Best ways to improve your builds - Space Engineers

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome back to a new space engineers video really quickly guys I wanted to make a video on a couple tips that you can employ today in your building to try and improve quickly and these are some tips that you may already know but you may not realize to the extent they can be used so here's an example um I've shown up the channel before this is the first ship I published the Ingot class freighter um looks absolutely horrendous in in modern day I see I think we can all agree um I was quite proud of it at the time though so I'm going to show you how how I went from this to some of these uh so my uh more recent creations so you've got the Rampage class Corvette quite happy with this one um the aerodynus freighter amethyst Miner Stargazer transport um yeah so I'm just going to show you how I go about improving building and there are two main tips to be fair I mean there's a lot of different ways that you get better at building and speaking with fellow Builders as well and just you know seeing how they got better as well the main two ways I've seen I want to talk about this video so uh the first way is something that is pretty obvious but it's building with other people right so let's say you you build with a friend right and you both know um just real quick actually before I continue with this video if you are just looking for like purely functional stuff this isn't the video for you I'm not talking about function here that no we're talking about making a balanced ship which looks good but actually does the job I mean I don't care how many cargo containers your freighter has if it looks like something that just fell off the back of a dumpster I don't wanna I don't want to be using it right I wanted something that's balanced with Aesthetics and um its capabilities like the aerodynamic which has got three car containers yes you can make a this big with six no I don't give a I want it to look decent as well and I think a lot of people especially if you watch this channel want it to look decent as well just speak unfiltered so a little bit of a rush come sweat my balls off her uh but tip number one is to play with other people now so let's say you play with one other person and you both know some super secret way of doing grebel you know like a little trick like you can do this little Roots as turret mounts right you build together on a project so you both work on the same ship and you learn each other's little secret and then you both know two little ways you can add some some detail to your ship you play with someone who knows three ways you can add you know details to your ship then you come out of it both knowing five ways of how you you know what I mean and it just stacks and you see how different people do things you see how different people have evolved Styles how they go about you know building holes in or painting coloring it's the same as painting or like you know spaced armor how they would break up a flat surface how they do an engine bay how they'd sort out Conveyor Systems and you can see what other people are doing and learn from that and then twist it into your own style which neatly slides into um number two so another big way you can do it is find a creator that you like and this is going to sound obvious and just put some ships in the world while you're building so I'll give you an example I built the guerenta class freighter this is one of the TFK Civ ships I built and I think it's quite a pretty ship um I like the way it scribbled I think it looks like it fits into the economy World etc etc when I was building this what I did was I spawned some basically created a mood board right so I'd spawn in some God I can't remember what it's called now uh this is uh this this is bad isn't it I can't remember the name uh tt420 oh God it's been a minute yeah so I'd spawn um and then but you know I need to spot a couple of the economy ships in and maybe you can see where I've drawn inspiration from so we've got the the rear Landing Pad like the b60 we've got um these little fins on the back of the the large rear Thruster like the b60 um I've got I'm trying to think what else I've got here there's just bits and Bobs you pull so there are these little breakup points that aragath puts between the cargo containers I did slightly different and use like the round blocks mind you I didn't do it between there um obviously the economy style entrance with these sloped blocks again you can see exactly here now a lot of people will go are just gonna be like oh it's copying but let's just put these two next to each other here they don't look anything alike they look literally nothing alike the cargo containers in different places they're both yes they're both and ball designs and they have a rear Landing Pad but that's about it this actually has more cargo containers just because you're taking inspiration and maybe you know implementing a couple similar design features it is stock copying it's just building out your skill set there are only so many ways you can build a doorway and if you think that this is a good way to build a doorway build the doorway like that and then as you continue to do it you will eventually develop you know your own ways of of building a doorway it's us talking about a doorway here but it could be anything right so an antenna array like you know you might copy this at first because this is one hell of an antenna array but eventually you might come up with something slightly different you know your own version so this isn't even I mean it's similar with the blast doors but that's about it all right it's changed over time so just having these in your world just to be like basically just build and then you get to a point where you're like I don't know what to do with the door uh you know I'm not really sure how to build it into the side of the hall here okay how was aragathola or how's whoever I'm trying to learn from how have they done it and have a look at it but right they've done it this way and then build that onto your ship and you can see it's not exactly the same because I've got different blocks and then you might you know build it in differently but it just gives you a quick guide and over time you'll learn these different tricks and ways that different Builders use to make things flow a bit more seamlessly and a big one being color agreeable and you'll just have them in your back pocket and you won't need to spawn ships in anymore you'll just have knowledge and ideas whenever you build it and you see like a particular angle or something like right now I built this ages ago but just looking at this here it just upsets me right if if I was building it now I would want this to look a bit more full right a bit more stable and I'd probably do something different if I could find the paint gun I'd probably do something different in terms of what color was I using yeah I'd probably build the antenna in differently is what I'm trying to get to right I don't know exactly what I'd do I mean I don't know I'd make it look a bit more robust than it was because it looked a bit sort of Pokey outie and I may have even I don't particularly like the way I've gone about that up there either I'm just giving you examples I've not got this set up right at all but I may I may have tried something different um just sort of brainstorming huh uh yeah there you go so I may have I may have tried something different with the antenna and tried to embed it differently and I'm not a fan of how this bounces like that but that's just like I said that just comes with time so when I built this I was like oh it's fantastic but now looking back at it however many years and months it's been there's there's things that change right um so yeah just I'd recommend building ships with people so working with as many people as possible um you know learn their design Styles see how they're doing things differently a great way to do this is just get your boys in a Discord chat you know you can do my Discord server if you wish um and just do like a build challenge like you've seen on the channel just you know all build something and just have a look at how everyone's done things differently or another fun one is do a build challenge say there's four of you you all start with the same frame for a ship right use a pre-existing frame like I don't know a right I don't know right the there you go right that that stash your ship frame right imagine it's 3D you will start with this you work on it for 30 minutes and then you pass it around clockwise working it for 30 minutes pass it around however many times to the number of players you've got and you'll see how you each have tackled the different stages differently and you can get ideas ideally you want to be playing with people or building with people who you see as better Builders than yourself but I mean you can just build with anyone really just just building in general it's like working out a muscle you just get better and you'll find your own niche um yeah and then the final thing is totally a tip but don't be afraid to publish stuff there are always going to be people on the workshop who are going to say you know say whatever about your ships I mean I can't even tell you how many times people have said stuff about my ships at the end of the day it does who cares if they're not whoever you're trying to you know take inspiration from or if their builds aren't better than yours then I wouldn't even pay any heed I'd just listened to constructive criticism and anyone who starts whinging about hanging there ships got more guns and you know it would beat in a PVP fight scrunch it up through in the bed those are my quick tips for building guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you have any questions or queries leave them in the comment section down below and I'll get back to you when I can if you want to try and you know join a server I recommend not support mode server but during my Discord server there's a Creations tab in there we've got lots and lots of talented builders in there and I'm sure they'll give you some some feedback on your work and maybe even help you out with building um yeah please like comment subscribe to support the channel consider supporting me financially as well if you're able to and take care everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Lunar Kolony
Views: 16,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space engineers, space engineers survival, space engineers lagre ship, space engineers large ship, space engineers big ship, space engineers planets, space engineers vanilla, tips, guide, walkthrough, tutorial, tips and tricks, trips & tricks, lunar, kolony, lunarko, space engineers update, space engineers warfare, space engineers tutorial
Id: 9dvvmI8LkHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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