100 Year Old Derelict Stables to Dream Workshop E1 - Rot & Rubbish

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I have been hunting for a workshop for a few months now without much luck until now A friend of mine has found me this amazing building however there's one problem it's pretty much D it's time to open up this door looks like it's been shut for a very long time got the trusty angle grinder with a wood bit on the section of building on the left is over 110 years old and was originally used as the potting shed for the estate the section of building on the right is roughly 15 years younger and is a stable block with this beautiful attic above it's nice and large and quite rotten so it's got a big wet wet patch over there where the roof is leaking there are Holes in the Floor you can see daylight through the roof and overall it's just barely a storage space at the moment and can't really be used for anything else because it is so decrepit that's the attic cleared out I'm hoping to have a nice sort of seating area at that end where I can sit and just sort of contemplate next projects and try and solve [Music] problems [Music] it's h work this area is going to be tool storage so I'm going to get this all cleared out and then start bringing back in bits and pieces that I want to keep while raging through the goodies I found this it's a camping bed it's going to come in handy If Ever I had to spend a night here for some reason this is a mountain of clothes which was meant to go to Cal when there was a Refugee crisis there and but it never made it out there I think it finished by the time it was going to go so it's literally just been dumped here um good news is though these bikes they are going to come in very handy for different inventions and different Creations I tried to find a home for the mountain of clothes but they were too rotten for anyone to take them this is going to be the workshop space the main Workshop space and this is just sort of I I think it's about half of it the other half is the other side of that wall and that wall needs to go I wasn't expecting there to be a step in the middle of the room I'd assumed that given the fact that this wall was installed well certainly wasn't original cuz the wall covers part of the window I'd assume that there would be just a level straight through it's very rotten in places this Timber especially over here I think that is dry rock where it's just gone really crumbly and it seems to have lost maybe 30% of its original [Music] Mass if you have any ideas about Workshop layout and any equipment you would include please pop them in the comments below let's have a look at that roote from the outside this has got something called I think it's it's uine and it's a sort of bit of imp impregnated fiber and it just sags over time unless it's well supportive which this isn't and it's just deteriorated so it's going to be replaced in keeping with the rest of the roof next job is this Loft bit ideally I would have liked to have left it but the Timbers is they're suffering from dry Rock wet Rock and woodworm and really it's just not nice to have it there the end of week one this is where I've got to it is now cleared inside and out and that skip over there which is 20 cubic yards is RAM so to give some context that's how much taller the me is it's absolutely massive so first off let's have a look in the office this is now wood storage all of this is rotten it's got wood worm and will ultimately be sorted and probably most of it will be burnt for firewood then in the corner here there is a fireplace I've had a look outside and had a look in the roof void and there is a old chimney stack there which has been taken down to roof level then this is the main space currently used just for storage of stuff um we have lots of nice wood there two chairs this one in particular is quite characterful it's not something I'd choose personally but I'm definitely going to reuse it and look how many bikes were in here so we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight bikes in total those are where we used a couple of prams over there too with some excellent wheels on and a rowing machine type Contraption I've got some plans for that and then here is the main Workshop space this is amazing so what we've got is a lovely lovely space with an excellent fireplace you can see through the wall uh so it definitely needs some rebuilding there the pointing is going so that will be redone in Lime then Windows this is these are really tricky to try and find placements is going to be a challenge and they are really really rotten and old you can see here it's just literally spongy can't really be reused sadly and similarly with this window the lenol above that window is completely bent I don't know whether that's just sort of a bend in the wood or whether it's rotten and then bent so I'm going to do some investigating whatever happens I'm going to put a strengthening upright in the middle there let's go and have a look up in the Loft space this is the space above the office the mezzanine level not sure what I'll use it for potentially for storage of wood cuz it'll be nice and dry and warm in here then here is the Loft space all cleared out this is the view of the workshop out of all the goodies I've kept I have two favorites the first is this hay rake which is still pretty solid I'll be restoring it back to its former glory and the second is this ancient and very Rusty wood plane which I will have a go at restoring as well there is also this mysterious cone-shaped object it has a brass valve at one end and a brass spout at the other with a rusty steel body in between if you have any idea what it is please let me know in the comments below thank you for watching the first episode of The pottering Shed Series in the next episode I will be rebuilding the very wobbly chimney using traditional lime mortar
Channel: Ben Kilner
Views: 46,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Derelict, workshop, renovation, DIY, Woodworker, Blacksmith
Id: K6tCnwCPlC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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