Tim Lincecum No Hitter [Full Game HD]
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Channel: FlyingHellFish99
Views: 184,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tim Lincecum (Baseball Player), Baseball (Sport), No-hitter (Film Subject), full game, padres, San Francisco Giants (Baseball Team), San Diego Padres (Baseball Team), giants, Pitcher (Baseball Position), High-definition Television (Accommodation Feature), High-definition Video (Film Format)
Id: k8R-PTuFgkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 57sec (8997 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Dat Posey hug though. Gets me every time!
I just watched this a week ago...
<3 MLB for allowing this stuff
THIS GAME!! Fuck man, my ex-gf is a huge Padres fan and surprised me with tickets she bought on stub hub. They end up being behind home plate up the first base line a bit. It was an experience I will never probably never have again. For my birthday she even emailed the guy who sold the tickets on stubhub and got me the actual ticket stubs. Watching that Posey hug live was so epic. Best baseball moment of my life
Fuck its good to be a Giants fan.
Oh man. I was hanging out at my friends' house during the game and checking the box score and reading the plays on my phone using the At Bat app (none of my friends watch baseball so there was no point in pulling up a feed or anything). As the innings went on I noticed the "0" on the Padres' hit counter wasn't changing and I wondered if a no-hitter was actually happening or if I was misunderstanding something. When I read that Timmy was pitching the 8th, I knew shit was actually going down. I literally just sat there nervously starring at my phone waiting for each out to update and counted them down as I drank excessively. After the final out, I threw my phone on the ground in celebration and began yelling at everyone about how happy I was.
Even though I never watched or listened to a single second of the game that night, I still felt like I was part of it and found it very memorable even though my friends probably hated me that night.