Timber Framed Barn Part 24 Stone walls Complete

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morning everyone so uh it's Tuesday after a bank holiday weekend in this uh this country and um I still carried on working over it obviously as I do every day but I just took a bit of break from filming um I did get this wall done so I did that uh day before yesterday and yesterday I got this one done now these are a bit easier because I'm only doing the front side cuz the back side's getting concreted up um and then that's going to be a drain at the back there and so they're a bit quicker to do a little bit easier cuz using bigger Stone takes a long time uh another thing I did was I framed this back wall ready for uh cladding and a window and so yeah little bit of progress has been happening so today is going to be more Stone Walling unfortunately um I'm going to try and get another wall done I had a bit of mix left over so got one stone laid down yesterday and so yeah going to just keep going across them get all them Stone walled and then once they're all done we'll uh form up the backs concrete them and run out of wall uh wall plates Seal Seal plate logs so have to do some Milling as well yeah hopefully we'll have this done in this video I don't know what I'm going to do over here I really want to finish this other one but like I say this uh pet roofings in the way and you probably think to yourself well Chris you're a hardworking guy why you just move the pallet just move it it's not as simple as that cuz they sit on special pallets which sit inside the corrugations and so if I was to just move that stack and put it on the floor the weight of it would crush the panels underneath and I haven't got another one of those pallets to put them onto sort of got these two little strips of one here but they wouldn't be sufficient so I don't know I might try and just shift it over winch it over enough so I can do the stone wall but I don't know it's not going to be that easy cuz it needs to go quite far to give me access to it so yeah I haven't decided on that yet I don't really want to have to come back to it while I got the tools out and everything like I say moving it is uh it's quite an undertaking at the moment cuz I can't put it anywhere unless put each individual sheet laid down move the pallet and stack it all back up again which I might do but I haven't committed to that yet another thing that happened uh yesterday which I haven't told you about yet it's got our first lamb look there he is little boy lamb and there's mom he's very very cute hello mate you big lamb aren't you you going to be a big boy good strong lamb yeah he's only a day old and already fluffy on his feet and everything eating very healthy then yeah I'm not going to hurt him don't worry Mom and we got this other one over here who I think's just starting cuz she's off on her own all the others are over there along the fence and she's over there and she's scratching about a bit and uh nose is going up in the air a little bit so she's imminent probably today I would have thought right ready to start getting some Stones down the uh stone selection is getting a bit limited which is making things a little bit more difficult I'm trying to use some of the bigger stuff on this back wall but uh the first row is easiest so try and use some of the odd shaped ones if I can that probably stick a stone under that cuz it's a tapered shape [Music] [Music] oh look this a sighting someone called David atra it's a sighting there it is is it a sighting hello is a big tiger The Savage Beast [Music] [Music] right so I've uh managed to get these back walls done found enough Stone lying around in the end although the stone is now pretty depleted I haven't got that one done cuz the uh pile of roof in that's not that easy to move but uh we're just going to carry on with this so I've just put in some uh some stainless steel studs on the back and they'll help hold the concrete and then we're going to concrete up the back of this cuz um it you know we don't need it to be Stone and this is going to be a drainage ditch behind so I want it to be sealed so yeah that's what we're going to do today get these concrete up right hey everyone I got myself in a bit of a mess here I was up here yesterday doing a bit of Milling in a storm we've still got 50 mph winds but at least the sun's come out but uh I left the ignition on the tractor and I need it now to go do some concreting so I about to pull the Land Rover into this uh mud bog so yeah good old Land Rover is charging the tractor yeah we have had just I know I keep going on about the weather but it is mental honestly it's just been just nonstop I say the sun's out now which I'm happy with and get on today yesterday I was up here Milling in the storm I didn't film it it's just all too wet wet but uh yeah get myself out of this mess and then we're going to concrete I finished the backstone wall in so we're going to concrete up the back of it today get some of it done at least yeah get your out of this mess first this is how windy it's been we're in we're in April and it's windy enough last night it was windy enough to uh bend my uh camera post that shines on our gate look at that that's 3 mm box section I mean I know it's a long lever but gives you an example of the winds we've had right hopefully I can drive out of here should be able to but uh the soil we get have got clay soil very wet it's very sticky very slippery we go easy I don't want to do too much damage yeah we're good we're good very good very good oh she won't turn come on turn there we go left some pretty nasty tracks I don't like doing that but it's just been so wet at a storm last night yeah it'll be all right we're in that time of year where it'll uh heal up fairly soon yeah it's all right old bog right we're out of trouble anyway we got some new mates on the Old Farm so that's that one you saw that was uh just a little tiny little thing a good solid L that only a few days old and we had another one and a set of twins as well so yeah Ling's well on its way yeah just is weather's been a challenge this lovely lady here's had some twins hello you little rascal aren't you wouldn't you lovely wouldn't you lovely hey AR you lovely oh they're wonderful she's about ready to come out of there now she just was climbing up on this a little bit so aren't you lot lovely you good mom aren't you hello [Music] all right so just getting this back wall concreted up um I've put in some studs into the concrete just to help supp to hold it [Music] man [Music] oh hang on actually what end of you got there you got the sorry that end's got going first that's it that's it there we go to leave it over bit more there we [Music] go try and fill it in we don't want to disturb it under there too much I don't want it to spill out try and stuff it in under there [Music] [Music] right we got one down um don't know if I recorded it I think I did but uh I noticed the back was bulging out so I had to quickly run around before it uh was too late and get all these stumps in so I thought that would have held it but obviously not so uh yeah on the next one I'll do that before I have a big Panic yeah one done obviously the colors look completely different but that's um concrete will go lighter and I'll come out once it's set a little bit I'll come out and smooth it out a little bit more yeah one down and four to go done on both sides obviously with the back wall is going to be just concrete and then this will all be filled with uh drainage Stone all right that's it for today unfortunately it's chucking it down again tomorrow and Thursday and Friday so I have to just get back onto it when uh it's not so wet cuz if it was raining now I'd be struggling to do this it'll be getting washed out so yeah we're Wai for some better weather again right hey everyone got a dry at last man we need it see yesterday it was raining pretty hard all day got another one of them done in the last video there's a lot of comment about you shouldn't put wood up against concrete which is uh which is true for the most part but uh they were actually referring in the comments to this here which is Larch against lime which isn't against concrete lime's different to concrete it breathes more um but the main thing is this one is against concrete which people are right it isn't exactly ideal but these are easy to check in the future but uh if you have a look at this this was only done two days ago and you see this staining coming out of here this is tanning tanic acid and that's the reason why these won't rot for a long time even though they are touching concrete is cuz they're durable Timber that that staining there that tanic acid makes these very durable and so they will rot eventually but uh I wouldn't have thought it would happen in my lifetime especially if they're kept dry and so um yes it's really and they're easy to change you know all you got to do to change them is just cut along here take that out put it in remot it so they're not integral to the building and so it's not that difficult to change and so yeah that's the uh that's the reasoning behind it so yeah people are right you shouldn't really put wood against concrete which is why the main structure of the building is elevated off of it but these things here these be a maintenance item in say I don't know 30 or 40 years or something something like that get this shuttering off and uh get it moved over that one's got a screw in it going to get a screwdrive up that's come out well not going to be able to move this on me [Music] own wait until my help arrives to move that over yeah that's come out all right is it happy with that it's cool though it leaves the uh grain of the wood in the concrete yeah I'm happy with that little edges to sort out but they'll just chip off cuz it's still quite soft yeah so we get another one done today then this ditch should all be filled with stone so it's all covered up up back here anyway we've had more twins well we got a big single she's a big girl and then we got twins in here and then more twins all healthy all looking good so I think we got 10 Lambs this year from Seven sheep so that's pretty good going yeah we' done really well with the lambing let say we've uh we haven't had any losses last year we had a set of twins born one was really small on a really wet night and we couldn't get them to stay in so we lost one lamb this year we got more lambs and no losses so really good so we got more than one lamb per U quite a lot more was it like 130% something like that and and no losses so yeah really pleased with that I think it's the shelters we've got set up and the lambing pens makes a big difference cuz it's been really wet and cold but we still haven't had any losses so we're really pleased with that right last one is done just get it all taken apart very wet down there that's why this is a drainage ditch ow have to get a hammer for that there we go there we go good there we go I was expecting a bit of a lip here cuz uh it was being a bit of a pain when I was uh trying to smooth it off that's okay that will uh grind back or chip off this out of bit these are really heavy there we go there we go there we go so uh the plan with it is obviously this will end up being out a little bit with the cladding um but there will still be a lip to this because the top floor because it's insulated sticks out quite a bit further and it will uh it will look right I think and I wanted to have plenty of space on these pillars for these fixings didn't want all this to be too close to the edge and I wanted this to be really strong cuz obviously retaining wool and so yeah that's why it's like that but this will be built out a little bit yet with the clad in and then there's going to be a another piece of Timber coming down here so it looks like the uh post is on the outside still even though the post will be covered so yeah that's why this is set further back but this is curved and the water will run down and there's a big roof overhang so I doubt we'll even see any water here anyway yeah that's done all right so that is all of the stone work done I think it came out pretty nice to be honest all the back wall done and all concreted I am a little bit disappointed that we haven't managed to do that one over there cuz it would have been nice just to have it ticked off and finished but this uh couple of ton of roofing being in the way just makes it not worth it and so yeah we'll do that once this roof's out of the way and because the roof will be on it won't be so weather dependent yeah I think it came out really nice I'm pretty pleased with it so yeah next job is to go up and start doing some Milling I know you've seen a lot of Milling but this Channel's always just been about what I'm doing it's not I don't try and make it entertaining or whatever I just show you what I'm doing and in this building that's a lot of milling and so yeah we're going up to do some Milling going Milling 4X tws for the pitch Ro up there all right let's get to it also get a little bit of a better view of uh of the stonework now that it's set and everything in the last video it was a bit miserable and sun's out today so yeah can't remember if I showed you that but I uh put a window frame in that as well and did that back wall so yeah coming along pleased with it right stop crash let's go Milling hey everyone up at the Mill just getting some Timber moved about and lined up so I had these uh 4.8 M long pieces but I don't need Timbers 4.8 I need like 60 4x2 in 3 m length so I've cut off these big chunks and these will go into flooring at some point but just uh getting them moved and out of the way it's quite heavy for this little tractor we get these shifted out the way and then get some uh 4X tws M out of these three big boy logs here that he this for e all right so that's the main bit of the work done got uh three pieces to restore there so I got 10 10 there should get another three maybe four out of the roring so that's not bad from that I'm quite pleased with that they're only really roughs on my blades not particularly sharp and uh cuz they're all going through the player anyway so I'm just trying to get them into a rough size and we're playing tabl store them so they're all right yeah not bad that's quite good going out of that look at these little Cutie Pies look aren't they wonderful oh just caught them having a piss they bring me so much joy watching them they chase each other about they play with each other there loads of in here but they're all asleep hello coming in coming in getting big you're getting big aren't they adorable they're all in here now the whole gang other than the RAM and his mate over there yeah we did quite well this year on the Lambs and they're all absolutely adorable nice little flock most of them are boys we got a few girls but yeah we got quite a lot of boys for some reason yeah very very cute see if I can get a bit closer to them hello everyone yeah these are twins they're a bit smaller there so one beautiful yeah we love the little lambs right successful bit of Milling getting quite a big pile stocked up here now so I'll uh probably run these through the planer and get all these moved up the top ready ni stud Walling size there that one over there I honestly think that uh probably 50% of the time I've spent on the barn has been milling and processing Timber I think maybe even more it's not actually I don't actually spend that long actually fitting Timbers to things you know it is like quite a big percentage is just uh just Milling milling and planing but if you don't count the time you know if you count it as money then saved insane amount of money just this pile of 4X tws here it'd be over ,000 so it's worth it to me but it does take a lot of time that's why my builds don't progress as fast as uh you know modern buildings or when you see someone you know get a barn put up for them you know all that works done outsourced and it looks like it comes together really quick with uh doing it all yourself Milling it moving it planing it doing on the joinery takes a long long time I am hoping that we'll have this uh barn roof on and cladded by the end of this uh summer that's the plan I don't know if I'll be able to do it yet I'm not sure that's the uh that's the goal oh it's a real weird one this one something moved on the mill the plane was all out right good get them through the plane and next right I'm just uh getting this Timber Pro process that we milled yesterday it's just been through the planer just getting it edged on the table saw the 100 Mil there we go all right that's that [Applause] all right that is half of what we need to complete the other pitch roof section so let's take them up there and then I Mill another that again [Music] [Music] all right that'll have to do for that cuz they folding on me Land Rover all right let's get this lot unloaded right so they're all there so I just need to do that again and then uh in the next video start getting that lot all up there and need to have a tidy up up here as well just get rid of all these little ankle Twisters yeah and then once I've done that we shall start be exciting doing that cuz once that Lots on then I'll be putting a layer of wood fiber insulation board then Batton and then we're putting the roof on so that'll be really nice all right hope you enjoyed the video and thanks for watching oh is it biscuit time is it biscuit Time come on then come on then show me the way come on in I know I know and back home
Channel: Kris Harbour Natural Building
Views: 117,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yZ2P86LCo4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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