The Fresh Pantry Immunity Challenge | MasterChef Australia

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I finished slicing the chinna my slime fruit puree is done I'm gonna start the blueberries Duncan wanna get into it the blueberries just dry right there so I just draw out some of the sugars yeah I'm also giving a nice contrast between raspberry and stone fruit little vinaigrette but more earthy John there is an immunity pin up the graphs here Duncan your reputation is on the line big time [Music] John takes his pork belly out of the pressure cooker and it smells like heaven on earth but it looks a little gray when I think of pork belly I think of that crunchy crispy pork crackling but I don't know what he's gonna do with it at this stage it doesn't look great my pork belly's been a Marvin for entering the fat and that will give a nice bass flavor note to actually make the vinaigrette it still needs a little bit longer in the oven otherwise I won't get enough fat rendered out of the pork hey you still rendering the fat for that slow rendering yeah absolutely they're gonna be the foundation really to your dressing it is in there it isn't did I'm gonna actually dress this a little bit of the pork fat yeah that with a little bit of a stone fruit vinaigrette I think the risk for ducking a nice dish is that it doesn't look like he's done a lot compared to what John Stone and it will come down to flavor really fit for Duncan's dish [Music] gentlemen this is it five minutes the garden you it's not on the plate it doesn't get tasted come on [Applause] this looks really good but it's gonna have to pull a lot together if he wants to get this amenity here I'm just running out of time I've wasted so much time at the start and I've really need to get this dish finished so I can play it up something for the judges so what are you thinking very tender you're happy with your taste of the skinny I am a bit worried about the the top layer of the skin I was hoping that he was gonna finish off and the pan maybe just to give it a little bit of color but I think John's running out of time and he's just trying to get the dish off [Music] Duncan's rented some pork belly to try and use the fat for a vinaigrette for his tuna and when he pulls it out of the oven and strains that juice off he doesn't seem to have got quite as much as he would've liked how'd it go ish kind of sort of Erica this juice is extremely important because that's where the savory element for the dish is gonna come from if that juice is missing then I'll be a lot of trouble I wouldn't have the flavor profile at all [Applause] scattered around step that's going in there don't fight with Gordon you telling me a family story [Music] I'm starting to fall back on to my bad habits and over complicating our dish no one's won the immunity pin yet can shanon's advices ringing in my ears I'm gonna listen to him and not use the sugar cane dressing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good good it was a bit stressful but we got through there Duncan's plating is simple and cleaned but really beautifully presented I love the way he's used the pork fat to coat the tuna and I just think it looks like really beautifully balanced John's plate looks phenomenal he's done a lot he's put a lot of work a lot of effort into his plate I'm actually saying to think that maybe Johnson with a chance today I think there's two completely different worlds going on with Duncan and John so it's really anyone's game today as always it's gonna be fascinating to taste the two dishes two very different styles I'm sure John the direction I hope he's gone is he's clean and simple we know he's a really good cook he just tends to his own okay has he listened to Shambo let's get the first dish in that's very delicate isn't it tuna pork fat vinaigrette and stone fruits obviously with the whole before pantry there was no oil so the use of pork fat is clever yeah so render it down and use that as that sort of fat lubricant it looks really beautiful come on then I serve up [Music] oh my god you know I want to eat every single bit of that tuna I imagine this as a 1214 course menu paired with wine and it's wonderful and it makes sense yeah fruit and fish is always a tricky combination but I like the fact that the fruits really there for the acidity and that was good this is used the deal and the celery leaf as the spice so even as a small dish every mouthful has a different kind of fragrance I'm not getting a lot of flavor from the pork fat vinaigrette but I'm still excited it's fresh it's clean summery and it's a nice combination of fruits and fish shall we scoffs yeah right let's get the next issue [Music] pork adobo with coconut rice that's definitely a John Besh yeah absolutely isn't it looks good dough looks really good yeah really good looks really nice and it smells wonderful that's good really good shall we taste yeah it's gonna be one of those things is gonna be one of those Tyson's yeah get a really pretty dish really gorgeous very subtle against something that's kind of big and comfortable if it tastes good I know which one I'm gonna lean towards well what I do love is the pineapple I love the pineapple in that brothy mixture I think it's it's it gives that sort of sweet acidity that really makes this dish I thought it was gonna be in a big you know smack in the mouth flavors of you know sweet sour so hot but it's not it's very subtle my only criticism is that I'd like the pork cooked a little more to be honest the bottom half of that chunk of pork is delicious yeah yeah it's beautifully soft it's great but then but there there's that big thick seam of fat it's not like crispy skin is it it's very clever dish though and don't forget because he was using the before there was no fish sauce which is le they're really difficult to season it so be difficult in many ways to to pick up you know classic elements that you'd expect to be in this dish so I think it's a great job very good deal shall we score yeah obviously two different dishes but you know it's I think it's gonna be close i know it's close to my car yeah you know what I love is restraint in shonova yeah she Cleveland site shows that John has listened and he's learnt and that's really exciting to see because it makes my far far better cook and a far bigger threat well he could actually win this one could mean to do only the schools will tell us what let's go reveal you
Channel: MasterChef Australia
Views: 136,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, masterchef australia, masterchef australia season 7, #masterchef, master chef, how to cook, masterchef australia season 7 episode 18, masterchef australia s7 e18, george calombaris, gary mehigan, duncan welgemoed, duncan welgemoed masterchef, duncan welgemoed recipes, chef duncan welgemoed, masterchef immunity pin, masterchef australia immunity, masterchef immunity challenge, pork recipe, pork dishes recipes, pork dishes, how to cook pork
Id: yRJX9IhR600
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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