Scarlett | PART ONE | Gone With the Wind Sequel | Romance, Timothy Dalton

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[Music] [Applause] la oh la [Music] I cannot bear it I will not believe she's gone from all of us from me Melanie wils was my only true friend how could she leave me now just when I need her most [Music] now commit her body to the ground and oh my poor darling Ashley the cause of my life's destruction and now the only thing left to me of that brick [Laughter] [Music] oh this awful day will be over soon then I can go home to teror CH will be like unto [Music] [Applause] his oh Melanie don't leave me please don't leave me Melanie melie Melanie ashle stopie stop stop you mer leave my brother alone take your hands off of him leave him alone but you done enough harm if it's harm of love Melanie works with all my hardener hasus been near as much Scarlet stop of Heaven lady cease cease this instant I'm ceas come on Ashley Come Along come along now Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus [Music] sir [Music] Excuse Me Miss Scarlet gentleman here to see a man what gentleman might that be pansy Mr Hamilton ma'am now he says you wasn't expecting him but he I say I wasn't well send him on in then evening Scarlet well here's a surprise have a seat I guess I just thought I'd stop by and see how you'd doing mhm after all that considerable upset this morning that was most unfortunate was it really all that chilly out there Uncle Henry or was it only me feeling the cold draft of pompous disapproval well there was a bit of a nip in the air and and I guess you've got a point about the other seems like a fair amount of that disapproval was coming off you I'd say Henry what brings you by anyhow I just thought I might be able to offer you a little advice that might ease situation and what situation is that the situation that brought about that unseemly display of mutual animosity at the cemetery scholet now let's face the facts of it feelings are running real high against you here in Atlanta everybody seems determined to believe that you had your eye and your intention set on Ashley wils right up to the time Melanie passed on that's a damn scarless lie Scarlet if I may offer my best advice I think it would do a world of good for everybody concerned if you would just remove yourself from Atlanta for a while give tempers time to simmer down a little run away with my tail between my legs is that what you're telling me to do well I guess you'd all be real pleased to see me take the next boat to timbuk to on a oneway passage you got the T and the feathers and the rail waiting outside have you I was just making a kindly suggestion no more no less well I'm making a kindly suggest you to leave my house hry Hamilton in spite of everything Scarlet I want to say that I was real upset to hear about you and red coming to a sorrowful end well maybe it's sorrowful but whether it's the end or not remains to be [Music] seen yeah come on [Music] yeah all out for jonesb scarlet herey Scarlet will oh will I'm so glad to see you I'm practically crying for Joy oh I guess I guess you've been doing enough crying for grief Scarlet Joy wants this turn well it's been such a long time and shameful it must be almost a year more like two I'd guess you're exaggerating don't believe I am Scarlet well we uh we best get a move on if we're going to beat the dark home yes let's beat the dark home pansy see to the luggage I hope you don't mind riding rough Scarlet I figured as long as I was coming to town I might as well get some supplies I don't mind at all tell me how's my dear sister take the idea of me showing up on your doorstep out of a clear blue sky well I told Sue Ellen let bygones be byes I'm offering you the same advice scarlet and hoping you'll take it f b you know I'm not a person to carry a [Music] brudge what's happened to Tera wheel it's looking down right ramshackle do the best I can keeping it up when I'm not tending the crop Scarlet I know you do will you've always been a steady man the best Foreman we ever had at terara and I'll just bet you've been a good husband to suellen lot better than Frank Kennedy would have been believe you me well coming from the former Miss Frank Kennedy I guess I can take that as a compliment scarlet and I thank you for it whoa whoa Now sing God's KN count your having another we're still trying for a boy he's trying for a boy I'm trying to take care of the two I got and speaking of which let me get a look here at my pretty little nieces my how you grown Aunt Scarlet's here with delicious surprises for you oh your aunt Scarlet's always been one full surprises U let's let's us go in Lucius see to that luggage Wick y Mr how have you been getting along just fine I guess you're getting some good yields you didn't come back to Tara to inquire about our crops scet why are you here why do see M and where the Dickens is she anyhow oh momy mmy is getting ready to lay down her world burdens I love you mmy no need for speaking what I already knows yes there is a need I never told Melanie and I didn't tell red until it was too late wouldn't mind seeing that Devil's face again so you will so you [Music] will come on here Addie just going to say hi to your uncle set here I'd like to send this to Atlanta if you please yes ma'am this place could use some spruing up looks almost as bad as it did the day the war ended I reckon we could buy enough white wash to paint the entire house with what that fancy dress you're wearing cost you're not being fair suellen as usual haven't I tried a 100 times to help out and hasn't will been too proud to accept my help your charity Scarlet it's not charity Tera is still partly my house too it's not charity to try and make what's partly mine a fit place to live in yours and man and the Sisters of Mercy Convent what do you mean the startling fact is that our baby sister handed over her share of Terror to the convent is her doy upon her entry into the service of Jesus Jesus Karen did that looks like you'll be having the Catholic Church to contend with before you can make good your intentions Scarlet what intentions finding a way of throwing us out to live like crackers that's a lie I'd say you was way over the line on that one Sue Ellen I'll say she is I wanted us to be a family again tera's our home I wanted us to be a family again in it but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of chance of that does there not as long as you go on holding your terrible grudge against me for something that happened a 100 years ago ago well I just guess it wasn't all that long ago was it Scarlet ladies please she just won't let the past be passed and forgotten that's easy for you to say you're not the one who had her bow stolen right out from under her nose by her very own sister if you knew what kind of a husband Frank Kennedy turned out to be you'd be thanking me you just stole Frank because he was rich and you needed the money to pay the taxes on Tera lied to him in the bargain telling him I had another bow and you only married Charles Hamilton out of spite because Ashley married Melanie and you couldn't bear it well I guess Karen is the saint amongst the three O'Hara sisters I obviously do not qualify well so much for by gones I guess that's B wat's place is it yes sir welcome to [Music] Atlanta [Music] yes you arey [Music] littley come back to me oh pick a [Music] card put it back [Music] that's amazing how'd you do that show me again red I bet I'll figure it out one time for trick honey depending on the trick I bet I'll figure it out if I seen it one more time take a car I don't want me see it now you got it fixed in your mind uhhuh put it back if I have it wrong you win if I have it right I'll win why do you win how many guesses you need LLY oh R take it away fellas don't Jo change L now can I interest any you gentlemen in the g a chance always a pleasure doing business with you red [Music] even [Music] well there's a tel for you sir [Music] next good to see you re you're looking well Alan prosperous I might say your survival of our ignominious defeat in the war appears to have flourished with the passage of time I've had me some luck Su alen I do thank you will for informing me of M's D State came just as soon as I could manage me hey your telegram well I didn't send you a telegram red was there another will bentin I don't know about and you neither not did I know of I just assumed it was Scarlet let you know Scarlet hello red M it mmy I brought you my promise look look who's come to see you hello old girl Master still a mule and horse Hornets who would ever call Mr Red Butler that you would and did I must have been teaser you must have been you wouldn't hold against me if I ask your favor Mr red not a chance man remember that fine red silk Petticoat you give me I never give a prettier to any anyone want you to see that I'm laid to my rest in I I'll make sure it goes with you to him would I be asking too many promises if I was to have one more anything you want M want you to take care scet she needs care of so bad I will M always needed care and so bad Miss Scarlet did thank you [Music] m I just can't imagine terara without M can you why you sign Will's name to that Telegraph you sent me it's just a little bit of a fear I was afraid you wouldn't come if you knew I was here for M had to come well I'm glad you did apart from M I just thought it would be a Perfectly Natural occasion for courteous and civilized conversation between her husband and wife however strain relations might be between us at the present time I was sorry you couldn't be a millon his funeral I was trying trelin so I heard I laid some flowers on a grave in bnes I wonder sometimes if things might have been different if our child hadn't died you ever wonder that no I've missed your red I missed you so I hope you don't expect me to Echo that camon well I thought you might be able to express some semblance of it after what you said upstairs to mam it a lied scol don't say that don't say you lied I will not tolerate it I lied to make a dear old woman's last moments happy no gentleman would lie about such a matter no I don't suppose a gentleman would you are such a child Scarlet you've known me all these years and yet when it suits you or pleases satisfies you you can forget all you've learned nothing's changed Scarlet nothing offered you a divorce you ready to accept it yet I will never divorce you never you'd be free to marry Ashley I don't want Ashley he was only ever some figment of my silly girlish dreams let me make amends red please please let me make amends whatever you get a make her your concern scotlet I'll not be a party to him I hope you change your mind about it divorce I think it's the only possibility of some kind of peace between us in the meantime I'll see to with the wh scene just often enough in public to keep the gossip down I'm leaving in the morning good night my dear the Yankees should have hung you when they had the chance [Applause] oh I've come to see how as she is you are not welcome here Scarlet you listen to me India wils I made a promise to Melanie and I intend to keep it a promise do my best for Ashley and Bo now do you intend to step aside and let me come in like a lady or do I have to knock you over to do it Ashley is in no humor to receive visitors scarl at least of all unexpected ones where is he you can either tell me India or I'm going to find him get away Dam it what's SC it dearest I I didn't know you were back in Atlanta well don't you look the Dickens what are you doing doing I nothing what are here is you haven't been seen in public since the day of the funeral really well I suppose that might well be at rather lost track maybe it's time you found it you wasn't worry about me Scott I'll be fine really I will when are you going to start trying to be just I can't bring myself to believe it you see I know how that is somebody you love dying you go to sleep every night and it's gone for a while then you wake up remember there isn't a moment of a day that I don't feel her near then think that if I were merely to turn there should [Music] be I'm [Music] Melanie oh Scarlet how can I go on without her all you're going to have to find a way my darling and you will how well not like this locking yourself away and tormenting yourself with what's never going to be you can stare at that door till your old and gray and Mell is never going to come through it a Scarlet you are harsh not in my heart I know nobody loved mey the way you did but you're not the only one who did love her and the rest of us aren't going to curl up and die from it and neither are you for one thing maybe you should be given some thought to your son melan his son you're all he's got now is this what you want her to see looking down on you from Heaven her boy all alone and grieving alone because his PA feels too sorry for himself to remember him to remember what he needs you shame me now scotlet P used to say some of the best things folks have ever done come out of their shame for the things they did before now do you think maybe I could have a cup of tea and we'll talk things [Music] over [Music] so now what's the situation with Scarlet Blake offer her divorce if I know Scarlet she ain't taking you up on that not yet you got more chance of her giving you a divorce you do getting into a bank on Sunday you going to the ball this year what ball what ball the mass ball Carnival I expect y'all receive your fancy gra personal invite well I don't know probably get yours oh really that'll be the day but you ought to go you know probably do a world of good I didn't know I was in need bend on a world of good oh honey honey the only thing darker than your hair of late in your countenance I've been looking all lot glowing well you haven't been old together sparkly you know I think a bit of your former Social Life might just very well FK you up you want to Puck me up why don't you climb on in here with me oh come on this ain't feel for two depends on which two you come on you how do things stand with my store and the warehouses and the land everything is better than well I might say that it was a more fortunate decision than you may have realized when you sold your saw to Ashley what well it's going under what do you mean Builders always need lumber if they're building I know that you're not very interested in what happens in the world Scarlet unless it concerns you but you have got one of the best business heads that I have ever met despite the fact that you were a female so you might as well know that there was a considerable Financial scandal in New York a couple or or three weeks ago what about my money are the banks safe oh the one holding your funds is but Investments are very tight and that means building too and if nobody's building nobody needs Lumber are you saying Ashley is really in serious financial difficulty well you can't boom without bucks scholar this is delicious sponge cake I want my cook to have this recipe who's the best build in Atlanta Henry what the fine best who can build a reasonably respectable structure without stealing too much well that's a difficult po I SC it I'm asking for advice here we're not discouraging opinions well I suppose a person could do worse than big Sam why big Sam what do you mean our big Sam our former a teror formerly your big Sam Scarlet does the name Lincoln ring a bell with you I got to say it Miss Scarlet you are a sight for sore eyes and maybe make him water a bit too you could have knocked me over with a feather and Mr Hamilton told me about your coming back to Atlanta and your subsequent Good Fortune vix then not just didn't suit me after a time and sced but I did Prosper I did Prosper I know so I could come home here and uh establish my little business Enterprise I'm glad to see you doing so well for yourself and I'm here to offer you the opportunity for lots better I'm just holding my breath Miss scet hoping you're going to ask me to build you a big new fine house I'm thinking more along the lines of maybe 25 big S 50 acres Sam I'll not be utilizing all of them and won't require nearly that much land to build what 25 houses 25 small houses on standard Lots yes ma'am who supplies your Lumber sir all the Harrison Lumber Works mostly you know good quality fair prices if you keep your eye on them you'll be getting your Lumber elsewhere for this job how many good Raptors you got over there got 16 what if five houses yes sir Mr wils I recently been contracted to build a man I'd be Mighty pleased if your outfit could Supply the lumber to build them with well I don't see why it wouldn't be possible I will say sam it seems a somewhat precarious investment for anyone in these uncertain times who are the developers oh some folks out was in business with up North for a short spell but nice fellas highly spoken of up there probably will be down here too in the South where they're expecting to expand their business interest 25 homes even of the modest Dimensions you've suggested Sam it's a good deal of lumber I'd say so Mr WIS yes indeed we're discussing a whole lot of lumber here could be a profitable discussion yes yes I expect it could I want you to draw up a contract between Samuel O'Hara Building Company and Atlanta Acres Real Estate Incorporated well who in the world are they they are me Uncle Henry and I'm hereby officially calling upon the traditional confidentiality existing between a lawyer and his client what are you up to Scarlet I'm up to keeping a promise and if keeping it means losing some money in order to keep Ashley wils from going Belly Up In The Sun then I'll just have to take the loss this time tomorrow is another day this is something I thought I'd never see in these days of blatant opportunism these are quality construction for once the less fortunate are can be treated as well as a rich it would appear that maybe all the old values haven't been entirely lost does seem that way doesn't it I don't mind saying I'm honored to be part of this hope there's some Financial benefit to be derived from all this honorable and uplifting Endeavor Ashley darling you can't imagine scolar no I suppose not I have to confess truth is I have virtually no head for Commerce my business on the brink scarlet and then like a bat from the blue big Sam walked into my office good Lord must have been looking down on me that day I just know he [Music] was AR know your mother is of her own mind you just have to let her [Music] [Applause] [Music] be imagine her having the nerve to show her face here tonight ah but what a face you men are all the [Music] same good evening Henry and Pat AR you looking Royal I gather you've come alone but it's just not done in polite Society well so far I haven't found so much polite in the society this evening I'll have to keep looking and as for being alone well I never am God is always with me I'll save a dance for you Henry have you saved one for me scolin why Ashley know I have [Music] you remember when we used to dance Ashley it's hard to remember sometimes I wonder if any of us will ever dance again the way we used to before the war oh Hearts were different then everything was different then I miss it so don't you Scarlet will it ever be that way again do you think I guess not you got to keep dancing don't [Music] we oh my Lord what is this Scarlet I haven't Tred on your toe have I he's here I bet your pardon he's here Ashley I didn't think he'd come a hardly dead [Music] hope that's the silliest looking thing I've ever seen who you supposed to be you keep a civil tongue in your pretty head young M you were address in Edward Teach the most fearsome PIR ever app plowed the Bound in Maine known far and wide as Blackbeard H Blue Beard would be more likeing did you recognize me too I'd only to find the most ostentatious Gan in the room to know who was under it I might have known you say something mean oh my dear scholet I'd know you with a flower sack on your head and how would you manage that well I'm too much of a gentleman this evening to say have you been drinking red butter I believe you've been drinking did you come to see me no I came to be seen Scarlet not to see I'm taking an opportunity to fulfill our obligations to the social amenities keeping down the gossip that's all you came for you didn't come to see me you SC had a girl dear Scarlet whisper your sweeten nothings into my burning ears you as tipy as a t a beer [Music] barel I assume that weapon is not loaded I don't think I'd chance been in such close proximity to you with a loaded pistol so easy to hang on scholet I suppose you'll be stay in the night at the house I imagine the gossip tomorrow if I were to check him to the Harmon hotel tonight I understand you made quite a spectacle of yourself at melan's funeral I was only trying to keep ashy from making a spectacle of himself what don't understand scet is that Ashley had a right to his spectacle he was well within his bounds you were way outside of yours she just persist in breaking the rules my dear not that I'd hold you count for that personally I've always found it to be one of the few PR aspect you're otherwise dangerous nature I don't care what the Mucky Ms think of me I never have and I'm not going to start and the more you Nat on the more fortunate it is for you that that pistol isn't [Music] loaded right Mr red Miss Scarlet y'all have pleasant dreams now you once carried me across this threshold you can rest assured that won't happen [Music] again [Music] who is it what do you want it's just me the Scarlet I brought you a pot of coffee I don't want want it go away Miss scet maybe go away I said get out before I take a strap to you now why'd you take a strap to me not a slave days is over Miss Scarlet when you never done when slave days still was well there were plenty of times I wanted to yes I could see that go away you're doing yourself real Hur Miss scarlet and it's breaking my heart to see you breaking yours the only hurt there going to be around here is me hurting you if you don't remove yourself from my sight this instant wouldn't be you hurting me wasn't that bottle there and you'd wake up a weeping in ponum for the doing of it then you'll best beare yourself the Hur and me the Weeping well it's just something I had to say is all nany I want you to wash my hair and start packing we'll go into Charleston just L more hurting in Charleston now arriving in Charleston the express train from colia wait minute oh there she is there she is and and shall We Tell her now tell me what let's tell her now tell me what soon as we got goetta telling us you were coming to Charleston why we naturally mentioned it to Ellena Butler you told rat's mother well we naturally presumed she was already conent to the fact you being her daughter-in-law and all but but she was just as surprised as we were and we said and we said well you would be staying with us in our house of course and she said and she said why she'll be doing no such thing she said you bring that dear child directly to my doorstep upon her arrival in Charleston you L robot oh you will never hear the end of it you will never hear the end of it is right there RS up north in Philadelphia buy back some of the family silver the Yanke sto are you saying I'll be a guest Mr is that what you're saying she's invited me to stay with her well what could be more natural in a fitting child it's your husband's home too your husband's home too [Music] [Applause] oh my dear Scarlet oh I'm so glad you've come home I've been longing for you to come we'll go to market tomorrow you'll meet everyone you should know there it's the traditional place to learn all the news too the newspapers don't print the really interesting things I suppose you couldn't help being aware of the unfortunate presence in charston of so many Yankee soldiers I know you've been rid of them for some very long time up in Atlanta oh we've been occupied for so long we hardly even notice them anymore we're used to them I'd never get used to them never well then we'll just have to do our best to distract you from their presence my dear and we can begin this very day my committee's meeting here this afternoon oh you must join us well if only for tea I certainly wouldn't want to Prevail on you to participate of course and what well we raise money with cake sales and bazaars of handcrafts and such for the Confederate home for widows and orphans oh well I'd be quite pleased to participate in something like that oh lovely everybody help helps yeah come let [Music] go on [Music] more out out [Music] all right jeos ofat oh we're here who in the heck is that Sally Brut she can be mad as a March ha at times Margaret Emma we have a ride oh my oh oh my well oh my it's another perfectly thrilling ride S one soul looks forward to them oh speak for yourself youo Elanor who's that with you the new recruit for all disgustingly noble cause I had always heard that you would turn the heads on 10 soldiers I'm pleased to see that nobody was exaggerating smoke no thank you I don't indulge your husband and I go back to when he was in knee pants and I was wondering what those two funny bumps was coming up on my chest s really Elanor was that Rascal of a son of yours been keeping himself well he's in Philadelphia as a matter of fact Philadelphia what the BL perfect heck is he doing in Philadelphia why don't you ask him yourself I believe you rang for Te Mrs Butler Dar it is that what I think it is is that my tea service oh oh Lord it is Mya where did you find it Philadelphia where site placees burst in my Yankee plunder but I brought a little bit of it home to its rightful place oh I think I'm going to cry I don't blame you if I never had a son I'd want him to be just like R Husband would have been even better s s s s oh how youve been keeping you wolf and Wolf's clothing now it seems to me I proposed you want number ification s yeah I think you were about 12 years old at the time yeah well I wanted to get my bid in early hello red um it's a fortunate man who's offered a greater surprise than he offered red I don't believe you know our newest member Miss Anne Hampton how it do miss Hampton I'm Charmed to finally meet you Mr Butler I've heard so much about you we got tend to ears must be sizzling welcome home red honey welcome to Charleston Scotland honey than you my seriously my how are you doing here well I sure didn't come all this we l my time and eff at the Confederate widows and off and so in society what do you think I'm doing here I'm here to be with you well I don't want you here scarland I no longer love you don't say that I'm your wife you're my husband an unfortunate circumstance I offered to correct divorce I will never divor B you never never never your mother's Overjoyed that I'm here what will you tell her if you throw me out cuz I'll tell her the truth and it'll break her hard I believe yeah well I don't have to throw you out Scarlet sooner or later you'll reveal yourself you think you can pass yourself off as a lady don't you Charleston Gentry will see right through you I am a lady damn you you couldn't fool a blind deaf mule I show me your clothes what I assume you've armed yourself with a new wardrobe to win back my favors all of it and you're typically awful taste now show me your new Frogs I'll see what can be salvaged if anything don't catch Koval trying to be a lure in Scarlet you're wasting your time I think I've been wasting my time since the day I first laid eyes on you I'll get rid of all this lace it's supposed to be a dress not a tablecloth get rid of this one all together it's hopeless I changed these gold buttons for black ones and shorten the train you don't B on this to decorate a Christmas tree I hope you're enjoying insulting me as a matter of fact I am now see if you can make one of these presentable enough to be seen in this evening I'll thank you to remember my mother was a robard from Savannah and the o'haras are descended from the kings of Ireland every Irishman I've have met heard of seems to been descended from a king is it just the one king scholet or were there several [Music] I hate you I hate you it's all that Royal Irish blood Miss Hampton sometimes gets them carried [Music] [Applause] [Music] away won't red be joining us Miss Elena I'd Sort of hope to have my friend breakfast in Charleston with the company of my husband oh but I thought you knew my dear well there there was a note from Rhett this morning he left last night he's gone up River to done more Landing didn't he tell you well AR I the perfect dance certainly he told me completely left my mind what a silly Wily I am certainly your Plantation yes he spends quite a bit of his time there these days as you're no doubt aware well maybe it's just as well I have a private moment with you Miss Elena oh I need you to help me Miss Elena well of course Scarlet how may I anything I want to look like a lady Miss Elena oh a Scarlet I know that I don't but I want to know what I'm doing wrong I am a lady Miss Elena I am well of course you are scarlet well it may be that you have so much Vitality I mean all the the Vigor of the world you grew up in it's misleading to people here in the old tired Low Country still you have no need of Rouge on your lovely face and your clothes are well um some of your clothes are ill considered yes we'll just have to find ways to make you more like us then you'll be more comfortable and I suppose you will be too but I would never have said so fresh vegetables over here bask oh and baked goods I mean so delicious you could gain 20b just by looking oh yes um I want some sausage late you don't want those onions they're no good no good what's wrong with them they're not rotten or sprouting but they've been dug up too soon they look fine but they won't have any flavor you can take my word for it how do you know that when I had to run our place after the war Tera I planted onions and I didn't know beans about growing things no pun intended so I dug up a batch of them soon as the tops started to brow I figured they were drying and a r they didn't have any bite to them at all these are what you want these are good onions what can you tell me about celery I have an uncommon if not downright unnatural adoration for celery celery was too fancy for us I had a dozen Ms to feed ask me about yams though or white potatoes or turnips or cotton you worked the fields we had to eat oh I've just got to have a look at those baskets I hear Charleston's famous for its basketry I missed out on the dawn sausage that girl is just about altogether lacking in anything that would pass for an education she's got the taste of a hoton tie so but she's she's got Vigor and strength and brains she's a Survivor we need her kind in the South and all even in Charleston maybe especially in Charleston I'm going to sponsor her Scarlet we have a rather important matter we'd like to discuss with you what's that aine concerning your grandfather robard interent what about him it's come to our attention that you not rich your grandfather in some years now some years man why should I write to him he's a crabby mean old man who hasn't lived a thinger for me in my whole life now Scarlet we were sort of hoping you might come along with us to Savannah next month for the celebration party what celebration party father's birthday well I guess you'll just have to do that celebrating Without Me Now Scarlet regardless of your personal feelings for father you might consider the question of respect for one's elders and family loyalty Duty playing good manners don't you dare preach over me I don't care fig for grandfather robard he was horror to my mother and he was hard to me you know I'm right he treats everybody like dirt including you his own daughters father's sometimes less than gracious father has his shortcomings that cannot be gain said but he is our father nonetheless nonetheless and nonetheless I won't be in Savannah watching him blow out his candles it's what I said she'd say it's what you say [Music] that's oh can you spare a bouquet my whole table Mr Butler take your pck Miss [Music] brutin Flowers you sir are a caution you and me go way back Rett long enough do you reckon to tell me just what exactly is going on between you and that amazing girl and what makes you think anything's going on your mother told me that Scarlet was less charitable to you concering the death of your child if I hadn't want a bon to ride it as young and age as I did she wouldn't have been on a horse if she hadn't been on a horse she wouldn't have been jumping it if she hadn't been jumping it she'd will be alive there were several remarks to that effect that was obviously grief turned upside down and backwards right she's ped it back together now it seems to me why else would she be in Charleston except to show you there she's here in Charleston cuz she refuses to believe our marriage is over Sally the marriage should never have occurred in the first place when I've po scaled she'd been married twice before and she only married me for my money she made no bones about that she was madly in love with Ashley wils into the bargain why on Earth did you marry her because she was unlike any woman I'd ever known passionate and furiating I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her kind of disease I suppose now I see books of a free man and marry Scarlet an instant and I want to be rid of him that only makes all the more determined to [Music] happen I'm afraid it might all happen again she's heartless she's selfish she's she's like a child who cries for a toy and then breaks it but there are moments the moments when I come close to forgetting what I know maybe she'll change when pigs fly my [Music] done more Landy coming up now isn't it perfect you staning I give you $50,000 in gold I beg your pardon if you'll go away go away it's a handsome deal Scarlet Fortune bigger than you'd ever hoped for the king's Ransom the king being you I guess it's funny you should be standing there offer me what you call a deal what's funny about it the reason I came up here was to offer you one my darling I shudder to think what your mind might concoct well why don't you just listen through all that children what I'm offering is for you to stop acting so hateful to me to act nice and help me have a good time through the social season like a devoted happy husband and wife and when the season's over then I'll go home to Atlanta but that the money well don't be silly with the money of course that's not exactly my idea of a deal Scarlet there's nothing in it for me you take the money I'm willing to give you to leave but you don't leave so how do I benefit I don't stay forever and I don't tell your mother what a skunk you are and break her heart I think we might be able to do business our more was willing to Dicker now you can find a my mother that however much you adore your husband he snores incourage and unbearably a marital Misfortune that requires it always to sleep in separate bedrooms after the St Cecilia ball you'll express an urgent irresistible desire to rush back to Atlanta where you will immediately Engage The Services of a lawyer to negotiate a legally band in separation agreement you will never again said foot and Charleston you'll never write or otherwise communicate with me you swear you'll be nice for the whole time before I leave word of Honor we lacking a Bible I guess that'll have to do but if you turn mean then it's you you that broke the deal not me and I don't have to leave done but I still get the money done Mr Butler you're a right trial in the husband department but it's nice doing business with you I don't suppose you'd reconsider that aspect concerning separate bedrooms girl can't have everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w thank you sir 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 there you are ma'am thank you Hi Well now here's a happy surprise you little darling I was just told when I run into you so you have have you been LLY just F and down rest when you coming back to Atlanta I never can tell when I might take a run up there of course it could be I'll be here in Charleston if Bale wants you don't say now why is that business yours mine's the only kind of business I know ain't it explore a New Frontiers of Commerce are you honey let's see Bale's opening hor house you might say that too well you're here just in time for the big race what big race horse race I'm running day after tomorrow what the hell you running a horse race for I love horse racing can we go b c what horse race I happen to won an exceptionally fine quarter horse in a card game fell that lost it to me suggest at a further wager he'd race me f if he wins he gets his horse back if I win got to keep the horse and take his other one as well what's the sense in there why' you just s for what you already want why are you in Charleston to say she told you she's opening a her [Music] house don't let me down now red I bet the mortgage on now don't tell the M Jake don't make me Happ good morning Miss H hello Mr Butler who you betting on I'm not the betting S I thought horse racing was always around and around no not this kind this kind of straight I thought it'd be around and around mother youo R am I eyes deceiving me or is that Bel wling Morning Bell LLY ladies may I introduce Miss B watland and Miss Lula Harris my mother Bell is Butler senior how do and I don't believe you've ever met my wife skull I know Miss Watling by reputation glad to make your acquaintance M Butler Heard lots about you I don't expect you came all the way down from Atlanta to see red race a horse Miss Watling fond as I am a red I wouldn't travel 6 feet to watch there actually I'm here on the business tooth p toe oh I'm so fascinated by ladies with business interests so very unusual isn't it what business are you engaged in Miss watland if one may know you might say I arranged social get togethers I see what exactly uh mother believe it's time for the race to start B real good running into you Lou wish me luck I'll better whole dollar on you R don't you disappoint me now seldom does easy on that last B har [Music] yeah [Music] more fter [Music] more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you sure can ride can you I'll say all right [Applause] congratulations never a doubt my friend never a [Applause] doubt Miss hon congratulations Mr but congratulations thank you so much really don't believe Rett was a need of two more horses though didn't have a darn thing to do with having horses Miss Elena just had to do with him winning something s the last ball [Music] season when are you going to stop all this L gagging around Sally and accept my of repeated proposals of matrimony Max well if I told you once I've told you more than twice two marriages were enough for me nothing personal very damn lucky says who when I mentioned to them that I'd recently made your acquaintance daddy said you had a reputation of some considerable notori during the war did he really wonder what he could have been referring to are you teasing me I made me some money and I had me some fun this Happ looking real pretty tonight Martha yes she is did you come to my room last night no you're lying why would I lie I must have dreamed of some random nocturnal fever over King in no doubt given rise to Vision did you come to my room last night yes I expect you dance cards full I threw it away I'm not dancing with anyone but you tonight we'll be hearing the crack of breaking hearts all over the pal there's only one I want to hear breaking P your [Music] skunk it was by far the very best ball of the Season don't you think and the last I guess that's your where reminding me our Gree ment has concluded as if I need a reminding I don't want to talk about that tonight we'll talk about it tomorrow your mother mentioned your being in Orleans recently for a short while your being there bring to mind our honeymoon sure inde did well that's something anyway is your boat out there somewhere mhm does it have a name Bonnie I suppose I might have guess that I've never been sailing what's it like it's wonderful I'll bet it is I've never been all right all right just this once as Adam said to Eve [Music] I've never had so much fun in my life well more or less ready about [Music] mate [Music] we don't want to tangle with that kind of weather here take the tiller this I'll drop the Cher [Music] hold your course [Music] [Music] mate [Music] [Music] start baaing fil up the water [Music] [Music] scar Scarlet hold [Music] on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] don't die on me scarlet please don't die on me [Music] [Music] come on come on come on come back to me scarlet come go don't go Scarlet don't go I thought you were [Music] gone [Music] I wasn't dreaming this time was I it take some is just Rod warm you I don't need him I've never been war in my life listen to me now for the rest of my life what happened it was it's a celebration of survival nothing more who's saying that cuz that's all you wanted to be but what happened was your true hard you're true hard you love me I know you do you love me you love [Music] me [Music] I P panty oh my scl let you woke up you've been sleeping the longest time how long what time is it how is she well she woke up just this minute oh thank goodness oh honey how long have I been sleeping oh where's Red oh you've been sleeping nearly 24 hours dearest how do you feel a horf 24 hours how could anybody sleep that long you had quite an ordeal don't you remember most of it I guess where's Red pansy go tell Mr red the Sleeping Beauty is back from the land of n well maybe not so Beauty if I look as bad as I feel I look perfectly Dreadful no I don't believe Mr red here right now go down to the kitchen and bring some of that broth up for Miss scarlet and some tea now the doctor's been by several times and he's given every Assurance about your condition and he says he wants you to rest for another day or two he's right all right Red's fine I've got the most split and headache will you be back soon it's just like the PO say sometimes out of the darkest danger and fear comes the most beautiful and dazling light almost lost our lives and in that you losing we found each other at last Scarlet what's the matter it is all right isn't it you're not lying to me are you what's this from Red shall I leave you alone for [Music] bid Scarlet there's nothing I can say about what happened yesterday except that I'm profoundly ashamed I'm sorry to have been the cause of such pain and danger for you I regret bitly all that occurred after our Escape my actions were reprehensible I cannot however deny now the truth of anything I said in the aftermath of our ill advised and Reckless encounter I must not and will not ever see you again naturally I cannot remain in the environment of Charleston the cash settlement I promised will be transferred to you immediately in care of Henry Hamilton in Atlanta I ask you to accept my sincere apologies for everything about our lives together it was not meant to be I wish you a happier future Miss Scarlet messenger just came by delighted as I am to hear your news Ashley I naturally would have preferred it had been a visit of me brought you to chareston instead of May some darn old business matter what dare I say that my business here is more excuse for my presence than reason for it you're not rake enough to say such a thing to a lady Ashley not and get away with it I sometimes so wish I were rake enough you've heard the saying about lepers and spots I guess alas yes Al last nothing what you are is wonderful and fine Ashley you have no cause whatsoever for regret about it it's what I loved you for made such an N Out of myself for of truth be told and I guess it has to be sometimes Red Butler had just a smidgen of your character and dignity how is red that's the first mention you've made of him there's a leopard changed the spots for a strip down his heck are there difficulties I thought you'd both left me masing for good and all this time I guess I'm so very sorry my dear a bit ago you said you brought a surprise for me if you being here wasn't surpris enough I won't tolerate being kept in suspense for one minute longer I brought you some photographs you want I'll just go and get them I'll only be a moment don't be silly save your trip I'll come on her you really think you should fil I've spent the past two months trying to do what's expected of a proper charian NOS in the air lady what I have to conclude is that they're them and I'm me and never the Twain's going to meet I hope the accommodations in this hotel are worthy of you as I'm quite content so far let me Che they're perfect wonderful Ashley I can hardly wait to see them real well of course the photographs don't quite do them Justice they're such fine homes they've enhanced Big Sam's reputation in the Building Trades you can be sure of that and how about your reputation in the lumber trades I've got almost more demand than I can supply I'm so tickled pink for you asley will you be coming back to Atlanta scotet I haven't quite decided on my next course of life I wish you'd come back to Atlanta do you very much very much I think maybe I've got about 10 seconds to get myself out of this room let's go five Scarlet this is Charleston and you are ostensibly a lady a lady does not accompany a man to his hotel room and certainly not in the broad light of day for anyone to behold and most certainly not in Charleston and did this person who saw me going up the stairs whoever she is since you are obviously going to refuse to dulge her identity to me did this this person having to observe me coming back down the stairs 10 minutes later I'd need more time than that to get my shoes unlaced much less my corsets scet don't you're being vulgar I'm sorry but you are no longer welcome in this house well that suits me just fine course this is no longer a house in which I care to be welcome [Music] oh my Lord is that me how can that be me what am I doing what have I done to myself is that cowardly disgusting creature Scarlet O'Hara no it is not Scarlet O'Hara doesn't drown in Sorrows Scarlet O'Hara doesn't hide away and hope for what she wants wants Scarlet O'Hara goes out and gets what she wants coward [Music] coward this here phone is Rob L whichever whichever you you Scarlet's changed her mind she's going to saman with us [Music] oh my [Music] Lord Oh Lord yes yes well I guess life's just a long game of chance after all isn't it Mr R Butler that's what a gamed a man like you would say isn't it and you think you've won it and walked away from the table leaving me high and dry well you'll be thinking again one of these days won't you you surely will maybe you don't want me but I've got something now you do want always want it the ace is up my sleeve now and I'll play it when the time's right when I'm good and ready you'll be willing to walk Barefoot over hot colds to come back to me we were always to pieces of the one thing my darling R now we're three [Music] la
Channel: Chicken Soup for the Soul TV
Views: 103,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken soup for the soul, gone with the wind, gone with the wind full movie, chicken soup for the soul stories, Joanne Whalley-Kilmer, Timothy Dalton, Barbara Barrie, Stephen Collins, Annabeth Gish, George Grizzard, Julie Harris, scarlett ohara, scarlett o hair, scarlett full movie, scarlett full movie 1994 english, scarlett movie part 1, scarlett movie sequel to gone with the wind, scarlett movie 1994, scarlett part 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 9sec (5529 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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