Timothy Tweedle - The Feature Film - Studio100 KIDS

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long ago so long ago you can't even count it up children didn't get toys for Christmas Santa just didn't know how to deliver the gifts in fact Santa wasn't even a good toy maker at first between you and me Santa's toys well done they stunk but that changed one Christmas thanks to me the one and only comet bump okay maybe not only me I I did I did get some help okay okay I got a lot of help actually okay it wasn't me at all but I was there the real hero was a tiny little elf his name was Timothy tweedle [Music] [Applause] [Music] they just passed [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks for sharing that Clyde Timothy should behold by now where can that grandson of mine be I can do it I can do it [Music] ouch I got it Timothy tweeting no you're too small to be taking risks like that leave the rough stuff to the big guys yeah hmm I'm not that small what are you talking about you're tiny the smallest Dale from the entire village you nearly scared us to death sorry I just wanted to help [Music] council meeting they didn't even take it hey you look pretty good there for a while yeah until my grand finale just once I wish the other elves would take me seriously everyone likes you Timothy yeah I think I can't do anything cuz I'm so small only I were big then I'd be somebody I think you're somebody that's why you're my best friend Noel please I've called this special meeting because my old friend the Southwind has an announcement hola Tobias I'm afraid I've got some bad news it's my brother the north wind is brewing up a store and not just any stores [Music] yeah but grandpa know what to do we see what you mean OCN book I got a little carried away is the storm really gonna be that bad see for yourself [Music] these are full thoughts thanks for the warning old friend we've got a lot of work to do de nada amigo we don't have much time but don't worry we'll be safe underground when the storm comes meanwhile I'll need some volunteers to find food quickly we may be laid up for a while hey what about me grandpa grandpa better hurry right here I'm your guy [Music] when do we leave Timothy you're much too small dissolved oh please it's too dangerous for you but grandpa I can enough Oh grandpa please let me go I really want to help now you know what's outside our village the world of the big people they're not like us they're dangerous remember what happened to your parents run over by one of their wagons you're too little to take care of yourself out there yeah there will be two small tweedle that's me who the Southwind wasn't kidding the north wind started to blow through with a vengeance Tobias went out to check on the village before the storm hit he thought he had time [Music] [Music] grandpa grandpa [Music] Tobias you're soaking wet I just couldn't make it home the storm came up too fast [Music] hey Wow where am i oh I'll tell you exactly where Timothy was lost and then he sought the great fir tree home only was about a gajillion miles away now that's gonna leave a mark you see this bump on that was your fault pipsqueak me I didn't do anything mm-hmm muffin forgot that elves can understand animals that's right you know what I'm saying in that case let's get to know each other why don't you take a load off relax just you and me so Big Daddy the gums look out stomach because here we go [Music] it's my poopsie poopsie let's see what you've got there for Flo forget to eat your carrots and broccoli [Laughter] people snap boo get over here think he's gonna bite Minnie he's in health not a rat the only one with her brain and his family put me down right now I'll do a traveling show starring peewee here all I can smell them money big crowds with lots of pockets top pick without saying goodbye were you big time [Laughter] [Music] come on dance Timothy dance [Applause] [Music] more i guarantee for what you'll see it's quite a deal in fact [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] for the price [Music] [Music] [Laughter] as soon as the elves discovered that Timothy was missing they sent out a big search party I'm sorry Tobias we've looked everywhere you've done the best you can nobody wanted to say it out loud but the elves believe the worst [Music] yeah you can't keep me here for every you know go you're right you're so right twenty years old there but I'll be rich enough to buy my own sake country now you keep an eye on the run Boas right big people are evil oh you're breaking my heart [Music] Pat a fondue scar go [Laughter] [Music] Yeah right [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah fake nail to the floor get him you good-for-nothing fool [Music] is a piece of cake [Music] [Music] because when they pass our brains you - we're playing hockey hey maybe bigger isn't always better Timothy was patting himself on the back didn't last long a great fir tree and his home were nowhere to be seen he tried to keep going but he was interested and cold and hungry [Music] he's breathing but but barely comet bring the sleigh and that's where I came in comet that's me did ya did you ever see such an adorable reindeer huh all right comets show me what you've got if we get back to the farmhouse quickly we may be able to save this little guy [Music] his fever so high Nicholas I don't know poor little guy was touch-and-go but Mary and Nicholas took really good care of them at first Timothy was like get me outta here Nikolas and Mary being big people and all [Music] but soon II found out that not all big people were so bad [Music] buh-buh-buh-buh-byeeeee you sure have been busy the last couple of days christmas is coming wanna taste oops sorry about that Timothy tweedle why did you do to my famous peppermint sticks oh it looks like a little candy cane I love it come on let's do the other ones too sure it's good to see you up and around Timothy yeah soon I'll be well enough to go home oh I mean I really like it here I mean you've been great but I miss my grandpa no Ellen of course you didn't good what the cat dragged in mama sent us to get some more milk this is Timothy our new friend Wow he's so small I'm not that small I'm small but I'm tough I thought I heard some little rascals [Music] now how did that get in there can i wine them up [Music] [Music] thought I had that fixed just the way he is you make toys well sorta it's my hobby I my workshops out in the barn look at me run whoa toy workshop dead ahead did I mention I'm the fastest reindeer in the herd only about a hundred times Wow that's French Wow some people like to farm Nicholas likes to invent toys hey this one's got my name on it give me a push comment what can I say you know Nicholas has great ideas just terrible execution whoo no kiddin you know oh we need here are some longer pegs and the wheels will stay out ask and the great comet will deliver well Timothy was recovering at the farm float took her show on the road with the new star attraction and big surprise she found out that Timothy shoes were too big to fail [Music] my little Muffy Buffy snow girl you have to track down that pipsqueak I want diamonds [Music] figuring anything was better than wearing that ridiculous costume the muffins started track nice job big boy [Music] is that my wagon with all four wheels still attached well I just made a few little adjustments nothing little about it Timothy do you think you could look over some of the other toys maybe this Christmas I could give away toys that actually work me you'd actually trust me with your toys well don't you think um well you know too small what's your science got to do with anything think big and big things will follow Timothy and Niklas got busy and before you could say Christmas the toys were ready hey you don't waste any time we did okay I'll tell you one thing this will be the happiest Christmas Nicholas and Mary ever had I got to get going soon if I'm gonna find my way home for Christmas in this moment I'm standing [Music] it's real [Music] I know just where I'm going to for me and my journeys and I'll be home with my family Osby where I've been I'll tell them all I've seen when I again and my journeys and I hear voices always really windy I did almost inside my heart love after all those from me they says there's nothing stop me now they're waging and my journeys and I'll be home and with my family my friends the last beware I'll tell them all I've seen when I get and my journey [Music] faster [Music] reach out they'll be to fear and my journey I'll be home again with my family my friends the last me where I been I'll tell them all I've seen when I [Music] and my journeys [Music] I'll be home again [Music] to fear I'll be home again at my journeys [Music] and of course the elves were sad that Timothy was gone but he they had a lot of storm damage to think Tobias we can't just give up Timothy's out there somewhere I know it I don't want to hear any more talk of Timothy he's gone but just going there's nothing we can do right now our job is to rebuild the village on three everybody one two [Music] [Music] I hate to say it but it isn't safe here anymore [Music] no we aren't going anywhere I planted this tree as a boy over 500 years ago this is our home but Tobias are only we're safe here we're far away from the big people we can rebuild the village you'll see everybody was really worried but they all went back to work well all except Noelle she was determined to find her best friend [Music] Oh bad news at 3 o'clock I'll take the house you two check the barn whoa check the sound come back camera front wherever you are I'm glad to see you taking this so well hey tell me you found my else I can't stand it he's probably home with us teni many friends by now friends ding ding ding brainstorm what am i doing wasting time looking for one puny little elf think of delicious I could make with hundreds of puny little elves inspired uh where are we gonna find hundreds of valves at Timothy's village you're full and I know just how we're gonna find who's gonna sniff them out Oh muffin you've already found one else no hard can it be to find a hole [Music] so wait wait can I have the toy please I'm big money here boys reindeer so after we put the supplies away we can comment stolen children are going to be so disappointed or build new toys with only three days before Christmas it would take a miracle huh I don't believe it how'd flo know I was here some big fat cat muffin huh nude figures ah this is all my fault comment I've got to find a way to fix things Nicolas and Mary have been such good friends to me that's it I gotta get home right away what are we waiting for hmm one tiny little problem how am I gonna get home and be back in time I'd have to go as fast as the wind what do I look like I'm a snail the one and only comet can get you anywhere and back in no time flat I like that you're on don't worry we'll fix everything be back soon Timothy and comment [Music] any richer here there it is Oh [Music] well well sweet cakes aren't you a pretty little al hope you don't get stage fright cuz you're about to become famous no where's your village none of your business can it muffin I can't even hear myself think like that'd make a difference well aren't you just too considerate leaving me a nice trail of berries like that I bet I know where these lead they don't lead anywhere oh of course not so you won't mind if I follow them [Music] [Music] we're getting her they'll be plenty more elves at the end of this trail now move thought you could use a little help back there oh yeah thanks I've got to warn everyone can you take me home mm-hmm [Music] no comment stop stop you're alive I knew it I knew it Noel I got lost in the storm and then I got captured by big people and then these other big people they saved me and well tell me later some big people in a wagon are trying to find the village Flo huh it's a long story come on comment as fast as you can music to my ears [Music] [Music] yeah think big come on Noel [Music] [Applause] what did you do that for snap me you started it I did not yes you did you're always making trouble me always get flow mad great to see you two guys [Music] hurry time up this is your doing hey phase two go I'm gonna enjoy making you dance tell your toes fall off now for Phase three muffin [Music] get back you look a little long in the tooth fair I just hope you're not too tough going down [Applause] [Music] grandpa Timothy [Music] no and that's final they're big people weren't Flo and her brothers proof enough but grandpa Nicolas and Mary saved my life we have to help them build new toys I owe them you're too little to know what you're doing I'm sorry grandpa but I'm not gonna let them down who's coming with me I will you saved us Timothy we owe you this please grandpa you'll see and Nicolas and Mary you're special Oh Nicolas and Mary nearly fell over when we came back with all those cute little elves to help them of course they had no idea how sad Timothy was that his grandpa didn't come to you see those empty shelves we've got to fill him up with toys toys and more toys but Timothy it's impossible Christmas is the day after tomorrow maybe so Nicolas that's somebody I know once told me you gotta think big [Music] but I just closed my eyes for a second miracle and they work Nicholas [Music] let's get this show on the road it was the big night Christmas Eve everything was running like clockwork sorta nothing I was just wishing that grandpa was never mind [Music] adèle what I need some help passing out the toys will you be my right-hand elf an early Christmas present thanks Mary do you look great Merry Christmas and away we go [Music] Timothy even a pride for old elf realizes there's nothing more lonely than being by yourself on Christmas Eve Nicholas this is my grandpa Tobias tweedle an honor mr. tweedle thank you for saving my little grandson your Timothy may be little but he is a giant heart I know I'm sorry I was so stubborn Christmas time to deliver these toys look at all that I bet you have enough toys there for every child in the whole world you're probably right too bad I can't deliver them all wouldn't that be a dream come true maybe it's less of a dream than you think I want to give you something to thank you for taking care of my grandson Merry Christmas Nicholas Thank You mr. tweedle but really you don't need to keep the please just ring the bells and an old friend of mine will help you deliver the toys wherever you want Feliz Navidad [Music] [Applause] ah there we were flying I was a natural of course [Music] [Music] that Christmas we dropped off toys around the whole world whoa was that ever exhausting not to mention the appetite you work up but what Christmas huh we were a huge success kids everywhere were thrilled and Nicholas was so happy get this he decided to do it every year but now Nicholas and Mary needed to work year-round just to have enough toys ready for everyone so what did they do they invited the elves to stay and help [Music] Tobias planted a pinecone from the great fir tree to remind him of their old forest home the tree grew and grew and the elves decorated it every Christmas the idea tiny cannot and that's how Santa started delivering this toys pretty amazing huh see see Christmas just wouldn't be Christmas without my good pal Timothy tweedle the first Christmas elf [Music] joy to our Christmas mom [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you you
Channel: Studio100 KIDS
Views: 208,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made, kids, Lizzie McGuire, lizziemcguire, beginnersbible, beginners bible, tv show for kids, bible story for children, hilary duff, hillary duff, full episodes, trailer, intro, complete episoes, feature film, film, Timothy, Tweedle, Timothy Tweedle, cartoon, cartoon kids, tv kids, tweedledee 10, complete episodes, made 4 KIDS TV, feature Film, movie, timothy tweedle the first christmas elf
Id: E6R0Au43oBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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