How Does A Toilet Work At Our Offshore Lighthouse?

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upstairs we're going to have another half bath on the first level and and the kitchen sink coming out over here we're going to pump salt water up from the bay we're going to desalinate it prob rot it up our mission is to save these incredible abandoned lighthouses using new technology while preserving the history and helping the environment of the Chesapeake Bay we are the lighthouse centers [Music] today we're at Hooper Island Lighthouse meeting with a plumber to help us plan our plumbing throughout the entire Lighthouse and working in the basement where our new bathroom is going [Music] yeah don't stand under it I'm trying to get I try to run here [Music] comp I don't know what you were trying to do there all right we have toilet on on the lighthouse all right that's it right guys you want to come up for a bit look at that Thomas you know we weren't sure if we wanted to put this in the video because it's kind of uncomfortable but we told you we would bring you everything so we just got out here and every time we come out there something new here's a a dead seagull right here on the doorstep of the lighthouse so well I guess we'll never know what happened all right so we just got done talking with Mark and planning out the entire plumbing system and we're super excited uh here's how it's going to work we're going to pump salt water up from the bay we're going to desalinate it and store it in the original cisterns that they used from when they built it in 1900 1902 and uh then that clean water we're going to have to pump out of these SNS and then that's going to feed um the the toilet and sink and shower which we're going to have over here in these rooms and it's going to be so cool can't wait to have a shower to get cleaned off when we work out here and then upstairs we're going to have another half bath on the first level and and the kitchen sink coming out over here so then the waist from all those is going to come together and we're going to have to cut out the floor and um we'll have a utility room over here that will have our electri scan system that will clean the waist and treat it properly so then it can make its way and exit out of that pipe that I fought with for eight months of my life and then when we can come out here we can stay we can cook food we can use a bathroom and get cleaned up and the whole restoration process of this Lighthouse will be so much easier I'm super excited about doing that and having people out here and bringing larger groups out and just getting this Lighthouse and other lighthouses restored for visitors then to come out and enjoy the lighthouses [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whole [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] put [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we now want to introduce you to one of our first sponsors of Lighthouse centers raron engineering [Music] [Music] rtin is kindly providing us with their topl line marine toilet and Electro scan treatment system that is necessary whether you on a boat or in our case out on a lighthouse miles from Shore so what do we have here well this is the comfort height this is our newest toilet okay um it is designed obviously for people not to have to squat down too far um most marine toilets are much closer to the ground so you have to build a step up for them not to be so low to the ground so this kind of takes care of that that would be great because everything on a lighthouse so far has been very uncomfortable so whatever Comfort we can add that would be great what exactly do you call these so these are considered type one Marine sanitation devices okay um the electro scan does not use chemical so it uses salt waterer uh you flush the toilet with salt water or it adds salt water okay and when electricity is applied there are actually plates inside of it that generate hypochlorous acid so it basically destroys the bacteria since it was created from saltwater and electricity it reverts back to saltwater okay so you don't get a lot of there's no chemical really in the water um our lighthous is in the chest beak Bay so we have salt water or brackish water uh so we have all that we weak possibly need we then met with the plant manager Brian who showed us the inner workings of our own toilet while it was being assembled Plumbing basically we have our pressurized water solenoid valve is going to be attached to uh to to your onboard pressure system okay full masterating head basically think of it as a garbage disposal so it has stainless steel Mercator blade in there so as that water and waste is being drawn down is going to completely shred it mulfy it get it into the line so it can be treated uh and then properly uh discharged never been so excited to see a toilet flush before this is so great and then when we're ready we're just going to go ahead we'll fold back and we're just going to represent a 6t loop here just to get a nice head of pressure on there and you'll see it's going to go ahead drain that all the way down up over top of your Loop that's the test to make sure it has enough pressure for all situations if it can pump all the way up 8 ft High then it's good yep abely yeah yeah they're rated at yeah they can go 100 ft horizontal 20 ft vertical so okay Lighthouse applications boat applications uh M they're they're very uh can go into quite a few uh installations okay great all right very much appreciate it more than welcome so the next step is cutting into the concrete floor and running all the piping so we can install our entire plumbing system thanks again to rtin for sponsoring us and of course all of you for following our journey we'll see you all next [Music] time all right let's roll
Channel: The Lighthouse Centers
Views: 100,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hooper Island Lighthouse, Chesapeake Bay, Skibidi Toilet, Wolf Trap Lighthouse, Boating, Fixer Upper, Key Bridge, Lighthouses
Id: ZujYquGoL34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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