Time Piece | FULL MOVIE | 1996 | Romance | James Earl Jones, Naomi Watts, Ellen Burstyn

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foreign [Music] I'm sorry careful thanks thank you foreign [Music] still my favorite animal oh you dragged this old bear around until most of the stuffing fell out maybe skinnier but I still have it you know what else I have the best dad in the whole world I'm gonna miss you Jen I'm gonna miss you too Dad oh it's hard to believe it's been 16 years since we moved into this house strange thing is we thought when we were moving in we were going to be taking care of Mary it turned out she was the one who was taking care of us I don't remember a lot about Mary just how much I loved him when she used to read to me she loved it even more than you did that's why she left us this house so you could grow up here and one day get married here just before she died Mary asked me to save this [Music] for you oh Dad it's so beautiful she wanted you to have it on your wedding day because she met her husband you never knew anything about David did your dad no just from that portrait up in the attic but their love story was amazing they met during the second World War the company that David owned just won a contract to build a scout plane engine for the U.S army so naturally he was working around the clock to beat his production deadline look boss yeah I know you've been but we got him through something about the bottleneck we're redesigning the finishing operation to solve it you'll have a new grinder by next week [Music] yesterday [Music] oh excuse me sir yes where do I go to apply for the secretarial position I'm afraid Mr Parkin isn't see it I have experience and references I take shorthand and I type 90 words a minute I'm very organized and I do really need this job I'm sorry why don't you just come back tomorrow excuse me hello are you here for the secretarial position well I was but I got here too late so I never got to speak to Mr Parkin well maybe you still no he's not seeing anyone else today so easily let's go talk to him it's all right I can come back tomorrow no no no you made a special trip come on you'll see I promise are you sure absolutely what sort of man is he well uh might as well warn you he's uh he's a bear to work for oh maybe no no no please take a seat I'm sure he'll be happy to meet with you I'm David Parkin I'm sorry you you seemed so Earnest and I was just being playful and I was being foolish no well uh let's start all over again hello I'm David Parkin very Chandler it's a pleasure to meet you Mr Parkin the pleasure is mine Miss Chandler please take a seat how are we doing any better employment record s so what brings you to America Mr Chandler oh well I after my mother died my father and I came [Music] my father and I came over as you can hear I collect timepieces go on Miss Chandler yes well we came over from England because he wanted to find a new life over here but with jobs so scarce during the Depression he never really could find Steady work I understand unfortunately my father was a failure too I don't consider my father to be a failure failure now I believe I've told you all you need to need to thank you for considering me this chairman I'm sorry if I've offended you and I hope this doesn't mean that you won't come to work for me you may not have the job Monday morning eight Sharp foreign [Music] hahaha [Music] foreign [Music] I hear your typewriter in my dreams miss Chandler and no matter how early I get here you still beat me to it I couldn't sleep very well last night so I decided to come in early there's so much catching up to do you're a great secretary I'm lucky to have you thank you Mr Parkin you're welcome it's two hours later in Washington to see if you can get someone in the procurement office Miss Chandler oh would you mind if I called you Mary give me a can of 114 disability 300 specs on the gearbox for the a57 multi-bag oh and a tank Arsenal stepping up its production so to match it we're gonna have to be adding 2 000 more units a week hey you better get out of here I hear you missed the last bus the other night yes I lose track of the time I don't know how you can do that with all these clocks around here well I know the pressure you're under and I hate to leave anything for tomorrow if I don't have to good night Mr Parkin good night Mary good night awfully familiar aren't we well I mean you hardly know this Mary you're already too fond of her Dave I'm not fond of her I just admire her confidence and efficiency are you sure it's a work ethic that you admire it's not like you to have your head turned by a woman just want to make sure she makes the last bus and besides this woman is different yeah that's what every man says just before he makes a fool of himself just remember your own words of wisdom concerning marriage yeah yeah marriage is the worm that conceals the hook and I haven't changed my mind okay [Music] Mary [Music] oh my God what what am I going to do just what you're doing putting your trust in God you're a strong woman Mary you're gonna be all right foreign [Music] now you must be that English voice I heard on the phone yes Mary Chandler Mr Parkin secretary Barbara Hayworth and you don't need to announce me Mary David and I are old friends Miss hope David Barbara you look beautiful thank you didn't your new girl give you my message she did uh I was gonna call you as soon as I had a free moment it's been hectic but you can certainly put me down for a sizable contribution to the Uso we want more than just your money David we've decided to hold the dance right down there in your parking lot what better connection to the war effort suppose that might work I knew you'd love the idea now don't worry about the decor my committee will take care of everything uh have to run I'm already late for my skin to the canteen nice to see you again Barbara with a little effort you could see me more often you know you must be looking for the hiring Hall it's downstairs actually Mr parking was expecting Mr Flynn you can go in NASA thank you man excuse me Mr Parkin Mr plan to see you all right how are you Mary I want you to meet someone this Channel and I have already met I've been watching her out there trying to make some sense out of your mess yeah my mess Lawrence is Godfather most of my clocks oh you know I never realized there were so many different types of clocks should I hold all your calls unless it's FDR thank you all right what are you going to tempt me with today the owner wants 200 for it I know from one you understood it's a beautiful piece but it's a woman's watch what would I do with it it's a rare piece but you're right it is a kind of give to them I give you a sweetheart if the man had a sweetheart right do you ever think about getting mad not really I guess I never thought the right one take a look at our new grinder design we've got to cut production time in half without affecting our quality you could set the axis of the cutter at just a hammer of an angle yeah that improved profile accuracy when I say that well you would have if those Washington people would just give you enough time to take a deep breath well I best be going so you can get back to winning the war will go on the family always time for you lots be goodies if I don't who will huh yeah likewise Mr P well it's honey it's just nice knowing that you're here taking care of my old friend you just make sure he doesn't welcome you to the Bone like he does himself oh I'll try not to Mr Flynn God bless you Take Care Lawrence thank you you're smart how nice to see you come on in I was just wondering if that Bavarian clock was ready yes indeed sit down please thanks although I don't know why I bothered to ask it doesn't matter really it's just good to get out and about while you still can Lord willing we both have a lot of good years left oh I'm not sure years are what the Lord has in mind for me Lawrence you look wonderful Miss Maud anything wrong the doctor just told me that I have what my father used to call a bad ticker so sorry don't be it's just life how come it's actually brought you your car in the garage oh no it's my nephew it's always everyone isn't it I came downstairs all dressed and ready to go the car was gone I guess he's out in joy riding with that friend of his Hal Avery that worries me well if I'd known this morning I could have saved you the trouble you dropped it off at your place everyone is my problem Lauren's not yours I don't want the taxi running up the meter on you I think you'll like the Chimes now I know what if there's any problem I'm sure there won't be selfish mode if you could just sign this and if you don't need me for anything else I'll see you in the morning I'm sorry I got so busy down here I made you late again let me give you a ride home maybe we can stop off and get a bite to eat along the way thank you that's very nice I um I really can't you have other plans yes I mean no I actually I'm going to church Church but it's Wednesday night yes it's a prayer service but you you could join me if you'd like tonight our hearts go out to the families of those young men about to invade Nazi occupied France for them and for all those who face a great trial in their lives let us say together the powerful words of the 23rd psalm the Lord is my shepherd I shall not he maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures sorry if I seemed uncomfortable in that never been very religious you don't have to be very religious to talk to God it's just it I don't even know if there is a God I guess I'm too much of a cynic you said your father was a failure is that what made you cynical I I probably shouldn't have said that my father was really a wonderful man unfortunately he let my mother destroy him what do you mean she walked out on us when I was four he never got over it did he never remarry no it's just the two of us I guess it turned out all right thank you but a child really should have two parents I admire your faith I wish I had it it's no real way always blame Faith all I know is that sometimes God is the only friend you have a whole idea of a deity I find incomprehensible but a clock now that I understand a clock I can see I can touch I can even take it apart discover its Mysteries then have Lawrence put it back together it's my place hey you you don't get away that easy I mean at least not until I tell you what a special night this was like not once I mean not one single solitary moment that I think about the plant or uh a war production board or cost overruns or good evening all I thought about was you and God thank you [Music] good night good night [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] where's David he'll be back in a moment [Music] what are you doing still working you're supposed to be down at the dance oh I didn't think anyone had missed me I missed you you know you have been as remote with this Mount Everest for the last week but you're not going to get out of at least one dance with me Mary Chandler well I'll be down a little later I'll be waiting [Music] men have been known to fight Wars for the privilege of holding me in their arms and all you had to do was give us a place for our charity dance [Music] Miss Chandler [Music] may I have the pleasure [Music] save the last thing [Music] you work too hard Mary Chandler those wpb reports have to go out in the morning they're overdue we're overdue for our first dance please do me the honor [Music] I don't know [Music] foreign [Music] please I respect you too much to ever do anything that would hurt you in any way if that's why you've been so no it's it's not that at all you don't understand I do understand what we felt for each other is we danced was real I'm in love with you thank you I'm sorry sorry it's wonderful it's it's impossible David I should have told you there's somebody else what the heck what foreign David it was someone soul gem and I was foolished [Music] does he know he was killed five weeks ago in Italy and that's why I came here get a new start I should have told you but I really needed this job David I'll never forgive myself perceiving you [Music] personally in the world David there's a phone call I have to call them back it's urgent I said I'd call him back David it's Washington Mary wait here I'm going to be right back all right wait here I know that Bob but I still can't fly out tomorrow look Bob Bob why can't we do this over the phone I know it's important but I have a priority of my own right here now but Bob I I gotta go I'll call you first thing in the morning I will I promise right bye Dave they're gonna make a decision within 24 hours why can't you fly out George please Mary Chandler isn't it I told you not to get involved George why don't you just shut up [Music] [Music] David you look frantic have you seen Mary well that poor girl ran out of here in tears come on the fireworks are about to start [Music] where are you going I can't stay here I have to go you can't leave you need to talk the only way they're listening you belong here with me I don't know where I belong and I couldn't find you and I thought I might never see you again I felt like everything that was good in my life was gone can you say that what I want is to marry you going to have another man's baby why would you ever want to marry me it doesn't matter I'm asking you to marry me I don't want you here it's not about pity it's about love I can't do that to you what would people think all that matters to me all that matters is being with you foreign [Music] Catherine Catherine I want you to meet someone Mary this is Kathy Catherine Taylor she has been with me eight years and she is the best housekeeper any bachelor ever had Catherine Mary Chandler hello the best secretary any boss ever had and she's agreed to marry me next week [Laughter] parking you've lost lost your senses sorry man it's a pleasure to meet you but next week is impossible so think of your social position you owe your friends and your future wife a proper wedding then we'll make it two weeks hello hello come here Mr P m Auntie would not believe what I'm here for that rose gold women's watch you said you had no need for you know I I have always suspected you of being a mind reader you found the right woman right Mr P Miss Chandler isn't it well I I can't believe it I hire a girl to straighten out my files I find the only woman who can straighten out my life I knew it when I first saw you two together I'm very happy for you Mr P IC have a seat thank you it's all going to be in a bit of a rush so you won't get your invitation until just a few days before the wedding are you sure you want me there you know better than to even ask that question what's this new acquisition no clock that's my angel your angel yes I thought I'd rule it out so I could see it it's beautiful where'd you find it it's on me I spent most of the summer repairing a steeple clock and apparently the church treasurer ran over the building money so the minister asked me if I take that instead for payment I was tempted to sell it once during the Depression but now I'm kind of glad I didn't I'm gonna have that put on My Grave After I'm Gone so the people around here will know that I was worth something we'll talk David take Mary as your wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death do you part I do will thou marry take David as your husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death do you part I do Rings please with this ring IV wed with this trip Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder you may kiss the bride [Music] [Applause] congratulations Barbara thank you so much for coming here David I can't tell you how pleased I am that you finally found a young woman worthy of you I hope you have a very happy life my dear thank you thank you I mean we don't even know where she came from or who her people are Evan I asked you not to do that if I'd known the Libations were this good I had to come to one of these weddings a long time ago I hope you don't expect me to drive with you in your condition I'd be happy to drop you off on the way home miss mud thank you Lawrence you certainly did a wonderful job resurrecting that old Bavarian clock the Chimes have the sweetest sound now thanks to you beyond the sweetness was in there all along it's not just waiting to be brought out oh what a wonderful way to put it have you been through the reception line yet no no I like to sort of hang back until everybody else gets their time but yes I think I will take this time thank you Mary I want you to meet mod Gannon the gracious lady who made me feel welcome and was so helpful when I first got to this city Miss mod my wife Mary you can tell how much I love seeing my wife well it would take an exceptional woman to win the heart of David Parker Park well he's an exceptional man he's such a perfectionist and everything so I know he took all the time he needed to find exactly the perfect one not my best wishes to you thank you you take good care of her now I have something for you it's your wedding gift David exquisite it's to remind you every minute of every hour how much I love you wherever did you find it come here come here Lawrence found it Lawrence it's beautiful not nearly as beautiful as the bride thank you Dave I can't tell you how happy I am about you and Mary but you know it's been six months and when are you gonna stop acting like a newlywed and get back to business frankly we're cast stars they've got all this work going on here and the money's coming in down the road but you've got to get out there and get us a job that pays right now George I told you I'm not taking any business trips for a while Mary needs me too much right now okay Catherine Catherine dear Lord what's happened call the doctor Dave Dave telephone [Music] situation hello right Captain slow down what is it oh my God [Music] Mr Parker you can't come here Catherine you know what to do I'm having a difficult time stopping the bleeding I'm afraid the baby could suffocate in the birth canal [Music] God if you're there please [Music] I have the baby turned push Mrs Parkin you're doing great the head's out one more push just one more that's it congratulations you have a beautiful baby girl [Music] [Music] how beautiful Andrea [Music] foreign happy birthday Miss Andrea you made my bird feeder oh thank you Lauren well it's just done on it you can help me yes too bad Mr Parkin couldn't get back for the party well I'm sure he tried he must have gotten tied up thank you look how much fun she's having she's never happier than when Lawrence is around oh no missy you guys don't like bright colors scare them away when are they gonna come take some time to see Birds yeah birds are suspicious by some people what suspicious Bishop well it means I have no other questions like you what kind of birds are we gonna be red birds everybody in the rainbow is welcome why are birds different colors well because God made them that way is that why your Skin's Brown my skin oh it's so good to have you home oh it's good to be home this is for you princess thank you and you're welcome with the trip successful I'd say hopeful I miss my girls I wish I could have gotten home soon well you did your best and you do have a business to run Mama it's a dog Daddy she's so pretty well now I have three pretty girls arms up hey yo good night sweetheart daddy don't leave time to go to sleep stay just a little longer but then you gotta go night night daddy why do you have to go away to work all the time because Daddy has to find new customers for his business I miss you when you're away [Music] [Music] what's the matter something's on your mind oh I guess I'm just feeling guilty about being away so much I'm just dreading the day we have to tell Andrea I'm not a real father David you are her real father being a father doesn't happen at the moment of conception it happens over the years when you love and care for a child all the things you've done oh I failed you haven't I Mary it's not about that only I could have given you your own job I couldn't love Andrea Moore if she was my own flesh and blood you know that I feel privileged to be her father and she's lucky to have you and so am I have I told you lately how much I love you once or twice [Music] [Music] with this thank you actually I enjoy doing things for myself it's a good thing too seeing is how I don't have anyone who's willing to help me what about your nephew oh I don't even want his help in the car on the way over here he asked me for another temporary loan me and that Avery boy are always trying to weasel money out of me here he thinks he's going to inherit my estate I'm not going to leave him a scent I'm going to leave it all to the church oh well explaining Miss mod do you know this is an original Seth Thomas yes with a pretty penny look at that work on you'll never see a final piece well at least not outside of the workshop of Mr Lawrence Flynn yes ma'am I'll get onto it by the end of the week if that's all right well that'll be fine here she comes the hearts I enjoy her visits yes indeed I'll see you next week it will be ready miss moth thank you good day gentlemen are you all right I just had the most horrible nightmare oh sweet what was dreamed I was holding Andrea my arms and I was rocking her to sleep and this angel came through the window Mary you know she's fine [Music] thank God she's sleeping like a lamb it just felt so real try to get some sleep I'm sorry I woke you nah it's okay the alarm would have gone off in 10 minutes anyhow my flight's at seven for a moment everything's all right foreign Catherine has a lovely breakfast waiting for you Andrea mama my neck hurts good girl good girl all right I'm afraid it's meningitis how bad is it well it's too early to tell how serious what can I do just what you're doing bed rest try to keep the fever down the first two weeks are critical severe cases can lead to death but we'll keep a close watch on her meningitis is highly contagious so I'm going to have to quarantine the house what is it meningitis and Mr Parker who's already left for Europe I know something terrible is going to happen I had this dream it can't come true I won't let it gentlemen what can I do for you gentlemen yeah that is he called his gentleman I think you got something belonging to my aunt Miss more send you yeah she did where is it I hope you don't mind if I don't believe you this morning knows that clock won't be ready till next week now if you fellas are thinking about selling Miss Moore's Glock just to get yourself some drinking money you got another thing coming I'm thinking this fellow don't know his place is what I'm thinking I know my place and this is it so unless you fellas got some other business to transact there's the door foreign you can't come in Andrea has meningitis meningitis how long she been sick over a week now and we still can't get her fever down maybe I can pick her spirits out you always do Lawrence but this time you can't come in well I can come in Mrs P I just can't come back out besides I suspect you could use some help yourself I knew it read my day once I saw you missy sure [Music] do you know the bluebird story no tell me well once upon a time there was this blue bird [Music] we had a little girl is a very special friend do you know what her name was Andrea right as rain Andrea got sick one day and nobody knew what to do but Mr Bluebird knew just the thing that would make her feel all better I'm sorry ma'am I just put it right off to sleep it's just what she needs now as much rest as possible well maybe you should get some rest too Mrs P I can sit here with her I just can't [Music] foreign [Music] David hi sweetheart I just landed in Washington I've got one more meeting tomorrow then I'll fly home you have no idea how much I miss you both Mary you still there darling [Music] Andrea has meningitis and she's not responding to the medication I'll fly home right away gonna be all right I promise scared [Music] [Music] hi honey how is at least she's resting look I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you through this Catherine tells me that you have left her sides and she got sick oh she shouldn't have told you that she and Lawrence worry too much I'm fine you're not fine you look worn out your resistance is low so you could get sick too I'm worried about I'm worried about Andrea suppose something happened Mary stop doing this to yourself it's that dream isn't it foreign David David her fever's gone where's Lawrence you stay with her you're the first person she asked for this is sure knows how to steal my heart there you go dog my cats look at you Florence what happened to little girl the girl the little girl named Andrea who got sick oh well let's see the bluebird got all the other birds together and they searched all over and then they found her Daddy and brought him home daddy did you bring me candy what do you think now I know she's better Lawrence I can't tell you how much Mary and I thank you for all you've done I'm the one that should be thanking you Mr P I never realized how much joy one little Spirit could bring into this world thank you Mr Flynn yes sir Mr Lawrence Flynn do you have something that identifies you I know who I am yes well um do you have somewhere we can talk it's a clock that needs repairing no this belongs to you my name is Donald Potter I'm an attorney and executor of the estate of the late Maud Gannon thank you small is dead you didn't know I'm sorry one of the provisions of her will was that this be left to you did you know Miss mode not really only as your attorney that is not guilty Dear Miss moan I guess she went by the time the good Lord spared Miss Andrea if you'll sign here acknowledging receipt our business will be concluded that surely does conclude our business today sir [Music] look Mama it's a dress oh how pretty go show it to Catherine thanks Daddy you're welcome sweetie David it's lovely but it smiles too big maybe when she's 10 I'm not good at this am I well otherwise you'd be perfect there you go now gift for my big girl I hope you like it nice paper I wrapped it myself really what you don't believe me beautiful I found it in an antique shop in London look inside turn to the page with a bookmarker the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. remember the prayer service you took me to it was our first date only date [Laughter] oh this is the most wonderful Christmas I've ever had are you going to kiss Mommy I sure am and don't think you're gonna get away without one yeah Merry Christmas sweetheart Merry Christmas Merry Christmas you got a moment it's about losing that contract we're not going back in again with a low ball bid I'm not going to let them force me into cutting the wages of my people then what are we going to do we don't get some new business We're Going Under then what's going to happen to your people listen to me George I built this business during depression we made it through the war and I'm not about to let anything happen to this company order those people down there so call Mary tell her I'll see her for dinner but I'm going to stop by Lawrence's place on the way home hey George get that worried look off your face oh my God foreign it's me what happened he came in with a gun mad because Miss Molly cut him out of her will he said that I'd cast some sort of a spell over her and cheated him out of a valuable clock I've been in war and I know the look in a man's eyes when he's fixing to kill but no clock that man was after it was midnight to the gun out of his hand you know what the hell happened here did you kill him no I did foreign I thought you might like some tea why did you tell them you did it why don't you think I did because you're my husband and I know you you're not capable of killing anyone everyone's capable of killing it was Lawrence who shot him wasn't it isn't it I knew he'd never get a fair trial and even if he was acquitted ganon's friends would come after the only way to protect him was to keep him out of it all together how can he mean so much to you that you're willing to put everything everything we have in jeopardy during World War One my father was the white captain of the Negro rifle company and Lawrence was a sergeant there was a battle in France and my father's company was in the middle of it they were getting cut to pieces and in the middle of this battle Lawrence prepared a machine gun and used it and allowed the whole company to escape they saved my father's life dad proposed him from the Congressional Medal of Honor of course he never received it was Unthinkable for an ego to receive such an honor in those days but my father never forgot and neither can I how do I lost my mother without Lawrence ever lost my father too I owe him how will this man we give the drill Cutters half their previous area we set up the production site for the new prototype drill over in that quadrant better work David the trials tomorrow it's still not too late George please David how can I be your friend if I don't tell you what I feel look I know what I'm doing I don't think you do a self-defense plea might get Lawrence off but in any case he's an old man with a few years left you've got your whole life ahead of you what kind of a life would I have if I betrayed a friend you haven't betrayed anyone and even if you had the man's a negro you've got to think of your family first I have work so do you David Lawrence is here I'm sorry to drop by so late Mr P no come on in we gotta talk there have a seat no sir thank you I can't let you do this Lawrence you're not going to talk me out of this Mr P now don't get me wrong I appreciate what you're trying to do for me but a man's conscience is a powerful thing the fact is I can't live with this the fact is if you put your fate in the hands of the law around here you might not live at all but what if something goes wrong and they put you away what about Mrs P and Missy what happens to them nothing's gonna happen nothing's going to go wrong Lauren Mr P I never known any good to come of telling a lie you can't think of this as a lie I'm doing this to protect you I don't need protection I didn't do anything wrong I've always put my trust in man upstairs all I have to do is tell the truth Lawrence you know and and I know that that sometimes truth isn't enough and when you crouched by the body of the shooting victim did you ascertain that he was already dead yes I did what else did you determine well they have Gannon the victim had been drinking I got quite a whiff of 90 Proof officer Brooks would you please use the pointer again to show the jury where Mr Parkin was standing in relation to the victim right about there sir and he had the gun in his hands yes he did who did that gun belong to it was purchased by everyn Gannon and where was Lawrence Flynn the owner of the property he was sitting right there on the bed and how did Lawrence Flynn appear to you officer Brooks like he was in shock I figured since again in a trespass on his place that he'd killed the man and Mr Parkin had taken the gun from him objection conjecture sustain you'll disregard officer Brooks comment go on forget what was in your mind sir and just tell us exactly what you said to Lawrence Flynn I said what happened here did you kill him and what did Flynn say he didn't say anything Mr Parkin spoke up instead and what did Mr Parkin say he said that he did it that he shot the man himself please examine the pistol Mr Parkin is that the weapon in question yes it is will you please tell the court exactly what you saw and what happened when you entered Flynn's Workshop when I entered the shop Mr Gannon had the gun pointed at Mr Flynn when he saw me he turned the name the gun at me but I knocked the Barrel in the air before he could fire and in the fight for the gun it discharged and Mr Gannon was shot may I remind you sir of the testimony of the forensic expert that there were three sets of prints on that gun yours the victims and Lawrence Flynn's Mr Parkin can you explain how Lawrence Flynn's Prince got on that gun yes sir I can as Mr Flynn has already testified Mr Gannon came into the shop and pulled the gun they struggled over the gun isn't it more likely sir that you concocted this whole story just to protect Lawrence Flynn No Sir Mr Parkin you're an intelligent man I'm sure I don't have to explain perjury to you so let me just remind you sir that you are under oath are you the man who fired the shot that killed ever and Gannon yes I am [Music] okay [Music] [Music] will the defendant please rise foreign has reached a verdict the jury finds David Parkin not guilty he acted in self-defense the defendant is hereby released from custody and this court is adjourned [Music] hey God it's over you're lies ain't fooling nobody parking you and your black friend think you can get by with this somebody's gonna have to teach you a lesson what is he talking about hey hey don't worry about him look I've got to get to the plant you take the car George will give me a ride home okay hey cheer up we won I guess so I don't know what to say just say thank God I didn't know you believed in God mama can we have a picnic tomorrow that's a good idea I'll do that can daddy come too I'm afraid Daddy has to work sweetheart what time will he be home I'm not sure can you tell Daddy to come kiss me good night even if I'm asleep how about I give you a kiss good night before you go to sleep Daddy hey come here scoot back down here let me tell you something I'm gonna make you a promise I promise from now on I'm going to try and spend more time at home okay okay all right good night sweetheart sleep tight don't let those bed bugs bite good night Daddy good night Mama good night sweetheart sweetheart foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign it's impossible for us to understand the death of a child this precious life we have nurtured from the moment of birth has become so much a part of us [Music] so we must reach out from the darkness of our very human grief it's the light of faith as the scriptures promise come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest Mary and David let me assure you that the only love Greater Than A Parent's Love is the love that God has for his children may it give you peace in knowing that your sweet Andrea will forever rest in the loving arms of our heavenly father foreign [Music] we appreciate everything you've done George don't worry anyhow I'll take care of things down at the plan thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Mr P you spent this last year getting rid of the clocks you spend all those years collecting are you sure you want to get rid of this last one it's a beautiful piece it's not quite the last one Mary won't let go of the rose gold watch can you blame her you gave her that watch on your wedding day I guess I'm not much on sentiment these days lines she was a she was a very special girl that little missy the day goes by that I don't think about her I used to look forward to every day I could spend with her I don't have many sunrises left but I'll always be sorry that Little Miss Henry had to die because of me all right Andrea didn't die because of you if Kelly if you hadn't hated me so much this would not have happened nobody brought more joy in Andrea's life and you did and if anybody is responsible for her death [Music] to me I think we finally decided to sell the house very I know how much you love it here but I'm ready to let go the only way David will ever find peace of mind is if we leave this house and he's not doing any better oh he's doing better if you're talking about work a business is thriving but he's never home whenever I try to talk about Andrew he says nothing you know he hasn't even been to the cemetery since we buried her I'm sorry please sit down and it isn't grief I see in his eyes it's it's anger you know it wasn't just Andrea's life that was taken away from me I lost David too and now it's Christmas and no matter how hard I try there's nothing to celebrate are you sure you won't have some tea Mary I'm sorry brother Mike I wish I had a little more of the Christmas spirit Mary in time you'll learn to live with your grief but not before you learn to forgive God's love is based on forgiveness but he forgives us and in turn he expects us to forgive our fellow man how can we maybe it's time to think about someone else time to do something for another child I know a little girl named Martha who isn't going to have much of a Christmas foreign how you doing Ruth this is Murray a friend of mine could we come in sorry about the house no it's fine did Martha do this yes she likes to make things it's very pretty where is she Martha you don't have to hide it's just father Mike and a friend of his Martha Ann [Music] I like your Christmas tree this is my friend Mary hello Martha she brought you something it's for you it's all right it's yours to keep [Music] [Music] David I didn't expect you home so early father I've had the most Marv this afternoon father Mike took me to meet the dearest little girl only you could have seen her I gave her a little Christmas gift in her face just lit up I wish you'd been there for the first time since Andrea died I I found myself smiling and her poor mother has two other children and no money to give them a Christmas who is this family well the mother's really trying hard but things have been very difficult for them ever since her husband went to prison Martha's last name is Avery she's Cal Avery's daughter I wasn't trying to deceive you Mary I just wanted you to feel the spirit of Christmas again I hope you and David can find it in your hearts to forgive [Music] forgive I spent my whole life trying to forgive first my mother for leaving us and Now cal Avery and as hard as that's been can never be as hard as forgiving myself [Music] I let my little girl down to take care of her protect her I failed her David [Music] come with me [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] Merry Christmas thank you Merry Christmas [Music] Merry Christmas foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] how do you measure time is it in hours and years or is it more likely in love and relationships for Mary and David the lesson was clear time is precious it is also illusive and finite but the things that give us hope love and family faith and forgiveness somehow transcend even the boundaries of time [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Chicken Soup for the Soul TV
Views: 1,263,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken soup for the soul, timepiece, timepiece movie, timepiece full movie, time piece full movie, time piece 1996, time piece movie, james earl jones, naomi watts, holiday movies, holiday dramas, christmas drama, chicken soup for the soul movies, chicken soup for the soul stories, chicken soup for the soul entertainment movies, chicken soup for the soul full movies, timepiece movie meaning, timepiece movie 1996, best timepiece movies, naomi watts movies
Id: bkOUCMtIveQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 48sec (5448 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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