Tiny Ingredients For The Immunity Pin Challenge | MasterChef Australia

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I realize that my parents have been in that pen for ages I have absolutely burned the hell out of my little carrots they're blackened and gross on the bottom you know also make sure you water just a little bit of grit actually the next batch give me give it a good wash all right I have to get a second batch of carrots on unfortunately I'm wearing humid little baby carrots today they are mean and they don't need a huge amount of time to cook there's no matter insert the biggest problem I have right now is there are no mandarins left in that pantry time to start putting all this together ten minutes to go [Music] cooking the carrots without the mandarin juices are not going to be an option it really needs the brightness and the acidity from that kind of citrus anybody see whether other half Mandarin I had a massive worry if I don't have this element on the dish then you know there's not really any point in finishing it off hey Jessica yeah I might there's another nice half rendering for [Applause] look the mic you've heard the edge but this is what cooking is about we're here to do the same thing today that cooks some fantastic food the next step is to get this pumpkin puree on they're gonna you need liquid yeah I don't want to add too much kind of plain grapeseed oil it doesn't have a huge amount of flavor to it so definitely worried about that being a missing element from it yes what about your comfy duckling coil yeah cracking idea Jessica Jesse suggest that I use oil from confit my legs see my puree which is a fantastic idea just gonna add a little bit of meatiness and tie the whole dish together I want to come on that's a yeah that's alright come on you're on the home stretch Jessica yeah leave yourself enough time to plate up okay Shannon's starting to look really nervous which is not a good thing I've got to get this quail out so I've got to plate it up I am running out of time come on time to stop putting this bad boy together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] pressures on then the clock's ticking I gotta concentrate and actually deliver a dish the quails cooked slightly pinkish this is how I like it some would think it's undercooked but I've just got to hope that the judges see things the way I do or I've done [Music] [Applause] I am absolutely ecstatic this is definitely one of the better cooks that I've had in the competition I think that I've done a really good job I've tried one of my little comfy quail eggs and I'm super glad I took the risk on doing that they're delicious so I'm really happy with the dish this turned out time's up the foods on the plate I feel like we've all done the best we can today I know I've put my heart and soul into my dish look it's in the judges hands now it's all just a waiting game [Music] I'm gonna Porter this one because I think Jessica is exactly the girl to take this immunity pin out she's been cooking brilliantly and she's flavor driven which I've loved well let's find out let's get the first tissue this is confit and pan-roasted pile pumpkin puree and mandarin glazed carrots gee look at those carrots you know that puree those carrots are good all right so look at the color that looks good it's just ultimate autumn isn't it looks like they come feed the legs yeah and you know roasted the rest of the breasts of the quail so that's fantastic that shine technique that was taste [Music] we ate the carrot top mm-hmm and you know you mentioned the tops of the cows I thought for sure I'm gonna eat a top of the carrot there's gonna be full of grit and no and delicious goggle Oh screen filets really good yeah I mean it's a sign of a nautical quail when they ate at me straight off the bone it's super delicious [Music] you know what again you know I'm gonna refer to what was on the table and there was no butter on the table I mean that pumpkins been roasted so you intensify the flavor you bring out the sweetness you make it a bit darker and richer without having to add things like butter cream no X Y Zed that is tasty yeah I mean straight up I love the dish I mean it's delicious there's beautiful caramelized flavors in there what I like most is the flavor in the pumpkin it's really sweet really roasty and caramelized art I think there's mandarin in that pumpkin here oh yeah that gives it that little bit good isn't it the puree good but it's just it's little for me it's just lacking some of that freshness yeah see client I disagree because I think that kind of dish it's a woman comfortable in front of the fireplace you know it's since a cold and chilly day and everything's rounded and earthy I'm not saying that this isn't a delicious dish it is a delicious dish it needs a delicious dish but I ask myself the question would it be better if there had been a little bit of butter on that puree and I go made well we're all thinking slightly different before we score I just want to point out here that and you still dipping your fingers in master that's right show me school there's a rock and roll dish delicious great start for let's get the next dish in this is autumn fruit poached quail candied grape radish and fennel hey that looks all right doesn't it yeah nice I love the color I love the color of those little the radish is there and there's some little fennel tops very pretty it looks flavoursome so it tastes yeah great the conditions that that's all stops good carrier does not really good and it looks like this this poached grape season they're all you know poach grapes and fresh grapes all that is that chard I see that could be a Jessica indicator a little scrape friend in that bowl [Music] [Music] I don't care who's cook that dish I'd love that for a table of ingredients that had no sugar on there you know there was no honey on there yeah you know there is so much delicious sweetness that's come out of the the cooking of this dish it's so young and that's obviously from caramelization of the bird yeah and also those grapes that of as you cook them down there intensifies yeah a bit like a yarmulke char that's great that is that is a young yes sure there's not much I can fault on it I like it a lot I think the thing that jumps out at me is how much flavors packed into the bird and grapes and that vinaigrette all sources in the bottom and there's a nice contrast between fresh and cooked grapes and also that dried fennel a little bit of herb there are two types of good dishes they're good as you can't fault and there are good dishes that achieve greatness because they're surprised and because they do that essential thing of you know sweet sauce your immediate reaction is all it's gonna overpower the quail and that quail still stands as the hero of that yep and it's beautifully cooked you know what I'm most pleased about this is the closest one so far for me and I'm not going on that one's that one's slightly overcooked so I'm gonna mark it down [Music] I think they've done a great job I'm gonna be fascinated to see how you school this one boys we have a battle on our hands Bo who's Joey you
Channel: MasterChef Australia
Views: 114,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, masterchef australia, masterchef australia season 7, #masterchef, master chef, how to cook, masterchef australia season 7 episode 28, masterchef australia s7 e28, best dishes on masterchef, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef australia immunity pin, masterchef tiny dishes, masterchef petite, chef nick holloway, masterchef australia chefs cook, matt preston, gary mehigan, george calombaris, confit quail, how to cook quail, Shannon Bennett
Id: p6GrFI8O418
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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