Time To Talk Hormones With Trinny and Dr Erika Schwartz | Health | Trinny

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hi everybody its trinium today my guest is dr. erika schwarz foremost expert on hormones that i know and i spent a long time for many years trying to find somebody who could help me with my hormones this is not an issue that should happen just with menopause or perimenopause at many stages of life we can have issues with our hormones and dr. eric has written many books on the subject and she is a foremost expert in the u.s. who I think having gone to see quite a few expert in the UK I feel the u.s. is slightly ahead of the game so without further ado and also just to say that lucy is on my other phone and she has got the list of all the questions that you have left earlier on instagram and i will now get dr. Erica in on our interview and I'm just gonna see where she is there she is dr. Erica ready and waiting dr. Erica how are you my dear I'm great I was just telling my audience before you came on the screen how much you helped me when I came literally crawling to you age you never crawl you know the equivalent of my crawl to New York and I said please help me and you did and you put me on a regime but can I just ask if we start off dr. Erica wit what inspired you when you wrote your sort of fundamental hormone book right important things whenever I say to you menopause you say to me Trini it's about hormones you know what's your kind of elevator take on the issues and and how we can manage it well I think it should be labels I think that maybe we get rid of labels and that should be an opportunity to do that because it is just hormones and hormones actually affect everything we do when the hormones are imbalanced we're young we're fertile or sexual we're interested in everything life is great we have a lot of energy we can sleep three hours a night and then feel great and look beautiful when we get older the hormones start leaving us and as they start leaving us we start first we're less fertile second of all we become less interested in sex then we please start having to do a lot things to keep up with the ones for 30 year olds so I think that hormones are crucial and I think that if your hormones are in balance everything else falls into place so I am so thrilled needs them can I just start with a kind of I think something that is commented on a bit which is some women you know when I talk about whatever it might be like doing Botox or think there's a thing Erica of you know maybe grow or gracefully maybe just goes through the menopause and get to the other side but I mean I just want you to give us your challenge on that because I think you saw it oh my god getting old gracefully is becoming fat increasing the risk of sickness and becoming really miserable and being depressed not sleeping well tell me about thoughts on increasing the risk of sea sickness what do you mean by that well age just aging alone increases the risk of disease so chronic illnesses increase as you get older you know you have the risk of heart disease the risk of diabetes the risk of arthritis all these risks of diseases diabetes all of these things come get higher and higher the older we get yeah so how do we protect us from from these diseases we don't have to have them I think what's coming out now is the fact that it's all about prevention you can prevent things whether it's washing your hands or taking hormones you can prevent it it's in your hands so I think that it's really important to realize that there are hormones that you are supplement that are identical to what your body makes yeah and those hormones will keep you feeling great so you can do the same things you did when you're 30 only in better balance with more wisdom with your intelligence and come up with better results yeah I mean I know from the place I was at before I met you Erica which was one where I felt a real lack of energy and I felt that slightly fuzziness that people too about I was you know I went early I went in 45 to menopause because I don't do it I remember you said this thing to me which I which I found nobody had ever said to me because I did nine rounds of IVF and then another six rounds when I had Lila and I remember you said to me maybe that's why you went into menopause early and nobody had suggested that to me yeah what happened but idea is for having children yeah is a great development and a great advance but the thing is it creates the child and it leaves you deplete of hormones yeah and it leaves you in a state where it's going to be pretty much impossible to get yourself back on track without the help of outside yeah so women maybe you had a child with IVF would you say generally are going to experience menopause perhaps earlier than their mother did which is always the traditional thought when we would get your doctor's gonna tell you it's not gonna affect you but common sense common sense will tell you if you're taking hormones if you're trying to change your hormonal balance you're gonna wind up having problems with her yeah and you will go on to menopause yeah sorry I just I just I'm just trying to switch around I'm there so so then we're gonna take questions in a minute but I I would say just on that caveat you know if you're if you're considering IVF you're going through IVF never let that be a reason not to do it because you know when you're going through IVF it's because you're desperate to have a child and every other way hasn't work so don't worry about that well able to help you balance your hormones afterwards in conventional ob/gyn will not know what to do so you have to find the doctor who knows how to take care of you yeah can I ask you dr. Erica when I um I mean we I just wanted a lot of people asking his questions but I first went and my initial journey was I went to a GP and she said here's some mares urine and gave me HRT kind of thing she did no tests on me I gave us some symptoms and it just was very incorrect balance and didn't feel right but I know that you're very you're a big advocate of biodynamic but do you believe so in yeah by oh I'm sorry by Jennifer do you also yes do you believe in a surety yes absolutely okay alright HRT prevents heart disease prevents cancer prevents aging problems prevents Alzheimer's and it is only that you have to get the right combination for you yeah the right doctor who actually cares and listens to you okay you're saying outside I mean these are all things that you know my mother has vascular dementia and Alzheimer's so you know anyone with a parent we're thinking about this stuff and I think that you know going back to when I went to you in that fuzzy brain it's like you switch me back on Erica you know and when lots of people ask me about my energy I put a lot of that to that turning point for me when I realized it didn't have to be that way so I think that's why it's so important for me to get you around the audience today but can we start to take some questions that's great Lucy everything hi this is Lucy on my other phone hi hi there so you're getting the wrong HRT you need if you have the right combination of HRT you're not gonna have any night sweats but you also have to be careful about your diet because as you get older and your hormones are out of balance and you need the HRT you need to start cutting back on alcohol on sugar because and caffeine because those will give you hot you know night sweats and hot flashes but make sure you're on the right HRT because the right HRT will make you not really have any of those symptoms even if so if somebody is on the right HRT but they're inhaling chocolate and sugar but you're saying they could still get a few night sweats well they're a little stressed so I was saying they will get a few but when you start them at the beginning of HRT the right program will eliminate all your flashes and what are the because I do really see the correlation Erica and you mentioned this new I first met you two but I only really have taken note I don't know we've known each other seven years eight years but I have known only taking notes more actually you're right to arise when you're having fun I'm off sugar now like I haven't had sugar apart from a few berries for three weeks solidly I've never done that in my life and the difference to the inflammation in my body is staggering it's amazing by the way I have to tell you something inflammation is caused by acidity so acidity in your body is also what causes an increase in X you know like viral load all of that so one way to get rid of it besides having your hormones balance is get baking soda yeah half teaspoon in a glass of warm water yeah three four times a day and it's amazing the president of the International peptide Society recommends a dr. seeds and he is absolutely a genius it alkalizes your body and it protects you from any kind of viral infections taking over so it's baking baking soda baking soda you know how I have not heard that one before I love that Erica all right well I know but I haven't heard that now about reducing because I'm taking l-lysine and raitou TCP and a few things to try and bring down Farlow next question Lucy what can one take after once you're you you've been deemed clear you can take any hormones you were taking as you live progesterone testosterone just make sure that you have been cleared that they got rid of the cancer and you want to protect yourself from getting other cancers so go back on hormones but just make sure you get the right hormones by identicals yeah or Trini caused them by a dynamic it's the ones to do it so you can't do a chai tea if you've had breast cancer can you absolutely you can do HRT after absolutely any kind of you can that's because I think there's a bit of an old wives tale identif it's just an England Erica and I think that was wrong there was done incorrectly that was outdated that was proven wrong a hundred times in 2002 and maybe if you know if men had had it we would never have heard about it but since women have it we you know we've just focused on that yeah nothing to worry about okay is the only answer to keep us participants to society contributors okay active energetic contributors yes so if you're in remission you see there's no reason why you can't okay that's okay I'm just going to for those you join now I'm with dr. Erika Schwarz from New York one of the foremost experts on your hormones and we're discussing all aspects of hormone replacement at whatever age to give you a fantastically good life basically tamoxifen tamoxifen is estrogen blocker it's given to people with cancer yes it actually increases the risk of osteoporosis and it makes hot flashes worse so it's kind of a decision that you have to make if you want to take tamoxifen they are shown with it and just don't think for the whole full amount of time that they recommend it so tamoxifen is an estrogen blocker okay but somebody's obviously taking that to treat breast cancer right yeah so yeah okay all right next question Lisa will do a few quickfires so you can all feel you're getting fantastic wisdom from dr. Erica yeah thank you what would you forget before medical pigmentation problems yes a lot of I mean I think this is just maybe more a skincare question Erica but I think that there's different types of pigmentation and I think melasma is a hormone or base pigmentation around it's kind of I think comes evenly because hormone things always are even like spots you know and stuff so generally it's here I think hormone or pigmentation isn't it yeah you don't have to have them if your hormone balance is better cuz you think about it when you're pregnant the hormone balance is really off because they're very very high because you're trying to support the fetus but is it a symptom Erika then if somebody has a lot of hormonal pigmentation in their 50s is it a symptom they haven't got their hormones or the balance correct would you say it is so-so okay all right yeah with the redness and then they go and they have these additions to it but the thing is the aesthetics we have an aesthetics department and she will help amazing but you need to have your hormones balanced in order for it to last and and also for it not to reoccur if you've already visitor I think there's a cost plan or Cosman it's a kind of treatment you can have to get rid of it with a with a petition yeah and then you have a treat and you do at home so I think there's definitely things that help but I think it's really interesting to see that you know go and get your hormones checked to make sure you're not getting more once you've treated it and it won't come back all right next question just going to give you whatever and it's not gonna work and you're gonna think the hormones don't work but the hormones do ER with the reality finding your hormonal doctor is one of the hardest things especially in the UK but because a lot of GPS might not have the time to really I mean one can go in England to an endocrinologist and you know get your hormones properly checked but nobody's trained in women's health and the use of hormones and wellness and disease prevention so yeah really difficult yeah okay next question Lucy diabetes well as you know ageing age itself increases the risk so yeah part of aging so it will make it worse but having the hormones and balance changing your diet exercising sleeping dealing with stress all of these things will help you know have to have diabetes diabetes is a preventable disease it does depend if it's type 1 or type 2 though dr. Okoye thinks if you're right okay yes yeah but I don't know this lady yeah I don't if this lady has had it since she was younger or she's developed it right you know late onset diabetes you would say all right okay thank you okay so polycystic ovaries they're taking metformin does it help all right so Paulo cystic ovary is kind of the diagnosis du jour yeah really notes people have cystic ovaries or not and metformin is a old diabetes drug that kind of stabilizes the insulin levels and it works for weight loss but it doesn't really work very much for it doesn't really work unless you're trying to lose weight the progesterone will work even better and also over exercising does not work and people over exercise and then diets that are low in processed sugars well yeah it's processed I know I just like it it should be a campaign really and I'm just like yeah I'm seeing it I mean your your self Erica and a friend of mine Randy Forbes who's you know she worked on the genome probably at Cambridge between the two of you part of my smartest friends but she is an adamant you know she is looking at research into you know she develops drugs and and so she's looking at you know Alzheimer's and and all these different illnesses and sugar it is the killer it's silent killer easy to get sugar from with fruit yeah vegetables yeah don't realize that and also dairies horrible and animal products yeah I know but if we asked everyone as you know to eliminate everything as you must have experiences with your patients start them gently get them on a journey let's see the benefit and they see that if I ate X I feel horrible then maybe you make the decision to eat X more seldom rarely yeah then you feel better more than you don't yeah that's true very good very good advice next question how long is it safe to be on HRT and when can you start taking it this is a very important if you want to feel good stay on HRT on on hormones forever the phrase this question is obviously asked because that has been stuff in the press in England that you know you can't go on it forever and you got so when you come off so I'd love no proof of the fact that it does anything negative so the thing is I personally have been on hormones for the past 26 years I intend to die on hormones and I feel really great yeah clearly that's the answer there but you could stay on them for as long as you want and when you want to go off of them just come off of them and see how you feel yeah listen to your body your body will tell you if you need them or you don't yeah like you don't need them you know I think that that's really important for as long as you want for I mean this might be old news but I think there was a quite a long time when they said it gave a higher proportion of breast cancer rather then I know that I read another study Erica which said it was actually not about breast cancer it was a high proportion of heart attacks so this has all been in the press in the UK and I just it's important to just hear another opinion and it's lab based on scientific data that's the problem the problem is that it's based on as I said an outdated study that really wasn't really good and it wasn't about bioidentical hormones yeah and it was really scaring women and it left the doctor scared so the doctors didn't prescribe the doctors don't learn anything about it there's no medical education all that counts in the conventional medical establishment so you kind of listening to doctors were totally outdated and will give you information that they were given 20 years ago yeah are you trying to look today yeah just for those of you who have joined I'm with dr. Erika Schwarz from New York one of the foremost hormone specialists in America who's written many books on the subject and we're getting her opinion and information and inspiration and advice on everything to do with hormones whether you're 25 or 70 you see next question menopausal tell me Erika this is like the bein home I mean hearts now if you're online and you feel you have a menopausal Tommy that suddenly appeared or increased like a tire overnight you know you change your diet you exercise and you focus on core which is where I love Pilates and I was watching the other day when you have the trainer with you yes so doing the Pilates and doing stuff that will actually focus on your on your stomach so you know what you get your stomach space flat you don't have to look fat you don't forget the menopausal belly because hormones especially testosterone will get rid of it they will okay so because I think that you know whenever I dress somebody Erika or I'm doing a makeover on a woman yes and it's fun it is that feeling that women having and it's something that also makes women feel very middle-aged emotionally you know it's about how you move it's just like a bad thing that happens yeah it's a vicious cycle because that was draft dressing from your boobs to the end of your tummy and well not you know I think that's the sign of youth traditionally is that sense of a waist whatever size you are it's that you have that definition there so when you lose that definition it's like letting go of something you know so I know and women are very big on like you know after they have babies they allow themselves to like kind of allow the belly to stick out because their gut and their you know their core is not strong yeah I think that that's something that we each one of us can do you taking our court also posture yes you like that and Lucy who's on the other end of the phone was a was a dancer so Lucy goes around our office with the most incredible posture so it makes me you know but I have since I you know this is so much better for me Erica but no but I'm saying good I feel good about where I'm at with this because right I've come off the sugar and I grab a testosterone balance in me you know when you talked about testosterone and Erica I mean Erica are you willing to say how old you are I'm 70 she's bloody 70 and do these just see that stomach I mean this should be all we need to know all we need to know I'll take off my clothes you'll see a shiny look like this everybody can feel like this there's no reason to not feel well not look well yeah I have a brain not contribute to society just because you're menopausal I it's one very good words all right we're gonna do three more questions Lucy okay it's very supplement I can take for loss of libido let's talk about sex Erica let's talk about okay I wrote the book the intimacy solution which is about sexuality at all ages and what intimacy and sexuality I have to do with each other this book could save your marriage and you know what if you don't have sex you're not okay life is wonderful with sex yeah guys that's of age this is not for the 20 year old sex is for everybody and sex gets better with age if you focus on it and you actually pay attention to it and your heart moans are in balance of God I can't wait Lisa are you looking for it's that one I mean Lucy's really young and has great sex probably but Erica horns you have sex I have sex at least twice a week ladies listen up because you know why I'm passionate and I'm happy about lights yeah you are and it pervades from every part of you women need to be reassured women need to know that life does not end with menopause yeah I said that's so true hair loss is very typical menopause and of losing your hormones yeah needs to be addressed die rate is a hormone people should be on thyroid regardless of what their endocrinologist or doctor tells them yes we lose our thyroid the same way with estrogen progesterone testosterone so thyroid and adrenal will help that fester instead help there is peptides that are specifically made that you just rub into your hair really funny on doing stuff that doesn't work what do what in your mind Erica doesn't work um you know what sometimes PRP works sometimes it doesn't work young your P for those who don't know it's what some people call a vampire facial it's when maybe they take your blood they put it in a centrifuge and they great plasma that's written to the top and they they do it in a in a mezzo therapy but what about biotin because I do take care supplements and colleges wait you've always had the best fair you know some women have great hair and some people don't which is look at your mother and if your mother's here is thin you probably will have thin hair the other thing is we dye our hair we do stuff to it so we have to be realistic about what we're expecting and what we can do is again diet exercise lifestyle stress manager the hair has a three month cycle yeah whatever you did three months ago will affect you today okay so it won't show for three months basically be patient but interesting when you talk about the thyroid because you know I was once a long time ago put on thyroxine was it for the thyroid or you know and there's just some very drugs I don't particularly think a great out there and t4 which is the the styrene or Mon that must turn into t3 for it to actually be active yes just giving it out like water and it doesn't work if you need I would you need t3 which is the active thyroid hormone which will work a lot better there are combinations and they're compounded thyroid t3 and t4 that work absolutely amazingly together with adrenal and it'll help to like you said biotin is great yeah are a lot of others you know there are all kinds of supplements that you could take and also be careful I'm not your dying yet how much you know what yeah chemicals to get rid of you know like you know maintain the color whatever you're doing but take responsibility yeah for making it work [Music] in England there is such a reluctance Erica testosterone amazing we just wrote a white paper for the medical community which evaluates the fact that this dosterone protects from heart disease protects from breast cancer it protects from Alzheimer's yeah improves your ability to build muscle you increases your libido testosterone is an amazing out an type a stripper OSes it is an amazing yeah look what out this fast road is really deadly and you know what it's the way you get this ashram because when you get this faster on and cream sometimes you lose your hair sometimes all kinds of things happen yeah happy all kinds of things but this dosterone injectable or with pellets is amazing yeah you gave me when I was last some of you who might follow me when I was last in New York and when was it you weren't there but I was some you know I did have a testosterone shot when I was there with you and I've got to say it's a real kick up the arse I mean it just invigorate you and it's not just that kind of Popeye testosterone it's all the other things you just meant round yeah so amazing in England are we going to persuade the medical community to be able to prescribe testosterone for women when they actually start caring and they want to actually know the information the problem is the same one in the United States they are totally dinosaurs yeah they're 50 years behind yeah and it's hurting the women so I'm just gonna say now for those of you that are able to will leave doctor Erica's details if you find yourself in New York and dr. Erica comes once every couple of months to London well and there are you know there are maybe a few other places in the UK but very few that have your full philosophy dr. Erica so Lucy a to more questions and darling could recurrent depression be down to hormones now we don't know who else we don't have they're on antidepressants but if they don't work you actually have a guy in London who happens to have written you know John Studd who actually we don't want him to be discussing it but he wrote and he did the research and showed that that's not that antidepressants don't work hormones work so the bull for real current depression of course depression is a hormonal based thing I mean there are people who actually are depressed and they have nothing to do with hormones but they started that before they went into puberty yes so it the matter of listening to the patient and giving them what they need rather than what you were brainwashed as a physician to do so are you saying I just want to be clear here Erica that that many depressions could be treated with hormones instead of antidepressant absolutely that's a very big statement to make yes so I just want to be really clear to really help and they are also the most addictive drugs because once you're an antidepressant you can't get off of it so you need someone who actually cares and wants to get you off of it yeah work with you for a long time so while there is depression we have to realize that antidepressants will help people yeah for a while yeah are really important to make sure that you're not missing the point also when people take antidepressants they can't follow diets that are helpful for the depression because they start craving sugar and they start eating a lot of sugar so I think that while I'm not trying to be cavalier about it and I respect the importance of people sometimes being saved by antidepressants in the short run yeah you need to really make sure that your hormones are balanced that you're eating right they are exercising and that you're dealing with stress yeah that's that I mean that's just like you know a lot of what you're saying is a revelation to a lot of people Erica and a lot of things you say reinforce it and a lot of things you're saying we'll leave questions for people because you know there are gonna be beef out there on antidepressants and dr. Erich is not saying come off them now she's just saying there are not when don't ever come on ever but moments when you know going back probably Erica to the original question of reoccurring depression so if somebody had it a long time ago and then they're having it now maybe try treating it with hormones first hormones yeah great darling I just want to say that every opinion here is dr. Erica's opinion and it's my pleasure to have her on but I can't say what a pleasure it's been to talk to you Erica I learned something new every time so I hope we'll do Sunday sex we're doing Sunday sex I can't wait all right sending you my love in you um [Music] wait
Channel: T R I N N Y
Views: 31,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trinny, trinnywoodall, trinnylondon, style, makeup, fashion, advice, how to interview, hormones, females, womenruletheworld, Dr Erika Schwarz
Id: moELiSM2Sxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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