there's just a few Rover tips also put lights on your Rover lights never hurt spotlights and stuff like that Yoshi does it very well see although I turned the pocket brake off we got spotlights and spinning lights and and all sorts so yeah lights always help why do I keep turning that off but yeah there's so many more there's so many more tips uh but I just wanted to go through just a couple like I did with the money ships video just hopefully help out a little bit if you watch this before building a Rover I'm sure you'll add a few bits which you wouldn't have added which will be really helpful um yeah so I'll probably do a more in-depth sort of guide and how to build Rovers and like more sort of philosophy around design and stuff like that but for now those are some general tips which can't hurt to employ on your Rover if you guys enjoyed this video please like comment subscribe to support the channel and as always take care [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Lunar Kolony
Views: 4,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space engineers, space engineers rover, space engineers tutorial, rover, build, tips & tricks, tips and tricks, walkthrough, guide, tutorial, gameplay, space engineers planets, space engineers update, lunar kolony, space engineers lunar, lunar, lunark, rover build, large rover, cargo rover, scout rover, small ship, large ship, survival, vanilla
Id: Y92vRHonrd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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