Early base design guide - The Space Engineers Handbook

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your first home in Space Engineers is a crucial one start of the survival process can be difficult and drawn out having labor-saving Machinery smart design choices and efficient layouts can make the experience more immersive and enjoyable in this page of the Space Engineers handbook we will be discussing early game based design on both a functional and an aesthetic Focus basis [Music] [Music] thank you this page is best applied to planetary starts as the focus will be on installations but many points can also be implemented for space stations and asteroid bases most players starting platform resembles something like this a basic foundation with a wind turbine Tower and Machinery cobbled together it works and it gets you through the early game but let's dive into building on this initial Foundation to start with I recommend the following Machinery be included in your starting bases one basic refinery one basic assembler one survival kit a small cargo container an O2 generator and at least one battery connect these components with the conveyor system and ensure that the grid is powered to run those conveyors we will discuss power generation later in the video these basic components will need to be unlocked through the progression tree if you have that setting enabled however they are all early in their respective trees and easy enough to unlock these basic systems will provide you with the means to reliably produce components and keep your suit energized and your oxygen hydrogen tanks full let's now take a look at resource Gathering early game as this guide is focused on the bass itself not ships or Rovers we'll look at the eligibility of hand mining for those curious you can easily upgrade the Pod into a mining vessel however this comes with its own challenges and players may prefer the lower maintenance method of hand mining for the initial stages of the game a player's starting mine would typically look like this let's work on making it more effective and easier on the eyes we'll start off by adding a stair or ladder system down into the shaft should the player's jetpack run out or restrict a mod be in place Engineers will be able to easily navigate the mines next we will add external railings around the opening of the mine this will hopefully prevent Rovers or players from straying into them trust me getting your Rover stock in the mine entrance is no fun Standalone Freight containers can be placed near the entrance to deposit excess Orin or for power packs and other items now inside the mine a clever use of landing gear a battery and a spotlight can provide better visibility these can be dotted around and used as torches in conjunction with the engineer's suit light structural beams and bridges can be used to make complex tunnel systems easier to navigate small Bridge designs can save time when navigating your tunnels whereas structural supports are for the most part entirely visual while hand mining can be very useful for Gathering specific oars processing rawstone also yields the early game materials an effective way to gather large quantities of stone initially is through building a drill rig onto your base this will allow you to collect Stone in the background while you focus your efforts on other tasks Joe rigs can range massively in complexity so Millennia and piston controlled and others can employ both rotors and pistons to cover a greater area here is an example of a basic drill rig that will suffice for most players early game Ventures we have a large cargo container followed by a piston a curved conveyor and then an advanced rotor from here we have conveyors in a u-shape with a downwards facing piston followed by a drill you can then alternate the rotor so the drill swings back and forth while the horizontal piston pushes the arm out once completed you can lower the piston and repeat this can help speed things up early game by providing you with a reliable stream of the early oars you will still have to venture out and find the likes of cobalt and Ice by yourself however this will cover most for you into the later stages of the game drill arms can be deployed on bespoke platforms to mine specific ore deposits but we won't dive too deep into that here next let's talk power there are a number of different ways to power your base in the early phases of the game much of which can depend on your starting conditions and preferences let's talk through how best to employ them wind turbines are extremely efficient and easy to make they provide a consistent power output and are ideal for early game bases but of course they can only be used on bodies with atmosphere the catch is they need to be elevated above the ground and away from your base to allow for optimal wind clearance this means large towers around your base begging for lightning strikes and ships to crash into them it can also make maintenance a nightmare let's work on solving these problems lightning is really really annoying you can beat it by bravely turning off weather in the world settings or you can divert it away from your crucial systems with decoys decoys attract lightning and take the hit on behalf of your machinery the blocks don't need to be powered either I would scatter a few of these around your base with a layer of protection to add longevity to their service life ships or Rovers hitting your turbine Towers could cut power to your base leaving you in a very tricky situation it's best avoid this ensure that the foundation at least is fully built it's usually not a great idea to fully build the whole Tower but bumper setups and spaced armor can also help along with lights and warning signs for maintenance you can just fly up using your jet pack however it's often beneficial to have a means to repair them without a jet pack as power generation is crucial a wraparound staircase system can be constructed or a ladder set up solar panels are often compared to wind turbines on planets with no atmosphere though the alternative choice but they can also be used to supplement power generation on atmospheric bodies the drawbacks to solar panels are the clear dependency on lighting conditions to best employ solar power the panels need to have maximum light coverage across the surface area night time would render them temporarily useless which cannot be worked around in certain scenarios the most simple way to use solar panels on your early base would be to supplement power generation and having flat static solar grids this maximizes the sun coverage you will get while being very easy to construct and maintain going A Step Beyond this we can increase our potential output by keeping the solar panels facing the sun this can be done through a setup of rotors and hinges using either solar alignment scripts or the turret controller the turret controller can be set to always aim at Sun and when paired with a camera facing the same direction as the panel it will track the Sun for optimal power output if you happen to land near a source of ice or have easy access to a deposit engines can be an effective way to power your early builds and stations however unlike solar and wind power generation engines are active that will need to be maintained and fueled one of the most simple and effective ways to implement engine power on your base is with a cycle system for this you'll need at least one hydrogen tank an engine a battery an O2 generator and a bottom panel which is optional but will make things much easier load ice into the O2 generator until the hydrogen tank is filled you can then also see the status of the engine's hydrogen capacity in the control panel once the base's batteries are running low flip them to recharge mode and fire up the engine you can check the battery's control panel section to see how long the engines need to run to fully charge the batteries once charged flip the batteries back to Auto and shut off the engines engines are frequently overlooked as a power source due to their upkeep time hydrogen drain and relatively low power output however if you are situated by an ice lake or an ice Deposit they can be very effective also consider pairing them with the previously mentioned drill arms this will keep a steady flow of hydrogen pumping into the engine allowing you to be more hands off with the system now let's talk about making our starting platform less of an eyesore and more of an engineer's Outpost firstly let's flush out the base by welding up components and structural elements with the resources we've now acquired next we can build up the walls floors and ceiling to make actually shelter us and resemble an outpost this will be subjective to your own build style and taste structural beams and reinforced areas will help your base make more sense to your eyes visually put these in areas you think a structure would require them in real life lights are a great way to add detail to your base interior lights will help you navigate at night and an entrance light will make it easier to orient yourself in the dark too rotating lights can be useful on planets where sandstorms are frequent searchlights can be set to Target enemies and highlight unwanted visitors for you they can also be useful for spotting your base if you're flying around windows are another feature commonly overlooked having a few viewports or Windows improves natural light and makes your home feel more open and complete it also allows for quick scanning of your surroundings [Music] and that wraps up the early base design guide for the space engineers handbook from here you can continue to expand and improve your base with features such as docking Bays Rover ramps defenses and more be on the lookout for altcoin Pages where I'll be covering more useful guides and tips for space engineers thanks for watching if you enjoyed please like comment subscribe and as always take care everybody [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Lunar Kolony
Views: 45,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: space engineers, space engineer's, space engineers tutorial, space engineers guide, space engineers walkthrough, lets play, guide, walthrough, tutorial, handbook, series, survival, new player, update, planets, vanilla, lunar kolony, mining ship, base design, base tutorial, rover, small rover, large rover, large ship, cargo ship
Id: LOaXWbukqzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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