How I Drill, Sand and Polish resin using a Dremel

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[Music] hello and welcome to state McDonald's arts and crafts and today I'm going to be talking about drilling sanding and polishing using this which is a dremel now I use my Dremel a lot for a lot of different things so has lots of different attachments for it I use it for carving and cutting and cutting small pieces of wood to make frame so I have a lot of tools and I am a bit of a hoarder and collector of Dremel tools so what I'll show you you don't need everything but I would advise that you invest in a dremel rather than one of the cheaper tools because I did have one of the cheaper tools and it just didn't work very long and didn't work very well and I've found I've had this Dremel now cup of years and this is a dremel 4000 and it works brilliantly and it comes with this little attachment on it as well which makes life so much easier for putting things in and having a lot more control now it normally comes with a Chuck that looks like this but I actually bought a proper three whatever they're called pinned chuck they're not very expensive I got two I think for about seven or eight pound and they actually work a lot easier they're a lot nicer to use and a lot easier to change things up with so one of the tools I use a lot is these little drill bits and I use these to drill into resin so you can see there's lots of different sizes there and when I drill into resin then I usually put a little hook into them and I was showing you how to do that in a minute the other terms I have as you can see I've load I have a lot of different grit sanding disks because if I want to sand bits off but I also use these stone ones as well if I want to do some sanding as well as these if I need to do a lot of sanding and I'm going to show you a little bit of sanding in a minute but I used these polishing wheel they're really soft and these polishing ones a lot as well when I've done sanding I then will use those to polish it try and get back up before I do tiny little poor in it or if I don't want to do another poor but I just want to back it up and yeah I use teacup which would use to get scratches out of a car put a bit on there and then I I polish it with that and it works really well and I'll show you that as well so you really don't need that the one kit I would suggest you get is this one or one similar to it and it comes with a lot of different sanding discs a little sanding those a little sanding discs as well and a lot of these polishing bits and this is new I haven't had this very long and it also comes with quite a few different sized grits now what I also do is I know perhaps you shouldn't I used I cut some finer grits and glue them to these barrels so when I'm actually using them I can go down to a really fine grit if I need to put a drill bit in it first so let's choose one of these and there are quite thin and small so I'm gonna try this one first which is this really small one so literally just like you would load up any other drill you push that little button there that holds the truck so that you can tighten it up okay and then I'll put the bit in tighten it up a little bit more make sure it's central not hooked into one end anywhere but because you don't want it spinning off and what I do normally do is to check it I just give it a quick spin and I can see there that is central ok so I'm just gonna get something that I want to drill and then I will show you how I drill one of the other things that I must emphasize is before you do any drilling or sanding of resin you must wear a mask so for the rest of this video I'll probably be doing a voice over and this is the mask that I use is a brilliant mask it's not very expensive is about thirty pounds off Amazon and it is also I wear it if I'm using polyester resin as well because it really does clear off all the fumes doesn't like any and throw and it's quite comfortable to wear for example I'm gonna drill a little hole into this and I cast this quite a while ago just with a bit of leftover resin it's just a little flap betel and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna drill into one of the corners so that if you wanted to you could put a ring through it and hang it on a pendant but this is just as an example of how you can drill into it and when I drill I always drill onto a piece of hardboard because firstly I don't drilling through into my table and secondly I know when it's caught the other thing is I do is I always put a piece of masking tape over whatever it is I want to drill first like that I put it on quite tight and the reason is if I slip with the drill what I don't want to do is I don't want to split it or scratch it or do any damage to it because that can be really frustrating so I just plugged it in masking tape over it like that I mark a little dot on it with a permanent marker of where I'm gonna drill and I drill now if you're doing a lot of drilling and you really you can buy for the dremel is a drill press now I'm not sure if this is really showing on camera but this is drill press and you can use that quite a lot and they're not actually that expensive but if you're doing a few own down again and I wouldn't worry about it I mean you're 40 to do every day then maybe I would think about getting the press but I used the drill press for other things so so that's not really needed okay so I'm just gonna mark put my own mask on and then we will get on with training so now ready to drill this one and what I will do is I shall just hold it down the Dremel is on and it really does slice through it it's like a hot knife through ha so you don't have to put any pressure on it really the the machine and the tool does it for itself I always check that it's clean okay so there we go and now what I'll do is I'll take off the masking tape and show you what the hole looks like and it just comes off and the masking tape doesn't leave any residue or the painters tape doesn't leave any residue on the actual resin itself it's just again like I said it's just there so I don't scratch it and to give the drill bit a little bit of grip so there is a little bit of dust inside so just blow I won't blow away because I've got my mask on so I just removed that and there we go and you can easily put a ring through that now and you could link these together or you could put it on a pendant chain however you want so what I'm gonna show you next is how I do one of the small crystal drop resin pendants so this is dependent and I want a hole in there because and what I want to do is screw in a little hook so I put my masking tape on I put my little black dot with permanent marker on where I'm gonna drill it and so that's protected itself and now I'm gonna drill it and don't drill too deep only drill as deep as you need to drill to screw the thing in so that's a very fine drill bit I don't even know if you can see the hole so I'm now gonna take the masking tape off again now I sometimes put a teeny teeny knob of super glue in the hole when I'm screwing this in but I haven't this time so literally I just screw that in and it's got its own screw it and to finish that that will hold quite well if you tighten that up and then that makes a really nice pendant or you can link several together if you've got them and make a bracelet or more of a necklace going round and they look great with a chain on so this is a chain but I've got and as you can see there's already a hook in the bottom of this one because if you look at how I cast these and getting them out on the mold easily you'll see that I always put a hook in so now I'm gonna show you how I get rid of bubbles now I'm only gonna do the one bubble on this coaster but there is quite a few what I would normally do is I would do them all at once rather than do one then do a little bit of polishing and do another and then do another little bit of polishing so if I'm gonna rescue this so I've got a stone grinder here on the Dremel literally I just go into the bubble like that get rid of the dust and just check it's all gone there we go it's all gone as you can see the bubbles gone with that tool and now I will give it a bit of a polish and then I would do all of them first then I polish all of them and then I would do another pour over it and you won't actually see the bubble I found that you don't actually see the bubble because once the resins got on it so I'll use that Halfords compound which is just like a tikka I've put it on one of the soft things here I shouldn't have used one I've used before on something else because it is a little bit dirty and it's left a little bit of dirt in there but that will come out quite easily so I'll spray it with water I'll spray it with water and then give it a wipe down firstly that gives kicking my dog barking in the background it's because the fires on and she likes the bark at the fire so I'll give it a bit of a run down and I need to get that little bit of dirt out so what I'll do is and I always do this anyway to ensure that I've got all the polishing paste out of the holes I got a pair of tweezers a wet cloth and I go into the hole and clean it up and as you can see it's nice and plain now and it's all polished and what you'll see is that once I've given it another very thin level of resin you won't actually see those bubbles and it will be gone so I'm now going to move on to a coaster I made and this was made with he Brazil didn't resin and what happened was it did shrink away from the edge so I need to sand it off so I'm using one of the sanding discs now that comes with the dremel tool kit and I'm just going round and I'm leveling it leveling it out now I don't normally polish this out because I actually quite like this effect around the base of the coaster and also it gives it a little bit of a grip but it kind of gives it a border but you need to be really really careful when you do this to make sure it's even now I wasn't as careful as I could have been here as you'll see in a second because I go over the edge but that was probably because I was rushing it but it is nice and flush here now with the rest of it and this is why you really must wear one of those particle masks as well and a good one because this dust does kind of get everywhere it gets on your hand see there I've I've gone over the edge so what I would do with that is now I would probably either go around the edge and have a thicker edge to it or I would polish this out and do a little bit of a pore over it but what you'll see is by spraying it with water you'll see what it would look like at this stage if you were to cover it in resin because when it's wet that's really what it's look going to look like when the resins gone back over it so if you feel it's showing up too much then you need to go down lots of different grits and then polish it but I like that as it is and I would probably just give that a little brat I would use a brush and I would hope that with some resin so now here's a closer I did on an MDF blank and what I did was I did these and then I forgot about them and I went back into my studio two or three days later and these are all hardened with these drips on them and I hadn't put tape on the back of them which is really really annoying now I could spend quite an time with an exacto knife and pick this off but actually I find it easier just to use one of the core grit sanding disks and going round it with those and it does get off quite flush but please use a very light touch and again make sure you've got a respirator on but use a very light touch because if not you will dig into the wood you literally just need to go down to with a very light touch down to the very edge until it's flat now you might think well actually I don't want that to look like that on the back of my coasters and I can understand that so you could either paint the back of your coasters once this is done or you can do what I do and that is I buy felt squares and I cover them in felt so I'm just getting rid of that dust again and I always use water to get rid of the dust because it stops it flying around everywhere okay and I've got some squares of felt and they're quite thin squares I'm I bought loads of it and I literally would just use some some glue some critical some decent glue and glue that down and then cut them out and then that would be done so one of the important things that you need to be considering as well when using a dremel or sanding or doing anything like that is cleaning up now don't use a dustpan and brush because all that will do is it will push these particles around and they'll float around in your air I have my extractor fan on anyway but you can't hear that because I'm doing the voiceover but I spray everything with a very light mist of water and use a cloth because that stops it going everywhere getting into the air and you breathing it in or you are touching it at a later date I clean that right up okay like that and then I make sure I put the clots in a bag and I chuck them away so there we go that's how I use the dremel 400 I hope you found this useful thank you for watching please subscribe like and share this video as much as you can to help my channel grow bye
Channel: Steve McDonald Arts and Crafts
Views: 60,067
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Keywords: resin sanding and polishing, Sand and Polish resin using a Dremel, How to drill a hole in resin, how to polish resin, epoxy resin, sanding resin with a dremel, sanding resin jewelry, how to sand resin work, resin jewelry making, how to sand resin crafts, sanding resin coasters, sanding resin charms, resin jewelry making for beginners, resin jewelry tutorial, how to polish resin with dremel, resin tutorial charms, resin crafts jewelry, how to polish resin jewelry with dremel
Id: Y-6Lqk38mfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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