Timberland trailer build part 5: trailer mounted swivel hoist / swivel crane for my log trailer.

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[Music] so to start the swivel hoist I had this old axle hub I got from the scrapyard I took it apart cleaned out the bearings and re greased everything and then I cut out this steel plate welded it underneath the axle - that way I have a plate to lock it down I just put one hole in there nothing line up and lock that down and then I'm gonna slide that axle tube into the square tube just four by four I'm gonna weld it down here on the center of the tongue and then I'm gonna put some half-inch plate across the top and add some gussets to it so that's where I got to start I got the bottom tube welded on as you can see there's a weld bead on the inside of this tubing and I had a notch just a little bit with a grinder inside that axle tube just to clear a path a little channel for that weld to get that down in there and I had to pound it in just a little bit so I got that welded all the way around and I will start working on the top with these circles laid out I just measured I want an 8 inch circle so I measured 8 inches square and I'll just find the center point [Music] that's my center point I'll just do the radius take this big compass it's not that to go to the edge let's trace it out with a sharpie so the top piece don't go all the way down that's why I'm cutting these other circles I'm gonna put them around here and build this up so now I need to find my distance for my center hole so I'll use this compass and just measure this right here so the total distance is about four and three-quarter so I'll just divide that in half to get my radius and then I'll set my compass for my radius and then I'll use the same center point I'll use the same set of pointing on that and I'll just draw that radius around the middle so here's what I got so far the holes lined up so I can drive a pin through there to lock it in place I had to stack two half-inch plates on top so I can get that level so my forward four sits on top so here's worry about so far I got that put in place temporarily you got a pin through there I got that welded on I got my razor cut and a five-degree on the bottom and then I cut out two sides of the square teaming and welded in a plate on the inside to cover the hole and I got some templates drawn out that'll go on the piece of 2 by 3 I'm using for the top bar on the hoist got one for each side this back hole will go into the 4 by 4 tubing the front one will have the hoist on it and then for the bottom pin so I will get all this cut out and I get these pieces welded onto the 2 by 3 and cut my holes in the parts of the 4x4 up here you get my holes cut in that plate and kind of fit it together test it out a little bit before I get everything molded into place I also got these cuff [Music] I'll weld it to the frame on the tongue there and then I'll weld it around the four by four there and across there and get that whole plate welded into the tongue I got all my pieces cut out I welded in some pipe inside those holes just to make that hole a little bit cleaner I cut these all out with the plasma cutter clean them all up the grinder so now this will be our I'll put the hook out there on the end and this will be what hooks into the top piece and then the RAM into there I'm just getting this lined up so my pipe is straight I'll run that pipe all the way through and weld that in also once I get all this lined up I'll clamp it down get this all welded on and then I've got some pieces that I cut instead of drilling a hole through the 2x3 to mount the hook I made some little pieces to weld onto the end cap the T by 3 on both sides so I will get this lined up and welded I got all the rip passes done all the way around just skipped around he did little sections and flipped it over and tell all the RIP passes we're done try to even heat out next I'm gonna turn around I got these G pieces looks like a GE cutout that's gonna hold the hook I will get that tacked into place and be right back okay got all the Rope passes done on this you can see how those g shaped pieces just fit right around there and then I got the swivel hook they welded the two G pieces together got them welded to the two bathroom so after I got the boom finished up I need to work on this riser i welded some quarter-inch plate on to the side just to give it a little more support before I did that I welded some tubing inside the holes made sure everything lined up I put the pin in there when I welded on those side plates just so the heat distortion didn't end up pinching those together or something so the boom would fit in I let this cool a bit and then do some finish welding take that pin back out of there and then I'll figure out where I need my bottom brackets for the jack to go in there I got my bottom tabs put on for that they got this welded together to my spindle I got a couple quarters plates put on there like that just overlap that joint give it a little bit more strength there at the end and then I'll be putting it on the trailer all right I got the riser welded in place these pieces on the tongue are just angle iron so I weld it in some quarter inch wall thickness channel all the way across there and that stirred ease it up side to side so I don't find the tongue on the angle and then I'm gonna weld in these two top plates here across the center over to the side I got a grab bar put on to help spin it I'm gonna have to cut that down a little bit on this right side just so the toolbox will clear it [Music] just do a five degree angle cut so it angles back just a little bit from this section here so that's where I'm at right now I'll get these top lights welded in okay I got the plates welded in not at a bar to help turn it mounted a tube on some tabs for an old axle to store the handle for the jack I got the boom mounted up and this will reach and that's at the bottom edge of the trailer and quite a ways up all the way to the ceiling on the garage that's about it for the hoist everything's pretty much done on it thanks for watching
Channel: carvings by levi
Views: 13,931
Rating: 4.7983193 out of 5
Keywords: carvings by levi, log trailer, log arch trailer, timberland trailer, swivel hoist, crane, cherry picker, trailer mounted crane, trailer hoist, chainsaw carving equipment, homemade crane, trailer mod
Id: 9r2ZCCJuWvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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