Tim Mackie (Door of Hope) Interview

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name is Tim Mackey and I'm a pastor at door of Hope Church in Portland Oregon I mean there's just the city is exploding population wise and the vast majority are 20 and 30-somethings who are moving here some for work but many just for Portland you know like it's just Portland and it's you know Portland yeah it's where young people go to retire and that whole joke you know but their's is true so Josh and Darcy just that's who they were in their 20s and they wanted to come start a church that that reached out to the crappy nominal Christians who were living in Portland but don't feel comfortable in church and then to to all of their friends who are Christians so that was that was the dream and and to have a church that just wasn't trying to be something it just Josh and Darcy are from here and they love it and they just wanted it to be a church that they would actually like going to church was kind of more fat was founded with that mission just an evangelistic mission to have a local neighborhood focused community of Jesus with a real evangelistic emphasis just right here in the heart of inner East East Portland so the mission is still the same to reach the 20 and 30-somethings of Portland which are really the heart of the demographic that's living that's living in inert East Portland we annually kind of do a series of sermons on how if you don't live in the city of Portland we'd rather you find a church closer to where you live because we're we're trying to create a critical mass of Christians actually within this part of the city and so that's attractive there's a there's a high value of neighborhood local walkability rootedness and and that's a value that we have to I mean we were from here and also and so that's a big that's a big piece of of what we've been fostering music is a huge part and the Lord's brought together a route like a ridiculously high caliber group of musicians and a number of them is read in quite prominent bands here in the city and they've become Christians that door of hope and I said so it's the coolest thing to see and then they bring all their pagan friends you know and they're like what is this thing we value a high aesthetic because that's the value of the city itself so I think our goal is just to create an environment where we don't use Christianese lingo and we're just trying to introduce people to how compelling Jesus is leaders create an environment and so people know like if I bring my friends they're going to be challenged to take Jesus seriously here and so that's why they bring their friend you know we make sure that the basic story of Jesus is summarized in all of our gatherings whether it's Sunday or we do gatherings in the park you know during the summer and so on and so let's create an environment where we don't camp out on doctrinal distinctives and I think that's appealing to not be focusing on you know boundary line issues all the time and to make just the core classic Orthodox gospel and life of a disciple of Jesus just make that is difficult enough to believe and follow and now you're going to do something about the rapture some of you kidding me like let's just forget about that
Channel: Twentys Church
Views: 19,472
Rating: 4.9118943 out of 5
Id: h9Mn3JLWAy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 07 2014
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