The Exclusive Paul: Part 1 - Tim Mackie (The Bible Project)

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so what what we're going to do with just the time that we have here if you've been doing the year a biblical literacy whole bunch of you here at reality San Francisco committed to reading through the Bible you're almost there you guys it's like mid-november and you've got like five weeks left you're all you almost made it and so if you're doing that you've you're well into the letters of Paul now and so what Dave and I talked about what I wanted to do is just take these two Sunday's to kind of help reset the default on your vision or understanding of who Paul is maybe you've never read Paul's letters at all before maybe you read them once and you're like never again I was too bothered maybe you just it was a mixed bag for you you you were challenged intellectually challenged other times you're like what is this person talking about you are sometimes mildly offended sometimes really offended by some of this Thanks and so maybe your vision of Paul is just bewilderment maybe all you know about Paul's letters is family members or other Christians that you've known who liked to quote sayings of Paul and then use them to censure other people's behavior and so on and whether that's right or wrong is not the point point is that's all you know about Paul and so what I wanted to do is just reset the default to help us get to the center of gravity for who Paul was what he was about and what he accomplished what Jesus accomplished through him which was remarkable what should come to our minds first thing we think of when we think about Paul the Apostle is his contribution to the earliest Jesus Movement which was to create a viral network of house church communities in the largest and most strategic cities in the ancient Roman world and by definition and for the very purpose of making each one of these house churches a multi-ethnic community that had that held together in a common space culturally diverse expressions of Allegiance and love for Jesus that was the the unique calling of Paul and he did it he actually pulled it off and two of those churches I mentioned this last week the one in Corinth the one an Ephesus came to be some of the most influential churches in the centuries in the centuries to follow Paul passed away executed largely unnoticed by the ancient world but within two hundred years the movement that he was a part of helping start actually gained the the nonstop attention of the Roman Emperor and the Roman Empire because the ancient world has simply never seen anything like this before despite socio-economic differences ethnic differences gender difference slaver free category in the ancient world all of these people would gather in these homes and as one Roman governor said sing sings hymns to this one they call Christ as this to a god and the Romans had no idea what to do with this and this was Paul's heartbeat we looked at what Paul's introduction of himself was you were going to try and introduce Paul how would you do it well let's just let him do it and I want to launch off of a passage that I showed you guys last week it's Romans chapter one and it's Paul introducing himself to a group of people that he for the most part has not met and how does he do it and just will reread it just to get it fresh in our minds again this is from the beginning of his letter to the Romans church churches in Rome he says Paul a servant of the Messiah Jesus called to be an apostle remember apostle is a Greek word spelled with English letters your translators chose not to translate that one apparently remember what it means a fish already too called to be an official representatives who is set apart for God's good news which he promised long ago through his prophets in the sacred scriptures this good news that is about his son whose physical lineage was from the line of David the line of Israel's ancient kings and through the Holy Spirit he was established as the Son of God in power by his resurrection from the dead it's Jesus the Messiah our Lord amen and even through him I was graciously made his representatives to call all of the nations to faithful obedience for the sake of his name and that includes you who are in Rome also called by Jesus the Messiah and loved by God and can we go back to the previous slide so I highlighted this key phrase right here this is this is the heartbeat of Paul he was called as a representative of Jesus called by Jesus to do what and there's two pieces here to call all of the nations to faithful obedience all nations faithful obedience it's this radically inclusive all humanity call to a very exclusive center of focus faithful obedience to Jesus and this is intuitive right if you no matter how large and diverse a group of people that you are trying to unify every call to unity has to have some exclusive focus on a center to which everybody unites and so what our culture is is we continue to learn as if we didn't know it already seems incapable of producing the kind of unity that Paul was able to produce on the scale of these networks of multi-ethnic house church community he actually did it and just to get a visual reminder of this this is so radically innovative in the history of ancient religion in the history of humanity what happened in those first few decades was just remarkable and I just wanted to sink into our memory how remarkable and significant this this call was I want to show you a picture of a church my hunch is that most of you have not been to this church before on the other side of the planet it's a Catholic Church in Nazareth in Israel sits in the town that Jesus grew up in it's called the Church of the Annunciation and it's actually the largest Catholic Church structure in all the Middle East it's in Nazareth which is a small city like a hundred thousand people this massive massive building and you know Nazareth is a you know small city now it was not a big city in Jesus day Jesus grew up in in the in the sticks in podunk hill country towns what at what I call at Nazareth the archaeologists who you know have reconstructed and dug up the earliest layers of Nazareth from Jesus days tell us no more than five hundred people lived in Nazareth and so now it's just you know city surrounding this church of the annunciation and the the whole church is dedicated to retelling and commemorating the story of when Mary receives this message this divine message that she's pregnant and going to give birth to Israel's Messiah now to understand what's happening in this church I'll show you the inside of it in just a second you have to know something about this next picture here which is a classic classic picture in the history of Western art what's this picture called Madonna and Child not the other Madonna all right but you could probably see that already so this is a an iconic iconic fixture image in Catholic art history in Western art history it's of Mary and the baby Jesus they're both usually depicted with some kind of halo they're pretty faint in this one and this is this has been this representation of Jesus has been fixed in in the minds and the memories of billions of human beings know throughout throughout history as we look at this right now there's one thing that I hope just leap the picture screen right do you what do you notice about the baby Jesus plump [Laughter] he's blonde and he's white and that's because his mom is blondish and white most in the especially in Western art history most on the fall to the tee depictions of Jesus and his family of the whole there all of Wyatt Europeans and there are many details historical details we don't know about Jesus of Nazareth how he grew up and so on but one thing we know for sure he did not look like that like this not at all alright he was a Eastern Jewish man who almost certainly on the shorter side dark olive skin thick black he did not look like that so here's what's really here's what's remarkable about the Church of the Annunciation the church was built just about 48 years ago and what the Catholic Church did was commissioned dozens and dozens of artists who were Christians from around the world and asked them to create their own representation of the Madonna and Child but they were commissioned to draw upon the traditional folk art imagery of their own heritage their cultural heritage and you walk into this building and you were overwhelmed by representations of Jesus and I just want to try and recreate a bit of the experience by walking it through I took pictures of all of them and I'm just going to show you some of them but just this this this will do something to you as you want is you look at these images Singapore Greece Ecuador Bolivia Romania Vietnam Korea China Croatia I love Croatia so you're going to Google all these afterwards I'm sure right yeah and you should Thailand I love Thailand Scotland that's my home team darlin uh-huh Italy and my personal favorites Ethiopia so amazing and Japan now this pales the titles I think is paracin I had this virtual tour but just try and just you know all of them together they're kind of blurry because they're far away from you but I'd so just thought this is just a small sample mmm this is this church for some people it's a museum but it stands there in nazareth today as a living symbol of one of the most remarkable facts of human history you guys there isn't another religious tradition in human history that can show you something like this the history of the jesus movement is the most culturally diverse religious movement in the history of the human race do you understand the gravity of what we're looking at right here right when we when we see this and there dozens more in this building it becomes so clear to you and when you're sitting there in a sea of people looking at all these images and you're not hearing your own language anywhere and neither is anyone else it becomes so clear that you and I are part of something so much more ancient than where we live right now 240 years is the experiment the Democratic experiment we're living within and it just becomes so clear that Christianity is not a Western religion the Jesus is not captive to any one nation that he is not the patron of any particular voting demographic that he can never be co-opted by any single ethnic group the resurrected Jesus as Paul said he's the king of all nations and he is the one in whom every diverse expression of the human story finds his destiny and its fulfillment there's nobody on the outside that Jesus does not represent in his humanity because Jesus was Israel's Messiah but he was so much more what all of the apostles the official representatives see in the person of Jesus is the truly human one they believe that when they were looking at Jesus what they saw and what they experienced in Jesus of Nazareth with looking into the face of God the one true God who is imaged in every single human being in all of this diversity and so the singular Jesus is the only one in whom all of humanity can find their unity as a very bold claim to make in the first century or in the 21st century but that was Paul's absolute heartbeat and what we're looking at 2,000 years later is the fruition of Pulse dream this is what Paul was about and this is what the history of the Jesus Movement has always been about it's the most inclusive movement in the history of the human race because there is no human that doesn't come within the reach of the Godman Jesus somebody say Amen thing I mean this is absolutely remarkable you guys yes let me look at [Music] [Applause] so so let's come back we'll come back to Romans 1 and particularly to just that highlighted phrase in Romans 1 on the slide so that's what Paul's heartbeat is to call all nations to the to unity in giving allegiance to the one Jesus now what ethnicity was Jesus again not white Europeans Jewish so somehow in this Jewish man the God of all humanity finds its destiny and that's a tension that's been at work in the Earth's in the Jesus Movement always since the very beginning and see here's how this played out and Paul's day him doing this going out to all of the nations to call together a diverse people around King Jesus this was really controversial really controversial if you did the biblical year of biblical literacy you read the first three quarters of your Bible which is called the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament the Jewish Scriptures and their focus specifically on the story of one ethnic national people group who are the Covenant people of God the people of Israel the Jewish people and what happened with Jesus and with Paul and the circle of the apostles was an absolute revolution in stoat the fulfillment they claimed of the story of Israel but through the Jewish Messiah a new human family was being created under King Jesus and so all of the boundary lines that used to mark the Covenant people of God they were they were these symbolic practices of Israel like eating kosher keeping Sabbath circumcision for males worship as a national people group that all centered around actual building like a temple in Jerusalem and all of that shifted in the Jesus Movement and all of a sudden Paul creates these communities in Rome and Corinth and in Athens and what he tells the Jewish followers of Jesus is like keep doing that like what's your heritage that is your unique expression of giving honor to King Jesus who's your Messiah but then he had to iron out the differences between these followers of Jesus and these like Greek followers of Jesus and for them getting circumcised is just not on the table for the men it is right there adults and this is all going to be very painful so like that first and and Jewish dietary restrictions and so on and so they're like no we want to honor King Jesus through channeling our cultural expression just like what this paintings were all about and what Paul had to try and help them do was learn how to navigate and honor those real real differences like they just saw things in a very different way and those differences remained important to them like the church held a space for each of them to be different in that way but at the same time it was a surrender of those unique identities to say those that this Jewish identity and this Greek identity is a it shapes part of who I am but it doesn't define who I am when I'm in this body together all my particularity is in my particular views and opinions and about this or that it all becomes second tier to the overriding unity that we share in King Jesus amen and that was it that has been a paradox and attention at the heart of the Jesus Movement for the last two millennia and every culture into which Christianity has gone there have been different ways that those tensions align themselves and in the last seven days right Christians in America find themselves in another configuration of those differences but here we are like if I can take a picture of you all and get it up on here we could add it we could add it to the wall and Malthus couldn't it well you're not baby Jesus right but you get my point you get my point like here in the city and here all over America and all over planet Earth there are communities of Jesus full of people who are so dis more than we could possibly imagine and we all bring that unique heritage but we also surrender it because what defines us when we gather as one body is the love of King Jesus that he loved me that he gave himself for me that he was raised from the death raised from the dead on my behalf and that his life is given as a gift to me and to my enemy that Jesus's life is given to me and the people that I love and the people that I feel like I hate and when we come together when Jesus people come together like all of that gets put on second tier it's one of the most difficult things that Christians have found themselves trying to do over the last type of 2,000 years and is the task that we find before ourselves today so if the if these Jewish boundary markers through ethnic practices don't mark the family of Jesus as people after after the movement launches what what does mark the family of Jesus's people and it's this phrase right here what Paul calls faithful obedience I would yep of faithful obedience so all of the nations inclusive Paul faithful obedience exclusive Paul so what was it that marked the earliest followers of Jesus as noticeable these are the things that define the identity of the people of God it's not skin color it's not socioeconomic class or so what is it and the two things is again as you read through Paul's letters is the things that he talks about the most is sex and idolatry I want to run away again right now the conflict avoider and me sex and idolatry a a level of sexual integrity that was absolutely foreign to the ancient Roman world it was one of the core core boundary markers and we'll explore it for a minute and idolatry giving withdrawing my participate in the worship of the Greek and Roman gods and giving my allegiance to King Jesus and actually of the two idolatry was the way more scandalous problem causing one for the early early Christians sex look at how Paul's mind works here this is a passage from first Corinthians chapter 12 he says in the same way that a body is one thing yet has many individual parts all of its many parts form a single body is anybody learning anything so I guess perfectly evident abscissa of many parts right one body thank you Paul that's how it is with the Messiah Oh what does that mean for we were all baptized by one spirit and so we all form one body whether Jew or Gentile slave or free so you might you might read that and you think yeah inclusive Paul is awesome one body right many members were all really different one body what does it have to do with sex because human beings in Paul's mind human beings aren't simply you know a ghost in the machine souls trapped in bodies it's completely foreign to biblical view of humanity biblical view of humanity is human beings we're earthlings literally made of the earth okay we're slings right we our whole person in complex interwoven embodied creatures of mind body spirit emotion all of it packaged together none of it completely separable from each other and so if through the spirit and through my baptism I've been joined to this body this is the Messiah's body right here many many bodies we're all bodies sitting here so it's not just you have a body you are a body and we have all of these bodies and we wake up the mess is body and so when Paul here is that there are some men in the Church of Corinth who continued the habit that they just grew up with in Roman culture of having recreational sex with the local prostitutes who work down at the Zeus temple you know down the street look at his logic and how how he addresses this problem is fascinating look at what he says it's in the next slide he says don't you know that your bodies are members of the Messiah so then should I take any body member of the Messiah and unite it with a prostitute no way don't you know that he who unites himself with the prostitute becomes one with her in body it's not what page 2 of the Bible says he quotes from page 2 right here the two become one flesh but the person who's united with the Lord is one with him in spirit flee sexual immorality you do not belong to yourself you were bought at a price therefore honor God with your body so this is very different is like a foreign language to Westerners okay because one of our greatest convictions right as a culture is like the freedom and liberty and determination of the individual and and if you love the inclusive Paul we love the inclusive Paul yay Multi Hasmik growing we love it right at least I say we do right but for Paul then there are so many implications of that if if the people of Jesus are truly a unified diverse multi-ethnic body of the Messiah then here's an implication of that your body isn't yours and my body is not mine to do whatever I wanted with my body is a member of this body and this body is Jesus's body and that has huge implications with what we do with our bodies when it comes to sex do you see how Paul follows this here this is Paul's moral argument you belong to the church so don't sleep around documents are in a profound way your individual body is a part of the representation of this body and to unite your body in a way that goes against the teaching of Jesus with another body just do you see just like how the lines are getting crossed right there it's a moment of insanity you're forgetting your true identity and where's Paul getting this he's getting this from the teachings of Jesus and Jesus talked about sex and bodies on more than one occasion Jesus had the ultimate high view of sex a great irony in our culture is that Christianity is often accused of having a low view of sex like it's dirty and shameful don't talk about it and if you actually read the teachings of Jesus is exactly the opposite he has the highest view of sex and of the end the sacredness of the of the body that you could possibly imagine in fact he thinks that the sex in the human body and what happens when human beings have sex is so remarkable and so significant that it has the power to generate life or it has the power to destroy human beings the same exact thing and so in Jesus's teachings you see a high view of sex in the body that my body belongs to Jesus was body and he dedicated his body to a covenant of love and commitment to his people and Jesus has followers it's the sexual ethic of Jesus's followers right from his teachings is is that our bodies sexually or to be dedicated the purpose of a covenant marriage between a man and a woman now I'm already sweating and getting to her that's right because because I know I know that there are people in the room and you disagree and I respect that I totally respect that but if I put on my historian hat it is in fact what would Jesus said and I have a choice before me of whether or not I want to join Jesus body on his terms and discover discover the wisdom of what he was trying to guide people towards towards a new vision I mean if the multi-ethnic inclusive Paul is a new vision of humanity what is this vision of sexuality it's just like a completely new vision of being a sexual human full of wisdom it's the highest view of the body and of sexuality that you could have mention and for Paul it absolutely follows if we are one body what I do with my body matters now one thing you'll you'll notice is you're reading through Paul's letters it was true right here almost all of Paul's talk about sexual ethics is aimed at men there's a reason there's a historical reason for that and I'll just quote a history nerd because he is he'll illuminate this for us it's a guy named Larry Hurtado and we're selling his book in the back I told him to get a bunch to sell to you and you should get this book unbelievable in the Roman era there was a double standard in sexual practice women were generally held to a standard of strict marital chastity men however were allowed considerably more freedom to have sex with many others although sex with other men's wives was not approved all other kinds of sexual activity were openly tolerated and actually encouraged as demosthenes said ten times twice demas demosthenes the 4th century orator put it we Romans have prostitutes for pleasure slaves for our daily desires male and female and wives to give us legitimate children and to guard our household in this setting pay attention in this setting Paul's exhortations to sexual integrity given mostly to men project a radically different standard among Christians he makes the unusual move of holding men to the same standards of holiness and honor expected of women thereby challenging the dominant double standard open the time type Oh am i and in the time do you get what he's saying right there so there's a historical irony for you what in our day is considered an oppressive right institutional ancient conservative view of sex in Paul's day was a radically innovative move towards equality between sexual integrity standards expected the same between men and women do you get it and it's you just once you see it in Paul's letters you can't unsee it every time he's getting in men's spaces about sex he is at the same time honoring and elevating the status of the women in these communities by telling these men to behave in the same way and to and to move right towards the double standard this is remarkable and not this isn't he's not even a theologian you guys he's just a historian and he's telling you how Paul's ethic would have been perceived in his day sex was a huge way that the early Christians were marked as a unique kind of family apart from their Greek and Roman neighbors but it actually wasn't the most provocative one sex and idolatry and this follows from being members of Jesus's body idolatry is the next one let's just look read another power is done you with me do one more let's do one more this is 1st Corinthians chapter 10 therefore my dear friends flee from idolatry Paul Paul only says in his letters to ever to flee from two things sex with somebody start your spouse and idolatry isn't a cup of Thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of the Messiah it isn't the bread that we break a participation in the body of the Messiah listen there's one loaf and we who are many are one body for we all share one loaf so I read this last week so the core of the early Christian gatherings and all the way through is the Eucharist or communion taking the bread and the cup together and we are eating the these symbols we're eating the story of Jesus is self giving life and love is death for us in his resurrection for us and it doesn't matter or free whatever your skin color whatever your economic status we all share at the same table and eat together in the worship of Jesus it's one of the most radical statements of the inclusive Paul ever but look what he says what follows we're part of the Messiah's body and when we eat from the one bread and the cup it's another symbol of our unity as his body so I'm my name's Sergius my name's Tim but let's just pretend my name is Sergey and I'm a new follower of Jesus and you know so whatever I grew up in Corinth and there's a zeus temple down the street and we are talked about the prostitutes you know that circus would have grown up sleeping with their encouraged by his follower is his father encouraged by his father and also what goes on there is meals of honor to the goddesses temples were the butcher shops in ancient Roman cities because they're constantly a a cycle of animal sacrifices coming through these ancient temples and so the the butcher industry was located around these temples and so let's say I get invited by my friends I'm a new Christian I get invited by my friends hey you know our friends tertius he's offering honorary sacrifice he wants a really good wheat harvest this year he's going to give offering disease god of thunder and weather and rain and so on so come on join us join us sir yes and what do you do what do you do and look at the council Paul gets here he says do do I mean that food sacrificed to an idol is anything am I saying that Idol is anything no no no the sacrifices of pagans are offered to and I'm tricking you okay diammonium what you say with me the Greek word that Moni on not to God and listen I don't want you to be participants with demonium because if you're a Christian you're a participant with who its Messiah so don't be a participant with the demonium spat news listen you can't come in here and drink the cup of the Lord and have the cup of demonium - you can't have part in both the Lord's table and the table of ammonia and the million dollar question that you're asking is what on earth is a diamond on a demonium so you can guess because the English word that translates this in your translations is very close it sounds very similar to demonium what's the English word demon and in our culture we're so a wash in the later European medieval mythology of the little reptilian creatures you know that sit on your shoulder and whisper and entice you to say mean things your neighbour or something like that right be with me like that's that's the caricature and that's ridiculous this ridiculous all acknowledge how silly and ridiculous sentence right there's nothing like that in the Bible diammonium it's it's the Greek word for demigod for spiritual beings who are not the all-powerful creator god but that are in rebellion against the one true creator god or who are meant to serve in God's hosts and they do so no longer demonium rebel gods rebel beings in the Bible's view of the world there's rebel humans and then there's rebel demonium spiritual beings and in other words what Paul saying is for surrogates to go down to that zeus temple and to participate in a sacrificial meal offered to a demony on what you're messing with fire there and then paul says listen is that is the idols statue of you know sitting in the desert anything no I'm about what I'm saying what I'm saying is there's real spiritual evil at work in the world and it inspires all kinds of things that lead humans to destruction and and you don't want to mess with that your allegiance is to King Jesus King Jesus alone let me show you a picture of one of the most important demonium in ancient Roman world it's the next slide the goddess dia is means goddess in Latin dia what's the name of the goddess Rome Rome here on a Roman coin you can see the face of an emperor and by Paul's day and in the centuries to follow there was a strong strong move after after an emperor died and then while they were still alive to declare them to be sons of God to declare them to be gods and so on one side of the coin you you have the Emperor the son of God and then on the flip side of the coin you have the goddess Roman now how do you how do you worship the goddess Roma you sing songs right now you go offer a sacrifice in gratefulness that the powers of the Roman Empire have graced you with peace for another year the in ancient world idolatry is about power and worship is about Allegiance it's the worship of power when I'm going down to the Zeus temple what am i what am i doing the all of these gods Zeus and Aphrodite and Apollo's and so on all of these gods were were deification zuv powers but humans want to harness for me and the benefit of my tribe sex war music archery weather military power its military power turned into a god and at every corner and in every Roman city you could go offer your allegiance in fact you were called to by the infrared to give allegiance to Roma and to to the emperor himself as the Son of God do you see why this is certainly the more provocative of the two boundary markers here so look at what the history nerd has to say right here Larry Hurtado and will land the plan right here early Christianity lacked any of the things typically that comprised religion in the Roman world there were no shrines there was no temple therefore no statues of the deity there was no altar and there were no sacrifices and no priesthood this was totally bizarre in a culture saturated with temples and gods to deny the gods their worship with effectively to deny their reality you actually really offend your friends if you don't go down and worship Zeus with them and the withdrawal of the newly converted Christians from the ubiquitous veneration of the gods in public and family environments was seen as abrupt arbitrary unjustified and deeply worrying to the Romans all of these gods governs various arenas of human life and one's family and city and national gods were guardians against plague and fire and disaster refusal to participate in their worship would have been taken as disloyalty to one's family in one city in a disregard for the welfare of one's neighbors do you get what he's saying right here to honor Jesus as Lord was an act fraught with put what we would call political significance and I would argue that nothing has changed as we sit in the 21st century if saying Jesus is Lord doesn't have political significance then we simply have no idea what Jesus and the apostles were actually trying to talk about idolatry is about the worship of power it's about exalting the whatever powers that work in the world one of them is national security exalting it to the place of a God so that it gets my ultimate Allegiance it's where I find my identity it's where I find my hope it's where my mind goes when the world is chaotic it's the place where my hopes become focused and then you know that this God was your hope of course when the whole things come shattering down and you think the world is over and the early Christians were absolutely stubborn in this refusal to acknowledge anything as God other than King Jesus and I think there's a wisdom so much wisdom let me land the plane the Christian movement is this paradox of radical inclusivity with an exclusive focus on faithful obedience to Jesus and those boundary markers in the first century and I would argue those two same boundary markers I think are probably the most potent ones in our culture today sex and idolatry and what does it look like for you guys as we come to take the bread makup as we come together as one body in the allegiance of King Jesus what does it actually look like for us to walk out of here because following Jesus isn't relegated to what we do when we gather this is like the charged-up time right what does it mean for you to live in this paradox for you to give your life to serve others to serve the well-being of the city to honor whatever powers are governing arc are the place where we live and at the same time acknowledge that they are not God and they are not truly King Jesus is king and in the name of that King we give out our lives in acts of service and love just like our King did for us amen and so I don't know I don't know where these two themes how they speak to you it's not my job that's the Holy Spirit's job but as we come to take the bread in the cup I just would ask you when it comes to sex when it comes to idolizing power and where we place our hopes is there any repenting that we need to do as we come to worship Jesus today is there any misplaced hopes that we need to come and lay before King Jesus is there a neighbor with whom we need to reconcile in the name of Jesus because we've constructed a boundary line where Jesus says one does not exist in the room I don't know what that means for you but I'm going to close in prayer we're going to worship and take the bread in a cup and I just trust the Spirit will guide us as his people let me close in a word of Prayer Jesus were grateful for the wisdom of our brother and leader Paul the Apostle Jesus we thank you for the way that he points us to you Jesus you are the one in whom all of our hopes are truly found you are the one whose rule is the only rule that can bring true life and unity and hope to our world and so Jesus we want to put our lives in the service of your kingdom would you please empower us by your spirit as we repent and renew our devotion to you please empower us to love you and love our neighbor as ourselves we pray in your powerful name King Jesus amen yea I meant
Channel: Tim Mackie Archives
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Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2017
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