BAL AT TOR - October 05, 2016
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Channel: MLB
Views: 53,972
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: Major League, Game Archive, Toronto Blue Jays, Baltimore Orioles, Major League Baseball, Baseball, MLB
Id: HTqTyTegSAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 5sec (13265 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
You know they´ve turned a lot of double plays..OH, THERE´S A DRIVE TO DEEP LEFT FIELD AND THE BALLGAME IS OVER.
5 pitches from Ubaldo... Ouch
It felt like the game was over - we were gonna score. My first thought was "that was unnecessary" as the ball was on a rope into the 2nd deck.
Man I was at this game and it was so crazy when he hit that... the entire place was going nuts for 20 mins after, people throwing toilet paper out the hotel windows.. Everyone in the streets was chanting lets go blue jays - it was amazing.. You'd think we won the World Series!
I generally didn’t really like Elevator Ernie as a commentator that game, but I’ll always remember that walk off HR call
Watched this game on a laptop in an AirBNB in Maine, during the middle of a road trip. Pretty unforgettable experience.
Sorry, I'm busy watching the Yankees get fucked tonight.
Yup. Still brings a smile to my face