Time to trade the 535 John Deere Baler??

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hey everyone how's it going well I just broke a belt but I had a spare just for this occasion because these twine drive belts like the gold they don't last you all on these about bathers that's one downfall of this baler one of a couple but we're just about done Sean's out here bailing - I got this thing they had a breakdown on it yesterday here's a great here that's still leaking oil a little bit but I broke this pin right here they actually broke right off there and that pin worked its way out in this hole hydraulic cylinders fell down down there see it's doing don't weeping oil a little bit anyhow this is the twine drive pump belt that's bull and I knew it would because it wasn't tying anymore what happens this pump gets overly hot on these especially when you're really pumping out the bales seems like it's always running so this is probably like our third pump on here the third or fourth since we've had this we bought this baler a brand new so I am going to replace this belt I should keep this tactic it's not really that hard to just go from there beneath here here there cut the new one on got it around the tightener there and it's in tighten its uh in pumping mode right now so or tying mode pumping oil all I did was took actually I took my old belt wrapped it around the tightener pulley and pulled it down because uh it's on a spring here and it's pretty hard to pull down but gutter on so that belt will last another two years yeah there Sean Sean hasn't been in videos too much he's been working off the farm songul look at the camera anyway yeah we're just about done we got one two three four slots left to go we're at a boat oh gosh I think we got 150 days beach or close to it maybe 125 I gotta look at my calendar [Applause] 35 I lived for the gate goes to 134 so yeah we must he's gotta have 125 so anyway well let's see the federal time [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yeah he's dying there's a got an oversized bill right now and it's coming back it's gonna tie something mean they're done Oh and that's how you do that and I don't think he'd kicked the bail out for some reason it's another thing this paper says sometimes that sends a bail will stay in the chamber I don't know why it does that sometimes it's quote come on five-thirty visor like that and it's really dry it might do what might not get back on that right through here maggot it'll pick up this miss stuff can we learn try and catch Shawn now so I'm starting to get low what time is it it's like 8:30 Suns getting in my eyes now it's not sitting or nothing but it actually looks more on camera that it is but it won't get dark purple or another to it to that olive well have a bail here in no time flat but he is actually a little better oh that I think I screwed up that and bail over there I bet you that the belt is broke before damn it notice I'll have to give that look to the cows yeah [Music] doesn't take too long to type I've got it set pretty good thirty arms are coming back now there it's not that rocket hany wait yeah it looks like I messed up a bail he's always wanted one meal anyway thanks for watching make sure you subscribe anybody who hasn't subscribe subscribe and we'll talk to you later
Channel: Northern farmer
Views: 30,449
Rating: 4.9523292 out of 5
Id: ZNQX48g3vVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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