Hauling Hay Live

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hey everyone how's it going well while i'm waiting for trucks to come and load hay but i go live here so i have all the the haystack and rose there was something that was left so i was doing it while i was waiting for trucks so i'm finished [Music] so i'm just waiting around for trucks i don't know if anybody's on yet oh we got a couple people on here this is my first time going live on my phone so i got a new phone hey casey how's it going hey glenn what's up so yeah i'm out here with the 2096 and uh loading the trucks with that and they're unloading with the mx210 so we don't have that much snow maybe half an inch just enough to make it spin out hey thanks maxum power in the uk right on so what's everybody else doing today hey from southern alberta you guys got a lot of snow [Music] 77 degrees well that's pretty nice [Music] hey tina and roger from north dakota i'm kind of bored right now we got nothing to do we only have let's see there's one two uh three three loads left here and then we gotta go to that field over there and then way in the back there and then we're gonna go hall close to home so six inches west of edmonton well that's not too bad because i heard places got a foot uh what are we weaning calves we wean calves already and they are sold i actually had didn't get any video of that it was it was uh quite a busy morning there but we uh have uh about 15 16 more to go yet we're just holding them back for a while see if the prices go up because they did go down uh we got i got a lot of them here at all yet thank goodness it didn't snow and it's staying actually quite warm so i can actually haul it hey nick how's it going so well yeah see i was talking to nick earlier and i said since i thought since i can up i was trying to upload a video last night and i had a really lot of problems so i said i'll just go live what the hell it's not that cold out here come on sean and lori where are you let's get at her i don't have my uh other trailer truck and trailer uh because i broke the spring on the truck the one tre uh my gooseneck the one i did the extensions on so and sean and laurie were supposed to bring me back a spring when they took a load of cows to with when we sold them calves but i forgot to tell them no sean just left actually hey ryan straight by the acres yes sean can talk he talks a mile a minute when he wants to so yeah i'm just sitting around waiting minus five well that's not bad i think it's minus probably about minus eight here oh yeah we don't have much snow at all this uh a lot of cows are still grazing actually some grazing across the road there this is probably some really good hay yeah this is one of our really really good fields of hay here hey prices actually i don't even know i think depends i think around here they're selling for like 40 bucks a bale 20 celsius in southern ontario that's summertime did you get all the peas sold uh our peas are contracted they will be sold soon and of course the price went up after we contracted it so we're just waiting to see if our canola will get picked up which i hope it doesn't because i think the price is going up too and barley is really high and of course we don't have any this year yeah you grind your hay sometimes we're not really grinding it this year it's really good so there's no need to drive they eat it right to the ground put it in the in the feeder and it's gone heard sweet trailers you cheap parts are odd whatever uh maybe i don't know odd size for things well the springs aren't that expensive that's for sure 180 bucks for a set of springs one spring what are you getting for a bushel of peas uh i think it's seven close to seven dollars what's your favorite job on the farm i don't know probably i could probably tell you the worst job on the farm that's sword and cattle that's all actually it's not that bad ah more so the wheel bearings yeah i did put a few wheel bearings in hey from ontario so yeah i'm just sitting around waiting if you just tuned in waiting for trucks i got all my bales all stacked up in rows whatever we got left that was all done last night i was doing it in a [Music] dark my hands are starting to get a little bit cold pop up on the tractor montana is getting nailed to snow that's that uh that's that same system that's getting southern alberta you'd like a hat yeah i'm gonna be i got all my merch stacked up and i'm gonna see uh which way to go about it a website or i don't know we'll see maybe just by message i'm not sure yet then i gotta order a bunch of packaging because packaging from the mail is super expensive so i gotta get it in bulk and stuff like that so we'll see what happens here i was told i should do it before christmas so how many hours on a 296 get a year oh how many hours of 2096 get per year i don't know uh probably let's see hours on it now 67. i don't know probably gets it i don't know probably about 500 hours a year now hey from missouri how's it going in missouri it just hit 79 fahrenheit yeah well it's actually very warm here it's not cold yet for another well according to the weather it's like another two weeks i don't know what that is this is a new phone and i got a new plan which goes uh kind of unlimited well they cut you off they throttle you back when you get to a certain amount but uh so i thought i could do live stream on the oh no out in the rural areas now so you run synthetic in the transmission uh no we don't actually but we do have transmission heaters on some of the tractors not all of them pretty quiet here yeah wait till christmas all the way to april did i get the tillage done yes i did tillage is all done except for the home place where i was spreading uh uh i was gonna spread maneuver there so i spread something near there that's not that hasn't been ripped up so that's all right i got uh tillage done on what i wanted to and that's the good thing hey shane how's it going uh one of the trucks should be coming back here soon that was a text maybe it was getting text hey thanks grayson old smokey hell smokey's pretty cool i did not use the bigger deer plows i actually bought another one so i got uh a 10 bottom and uh eight bottom now and my old seven bottom the one i broke the standard off of i'll be using that one's for parts because you can't get parts for those plows anymore those older about 3600s so i got that one for parts so i have a lot of parts for for this plow now so they should be coming from that direction so i'm not just diesel where you are uh last i looked it was still it was like 78 cents per liter so that's not too bad uh we got a bunch of like what i call covid fuel in march april it was april yeah when the fuel went uh rock bottom there i was getting it for the cheapest i got it for was 46 cents a liter which was awesome how much of the meniere mountain did you remove in your recent spreading not very much uh it was too warm we had a bunch of uh rain and then we had some snow then it all melted and uh hit uh it was muddy here so we couldn't do much until it froze again so it's froze now and i move some in here and uh that's freezing there it's pretty soft so waiting it to harden up is there a reason you use the moldboard type plow instead of a chisel plow uh i like to use the plow on alfalfa ground i've used the chisel plow which works too but plows pretty good it returns it right over and uh works out a little bit better too in the longer and you can get it worked out smoother in the short shorter term i guess you could say so my comments disappear on here i don't know if they're supposed to then they come back what if i press this button what happens oh there they are how far away is the furthest field from the farm uh well here it's probably about eight miles probably the farthest and then if you talk uh if you talk uh about the assault farm well that's 40 miles away how many straw bales we only made 150 rolls this year we're kind of short but we still have some left over so you bet i'm gonna try to get more manure spread hey from sweden what is that what latitude do you farm at i think we're at the 58th or 59th because the 60th is at the top of uh alberta before you get to northwest territories so we're at either 58 or 59. how many acres on the south farm uh 640 ever pour molasses on bills no i haven't ever had to pour i've i've actually seen them doing that in the last couple of years kind of interesting to do [Music] maybe someone was trying to text me saying that they're not coming back holy man that's pretty that's actually farther north than i am north of 60. hey from sweden jonas it's going just waiting for trucks yeah it's about 60 kilometers and it takes about three hours to move equipment so how many cows and cabs do you have uh we had uh what's the total number it's around 250 i know that and we sold 220 some calves 230 i think it was for crabs i never know the real numbers because i always forget if you have to take shawn to the pub with the hidden mic i should just have sean normally when i'm not around with the camera on hidden mic how did the bales hold up when they're stored outside really good really good uh we're using all net wrap now so actually there is one bale out of third what do we get like 3 300 rolls 3 400 rolls one bale that was tied with twine only because i bring it's over there it's one one of those rules there and it's only because i broke that roller in the 568 and it wouldn't uh engage the net wrap so i had to tie it with twine i actually had to go steal twine from the other baler that still had some in it throw it in there just uh and i don't think that 568 has ever seen twine through it so ah do you low bed equipment out there well nope we drive it it's actually quicker to drive it than low bedded one at a time plus you can't low bed the air cedar you could pull it with a semi-truck tractor uh truck tractor so here in sweden it is plus 10. well here it is about -8 last i looked uh nope no trouble with net freezing to the ground uh you will have trouble with net fees freezing to the ground if you pull the bales off where they originally were and placed it on snow and then that snow melts and freezes again so i don't want to sing a song my radio is broken i don't even have nothing to sing to pissing me off kind of i changed the fuse in there i thought that was a problem i put it back and it still wouldn't turn on the fuse was burnt too so i know we have the same crop doesn't make much sense to multiple crops there because they'd all be uh ready in different times so ac dc well why not i'm not singing that's yeah i guess so okay i better flip this over and see if i can rotate device yeah just tell me to rotate device no that's no text i just got emails so sing some taylor swift taylor swift what the hell she sing though i can't even remember now god i know what i just can't remember how many total lakers do you farm well if you add up everything that we got with the pasture and everything it's it's a little over two thousand acres is it true wet bales will burn well if they get uh for men yeah shake it off there it is shake it off there i said two two verses oh what's that here comes the truck there we go there's lori sean will be pretty close behind because he can unload pretty quick ever try silage no we've never tried silage hey nick what kind of phone holder do you got that holds your phone for live streams i gotta get one in here so i can just put it in the back and i can uh i can uh load bales without holding the camera don't just love that hydraulic seat disregard that it's always going crazy actually i like these hydraulic seats until they start to leak oil we've got a little bit of an oil leak under there so there we go okay nope no blizzards here we're in the clear social town is way that way i'm 20 kilometers from town well from where i am i'm about 30 kilometers pound okay i did this wrong i'm on the wrong side i think i'm on the wrong side yeah some people grow corn for cattle to graze on they grow it doesn't really uh ripen much just ends up freezing and then the cows just go at it it's night time at your town well we've got another five hours here and it'll be nighttime too about five o'clock it'll be dark they come on the wrong side [Music] a little short for that trailer so i gotta pick up these bales those ones and then there's four over there which i think can work out just right here we've got some hunters over there looking for gear [Music] hey let's rock and roll does the dog ride with you no way she'll never set foot fix the d6 yet actually that's the video i was trying to upload last night oh it's bad two two uh videos well right about four or five of it and two videos uploaded the third one wouldn't upload um i get i should say it wouldn't upload from my phone to my editing program and then i somehow it it disappeared it i couldn't find it the junk folder or nothing had just gone so then i hooked up my uh new camera and it said there was nothing there so i just went to bed this one is a 2096. this is going to be hard to do with one hand we'll try it though uh these bales are weighing about i think they're weighing 1400 pounds so i'm actually loading this trailer from one side [Music] and i remember my gopro i used to have a holder for it just to work good in here nobody could hear anything off the gopro sounds i usually do this faster but i'm only doing it with one hand so [Music] [Music] i don't even hear it anymore nick that's what i like about it [Music] it's almost like that it's almost like a shuttle shift quicker back in reverse forward that's actually the only good thing about him so [Music] nick you can turn the radio on last oh there comes sean you can turn the radio on loud you don't even hear that actually don't have to turn on that [Music] here comes sean so i'm just gonna go down the ditch it's not even gonna go down the driveway [Music] [Music] so i can fit 22 bales on this trailer sean's going over there hey i thought i'd be getting some jabs about using the bale spear never hurt any yet unless i missed them [Music] i can hold bales a lot faster than this i'm just being real conservative it's kind of rough here too this is a pretty rough deal this is rental ground day so it's it's uh it's not smooth [Music] me oh that hail's not good [Music] this trailer is i think this is a 30 i forget 35 foot trailer maybe a 40. i know it's one of the shorter high boys we added that uh with that hay rack that was built for it we had to cut some like you know this hay rack wasn't built for we had to cut a lot of it off it was way too long i think i cut by eight feet of it off here has to be just tucked inside here i gotta be careful this way the front grill doesn't get smashed from that there because the car just flipped downward so it works on the boosted trailers you can run right into it doesn't do nothing but this one you gotta watch [Music] god's waiting [Music] wait let's go to the next one [Music] okay going man actually i should have loaded shauna first wave this on for me hey from ontario one thing i do wish i wish had a gas pedal there's a straight throttle i like a gas pedal for loading i gotta switch sides for this now this one needs uh this one needs the extension of the back to haul 22 this one is uh set up to haul double deck uh with the deal in front there i'll show you what we're loading it there but we never haul double you have to tie them down so how about that election [Music] [Music] okay [Music] uh quite a while since the since the early 70s which might be which might not be that long for some but [Music] uh yeah that would be crappy [Music] i'll was put i was gonna put it on top and i changed my mind [Music] you're up here this part you could tell where it was receded the alfalfa was replanted it's a little bit smoother on that part this part [Music] so [Music] good luck support [Music] i've used the top kick which top kick oh the flat deck i sold that who sold that flat that truck was too light for hate and airbags those airbags would sway like crazy uh i did read something interesting this morning about the spun out i did read something interesting this morning about the election about back in i think it was 2000 when bush and al gore and i guess al gore was they said he was elected president and then it turned out after the quartz bush was uh president so i never knew that so i guess you don't pound your chickens before they hatch right you count your eggs before they hatch whatever behind me that deal up there that you see that's for double decking from the front there so i'm going to put one right in that [Music] corner [Music] good [Music] still spinning out there not to give him a push okay this is a little bit tricky i gotta get this one just right i don't want to tear the wrap either [Music] i'll put these right in front we have some weight [Music] that thing's only got three-way lockers [Music] [Music] [Music] how far am i from the states i'll probably go to 14-hour drive south maybe more i know it's a 12 hour drive to calgary and then from calgary to the to the states probably another what four hours oh there he goes [Music] well screwed that one up that's what you do when you're live streaming yeah i definitely have to get a phone [Music] holder [Music] another double deck one oh okay i see i see what you mean [Music] nice apart from grand prairie grand prairie texas or grand prix alberta i'm two hours away from grand prairie [Music] thank you bastard [Music] so we are going to double too just enough to get rid of these bales in this field i'll go a little todd first [Music] i'm gonna head over from sean [Music] i don't think a vice president really can do anything he's got no power but definitely green that i heard i don't know i hear so many stupid things on tv that you're saying oh the democrats would be good for canada but i've always known that democrat the democrat party is bad for canada they want to stop the keystone xl and uh we're already halfway into building it so [Music] um what else i know they don't want uh they don't want any cattle coming in from canada anymore so that'll put a damper on the prices that's for sure oh and my phone is going dead [Music] i forgot to charge it last night i forgot a little bad well it looks like i'm gonna have to end this live stream guys gals my old phone is going dead i don't have a charger in here well thanks for watching too bad i couldn't uh kept it done but thanks for watching everybody we'll uh have to do this live stream again sometime all right we'll talk to you all later i hope i can shut this off because i can't see the screen all righty let's how are we gonna do this here all right
Channel: Northern farmer
Views: 7,764
Rating: 4.9840851 out of 5
Id: 8TR6bPCdTpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 42sec (2502 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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