I Built a Trailer With a Crane For Retrieving Caged Farmers! (Scrap Mechanic Survival Ep.18)

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what's up guys my name is Conn and we're back today with more scrap mechanic and today we're going to build another trailer for our truck if you notice in the last episode during the time lapse we found another zone of farmers and a few episodes ago with Cosmo we found a bunch of farmers on a beach so I want to build a big trailer that we can use our 18-wheeler with and you know just total bunch of farmers around so it's just gonna be like a big box trailer and we're gonna put a crane on the back of it so we can bring our 18-wheeler you don't have to worry about smacking stuff with a hammer we're just gonna back the trailer up close to them use the crane arm pick up the farmer put him in the trailer grab the next and so on and so forth so that's the plan I think we have enough materials to do it we got a bunch of wood so we're gonna make the whole trailer out of wood we have some pipe pieces we have most the functional parts we need we've got some bearings and we do have some wheels we'll need both of those what else we're gonna need probably need a controller gonna need a switch gonna need a couple of those probably some Blodgett gates might need more logic gates are we out of glue we're always out of glue know we got some glue alright so the first thing we're gonna do is lay out a basic trailer the truck is 15 wide so it should be just like that and we'll extend this back a fair ways I don't exactly know how many farmers we're gonna be able to fit in this trailer but it's not really my conserved we're just gonna build it relatively large and put just some basic fencing on the side that should be big enough I would think and I want to change the grain pattern so this is kind of a cool trick you just put you know a block down on a lift and you weld it the opposite way and there we go now the grain pattern is in that direction I don't know it's just you know it's a just a cosmetic thing doesn't really matter but now we've got the wood in that direction alright so we'll just put some axles on the back here I think it goes down like so and then like this alright perfect so you've got our two axles there this will be the height of the trailer I like keeping the trailers a little bit off the ground because you know you get that extra little bit of height to go over obstacles especially when the trailer is relatively long we're gonna extend this just a little bit more out the back and we will mount a crane to the back here in the middle and put some controls and then in the front we bring this up to get on to the back of the truck so we got to go up a whole block level first and then that mounts to the truck with just a simple pin under that section I believe like so and I think it goes down to and then goes to a tee piece across and then goes to two pieces curving up so that should be our pin and then we just need to put a controller on this trailer and some legs so we're just gonna cut some groups for the legs and put some bearings down all right perfect that should hold the trailer up no problem and then we're just gonna put our controller just mount it somewhere up here in the middle and connect it to both of those that are gonna have to rotate 90 degrees up and we'll put our switch on the side over here just so it's easy and accessible or I guess we can put it you know we can put it right under there that'll work perfect and if we just connect this up set these over to 90 now we should be able to check exactly how much space we need perfect those fold up and we got there we go cover up that awesome so that's the whole trailer now we just got to put a crane on the back and we got to put walls around the sides of the trailer so I'm gonna start with the fence walls which I think if we go like this high all the way around I don't think the farmer guys can get out of it I don't know how many intervals were actually gonna need with like pillars I don't think we actually need that many pillars in the middle I'm pretty sure we can just have this nice big open style trailer and this should work just fine this is my guess I don't know I don't think they can fit under this though or even under here like we can fit under here as a player which is actually kind of nice but I think the farmer's taller we can check that when we get there we can always just lower it a block not a big deal but I think this is what I want to do just make a really simple fence pattern not using that much material as well keeping the trailer nice and light and I don't think we're gonna have to worry about them bouncing out at the top simply because you know that's just it's insane they'd have to bounce so high up to do that alright so now all you got to do is build the crane that we're going to put on the back of this and actual I'm gonna move this trailer out of the way for now we're just gonna build the crane as its own separate entity because I feel like that'll be easier and then we'll figure out where to mount it on the trailer to have it work so the crane is gonna use an electric motor to rotate it and then just a bunch of pistons so ideally I want it to be able to extend out come back pick stuff up with a piston and put it in place and then of course we're gonna have to mount it on the trailer somewhere where it can actually lift the stuff into the trailer so we might have to match it up relatively high but let's just build a little bit of a base and we'll use this diamond plate just because we have a bunch of it so we might as well and we'll build our base with our electric engine actually we can cut this down perfect and we'll put a rotating joint there and then our crane body will go up like this so now we're going to put a seat on the side of this just so we have our control and then we need this to extend out from here and then go up probably go up first and then extend out as well so we're probably gonna need a piston to raise the whole thing up so once we grab the farmer we can lift them up above the entire body of the truck and then we're going to have a simple sort of pulsing piston mechanism just like the farm on this crane and except this one will be completely manually controlled so this is gonna hook into there that's gonna hook into there we need to set up some logic which actually we can just do on the front here we're gonna need a few more logic gates so we're gonna need three gates to do the pulsing loop like so and then I believe we need an or gate and an or gate and the or gate feeds off one and the nor gate feeds off the other and then we need a couple of an gates on that as well or do we I don't think yeah we do yeah we need a couple an gates on this as well like this so these should be offset now if we hook these in which should pulse that perfect so the end doesn't move excellent this is kind of bulky logic I'm gonna cover this up with diamond plate two so we don't have to watch it flashing all the time and then all we need to do is hook up our buttons so we're actually just gonna put the two buttons on this diamond plate here and then we're gonna need a switch to turn this on as well so the switch goes into all three of these and gates so one here one he and one there so now it turns it off we flick it it turns on turns off excellent so the pistons aren't moving switch and then two and three and then number two hooks in to shoot I don't remember I think it's the nor gate and that's it is it my right I don't know we got to figure this out there we go that - nope that's the wrong one hold on - hooks into the nor gate and this nor gate I think there we go perfect so - shuts them all off and then three hooks into this gate here which is a regular or gate as well as the other gate here this gets really confusing to prepare for be honest so let me try this out now three turns of both on perfect so three is both on two is both off and one stops the pulsing so now if we take this and run it it pulses two retracts it three extends it oh we gotta we gotta actually give our pistons some distance hold on there we go so three extends it and it'll stop wherever we extend it to two retracts it and it'll stop whatever tracks to one turns it off completely and then W and s should rotate this whole thing oh we got batteries hold on do we have batteries yes we do perfect so let's put some batteries in and now W and s okay well it needs to be welded down to the ground but you get the idea this should work I think so well this perfect rotate rotate excellent three look at that this is awesome we're gonna build to grab them no problem and bring it back all right and then we can lift up with this mechanism which isn't a problem so we can use that we need another switch of course to actually lift up those and then all we need to do is make a claw on the end of this that can grab the little dudes so we're gonna just cover this up so we don't have to look at that and blind ourselves and we need a claw mechanism now on this okay so we got another switch here actually we can just put these down we'll cover this up with switches so there we go now this which year this switch is going to activate that piston so now if we want to raise the whole thing up we can press 4 and that'll raise the piston up and this will be for getting the farmers into the trailer so we're gonna mount the crane low so that the claw is already like good to grab the farmer at the height the crane is at and then you actually lift it up over the trailer and then rotate it bring it in and then drop them off so all we need to do now is actually put a claw on it and then we should be good to go and grab a farmer now I don't know how big the farmers are I actually don't know their dimensions but we can just kind of bring some of the parts as well in case our claw doesn't work so I just want to do a claw relatively simply with some pistons like two Pistons that just clamp it together in between some pipe pieces and I don't think they need to be very powerful or anything so we're just gonna bring this mechanism down like so put a piston on either side and then put a bunch of pipe pieces that form the claw that'll pick up our farmers and actually I think we can do it something like this I honestly don't know we'll have to see how big these farmers are ok so I think this is gonna work this is kind of the idea we're gonna just weld this up on a pillar for a really quick test here but if we have this welded up on a pillar like so the idea is that we can press W to rotate one way s the other way and we can press 1 and then rotate ourselves extend it out grab the farmer by pressing 5 closing it pressing 4 to lift the farmer up and of course the pistons like they'll hopefully grab them around the outside and we might bring some extra pipe pieces with us to adjust that and then we'll rotate this in and put it back into the trailer so this should work I think this should be a good enough crane hopefully and that way we can lift up all the farmers bring them in drop them in our trailer and hopefully have enough reach to kind of move them around the trailer oh look at that that actually looks perfect it's just the right width okay and then we can actually clean this up a little bit connect this up there perfect and we can actually bring this across and finish that up Oh excellent this actually looks sick it's like a little crane mapped on the back so oh we gotta take this off the lift hold on there we go now press W oh we don't have rotation movement this is uh this is a problem all right I've gone ahead removed the seat from the crane and just mounted it actually centered in the back I think this'll be good except now we need to be able to go down because like this is not this is great for going up but we need another piston that goes down we're not gonna be able to actually reach anything that's on the ground here so we need to be able to bring this whole crane mechanism down but that actually you shouldn't be too difficult just need another piston which we have something like this we need another switch as well which we can make relatively easily no problem and then we should be good to go and hopefully we can head out today and get some farmers and try this whole thing out so we just need a block here and then we need to put this piston in between this block and the next part which is this section here perfect like so excellent it kind of hangs a little bit low when you're just you know driving around and actually you know what if we're doing this we can actually bring this whole crane up a few blocks so that we can kind of get it out of the way here so let's just grab this and let's bring it up alright so one final switch and then we just got to wire everything back up so one two three four five six six goes to that and I think we're good to go alright so let's do some real quick checks here and then once hook it up to the truck and get out of here so one turns on the pulse three extends it out to brings it back W&S gives us our rotations so we can actually rotate five doesn't what wise five oh five is not connected to these right it needs to be connected to those okay so five opens up our claw and brings it back together which hopefully can grab the farmers' six lowers this down look at that right - growl level that's awesome and four brings the whole thing up so we can then rotate it back in and put them in all right this should work this should be a good crane system right on the back of this trailer and we should have tons of room in this trailer to fit some farmers down so let's get some fuel hook this up to our truck and get on out of here let's head toward some farmer zone to see what we can do all right let's back our truck up you'll notice I put the bed in the back of the truck as well took it off the back of the buggy put in the back of the truck so we do have a bed in here and that's a good respawn point there we go let's grab this up perfect we're gonna need to extend this parking area at some point we've got too many trailers now and not enough space for them all but let's go get some farmers let's see if we can do this so let's just get off this platform don't go in the ocean thank you all right the trailers up cranes kind of tilted to the one side we might have to take a look at that to see why that's happening can we turn this is a really tight turn to get out of - I'm not really a big fan of it I really should hook up the trailers outside the base this is uh yeah this corner is a bit of a doozy to try and do to be honest I think I need to redesign this front entrance a little bit so that we have more room to get the trailers out they're getting like you know they're long and bulky and that makes it a little bit difficult to do that really tight 90-degree turn but we're finally out we're on the road now so let's get over to the first dwarf place and we'll probably get there and then we'll just have to wait until daylight I don't really want to do this in the middle of the night I'd like to try and do it during the day I also realized too one of the places with barbers is the scorched earth place the place with all the burning trees and we have a wooden trailer so the axles shouldn't burn but we got to make sure we don't drive over any fire and accidentally light the trailer on fire although I haven't tested if that actually does anything or not but I don't really want to find out all right so since we're pretty much gonna have to drive through the night anyways there are a couple of dwarves in the cotton area but I'm actually just gonna take the truck and go all the way to the end of the road to that beach which had like a - the last time because I feel like that's gonna be the best spot for us to just pick up as many as possible and see how many we can fit in the trailer the cotton area I saw had four of them I believe and then there's one in the scorched earth area as well so that's only five but I feel like we can just head all the way to the end of the road and just deal with that no problem - give me farmbot yeah no I'll let you keep chasing them that's fine see ya well it's daytime again and we're almost at the end of the road I'm pretty sure this is the last stretch of road and then we get to that parking lot and then we go up through that weird Braille and get on to the beach where there should be eight farmers like there was last time so hopefully we can do this if this creation works first try I'm gonna be amazed like if we can actually use the crane first try to pick up a farmer I'd be impressed but I have a feeling the way we grab them isn't gonna be enough but I'm hoping it works like I I really do I should have brought a farmer back to build the creation test it with but here we go here's the parking lot and the complete end of the road and now if we go up in through this trail we should be able to maneuver our way through here it's a little bit tight but we should be okay we might have to cut down some trees there we go and then we'll get these farmers now let's see how many there are I see a couple already fantastic alright I see ya three four five there's a lot of them holy cow there are so many of them just this one spot amazing alright so let's just park right here in the middle it looks like we can drive through and go out that trail so let's just Park here let's hop out and let's try using the crane so here we go so first one you got to activate the one button for sure and then we need to activate the six button to lower this down open it up and then press three to go forward here all right perfect oh okay hold on and then press six clamp it did that work and then five nope wrong button six oh my goodness it works it actually grabbed the farmer it's a little bit crooked but that's okay okay and then we can bring it back and we can press four to go up oh my goodness this actually works all this is awesome this is so good I can't believe this works first try are you kidding me are you actually serious right now look at this if we go all the way to the front let me just press five this is so good oh okay okay okay okay alright grab another one this is amazing I can't believe this works as well as it does right onto this guy No down a little bit Oh hold on oh I see we got a problem here we might have to move them oh no no to hold on hold on because we have another we have another one we can just bring this forward press four nope wrong one six there we go goes down five grab some six comes up four goes up again rotate back into position oh this is great I can't believe this works as well as it does this is amazing hopefully the creation doesn't lag too much it is getting a little bit a little bit laggy err but we've got two of them so far I think we'll be able to fit maybe five let's just get another one here this is amazing I can't believe it works for straw I don't even know what to say like I I was expecting there to be a change something we need to fix anything but it's just like nope works perfect six grab it five come up oh no see I press the wrong button I gotta get used to the controls five there we go six come up four go up the other way press two to retract it back in rotate it back round this is actually the coolest thing alright five to deploy and then bring this back there we go and then just push it forward oh yeah oh yeah perfect you know I think to make our lives easier we're gonna bring a few of them over with the hammer as well just so we don't have to back up the truck let me just do this move them closer perfect it's definitely getting laggy ER with all the farmers we might hit a lag limit here because the farmers aren't actually they're not actually attached they're kind of just free-floating so they're all free-floating next to each other it's like transporting a bunch of balls basically that aren't actually attached whereas with the fruit crates they all end up being attached to creation so we'll load up these three and see if this is enough but I can't believe this works as well as it does so let's just these guys might be a little close hold on can we can we you guys are a little close here retract No there we go perfect okay got it still extent note extend there we go excellent up yeah I remembering all the controls is a bit difficult but other than that this works really really well and then drop that one then come down push it forward yeah I think we should be able to get two more so six total if we can do six in one run though that's not bad I feel like six is a good number this is great this is actually awesome these kinds of cranes are so cool because you get the precision to go exactly where you want to which just makes them so easy compared to like if you had it just with pistons on a fixed controller then you'd have to you know really pay attention to every single possible movement you do and you'd have to have your controller adjusted all the time every time you want it to go to a different length this one might be a little bit difficult we're just gonna have to kind of drop it into place and then we'll leave the crane hanging off the back but I think that's the exact capacity of this trailer I think it's six I don't think you could do a seventh comfortably even then the lag is kind of getting a little bit bad so there we go it's go like that perfect let's turn the crane off rotate this around and let's just hang it off the back end again oh this is awesome this actually worked super super well look at that six Dwarfs in a trailer let's go all right let's uh let's get out of here okay so the light gets a little bit better soon as they move it's just cuz they were I guess on a static creation this is amazing maybe we could jam in a seventh like maybe but I'm not even gonna risk it six is good enough we just gotta be careful going back make sure we don't do anything too crazy hit any crazy bumps or jumps or anything can we even oh god we cannot we're not fitting out through this alright let's back up we're going this way now this will work she'll be able to head back out the trail we came in and I think we got room for it I'm not worried about getting that chest now we're gonna come back and get those other two later at some other point in time for now we're just gonna try and get out of here back onto the road once we're on the road I think we'll be okay because we can take the road pretty much all the way back to the trader this is pretty awesome though I don't think they can actually get out from underneath this trailer so as long as we don't bounce them too hard we always should be fine and I don't think this trailer is gonna bounce it's just it's super super heavy with all the minutes so see if we can do this get out this road oh yeah perfect perfect awesome let's cruise all the way back to the trader let's go you could definitely fit a seventh you see as they roll around but I feel like a seventh would just kill the framerate even more like we're not doing bad for framerate we're still at about 70 frames per second but normally it's about like 140 so it's kind of a little bit a little bit lag you that it should be but it's alright the trucks doing pretty well we got you know half a tank of fuel left so it's not bad you know it's powerful enough to get going it has a bit of issues turning I think I might have to redesign the pin mechanism a little bit when you're going in Reverse it doesn't really like turning very well in Reverse when the trailers heavy when the trailers light it doesn't seem to have an issue so it might just be a scrap mechanic physics thing it might be the way I have the pinned on the hill of death okay let's just just yeah glide on down that's fine perfect of course it's pretty much nighttime again by the time we got that whole thing done so we're gonna probably be at the trader at night but that's okay we'll wait until morning to actually sell this stuff to the trader we're gonna just get there because I don't like being out in the wilderness we're farm BOTS can get you at least at the trader there doesn't seem to be any spawns for farm BOTS so it's kind of nice but you know luckily we just have to follow the roads to get there there's no real crazy paths and it seems like there aren't too many crazy farm BOTS on the roads like you don't really get a big red guy spawning on the road which is nice because that would really just screw our day up gotta be really careful going down hills make sure you don't accidentally catch some air and you know have them launch I'm like I really don't want one of these guys to fall out but that crane is amazing I can't believe it all the struggles before trying to hit the guy up a ramp with a hammer and one simple crane and it was the easiest thing to load and the crane could reach the entire distance of this trailer I didn't think it could but it could reach all the way to the front so you can literally just put them down wherever you need them to be and we could fit a seventh this is so awesome this trailer is like one of the best builds in a single try I think I've ever been able to do in survival like every other building survial had to go back and make adjustments afterwards and this trainer is like other than painting it I don't really want to make any adjustments it works great and it's got a good crane system that easily grabs these farmers without actually dropping them so you know I think it's really really good all right here we go we're at the packing station so we just turned right here head through the hills this is kind of the sketchy part doing a little bit of off-road and got to make sure we just don't hit any bumps you know too hard we should be okay though as long as we avoid big holes like that there we go and then we just head up this hill get over to the trainer and we're good to go and then we're just gonna wait until morning to turn these guys in because it's kind of dark out and you know I like being able to see once again it is daytime favorite time of the game I kind of wish there was a way to speed up night I mean I understand you know there's a day/night cycle and everything else but it is really aggravating when it's really dark out you need lots of lots of lights if you want to make stuff bright but anyway let's just deliver these six farmers and this trailer has a struggle time backing up when it's got farmers in it it's pretty good empty well there we go we actually we might get this no problem perfect so let's just deliver these guys and see what the traders gonna give us all right six farmers so what can we get with six farmers I think mountable spud guns is a thing right oh no they're just blueberries and bananas all right so what do we actually need farmers for we need them for the guns right so the spud shotgun and the spud Gatling we need farmers so we can get those no problem and then for garment boxes we need farmers and I think is that it that's it so just for basically the guns and the garment box is so good that we've got some farmers and at least now we've got an epic way to transport a ton more farmers all at once but let me know what you guys sing in the comments down below and while you're at it hit that like button hit the subscribe button I'm gonna head back to base that's a good run six farmers a single shot it does consume a fair amount of fuel driving this truck all the way across the map it back but that is one place to get a ton of farmers all at once and the truck luckily can handle it no problem and it's pretty easy to load and unload the farmers but let me know what you sink and as always I hope you guys enjoyed this video I will see y'all next time you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 629,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic kan, scrap mechanic survival, scrap mechanic survival crane, scrap mechanic crane, scrap mechanic farmer, scrap mechanic transport truck, scrap mechanic truck, scrap mechanic trailer, scrap mechanic survival update, scrap mechanic survival truck, scrap mechanic survival farmer, scrap mechanic farmers
Id: QxjokjYUnRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 37sec (1597 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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