Dr. Erika Schwartz | Don’t Let Your Doctor Kill You

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ready hey here we are starting up podcast this is one of my favorite episodes I've got Safra colonel nie Joe dishonest a on Joe for a minute because if you've ever wanted to stab Joe like some people have you're going to want to watch this because dr. Erica actually does that truly a great great podcast but I also want to mention her charity partner Joe can you tell us a bit about challenge application challenge that we foundation a gentleman named Bob Babbitt I've gotten to know awesome guy they do incredible things with adaptive athletes we'll get into it after the podcast and just want to thank them [Music] [Music] all right we are here for Spartan up podcast I forgot your name again Erika Erika Schwarz see you remember and the name of the evolved science evolved science is the name of this place and they're going to draw my blood and do all kinds of things to make they're checking to see if I'm a vampire we're just going to figure out how to make you go on forever healthy and prevent disease and make sure that your lifestyle doesn't interfere with your health love it and so and you guarantee with this program I could live to 120 I don't know the guarantee would be it but probably yes because you know what when somebody dies doesn't matter if you're guaranteed or not does it that's right so the point of the podcast is we want to get to the core the other route as to how people become successful in life not necessarily economically but a success no mom a successful monk a business person at their job and we've talked to people about health we've talked to people about committing all kind of things so let's dive in if we could a little bit to your background and to what you think could help make somebody successful well I think that my background I was born in Romania but you're ready you have a leg up on everybody that's right because it couldn't be any worse I have the right to work at work I'm American to say oh I'm lucky like water buffalos hamburgers I was born but you don't know what it's like when you don't have it exactly so yes I come from Romania I come I come from a really nice family my parents were really decent very smart people very caring and I always wanted to be a healer and so I went to high school in Romania and then I finished high school in Rome miss Italy and I came to New York when I was 16 and I've been in New York ever since and and you were became a doctor I became a well I was 16 I went to college and medical school here in New York and trained and one of the biggest trauma centers in the country Kings County Hospital so I trained in trauma critical care and internal medicine and then I went into private I'm well first my first job at 28 was to run a trauma center so I ran a trauma center here in New York upstate New York and after five years of doing that and setting up a really nice program like 9-1-1 and you know this was like in the late 70s early 80s and we said we set up the ambulance helicopter services there was really great thing so after five years of doing that there was nothing else for me to do so I had to move on so I went on to doing internal medicine practice and at the time there weren't too many women in internal medicine practice so organically the practice grew really fast because I never thought that there is a difference between the doctor and the patient from the standpoint of what I know versus which you know because I think that you live in your body I have no idea what's going on there I may be well trained I may have great experience before you but I'm only as good as what I do for you that works for you and that attitude didn't really work very well in internal medicine and conventional medical approach because all they were looking for was for people to get sick so you have a symptom come back in six months for your Bloods if they're abnormal then we will figure out something else but there was no nothing about how to take care of you so you don't get sick so you don't land in the hospital so you can enjoy your life so this is like now maybe early 90s prevention didn't really exists there was nowhere for me to learn anything about it I went around and saw people who were doing similar things to what I was doing but I kind of didn't feel like they were connecting with the patient and to me I thought the most important piece was connecting with the patient caring about the patient doing something that doctors are not trained to do which is actually care about the fish because they're very they're very black and white doctors didn't they don't get that they don't make that connection well no because your training is such that they really don't want you to make the connection because if you're going to make the connection they tell you're not going to be objective but the truth is you're going to be even better because you're going to care because if you care you will be even more objective because you're going to look around four more options for many more ways of making it better and you're going to pay attention to the patient because if you want to follow a stupid protocol or the statistical data you know and may work in mathematics it may work and building a bridge but it's not going to work when it comes to the human being because there's a lot of stuff over there that has nothing to do with the statistics so I realized that what we're trained in is public health not individualized care so I wanted to do individualized care if I started taking care of people with individuals so first I start out I'm going to be a patient advocate but nobody even knew what that meant I was like what the hell's she talking about social workers in the hospital's our patients advocate and I said no the doctor should be your advocate because the doctor actually should connect with you and know you so of course it was perfect timing because you know insurance companies came and they started changing your primary care physician about 10 minutes so then there was no more relationship between doctors and patients so I basically thought you know I'm not going to have anything to do with insurance companies in the examining room I'm not going to allow anything but one ego the patient's ego and nobody else no third party is going to be involved here it's going to be just between you and me and my egos on a shelf I need it because if I don't have one we're going to trouble but it's not for me to use so this is how I started and everybody said what year without my apply nice minimally mid-nineties and everybody said to me oh my god you're going to you're crazy everybody saying insurance this is awful what you're doing I said you know what I'm going to prevent disease they don't know what the hell is talking about but you know there was the right thing you know I wrote books I went out there and started teaching more than on one to one on one but I always come back to one on one and what happened was that I was right it's about the patient I mean I always thought it was about the patient it has to be about the patient it can't be about any thing else and healthcare has to change and are you starting to see that change yes and I'm still alive the fear which is amazing you look like you're about 30 years old I love you I love you be alive for a long time I'm going to be listen I have to keep you around for another 20 years so that means I have to be here for a lot more you know what to me success is every patient that does well also success is when I write a book that people benefit from it because you know that just so many hours in the day as you know that in your day there's a lot more hours or anybody else is doing my day I actually need seven eight hours of sleep so I kind of die at 7 hours I have I'm high-energy I work out every day I excess I sleep well I eat well I don't drink I don't smoke I don't do drugs I'm clean I do my fees at least once a week or so but I have to tell you the thing is that I have to take care of myself and by taking care of myself I teach my patients I learn nutrition I learned more about exercise you have to know it yourself yes experience ed you know what you cannot be good at anything if you haven't experienced it if you're not doing I agree with that I think that when we tell people oh you know do this and I go well if you're not doing it yourself we have zero credibility with me right and so I think that that's the beauty of what I do is because I do prevention what I do is what I do in my life so I tell my patients you know I tried this it may apply it may not apply and I know conventional medicine sure I lectured Medical conventions and they look at me like I gave a talk about doctor-patient relationship and they were like what I was she talking about this is before they knew that should be patient centric then I wrote a book called don't lecture doctor kill you and doctor play at the wound well it was last year this year I have this new book coming up the new hormone solution because I've been working with hormones for name of the question the new mostly the new hormone solution got the old hormone solution came out in 2002 he came out two months before this huge study on hormones went bust and it was a bad study and I kind of predicted it without even knowing I was predicting well yeah so the book became a big deal and then so I figure 15 years later I should talk about what I know the new hormones are just coming out of me and so I think the way to success is how I feel has nothing to do with anything else you know I feel that if I can help if I make a difference on a one-to-one basis on a one to one hundred a thousand doesn't matter I'm doing something and that's what drives me that's my wife you found your wife you got my wife on your purpose so it doesn't feel like work it's never been working and that's so funny you mentioned that because it's not work I love it and it's not you know people say oh you're married to medicine I'm not married to medicine I'm married my passion is helping people making their lives better teaching them what I've learned from one another it's kind of telling stories that will help you sure so I I'm pretty successful in after winning I hope you're not sitting still while you listen you are you better get a burpee break [Applause] next week we have Dan Pena this guy is so intense he has not only become a multi-millionaire himself he's made many other people multimillionaires and he swears if you follow what he has to say he can make you one too and so if you want to follow it he has a saying follow us on iTunes YouTube by subscribing or ever you watch and we'll see you next week and so what tips would you give people listening out there and watching out there to get motivated get off the couch um and maybe follow some routines that will get them closer to their success their purpose there why I thought about it a lot because I think it's so important because each one of us is unique and we're all the same so you have to kind of find how do you get to why are you born with the why there are you doing it because you want to be better than someone else is the competition the internal competition or the external competition what motivates you different people different answers so what I do is with the people that listen and are interested first of all it's a pre-selected group was going to watch the people will watch your podcasts already have found they're wise they just want to make the wines better they want to accomplish more they want to feel more of a participant a contributor and you know what you do is a team sport because it's a team you want to bring people together and I think that bringing people together is crucial I think that's the connection between people that makes the difference I think that we live in a very disconnected world and I think that our phones our social media everything else is keeping us disconnected and what we're craving is connection we were in a car earlier on the way here and all five of us we're looking at our phones nobody was talking right so so Spartan does bring people together and so you're recommending again for people to advance find those human connections you know it's hard I think yes unequivocally but it's hard because you want to find like people you want to find people who will give you positive reinforcement but not [ __ ] you you want people we're going to tell you the truth and we'll be there for you whether you're rising or falling and the same people on the way up is on the way down and I think it's important I think it's about being passionate I think that passion makes the difference most people can't find their passion I think right here I often yeah me too me too now they can't find their passion because they're so busy trying to find it I think if it just kind of get quiet if it gets quiet and why we've heard that twice this week really a good one get quiet you get quiet it's required inside and you don't constantly look and run you know we're over busy all of us are over busy we're running and running and running and that's a way to really not connect it's a way to not deal with our own vulnerabilities I wouldn't know what you're talking about of course not but you know always quiet inside I'm hardly ever busy well I bet the inside you are pretty quiet I think outside you're not creating a good fit between the outside and the inside is kind of a goal that's why I needed to live in Vermont on the farm because I had to get the outside away from me somebody because I'm I'm a magnet for craziness no I think we're all crazy magnets were drama because we live in such a dramatic society but you know look where I am here yeah yeah think of it I'm a mistake of it and yet you come in here how did you feel for the game here tonight quiet quiet yeah little plants nice people all right and everybody's nice you know are the people liked by the people do where we work what everybody's quiet yeah everybody's nice so one find your passion to get quiet you got a third one yeah I realize it's all about love it's not about anything else and as a doctor I can tell you that it is about love you don't love your patients you're not going to do well by them if you don't love what you're doing I don't care what the scientific data tells you at the end of the day about love and those who can figure out what that means not on a sexual level not on a physical level but as I said it a philosophy of life they're the ones we get so you're talking about love I get a little squeamish around that word I'll help you get unscreened let's talk about the dog help me on that one sure well I think when we think of love in our culture we conditioned to think of physical love love between a man and a woman or two women or two men but love that is sexual well I think self-love is not sexual violence it can be but it doesn't have to be sexual but love is where you start and love is where you end if you care enough if you truly love listen you love your children you love your dogs you love your pets you love your friends we so casually throw the word of love around love you and hang up right love you but we don't pay attention to what it really represents because it is an emotion that heals it's the most healing of emotion and you know when you say about the Spartan way and they loved each other they love rejected each other exactly right exactly but that's the connection and love is the ultimate connection ayah and don't worry I love you okay but you know what but I don't want people to think that love in terms of just sexuality I by all means listen I mean of course it's one of the most important things in life but I don't want you to think of it that way I want you to think of it like you said you know Spartans like they cared about each other their society was so you know secretive it was all about the love for each other and all these secret societies that care flourish yeah yeah love your food right love taking bear taking care of people yes love yourself well lovely yourself the most important you're able to love yourself love your own flaws your own accept yourself as you are and then take care of yourself and take care of others then you can take care of others broke me I did she broke me all right I'm great cute I don't want to braid you I want you to feel great my goal is to go love I mean you broke me because I've been resistant to the softer terms in life but they're they're not soft you know what it's cultural it's such a cultural thing and it's so sad because it deprives us of what we crave the most which is connection so then if you say okay the ultimate connection is love then like hey we're all figuring it out sure we want to connect I've met chefs who have talked about like putting love into the food my guess you could taste it yes there was a book did you read about I didn't read it all right there's a book about um oh my god I have to remember the name of the oh my god what was her name a book about like it and there was a Spanish book and that did they the woman like cooked and when she cooked meals that she was upset and cried everybody got sick then when she cooked with love and passion and happy she did well and in the food with the audience out there it sounds hokey and crazy no but I've heard it enough now that I believe it this is what I think about skepticism because I come from a skeptical profession and the good news is that if you asked conventional doctors they wouldn't tell you I'm a quack they would not say that it they would say oh oh I know her that's what they would say or they don't me but I tell you something as far as I'm concerned when skeptics or people who don't want to grow skeptics are the ones who quite don't question the status quo and unless you question the status quo you can't grow right so I should push limits you have to what do you do that's what we do uncovers always push of course first you're not going to you got to know what's on the other side that's push and you know what the comfort zone and medicine is following protocols not noticing the patient not listening to the patient just doing pests and surgeries and chemotherapy and everything just blindly I doubt my dad was in a hospital and Long Island I'm not going to mention the name of the hospital multiple heart attacks multiple surgeries I couldn't believe the diet that they fed the patients coming out of these I couldn't look you wouldn't we wouldn't eat that on a on a good day right but you know what as a doctor working in hospitals no I don't anymore thank God for the past 20 years but you know what if you say to half the medical profession it's not more you ask a doctor you know how is diet going into you know affect me they'll tell you there's no connection between your disease and diet and you look at them and they're fat and they don't care about you know their physical plan makes sense how do you get out of medical school and not know that because they don't teach you anything in their file because medical school is fully paid for by drug companies and the industry it's not about the patient Wow so this is the thing it's like why do people take advice from people who look like that all right who don't hear that we don't notice them all right we don't pay attention to them yeah they don't take their nose out of the medical record to look at the patient they look at the numbers on the blood results they don't spend the time with a patient and the patient has to stop listening the old days oh it wasn't like that right now in the old days you had a very holistic approach where the doctor was a generalist and understood everything and got to know the patient what they took responsibility I think that now because it's so fragmented and because of what happened with the you know medical profession actually became all these sub specialists in the 70s they brought in sub specialties so nobody looked at the whole person anymore so nobody is responsible for anything but just responsive or they're tiny little piece of what how's that going to be a solution to you that doesn't work it will never work and but the problem is that patients are afraid and people are afraid and they want to get better and they also turn over their power to the medical profession because they think the medical profession they think the medical profession so I'm going to solve it and this way they don't own their lives and are responsible and accountable for the outcome and the truth is only in their diet they slip on their everything else in their life because the doctor gave me some pills right but the truth is those pills are not going to help you you're the only one who can help you yeah listen I ran a trauma center so I could tell you when somebody needs help and that's when a trauma center when you get run over by bus trauma center is a good place to go you know modern medicine is amazing at that but then you have to think about between the moment when you actually need care and acute medical care and all that time in your life when you don't need medical care what are you doing what are you doing to take care of yourself let food be your medicine that's food video medicine you'd let your lifestyle be your medicine let your sleep be your medicine let your kindness be a medicine everything you do the air you breathe can make you better I was thinking of moving to Shanghai before I talked to you but that's out now okay I think I'm back to New York now I think I'm moving back to New York that was awesome but just I got alright I actually feel like that's the book for the interview you don't let your doctor kill you this is the book she wrote and then they let you back let me see the other but what do we have she's bringing how do people find out about you was it was very good outcome dr. Erica no-go on me all right dr. Erica calm with a K with a k yeah I got it Facebook go to Facebook check her out check around needles they suck everything I ever get better I don't know did you all the years in the military here we go leeches PayPal leeches audience crowd I not that old needles never bothered me I mean I think I got sick one time did I you see a lot of people take one time many people get sick they let they look at it you know something you can do about it's like getting seasick or some it'll happen to you sooner or later and you go down I studied to be a first responder when we moved here to Pittsfield and my first call was a guy had run his hand through the sawmill holy and he had a glove on and so everything was still attached and I was my it was also in goes well the kind of situation so yeah I'm not great with dad you know I I loved I loved her her really catchy title don't let your doctor kill you and I interesting you know you get a lot of people who aren't trained in spiritual medicine who will have their opinions with traditional medicine try and pull you away from it what's interesting about her is that she was trained in traditional medicine but a lot of things she didn't like about it and she decided to go more of that natural route not a lot of doctors Tivat yeah yeah like I remember my dad had a heart attack his first heart attack he was at a great Hospital one of the best heart hospitals and they woke him off and they gave him breakfast and it was croissant and butter vehicle 81 out of there yo and you wouldn't help you know like how long somebody's know 15 years ago oh it's still the same thing I I had a friend who like had stomach surgery and then afterwards they're like here's some jello and here's some other garbage and I'm looking at them doing like are you guys absolutely kidding me III want to throw a caveat in and just say you know a 20 we talked a lot about natural health we talk a lot about moving away from some of more traditional ways which isn't a slam on traditional doctors and trishul medicine there are a lot of phenomenal doctors out there and and there's a lot of great things from both ends of the spectrum but we do seem to find a lot of people who are moving away from that as the first and only line of attack Johnny I love you but I disagree no never never I will I will agree with Johnny and say when you're in a jam but when you're in a real tough Jam when you're in the ER yeah doc you want a doctor oh my god you like that no no I am so joyful and grateful for people about like no other medical profession in the science what I'm talking about is I'm talking about the nutrition that is offered at the hospital oh yeah that's that is like it is like corn syrup garbage I have so much respect people who know how to do surgery I would I would never say anything in that regards I'm just saying that like like a little but after the surgery of it may be good to better enjoyed food into you instead of sugar yeah I mean that shouldn't it but all right I digress anyways the point is is I'm what I think that she says is really great is that doctors aren't taking responsibility anymore right the saying everyone's so specialized in there so it's again it's like non whole isms perspective it's like oh well let's do like you're a foot doctor and you're a heart doctor you're a brain doctor and it's hardly anyone who's like let's look at the whole picture and do like more preventive like the general doctor used to be look at their houses I know in history and they remember I remember I had to go to Cornell veterinary in college to bring I had an animal that was sick and brought it up there and they couldn't figure it out because there's an ear specialist and an eye specialist and a skin specialist I did I mean what was this one of your horses you're not going to get into let's go chill within the poem I don't want to get into it cuz a cat what a cat but the long story but you know it's funny though we talk we talk about the doctors don't take responsibility I think a big part of her message is we take responsibility for ourselves and you know we think somebody else is going to fix us and we're waiting for somebody else to fix us and at the end of the day it's what we're going to put into ourselves it's what we're going to do with that energy what we're going to do with their lives and and if we look at what we eat and we look at what we do and we look at the environments we expose ourselves to we're not going to need that traditional doctor nearly as soon if we're actually building our own health and and so her idea but don't don't wait for a doctor to fix you when a lot of times you know you put yourself in that position the first place I think is really great water or and I you know my twin brother who's done a lot of medical stuff he was doing a research for DMT and I happen to be available so I joined him for three is it anything like a three-week course actually it's quite a bit of time but like we had some real and you are the people in the world ago I for three weeks I love that well I know I mean I think that there's always a lhasa tea but I also like made time I think that it was important to you I make time and you know the thing that I make time for is something that's like hey understanding the systems of your body understanding how your body works understanding how to save your body and I think like as a baseline knowledge and things like every kid in high school we should all go through an EMT course like I think that you would be able to more you know how to work in a triage situation you know how to like actually release to change the command I don't know I think like that type of knowledge would be very helpful in us being a more well one of the other process we had and again I'm not sure what order that all come in it was similar right we talked about that the the gym is the hospital after a not just the gym but working out staying in Shakers baghdad david wolfe goes right because it goes back to david the preventive method of meditite you've got it got to take care of yourself and do all of those right things you know some of the guys are better medicine right with waiting the podcast yeah yes Stephen belt is like my backup actually a super famous super food raw food names David avocado Wolfe I don't know but I actually talked about Rob Wolfe and I have to apologize that yes I or any women but if you wanted to get unconfused where would you go to do that I tell you what if school has the cortes if lasts a couple of minutes make sure you go to Sparta home slash podcast YouTube iTunes wherever you watch it and subscribe and to charity that brought this to you was Challenged Athletes foundation Bob Babbitt who started that friend of ours fantastic guy basically finding and securing limbs and so forth for athletes that need these things for all over the world so he providing tremendous help to those in need so thanks thanks a lot speaking of those in need Mary is going to do a lot of editing haha thank you for watching another epic story of success if you like our message please share smart enough with your friends and subscribe on iTunes YouTube or wherever you catch our show maybe in the woods smart enough is brought to you by Spartan Race to find a race near you visit Spartan calm [Music]
Channel: The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena
Views: 29,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Erika Schwartz, Preventive Medicine, Connection, Love, Passion, Individualized Care, Alternative Medicine, wholistic medicine, patient centric, IV Solutions, Dr. Erika, New Hormone Solution, Don't Let your Doctor Kill you, Joe Desena, IV, Spartan Up, Spartan Race, Podcast, Interview, Doctor's office
Id: DheIvgHbnW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2017
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