Tips and tricks about Drilling and Sanding Resin (tutorial)

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hello everyone this is Chris from Stylharmony thank you for joining me today's video is a follow-up of previous videos I did about resin and jewelry making with resin and today I'm going to show you how you can drill your resin or how you can just put a bail on it to put them and change them into necklaces earrings pendants whatever you wish so there are a few tricks here that you need to know that the end result and to see how it's gonna show up so I'm gonna do close up here because you really need to see it from close okay focus that's okay so you're gonna need a quite few things here first what I'm using here is some kind of a dremel you know this very light tool it's really handy I use it a lot I have a dremel and this is another brand but it's just works fine you will need some little hooks like this so these hooks are like little screws you screw them in you will need a very very strong loop so if you're really in a hurry this would go very quick like crazy glue or whatever type of strong glue you have I prefer to take my time and use e6000 because I think that's the best loot ever for all kinds of stuff not only for jewelry making but also for your household and things like that it works like magic once it's stuck it's there it's not going to move but you need to wait at least 12 hours sometimes they say 24 depending on your project you will need one or two pairs of needle nose pliers and flatten nose pliers I'm sorry bails so I've got them in different colors and different sizes so depending on the the heaviness of your of your project use what are the other if you want to don't want to see it too much use the smaller was the smaller one I have here and all these things you can find them craft stores or also online I will put the link where I bought mine usually where there a better price and a few things here as well that I'm gonna use and I'm gonna tell you what this is made for and how I use them and that's I mean then your jewelry pieces that's it don't need much maybe yes some jump rings when we will put them the jewelry together so now the first thing the first way I'm going to show you is probably the easiest way is using a bail so whatever your bail the shape of it or the color it doesn't matter I need to come a little closer again just use what you have and you know what usually you use for your projects and I've got here a a flower okay it's an orange flower and the best thing or the quickest thing I would go for this one is just put it on a bail I would put hot glue here not hot glue certainly not hot glue hot glue doesn't stick on to metal and you use this grid sheet that's crunchy party here add it directly on it and just figure out which is the place you want to fix it put it on the back I think I like it this way okay and now just leave it to dry and don't touch it for 12 hours so that's easy and it's gonna work on a lot of stuff this one is that rate I have already a hole here so I'm not gonna do anything but I could also use a smaller bill here and attach it this way okay and you're not gonna see much on this one you won't really see much but be careful too one thing if you're using something really transparent like this one for example and there's a hole but it's just for the example and if you use a bail it's gonna show and you're gonna see it so whether it is this one is a little bit transparent it there for example and I think I still need to go a little closer you're going to see your bail behind you see it yes I think you see it so this is maybe something you don't want to have on your pendant or on your jewelry piece is to see the bill on the back of it so if you want to keep it translucent like this then the other solution would be to make a hole like there is here there is a little hole pre-made here that was my mold so you would go and make a hole and we'll do one on a scrap piece later on you would make a hole and that's would be that would be the parabolas the easiest way you could also drill a hole on the top of it which would work just fine so just be aware of that and it's really important because depending on your pieces it's not going to look nice if it's opaque it doesn't matter second if you are having this kind of this kind of jewelry and you want to put a bail on it think before putting it how it's gonna look like if you put it here this is probably the way you would like to go if your pendant is gonna look like this it's gonna face you or face the people so this is not something that maybe you want I need to go back a little bit so just think about how it's gonna look afterwards okay so and putting your it here it's not gonna look nice because it's thicker than this pyramid for example I hope it's not easy to show you really how well it goes you see that it's not nice because it's throwing on each part and here it's exactly the same problem and that's the only place where I could put my bail but I don't want this to be facing people I think it's kind of aggressive that's just my point of view you may not agree but if you have something like this which is a square that would look nice and because I have something in here you're not gonna see it okay not even from the sides you're not gonna see it from the front so this is what I would do for example on this one but you need to think about something else and I've already done here a sample I've I didn't want to glue it directly because I just wanted to show you so I put a little bit of tape here to show you what is gonna happen if you do this and I need to put this back there okay if you put your bail on the back like I just don't showed you when you're gonna hang it it's gonna tilt let me see how can I show you this better this is where it should look like okay just flat but when you're going to put your necklace on your wire or your cord whatever it's going to tilt it's not gonna stay like this it's gonna go like that it's gonna bend a little bit towards you no it's gonna fall down like it was falling down so it's not gonna be as straight as you want so in this case if you want really this to be straight and see all the sides the best way to go is to make a hole and then decide where you want to make the hole again but be careful of one thing and I've done it here is that you are going to see it if it's really transparent or translucent you can see through your glass like this you are going to be able to see the hole and of course I've got this little hook in here but even if it was not you could still see the whole I I drilled so you need to have this in mind before deciding how you're gonna put it up because once your glue is there it's there and it might ruin a little bit your your project so think about it before that's really important that's the best advice I would give you so and maybe also think about it before doing something in this project here I am just going to drill a hole on top it's not a biggie here I could put a bail on the back a small one wouldn't suffice and you wouldn't see it too much at least for me it wouldn't be a very big problem let me see you almost don't see it right so I would do this now how's your drill very easy and there are other tools out there you can use to drill I already have that one and I view I use it a lot in my craft room so let me take this one again because it's really not nice so I don't care about doing anything wrong you just need to put your driller here really as parallel to your project don't put it crooked because otherwise you're gonna make a hole cricket okay this is not what you want so you put it straight there and I will have to do it because I want you to see I will have to do it this way or I will do it this way because otherwise you won't be able to see what I'm doing if I cover it up with my hands so I'm gonna go bit closer again and I'm gonna start the machine so it's gonna make some noise and concerning this this tip is one of the finest I could find it's about 1/16 of an inch so ask for the smaller so you can find because it perfectly fits these little hooks and these little hooks you can find them everywhere okay so and if it's bigger it's a little bit bigger don't worry with your glue it will be fine so what I'm gonna do here and I'm gonna be going maybe a little cricket but I just want to show you how it's gonna look like so I'm going to drill here and oh one more thing really important when you drill or when you send it down I would really highly recommend wearing a mask because you're gonna have powder everywhere and also some glasses these are very old glasses but I like these because it protects the eyes from it's closed on all sides there's a little tiny there are some little tiny holes oh I'm totally out of floats so yeah I was talking about these glasses because you've got tiny holes here but though these are holes it stills protects you from the dust you don't want to have this in your eyes because it is resin and you don't want to breathe it either okay so that's very important and if there are children looking at this video please don't do this by yourself ask a nettle to do it for you because it can be really dangerous you can hurt yourself okay so I'm going to start here how can I put it I'm gonna tell you this way as you saw I moved a little bit in the beginning because that's not the perfect angle where you can do it so you need to be really flat put this don't do it like I did it's just for the video and put it straight okay if you want to put some gloves to protect your fingers please do it I'm gonna do it a little bit more okay not much don't go too far you don't need to but look at that I've done my second hold here hole I mean and you can see it right it's just there so you will see it even if your screws not in there you're gonna see this white stuff you could maybe put it under a little bit of water you know it can go in and water it's not a problem and maybe clean this up a little bit but anyway you will see your screw in there because it's because of the color it's not translucent so you will see it so this is why I was saying just be careful and think about it see the dust think about what you're gonna do maybe even before doing it so then I'm gonna take a little bit of I'm gonna see first so I'm gonna put my screw in here and I'm gonna use my flat nose pliers to see how far I can go and if the hole is deep enough and it seems to be okay so now I'm going to and drill it that's always better to do this first I'm gonna dip this in my glue you can't see but you can't imagine what it is let me put this on the camera so you can see the whole process any nut you might lose getting really thick there so I'm putting a little bit of this loop here I'm dipping the end of my screw into the glue and now I am going to drill it back and not drill it but screw it back here and also depending on where your object you want it to face put it already in the right direction if your hole is big enough put it this way or put it the other way just think about it because your pendant might you know otherwise you'll have to put another jump ring here and now that is it's really secured I'm just gonna make sure and I'm gonna do it with my nails that there's not too much glue seeping out I'm gonna clean up this thing a little bit here and it seems to be good and now again I'm gonna leave this alone and then I will be able to just put a necklace around it and usually what I do because I think it's easy you can use ribbons you can use coarse I like to buy these these necklaces these wire necklaces they open very easily and you know they're secure and you can put anything out there so I've already done one here let me show you and yeah quite fits and a lot of little holes but you need to also take this in consideration because you need to have a hole hole big enough to be able to insert this piece but I like these because they have just the right length I think there are 50 inches long and they're really great otherwise you can put some ribbons on it it's really nice too so now let me come back and we're gonna make a hole unto you something different and I had a gold one I prefer to in the gold one because I don't have the exact color for this it might work talking about colors these are in caps they're called end caps and I couldn't find any and gold so what I have done is I sprayed them with just some hair sprit nut hair but spray paint to make them gold so now I have them exactly the color I need and it might fit with these two I think it or I should maybe body a copper color and spray paint I think is better because it's lighter it's not gonna cover up all this little holes because it's quite intricate here and I think it's better than you ain't using acrylic with a brush it's heavier it's thicker and there the end result I've never been pleased with this so these are these and you're gonna ask me why didn't you let them out because this is not nice just imagine that it was you know it's it's not gonna fit in and I couldn't find a lot of sizes so this is too small and if I want to use it on something round it could look nice but I think it's I don't like the really I don't really like the shape of it okay even though it was copper or gold I don't really like the shape of it so I decided to make my own you do what you you know I mean do what you can with what you have so I've took I've used these uh flat nose pliers they have already this rubber thing here it protects your your pieces here from scratching and I've opened it little by little it's quite easy you don't need to press hard but I've opened them you can open them as well as you want and from as for me I just one like this and I open the flat that's easy if you want to open them just a little bit just open them like these as much as you need and then sprang paint them if you want to so this is what I did and I wanted to use this for example on this piece although I think it's a bit too big but I had another idea in mind and that was using it on this square piece because I really wanted to do something and that just leave it as is you could I mean you really could so now that I see that it could fit I need to bend the sides a little bit because I don't like this sticky part here can you see that sticky part yeah okay so I'm gonna take these players again and I'm gonna bend them gently and before because it's a square and I've got two by two and two others here I'm going to show you what I mean I mean I'm trying to make a square with this piece even though it was like a bit cylindrical in the beginning so I'm putting it already in shape before putting it on my piece here because I don't want to scratch it and I think it's not too bad so what I will do now is drill a hole put it in place and then our can already do it now I'm gonna start here banding all these pieces so they don't stick out I'm gonna flatten out this one too and there you have it I need to make it a little bit bigger here a bigger bit flatter and it's already almost staying in place not totally of course but it is so now I'm going to drill my hole here and now that is okay I'm just gonna make sure it's just fine again I need to use my pliers oh it's perfect okay now I'm going to put some glue on here and I'm gonna use a q-tip a little bit of this glue my e6000 it's already gonna dry it's still hot around here so I'm gonna put a little bit more okay so take my toothpick put some glue in here and I'm gonna put a little bit on here as well on my screw I'm gonna leave it there and I'm gonna start by putting this piece it's not perfect I will wait to probably one everything is dry to fix everything up I'm going to take my screw and screwing all the way through it I'm trying to find where my hole is because I feel that I'm not in it and okay I think I get it better this wait yep and there you have it the only problem here I have is that my screw is not a gold it's silver it's a silver color so I will go here and put a little bit of a paint because it's that exactly the color I want I want everything to be gold but there you have it and when everything is dry and completely dry I will come back and fix these little things that are not perfect here but I like the look of it right now and I'm gonna leave it as is otherwise you could just leave it like this and that's what I'm gonna do here probably and the same technique here and not except that here my little ball is not perfect can you see here the edges I went a bit too far I put too much resin and it went over the mold so I'm gonna fix this and I'm gonna show you how it's very easy but that's when you're also gonna need your your face mask and your glasses because you want to protect your eyes you're gonna take this away this piece and you are I am at least and to press this button as well I forgot the key I don't know where the keys and I am going to send it down don't touch this when it's hot you're gonna burn yourself and I've got where did I put my piece okay I'm gonna really tine it up okay and this is one way you do it if you don't have that you could use just ascending sandpaper but because you're gonna have a lot of dust you can put it in some water you take a dish put your sandpaper on the bottom want water on it and you're gonna send your piece however you want it and send it in two circles not just like this but in two circles because it's gonna make it even and turn it even after so often do you just turn it around so to make sure that you need that you're gonna send it perfectly and evenly everywhere if you just do this it's not gonna be even because you might have some more pressure here under your thumb and it's not gonna send it perfectly so because here I have a very big piece to do with this one is really not nice I'm gonna do this one here and I'm gonna send this one down here so as for the speed is totally up to you how you feel comfortable you know what I am going to put my mask on okay so this one is now flat it's not nice-looking but at this stage is because I'm going to put something over it I'm not going to do anything to it but I'm gonna do the same thing here and I'm gonna show you how much dust there is because there's much more to take away do you see that it's really really icky and I'm probably not gonna do anything with this but I just want to show you okay let me oh this is hot okay so there we are so I've scented the major part of it and I will use some sandpaper to really level up everything to make it perfect and there is a bubble here that made a hole because I took away the bubble by sending it but it's okay it's just to show you and let me try to clean up a little bit my finger is here so what you're gonna have now is the dust but you're gonna have this piece compared to that part that is shiny okay you see that this one is not shiny any longer and even if I use some water and I have water here so what I'm gonna do is spray a little bit my piece of paper and it's the best way I can think about you take away all this dust at least a big part of it so it's gonna stick to my kitchen towel okay my fingers and clean this as well just water so even though you're cleaning it up and you're putting water on it it still has this opacity to it it's not shiny any longer so you need to put some varnish when your template totally done your finish and you're ready to put your your eye pin your screw your decorations on it to hang it you need to put some varnish so some people use just nail polish that's totally fine but I don't really like the result because there are some kind of little tiny bubbles in there I don't know why but everybody seems to have the same thing same issue or what I would recommend is using just some some people use triple thick it's also having they're also having some issues triple stick is a great option is a great product but maybe now I'm here because you want it to be completely clear or use resin I think the best way to do it is to use resin because it's going to be shiny and is going to make it really look good like everywhere else or you can use a varnish like krylon varnish I don't have it here but you could use that or you could use them be some glossy my ponch give it a try to see what works best for you and it's maybe not as important depending on where this is going to face if it's facing your skin it's not that important but it needs to be shiny otherwise you won't be able to really see through it so I'm gonna take some Mod Podge and I'm gonna compare it to one of my liquid resin I have this is not my and I'm gonna take a paint brush and I'm gonna dip it in here and even though it's white it's gonna go clear so we'll see in a minute or two when this dries what it is going to look like and I probably put a little bit too much and yes this paint brush is certainly not the best in the world but it's just to give you some examples to see you live what's going on here I'm cleaning it up and I'm using this risen this resin is in one part and it's really hot to find in the United States I haven't I've looked for it I didn't see it and it's the kind of resin that you use for your countertops but you don't need to mix it for anything but it's not made for jewelry making or things like that you can't put this into your mold or it's gonna stick to it but it's a very nice product to use when you want to varnish something it's right this one is really thick I think - I need to make it a bit more liquidy but I'll show you I'll probably have to put another coat on this and I'll show you the end result and you will be able to see what goes and anyway use the products you have you know when some pieces you don't really era but just give it a try to see what works best for you always okay krylon are really good for that they're clear shine and ins in spray so you don't put too much that's perfect so now we still have some issues we these kind of pendants so there's wire wrapping then can be an option and I'm not an expert in a wire wrapping this is something I just created randomly but I would prefer to tell you go and see some people doing some rye wrapping this is another example I have here but it's not a stone that's one thing I've done too but there's no exact science I made you one something one tutorial on how to do some rapping but I will only do this because otherwise this video is gonna be way too long so there's one thing I wanted to the only way I could do this here is to drill a hole that goes from one side to the other and put a jump ring here on top of it if you don't want to do any while you're rapping so I'm gonna pause the video I'm gonna change this bit again to put it back to my drill and we'll see how it goes okay so let's see how difficult it is where am I gonna put it not too far from the top but I don't want to put it directly on the top you know what my top is broken can you see this so I might okay I'm gonna try it this way okay I changed this to these gloves I don't have any kind of other gloves and I still uh yeah I can still have a good grip okay so now I'm gonna try it because my pointy bit here is broken I'm going to try and go directly in here so let's go so let's see it was harder to get in there compared to the others because there are the beads inside so let me see if it did work I can't use this I could have drilled it on the opposite side it would be facing down and I think it's just weird I didn't want deep enough but this is how it would look like and yeah I think I quite like it this way and silver I think is better maybe for this color I kind of like it I could have driller who'll ride with you here but at least here I'm not gonna see it anything because my beads are kind of hiding this hole I need to make it a little deeper but I will do this off camera I think you understood it no it's not that bad and that's it I think it's nice because this way when you put it on top here you can change the way you want to put it especially here what I'm gonna drill this one but I really need to figure how and where I'm gonna put my hole I hope I was not too much out of focus so yeah for this one is gonna be a bit more difficult because if I I don't want to put a drill a hole here I might put a hole here on the side that would be the best place to do it and because there are these two flowers here if I do it correctly I may go into the middle of the both petals and you won't see much of it so that means that I would be able to change the size because there's one color in one side and another color and on the other side it's the same exact thing same here but this one I've got two red flowers but I think this is what I am going to do and I'm gonna have to clean it up but yes really think before how you want to drill that's important and yes I think I've shown you everything I told you everything I wanted to share with you and again this would go on top and I would fold it is that like I did with this this other piece here and it's it went a little bit crooked let me put it back in place so yes try to do with what you have think about how you're gonna want your pendant to be or if it's just a ring it's so easy nothing to talk about but think at first how you want to do it if you want to drill if you want to put a pendant and where are you going to put it that's important otherwise you might ruin your your jewelry and that would be a shame so I hope this Detroit was useful it's not really tutorial but a few tips and tricks on especially what not to do and be careful and use the right materials gloves a mask I protect her like like these glasses I don't want you to be hurt with this so yes if you have some other tricks just tell me and share with us share this video to you because sharing is caring don't forget to give me some thumbs up and subscribe to this video to this channel I mean woops sorry ok see you soon bye bye
Channel: StylHarmony
Views: 98,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Sand and Drill Resin : Tutorial, how to, how to make, stylharmony, diy, craft, crafts, crafting, tutorial, resin, resin making, jewelry, blog, vlog, Tips and tricks about Drilling and Sanding Resin (tutorial), tip, tricks, easy, jewelry making, decoration, inspiration, home decor, creation, creativity, create
Id: pyCgzCPmdSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2018
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