THE 108TH WORLD SERIES, GAME 1 - October 24, 2012

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I get goosebumps every time.

My favorite part is where they think Detroits SP is SO much better than SF's

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/olmuckyterrahawk 📅︎︎ May 05 2013 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/blanco4prez 📅︎︎ May 04 2013 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/kasutori_Jack 📅︎︎ May 04 2013 🗫︎ replies

Not to be a snob but if you can afford yourself a favor and buy the DVDS so you can hear these games with our commentators. Well worth the price.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/rexmortis 📅︎︎ May 05 2013 🗫︎ replies

1:39:40 Delmon Young's throws into the ground in an attempt to get Belt at the plate after Z's single.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/shootyoup 📅︎︎ May 05 2013 🗫︎ replies

Best part of the game: Zito

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/buymyzhp 📅︎︎ May 05 2013 🗫︎ replies

It was amazing to see the giants look like a powerhouse to the world.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tunavi 📅︎︎ May 06 2013 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] had to go to bill Mazeroski you had to show the Mazeroski [Applause] miraculous [Applause] in the air to see [Applause] tonight the World Series will begin play for the 108 times no script for what will happen but how many times their dream is imagine this scenario playing through pain it team is down by one bottom of the ninth two outs full count well for some it's not a dream it's the moment a legend is made [Applause] that's baseball this is Game one of the World Series that Tigers versus the Giants don't worry Fox won't let you miss a single one [Music] [Applause] here in San Francisco back into this part they make toys and then make the camera shape it's game number one in the World Series the Detroit Tigers the San Francisco Giants tonight on five and now welcome to the broadcast booth everybody I'm Jill buck Tim McCarver is coming up in just a second so let's look at Detroit they win the division second year in a row they get by Oakland they get by the on the other side you've got the San Francisco Giants down two games to nothing to Cincinnati going on the road no problem down three games to one to the st. Louis Cardinals no problem here they are in the World Series trying to win it for the second time in the last three years now all the momentum they have can hit a brick wall when the opposition is starting a guy like Justin Verlander here in Game one and that's really part of what should be an advantage pitching wise for the Tigers it rests with their starting rotation clearly the advantage rest with the starting rotation of the Tigers led by Verlander however if the Giants can score early get the lead in the middle of the game then the advantage swings to San Francisco because they've got a much better more flexible bullpen than the Troy stock offense for the Giants they were led in that NLCS by their two three hitters Marco Scutaro Pablo Sandoval on the other side you've got easily the most feared 3-4 combination of Miguel Cabrera and Prince Fielder they are so so good maybe in the game the thing you want to do with them is try to get them to hit with minimum guys on base that's why Austin Jackson to me the offensive P is the weather Detroit scores one run let's thank Billy Crystal for helping us open the show his new movie parental guidance opens Christmas Day in which he plays as San Francisco Giants minor-league announcer this is the big leagues and it's Game one how about that it's no baseball's two best teams are about to face off in the 108th addition to the Fall Classic the only thing left to decide who will be crowned this year's champion it's Game one of the World Series only you you fifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance and by DIRECTV don't just watch TV DirecTV with Bill Webb does night after night he directs TV these art directors Taco Bell starting lineup for the Tigers watching by Taco Bell sometimes you got to live mas Austin Jackson leads off in center Omar Infante is in second and Miguel Cabrera Prince Fielder that great combo Delmon Young the ALCS MVP Jhonny Peralta Shorty's had a good postseason avisail Garcia is out in right he's a rookie Alex Avila does the catching and Justin Verlander there's nobody better that anybody can throw in a game one than Justin Verlander by the way don't forget all it takes one stolen base in this World Series and everybody in America gets a free taco that's about as simple as it gets and Justin Verlander who will be the opposition for Barry Zito his pregame meal is from Taco Bell that's a free pop for Taco Bell and here's the left-hander Barry Zito not a bad pop either Game five the National League Championship Series so important to the Giants it was win or go home well I went home to play games 6 and 7 the past is forgotten however and now he's got a pitch to danger with Barry Zito was before game five and is tonight before game 1 the World Series don't fall behind opening pitch is brought to you by Budweiser great times are waiting grab sand bugs Austin Jackson getting set to lead it off you look at the numbers from the regular-season on that bottom line of 300 average 16 home runs 66 RBIs and Tim he deserves a lot of credit working hard to limit strikeout much better this year not only working hard that during the season but working hard during it last offseason with Lloyd McClendon we go in the first pitch is up and away ball one for Barry Zito who wears number 75 a former siyoung Award winner that was back in 2002 with the Oakland A's ten years later here he is making his first World Series start any both have been up but I'm sure the rental is coursing through the veins of Barry Zito as importantly both pitches have been outside you've got to clear that front side and try to flow inside part of the plate to write any better it's too long [Applause] it's just in Game one the fourth matchup between sigh you warn winners at cito and the power right-hander Verlander here's a 2-1 pitch to Jackson popped up shallow center for GaN coming in so is pence and it's tense whoa the Giants defensive lineup brought to you by Dick's Sporting Goods we've got Gregor Blanco in left angel Fagin and centre hunter pence isn't right Pablo Sandoval's Brandon Crawford Marco Scutaro and Brandon Belt around the infield Buster Posey does the catching for Barry Zito he should know by now every season starts at Dick's here is Omar Infante who was picked up from the Marlins and after starting slowly he showed the Detroit fans exactly what he can do a nice addition Dave Dombrowski made in season the shore of second base I'll tell you how good my Infante is two years ago he was a utility player for the Atlanta Braves and he made the all-star team that's pretty good trying to get on in front of Cabrera if there's better protection in the game you'd have to try and convince me you couldn't do it because protection happens with the guy on deck the guy on deck is the most feared hitter in the game Jerry Davis is the crew chief he's behind the plate danaiah Sonia's first fielding Culbreath final Dora Brian Gorman Jill West blue cowboy and right base hit up the middle that pitch hung out over the plate and Omar Infante reached out sent it right back through the box so it's one on one out and here comes Miguel Cabrera the Triple Crown winner from the American League there are many words to describe me the best word is terrifying it seems like he's been around forever he's only 29 years old and for him to do what he did offensively and become the first Triple Crown winner since 1967 10 whilst moving from first base to third base defensively I think is remarkable that's a valid point not only does he have to worry about hitting as always but moving to a new position a position that he hadn't played with while there's a pitch up and away that's a ball from very Seto so Miguel Cabrera last four Triple Crown winners have reached the World Series that includes big number 24 for the Tigers check on the runner of first Mickey Mantle in 56 his team won at all Frank Robinson and 66 his team won it all then he has who was the last to do it 67 his team lost to [Music] which tip was a who was their catcher cardinalis want to know the count on Cabrera one ball one strike Sedo doesn't get the call at the county is now to an O instead of even at one and one as a breaking ball and missed inside one thing about Jerry Davis the home plate umpire he has a very tight strike zone to get strikes called it's got to be on the plate no if he phantoms strike falls off the plate [Applause] here's a tool down it in three at all look at the numbers for Miguel Cabrera in 2012 a whole world all world season number one in the American League in all those different categories and since 2009 he's led the American League overall in all the Triple Crown categories keep saying took the crowd that's RBIs average he was number one in the league there's a strike from Zito on count three and one car has stripped his witness trips he was quoted as saying that he was surprised that the Triple Crown took so long have been renewed 45 years there's a 3-1 that's a strike in extreme to velocity won't get much above 86 that was 85 that was in the strike zone but Cabrera won more inside part of the breaking ball is fouled with Infante going from first [Applause] already in this first-inning the hardest Zito's thrown 85 the lowest velocities 72 allergy change-up infante head up to the Brera three and two takes for down to second is Infante and that pitch awfully close so much so the Posey popped up and was getting ready to throw down but it was called out of the strike zone two on one out the one thing a catcher wants with the runner running at first base is a quick call from the home plate umpire Posey thought it was a strike but that pitch was low good call by Jerry Davis if you don't get a quick call from the home plate umpire you may throw it to second base needless now it's Prince Fielder [Music] what a great first year in a tiger uniform dealing with Seto and he pops it into shallow left does this shortstop and Crawford's got a two hour Fielder who was hitting 211 prior to that at-bat flies to left to 11 for the postseason we take a look at the Ford keys to this series in your overview of these major category that's how good the Tigers starters are and how hot they have been but the bullpen defense and base running goes to the Giants and the power to the power laiden Detroit Tigers here's Delmon Young five straight games with an RBI this postseason for Delvin he had as he fouls it back the game-winning RBI in each of the four wins over the Yankees Ponte the lead man at second Cabrera on it first with two out but Delmon Young did against the Yankees he cheated on that inside pitch looking inside the inside part of the plates of dangerous pitch too young right here the numbers from his series against the Yankee's pitching the old water left side sand the ball got a weird hop morale that gets the force out Macedo gets around to hitting the walk after 1/2 team1 in San Francisco no school [Music] you eles steal a base steal a taco live boss how about more Taco Bell Taco Bell starting lineup I'm into hungry feeding since breakfast sometimes you got to live mas Angel Pagan leads it off and center Marco Scutaro is at second batting second and Pablo Sandoval's at a very good LCS Scutaro is the MVP Buster Posey trying to get hot this postseason of Hunter Pence isn't right Brandon Belt at first Gregor Blanco and left Brandon Crawford is the shortstop at Barry Zito with a bunt base hit for an RBI in his game five start is pitching and batting knife but here you go I mean Justin Verlander the numbers are overwhelmed he is the epitome of excellence and he's scary he gets stronger as the game goes along in his AJ said and his pregame comments about 94 95 instead up at 91 92 that he was featuring earlier in the year says Jim Lee yeah so he's going to come out of the gate and growing harder that he typically does and then the unbelievable part of Verlander's game like the Gathering Storm yeah he goes into the eighth inning the ninth inning they don't worry about pitch count he was harder than he has old game [Applause] here is Egypt God to start the night 94 on his first pitch of the night misses for ball one and I think you nailed it early I don't think we're gonna see any cheap strikes called tonight nope pecans Scutaro and sand of all here's a 1l pitch wallet a strike a right-hander it is part of a Detroit starting rotation this postseason it has an ERF 1.02 here's a 1-1 pitch chased it upstairs every pitch has been 94 that almost knocked the helmet off the head of angel peg on that swing and it's 1 & 2 you know Joe you'll hit the low fastball you're not going to touch something around the letters forget it make him bring the ball down the force by bringing it down it might be that devastating curveball ahead or splitter or change one ball two strikes with a oscillating arm [Applause] the pitch up and away you and I saw Justin Verlander and neither one of us wanted to make eye contact with him before the game he was he was fiery two hours before this game started like a tiger in a cage [Music] here's a one-two pitch work his way on base still in the hole 1 & 2 [Music] there's no way we'll get through the end of this replay before the next pitch I was thinking the same thing but super slow-mo is too slow here's a one-two in a chopper right side the Prince Fielder clips Cleo it's still going somewhere in our production one out nobody on for Scutaro here's a Justin Verlander's done stamp in the postseason I mean he is he's been almost unhittable yeah three and OH record er a and three quarters of a run opponents not hitting anything against him and we talked to Jim Leyland before the game he said I don't even think about pitch count with Verlander he's good for 130 pitches or more here is Scutaro the MVP of the last brownie hit 500 takes ball Jim Leyland saying that the reason he selected Verlander to start Game one footwork and easy choice he said Justin told me he was starting Game one and I said okay here's the one home on the inside corner a ball and a strike Jim Leyland who is shown a few times already in the seventh year with the Detroit Tigers he took this team to the World Series you know six matched up against his good friend Tony LaRussa Cardinals won that series in five games Tigers have not won at all since 1984 [Applause] good breaking ball that's the first look at that pitch and it is knee buckling it is tight and come in it's got to be impossible to hit after mid 90s and above on the fastball yeah you've got too many things to think about you're trying to hit a 95 mile an hour fastball and then wait to hit a curve broken bat ground ball to Peralta gets a 20 hop for the young [Applause] it played by Peralta who does not have range to his left to right but has very good range in on a ball that's a big league play by a big league shortstop daddy call by danaiah Sonia the first base umpire he got it right I'm out the defense for Detroit brought to you by Dick's Sporting Goods you know the Peralta's is short Delmon Young in left typically a DA Johnston Jackson and right avisail Garcia is in right Jackson and center that is Cabrera Peralta Infante Fielder Avila is the catcher and he has worked the most this season with Verlander strike one to Pablo Sandoval [Applause] sand of all has been red-hot reaching for that pitch fouling it back going to sand of all and Scutaro in that LCS combined to hit 404 two homers 10 RBIs the rest of this lineup at 217 with three homers 21 RBIs so this team is in the final round of the postseason because of the 2 3 combo released offensively for the Giants [Applause] council - and sand the ball hits it into Center back at the law come on what nothing Giants in a home run but acceptable that's a situation where justin verlander did exactly what he wanted to go up and in sometimes you have to tip your cap to the hitter and I think Justin would say that that how did he get on top of that though I don't know he's a lethal lowball and usually can't handle especially worse 95 miles an hour Wow how about that joke for the hall strike one of the inside corner to Posey sand the ball came in over his last nine postseason games hitting 378 [Applause] and he's picking up where he left off against the particles that's up an end Oh two counts this year major leaguers get one in that count of course the so into wanted to the count on Buster Posey [Applause] get that gorgeous fauxhawk not a total mohawk be welcome here in San Francisco [Applause] they love their candle two and two on posey sitting only 178 this postseason Hunter Pence on deck neither snow hit many Oh too fast balls out of the strike zone against Justin Berlin just doesn't happen [Applause] breaking ball gets Posey looking the inning is over but the first run is scored by the Giants somehow those sins of all got on top of that fish [Music] you go get him Barry that's what they said down in the dugout after sandal ball hit the solo home run to make him thought nothing work is cut out for Barry Zito as he deals with Jhonny Peralta Peralta a very good postseason he's putting together hitting 343 he's played an outstanding shortstop at a good second half and he has added to it the postseason one ball one strike went deep twice in the clinching game for was that home against the Yankees the ALCS Miguel Cabrera also went deep in that game one ball one strike seto flips one up there at 80 miles per hour for all day out in front of it straight to trying to hook that ball down the third-base line with two strikes however Peralta starts going to right field there's very good power the other way but it's wasted in this ballpark [Applause] one two from cito away two balls two strikes Zi dou got a game for started Cincinnati went two and two thirds that was it but he got the ball again for Game five that was in the NLCS from Bruce Bochy and he went seven and two thirds no runs six hits he was outstanding hands of Peralta and to me you know you can look at the job by Vogelsong in Game six and Matt Cain in Game seven but to me that start that he gave these Giants launched them and do winning those last three games and getting to the World Series after that game the Giants thought yes we can yes we can and they do 2 & 2 the count [Applause] closing hangs on that's the first strikeout of the night this veteran of tailored down Joe we all kind of had the idea that Bruce Bochy would hand the ball to Barry Zito here in game 1 if the Giants got to the World Series now when Bochy tried to actually call Barry Zito after they won the NLCS you couldn't get ahold of him Zito actually left his phone in the Giants clubhouse horses start very special for Bruce Bochy and Barry Zito he was left off of three postseason rosters when the Giants were in the playoffs in 2010 and what impressed Bochy the most is that what he told him he wasn't on the roster he'd go throw a bullpen session in the state fresh what if Bochy tells you don't hit him in the ball I'm happy to give it to you and Sedo happy to get this start as I mentioned ten years after winning the 2002 siyoung award that's the longest layoff for say young Award winner to start his first World Series game in the history Major League Baseball ten seasons between siyoung and first World Series start as the rookie avisail Garcia was burst onto big-league scene and had a very good series against the Yankee's fouls it away it's one on one and two years ago Barry Zito was not on the postseason roster all three the division League Championship Series and World Series not just one but three one ball one strike one out nobody on see it eight strike two that's a changeup in a good one actually taking something off that that breaking ball pitches he got is with the gear the tiger the drift is slower the pitch another foul Garcia was the minor league hitter of the year for the Detroit Tigers he came up at the very end of August and he had more RBIs in that series against the Yankees and he had at any point in any series during the regular season in fact more total guys this postseason for he drove home three and twenty three games with Jim Leyland their CEO waits with one out nobody on and gets time the home plate umpire Jerry Davis you know the one thing he's as you said only 21 years old the one thing is you don't see many young hitters with a right-handed hitters with the grip off the back that is very unconventional for a 21 year old it's down and in tune to that left hand is actually overlapping the knob of the back he is big right handed hitter and some refer to him as Miguel Cabrera Junior she fills out Jim Leyland said eventually he'll be a [Applause] the witness said but [Applause] [Music] good pitch by Zito Camden offered to our that guy's played the heck out of shortstop in the second half for Bruce Bochy in this postseason that's one great thing about the postseason you have a chance to see a young guy develop with a fine arm Brandon Crawford been flat plays shortstop topped by Garcia and profit makes it easily you talked to the guy who received that bro is Alex Avila stands in the number eight er Jim Leyland wants him to be more aggressive first pitch swinging getting back to the bag is built through the yell he almost ranged too far to his right Bell told us before the game other teams first base coach's remark about how Brandon Crawford's arm is so strong he is Scutaro make plays in the inning one nothing after one and a half you you oxen sponsored by Budweiser great times are waiting grab some buds well if it's Hunter Pence in the postseason you know you're gonna see some action in the dugout before the game and this guy plays the game wide-eyed has a ball and all the numbers haven't been there this postseason his support and that rally stuff certainly has he's been a big part of their success getting by the Reds getting by the Cardinals and here he is taking on Verlander and the Tigers [Applause] rolls up there up an in ball want there has been a saying in baseball for years that if the hitter is a free swinger he's a Bible hitter thou shalt not pass and Gideon his men declutter pits in the true sense of the word there's a swing and a mess and he's been giving those fiery speeches since back before Game three in Cincinnati of the division series had told us start of the NLCS he really doesn't want to do that every game but his baseball players are so superstitious they make it good pitch down and away giddy strike two [Applause] don't throw in the pitch he can reach [Applause] Verlander gave up that first inning home run to sand the ball and now the one to strikeout number two that Posey looking to and the first he gets pence swinging to start the second two good breaking balls out of the strike zone [Applause] and with one out nobody on the batter will be felt started to say and then the end of the inning happened that felt both us before the game that the infielders he receives throws from have such good arms that the opposition's first base coach will often talk to her Crawford's got a cannon at Short he said sand a ball as a former catcher almost throws a riser over the first base he's got a good arm as well in Scutaro as just solidified second base for the Giants strike one and that foul off to the left belt homered in Game seven the NLCS he said it felt good he thought he drilled the baseball and just got out and to write he said they're just some nights where it's almost impossible then who the homerun in this ball park uest home runs hit here in any other park in the big leagues this season strike two [Applause] even the shortest of homeruns feel good too old I would imagine windblown doesn't matter Wrigley Field win [Applause] maybe four mile an hour fastball misses in the count 2 & 2 on deck is Blanco Giants are three and three here at home this postseason even their record by winning Game seven two nights ago here's pop up shallow center late break by Jackson he's there what a good play and he showed his closing speed to get there for out number two you know what Curt Flood who could catch a fly ball with the best stuff used to say use the bill of your cap if you're a center fielder if the ball is below the bill of the cap break forward if it's above the fill of the cap break back and you always have a chance to make up for it with speed and that's what happened to Jackson then Blanco digs his way in with two out nobody on to extend this inning for Brandon Crawford the left-handed hitting shortstop on deck ball one outside Verlander was the second overall pick back in 2004 came up in 2006 right-handed was the Rookie of the Year he's been an MVP se Young Award winner he's done a couple of Hill hitters it's 95 as he starts to heat up here in the second pitcher in baseball history to win Rookie of the Year Saigon MVP and start an all-star game here he is starting Game one in the World Series one one respect to these two teams at least partly responsible for they nationally hosting the first game of the World Series Justin Verlander who was the loser of the all-star game Matt Cain of the Giants was the winner Hosey was the catcher breaking ball just missed two big bats both Melky Cabrera and Pablo Sandoval figured in the scoring LT was the MVP and then he was suspended mid-august tested positive for performance-enhancing drug secondly with his afternoon time here's one easy for Infante to his right it's a 1-2-3 inning for Justin Verlander's we go to the third here in San Francisco glad you're with us tonight on Fox World Series Game one what nothing Giants after two [Music] you you State Farm from auto home life and banking get to a better state have to search and hard to find a better city least a prettier one we continue on in San Francisco at AT&T Park third inning now one nothing and Verlander goes up there hacking at the first pitch Brandon Belt to his left and Verlander who is over four during the regular season is now over one of the postseason hit little interesting tonight State Farm get to a better State recap we go back to the all-star game started by Verlander and a big piece of that bad first inning was a three-run triple by Pablo Sandoval of the Giants but you know the story continues here in the postseason as Austin Jackson takes high ball one and tonight in the first inning no 2 pitch a 411 foot home run over the wall and Center for the only run so far State Farm auto home life and banking get to a better State and Joe we said that nobody hits a no to pitch off of Justin Verlander out of the ballpark and we were right nobody this year has hit a note to pitch out of the ballpark again it's Verlander we just kind of threw it out there at least I did I had no idea but there were 192 home runs hit on a no tube cap this year in the American League actually in the major leagues none off Berlin that's the first rule two balls and a strike Austin Jackson at the plate one out nobody on time called Eric Karros is with us first of all where are you up in left field we came out in left field with the people jail yeah well enjoy that and after this pitch talked about that pitch sequence and what we saw first let's goooo well it's interesting of the six outs he's recorded so far five of them you've been on off-speed pitches you saw sand of all o - he went Adam with a fastball everybody else slider curve change the only guy that fastball Brandon Belt there's a base hit up the middle off the bat of Austin Jackson and he's on with one out here in the third here's the pitch sequence to Sandefur the strike was down and he foul one off old - see you later only run of the game by the way the berry Karros is a man of the people out there dude the giant fans realized they are amongst a guy who played for the dolls they know they know right Eric I'm not with AJ Pierzynski I think he might be more hated than I am out here he's your cover one on one out here's Infante he takes the pitch up and away Omar Infante singled his first time back into Center Austin Jackson the runner at first Vontae is now 11 of 36 this postseason very good at handling the bat and against an off-speed guy with Jackson speed a good time to run Jackson during the regular season stole 12 that was caught nine times so the percentage not that great has not stolen a base this postseason didn't need to against the yank [Music] they were completely shut down there is a 1o pitch like Infante Timbers trying to shoot that into right yeah he's very good at doing that very adept at going to right field in his second stint with the Tigers after spending a very successful 2 or 3 years with Atlanta picked up from Miami in season he wasn't the only player to come to the Tigers honorable Sanchez one of their very good right-handed starters and scheduled to start Game three of this world series came with it your little surprise that Scherzer was not the pitcher one thing he did not ask Jim Leyland the night I thought Scherzer would start Game three and Sanchez game poll but I think they want Sanchez if he goes to games Scherzer's been battling with little shoulders beating right right and you wouldn't know it by his pitching stuff no strikeouts piled up struck out 10 in that game four start yes he has different colored eyes was proud of it six and two-thirds one run two hits in the Fletcher and home against the Yankee's two balls in the strike one on one out see if the Tigers want to run not going and foul off to the right strike two [Applause] tomorrow night in Game two it's Doug Fister against Madison Bumgarner Doug Fister will join us why [Applause] two balls two strikes one on one out struck him out two down Infante trying to hold up kidney inside fastball infante thought it was a strike thought better of it too late [Applause] and went too far yep it brings in Miguel Cabrera [Applause] the brer has wanted all before Eric Karros talked about it during the pregame did so with the Marlins back in Oh three [Music] in golf for strike one we talked to Miguel before the game as you look at the replay of strike one zette flops in there and Cabrera loved that time off five days off after the sweep of the Yankees to let his ankle heal sprained his right ankle about a month ago he's ready to go in the oh one is hit on the line plunk oh what a catch in the inning is over what a play by number seven bottom of the third inning Giants bat up one [Music] you you bottom of the third inning and nobody has more fun in this park in the show that young lady on the scoreboard here every game she's great and this place has fun during the inning and between innings we talked about during the NLCS this is developed and yeah this probably sounds like kissing up to the home crowd but this is developed into in my estimation I have not been in a major league baseball stadium that's louder than this as Bruce Jenkins of the Chronicle said it's a park of ridiculous fun then he's right and noise and they are synchronized locked into the music on the screen with each other with their team with the fake cable cars I mean it's it's just wonderful offered with a cow know and to be followed by bear Osito then angel peg on super the santim camps Crawford 2:06 this postseason shixin swing Verlander's upset he thought the pitch is good enough for strike three again Jerry Davis with a tight strike zone behind and a center Jackson is there to his left one [Applause] MasterCard is proud to present more than four million dollars to stand up to cancer raised from the eat drink and be generous campaign MasterCard joined here by its priceless moments winners who stand up to cancer scientific advisory committee members and co-founders for more information visit stand up to cancer org slash MasterCard MasterCard is the official payment card of Major League Baseball also in that group nine-year-old cancer survivor Justin Boehm [Applause] as Barry Zito [Applause] we had a bunt base hit for an RBI in that game five start and st. Louis will be challenged by Verlander one ball one strike four out of 53 on the regular season and swinging the bat for Zito not known as a good hitter facing the game's best and we probably stick with that pitch and very shortly Barry Zito will go back to the dugout well a pair of des make contact you'll have to hit the ball to left field laws of physics [Music] you saw that little smile on the face of Zeebo after the swing in the mid the one one fastball now he gets a hook now he waits for a 2 2 pitch [Applause] strikeout number three two out here in the third inning and back to the top of the lineup an agent to God not like Jerry's Edo is worried about that it's not his he has three at-bats he's pitching well even two at-bats he's gone to the fifth inning in a game like this well these two teams obviously coming off time off the Tigers more than the Giants but the Giants had the day off it's begun fouls it back we asked Bruce Bochy before the game about a short leash for Zito was obviously pitching well again but he's gotten Lincecum in his bullpen he's got good lefties good righties that's where his strength is and I think any sign of trouble coach he's gonna think about going down to the pen absolutely the guy like Lincecum is so handy and normally he could only start two games but if it goes seven games he could be in three games not to and he's so different from the other giant pitchers that's what makes him so bad here's a 1-1 fouled straight back now 1 & 2 we could rip by Fergana who is waiting around around the 200 mark this Barry Zito [Music] is thinking about the top of the fourth when he deals with field or Yong and Peralta [Applause] still wanted to [Music] [Applause] [Music] very still talk about himself from the dugout [Applause] thirty-four-year-old left-hander here's a one-two breaking ball is outside the strike zone too [Applause] Zito's signed that seven-year deal before the 2007 season signed through 2013 so next year and then a club option for 2014 got big money he hasn't been a big winner but where did he come up huge in Game five of the NLCS is begun just got a piece we talked about it Duffy six years of ineffectiveness would they accept unit this year when Mary was 15 and eight will all be forgiven if they beat the Cardinals in game five well he did seven and two-thirds shutout ball and if he does it again tonight in Game one of the World Series then the slate is really clean here is a 2 2 pitch with two out nobody on for John fouls it back get it back the Giants have won Zito's last 13 starts he's won his last eight decisions [Music] includes Game five in that 13 consecutive wins and his start is a longest active streak around baseball here comes another two two from Verlander pecans made of war eighth pitch idiot fat left side Cabrera hits the bag and that's a base hit but gone will end up at second base with two out you know that it's rare that a first base coach comes into play almost never but the ball hit the bag and pecans busting it down the first base thinking there's going to be a play on your brother fell into first base goes towards towards second and pecan took it with two outs [Applause] I mean you almost never have a first base coach coming to play about anything all they do is say watch the line drive but Roberto Kelly was right on the money pointing the second and pagano advantage over so it's bad break double against Verlander the batter is Scutaro runner at second two out deutero is hidden 10 straight during the postseason you can see penny get into the picture on the right side of it sending for gone down to second - OH the count on Scutaro [Applause] 4:14 hit NLCS to sport it down the right side and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ball two last year in the ALCS Game five Miguel Cabrera who could only watch his F wall hit the bag did the same to the Rangers on a ball that hit third a perfect spot reflection for double [Applause] but that was the end of a good at-bat by angel [Applause] Justin Verlander who's behind on the count to Scutaro too long [Applause] strike two from Verlander in a fastball count he can leave a lot of hitters helpless as he did Scutaro net lock job [Applause] Giants lead one-nothing a chance for another on and a hit from Skeeter ah Verlander is struck out three [Applause] [Music] watch for Calvin Alex availa has caught 23 of berlanger starts and Justin feels much more comfortable with the deal behind the [Applause] nothing against Jarrell there's a certain head to the pitcher have in a villa and fouled out of play off to the right Scutaro one of most tenacious two-strike hitters in the game his swung through only 15 since August horse stuff is to strikeout the lead to tough assignments going [Applause] Scutaro in battle mode the eighth pitch coming to Marco [Music] [Applause] base hit into Center we'll score and it's 10 nothing Giants as Jackson kicks it in sooner Scutaro still red-hot [Applause] her vegetal fame what you thinking we did it again and in how do you get this guy out [Applause] that was a 3-2 curveball hit we're the box speedo out delivers again that ball was Scutaro right now has got to look like a watermelon so the double that hits the bag and then Scutaro delivers his Santa boat takes ball one [Applause] Papa homered his first time off [Applause] sandé of all watches it bro go to first why delay tag on Scutaro yeah Justin picked off prints on that not Marco [Applause] to [Music] [Applause] now a visit from the pitching coach Jeff Jones we typically didn't have to worry about visits when Verlander makes his start along with all the other things that Justin Birla had as he was smiling like what it what are you gonna say yeah what are you doing out here what are you doing out here that's hips a nest right there [Applause] he was stunned to turn around and see Jeff Jones making his way out of the dugout only time either Jeff Jones and Jim Leyland has visited the man in case justin verlander got hurt as he there was a scare back in September September 24th with his left shoulder but you are back at the wall he's loving again the Panda takes the trick that it's born up in Giants here in the third [Applause] two home runs two fast balls that travel the Cobell of a hundred and ninety miles and 95 miles and and of all turned one around to Center and that goes whist with this one into left and it's for nothing here in the third inning Giants against Justin Verlander [Music] Justin can't believe Oh even a while from Berlin [Applause] - one on Buster Posey [Applause] to a visit from Jeff Jones during that event at bat that ends with a two-run home run now Posey gets one into left and he's on with two out here in the third Game seven against the Cardinals we said the Giants can do no wrong while this farm in Game one of the World Series at stately I think you'll stand by screams scored with two outs two the bullpen will get busy with Rick Porcello getting loose Hunter Pence [Applause] he's having more fun strike one on pence and remember all this started on that wall that was chopped to the left side Bakugan that hit the bag got away from caprara for a double and Scutaro events and of all they sit back cozy in the count 2 and 1 on vent that is real momentum right there Joe with two outs and nobody on Pathan hits the ball down the line and everybody's thinking if at all if it's a base hit he gets the first two two out infield hit so what well the ball hits the bag goes to left field Scutaro gets a two-out two-strike hit and then the second home run [Applause] two and one I think I just said hand of all I mixed the pandas sand of all when it came out panda ball [Applause] one on two out t-shirts waiting to be made here's a tea to pinch ground ball left side and a good pickup by Miguel Cabrera Riley's started with two out and the ball that hit the base face hit Scutaro two-run shot said the ball for nothing Giants after three [Music] you Dick's Sporting Goods every season starts at but a completely redesigned 2013 Chevrolet Malibu and by Pepsi crack open a Pepsi and live for now back to the hill is very sido it's for nothing as we go to the fourth inning and it'll be fielder Delmon Young and giant Peralta for the Tigers against Zito Giants pitchers have allowed one run over the last 31 innings started in the eighth inning of Game four against the Cardinals guards didn't bad the ninth and then they took care of starting with Zito and Game five he overtakes a strike we're joined by Doug Fister the outstanding right-hander for the Detroit Tigers during the inning and that was shocking what happened in the bottom of third inning this this Giants team is rolling right now though you know they're swinging the bats well I'll play very hard with one another right now so we got to do some things to combat that and you know got to really just work on keeping the ball down and using the defense how about an extra rest you know everybody talks about your lineup but extra rest that you guys are all working on in the rotation coming into this world series no I think it's we used it to our advantage the rest was needed we definitely got working we were at the ballpark every day we will get here's a basin and to right-center off the bat of Prince Fielder to start the fourth go ahead Doug sorry no way anytime we get hit that's a good thing but not we're in a ballpark you know we're working out getting some games done some dinner squads and making sure we're staying sharp so we're definitely definitely used the rest to to our advantage you had a couple situations with injury during the season how's your body feeling right now right now everything's feeling good you don't mean it's a little chilly here and so you guys stay warm and stay stay stretched but for the most part everything's good so looking forward to morrow Doug when you allow that first hitter of an inning to get on the chances go up dramatically team to score and you really bear down on that first guy don't you absolutely yeah your focus is to get strike one and that's a big thing as a pitcher so you know making sure that the first first guy doesn't get on is one of our main focuses see deal with the leadoff man on fire two strike and now gets a swinging strike on Delmon Young who Doug Fister was so good for you guys in that ALCS against the Yankees absolutely he's falling about very well he likes he definitely likes hitting in Yankee Stadium so you know just hopefully you can carry it on right now he took some good good at-bats in the inter squads and and I'm carrying over right now here's a chop it's a fair ball this will be a double play at second and then they throw it around as this ball was out in front of the plate a tag of Delmon Young and the out at second on the tag of Prince Fielder and Jim Leyland is going to find out what happened I think Posey tagged the body of Delmon Young fired the second and they tagged fielder for the out and it's a double win he make the tag that takes the force out and that ball was a fair ball Delmon Young refused to run had he run then Posey has to throw to second base then get the force and it's doubtful that the return throw would have gotten Delmon Young but by staying at home he presented Posey with the chance to make the tag they threw to second or Posey did and Scutaro made the tag and now with two out nobody on here's Peralta with a fly ball so much for your good luck Doug Fister go get em tomorrow night thanks guys appreciate it all right appreciate your time a double play after the leadoff hit by fielder Peralta flies to right through three and a half there's another look at it that was out in front of the plate the tag the tag for nothing after three down you you get to the game with Chevrolet the official vehicle of Major League Baseball find your chance to win an all-new 2013 Malibu in world / Malibu slashing at it is Brandon Belt coming up empty strike wanna would be belt Blanco's made a nice catch out in left and Brandon Crawford as Barry Zito is through four scoreless innings for nothing Giants strike two they'll fly the center his first time up [Music] [Applause] [Music] most season the first three starts the difference or earned runs doubling what he had allowed in three previous starts two against Oakland one against the Yankees in a count 1 & 2 on Bell home plate umpire is Jerry Davis he's wearing a microphone for us tonight that sounded at the plate on the double play on the top of the unit that's up and away two and two scheduled to hit third in the fifth inning this could be a short one for the right-hander a rare shortly [Applause] here's a 2 2 pitch [Applause] outside a full count [Applause] [Applause] belt facing Verlander for the first time tonight draws a leadoff walk first walk in the night by Verlander and back to the audio from home plate umpire Jerry Davis of a double-play [Applause] yeah [Music] and it took a tag on the back end of it second base umpire fieldin culbreth made sure Scutaro hung on there was a double play ball with Posey feeding Scutaro Albuquerque the right-hander starts to loosen as Verlander steps off after thinking about that play it was a very alert way but even had Delmon Young run or tried to run to first base and he hit the ball hit the ball hit him and he's out but you don't get a doubled one anyway you look at had he run the Tigers would have been much better here's a foul tip off the bat of Blanco strike one Gregor his first time grounded out we talked about it during the NLCS with oki Cabrera was suspended August 15th in that day Blanco basically took over his spot in this lineup and since then here at AT&T Park in 361 he can run doesn't provide a ton of power [Applause] one fish Giants put Melky Cabrera back on the 40-man roster off the suspended list suspension ended before the NLCS covered the 50 games Giants could have activated healthy [Applause] series [Applause] Melky Cabrera at least in the early MVP talk of the National League before he got caught well it made no sense whatsoever to put him on the postseason roster [Applause] the very expected to be put off postseason roster let's go down to Ken Rosenthal who's with his Kent well Joe he's got that long layoff so how effective would he even be if he were here and the other thing is the Giants fine they have like a band of drugged Cabrera was the Brera left this team basically without saying a word to his teammates and they don't want to disrupt that right now well it is obvious if they made the right decision [Applause] waits for the to long to answer the other part of it though is they put Melky Cabrera back on the 40-man roster so they would have that exclusive window after the World Series to be able to negotiate with Malky if they want to bring him back Buster Posey had the highest average across baseball not just in the National League they lost Brian Wilson they lost Melky Cabrera Wilson went down here they are in the World Series is Blanco strikes out looking one in the in it good pitch by Verlander drills the inside corner [Music] strikeout number four for Justin Verlander in the batter is Crawford rocford o for one [Applause] strike one you mentioned Bob Gibson earlier cut from that same cloth out of the same type old as Verlander was Gibson a guy who added velocity as the game went deeper he never lost him he started strong he was like a lot of other great pitchers Siva was like that you had to get him early if you're going to get it and the same is true with Berlin I've gotta get him early it took Bob to loosen up once that happened there was no slowing down I don't know if he gained speed but he didn't lose him one ball one strike on Crawford who lied to left his first time on just got a piece the count 1 & 2 here in San Francisco Joe probably the greatest game ever pitched on July 2nd 1963 between Juan Marichal and Warren Spahn who say that because the great Verlander's that night was a 16 inning one nothing giant win both pitchers going all the way Willie Mays with a game-winning hit in the bottom of the 60 Juan Marichal that night through to and 34 pitches runner goes round ball right side off the bat of buffer or Infante - up Warren Spahn faced 56 hitters that night Juan Marichal faced 59 hitters and Hermon cranks the manager of the Giants after every inning he the Dominican out of them out of the game the Marichal said if that old man can pitch I'm gonna pitch I'm pitching as long as he does so the 42 year old spawn in Marichal goes 16 innings head probably the greatest game ever pitched and Candlestick Verlander with two out in the inning a runner at second Barry Zito at the plate this is big a mismatch we'll see the entire world series Seto struck out his first time and he's ahead on the count here one at all and belt the runner at second two out it was moving on that ground ball hit by Crawford to know [Applause] to a more [Applause] again Verlander is too up third in the fifth inning so it's good to be in the twenty nine-year-old right-hander [Applause] two out belted second the 2 1 pitch 2 & 2 and just in case Seto wanted to try and drop one down like he did in Game five in st. Louis against Lance Lynn the Brera is pulled in at third he went back to steps after that second strike [Applause] here's a 2-2 pitch they sit in the left here here come's belt it's five knots and see no hits an RBI base hit with two out of four laws of physics the last time Zito was up saying that if he made contact it had to be the left field he makes contact beyond the outstretched glove of Cabrera and Delmon Young Stroh is in the ground it went straight in the ground [Applause] Bell was gonna score anyway the throat didn't matter but how about Zito and how four straight games with a giant starting pitchers to not get a rock that's a sound he is not her [Applause] the sound of [Applause] they used to say it for somebody else [Applause] Barry Manilow pitches up and way too [Applause] see though they don't hold against him at first with two out [Applause] 1 & 1 the count [Applause] I the prin is they know how to chant bury one on two out one ball one strike and strike two [Applause] one into the count just started with a lead off one of those two out the next [Applause] fouled out of play left side up bathroom god no hit that double on the third-base bag in the third scored on an RBI hit was squirrel at the plate it was followed by a two-out two-run shot by Sandoval and they did it for nothing it's now five nothing the latest RBI by Zito here is a one [Applause] that's as hard as fur Landers thrown all night that was 97 [Music] Dubrowski who is the president/ceo general manager his 11th season with Detroit front office men in the game one two another foul ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] first time for Zito since June of 2010 he set back-to-back games with hits a bun hit the st. Louis in this a line drive base hit into left to go along with it there's a 1/2 for God please get a good swing as Verlander is cranked it up to 97 miles per hour [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] right side shoot in the air and fun take to his left takes care of it but the Giants add to their lead [Applause] [Music] five-nothing asbury Zito's doing it on the mound at the plate [Music] back after this from your local Fox station you you Dido could not be going any better five francisco on top as we go to the fifth inning and cito is in on the hitting pond with an RBI base hit avisail Garcia is first up bottom three in the lineup and you expect a pinch-hitter for Verlander who is up to 98 pitches on the night through four innings Giants have five runs on six hits the Tigers no runs on three hits and Alburquerque goes back down to the bullpen is Danny Werth is waiting to follow a Vela to the plate here in the fifth [Applause] here's a one out - oh and a five nothing game sixty-six at the 98 pitches by Verlander in the last two innings that's hard hit but right at Crawford on a to oafish one out and you see how good that the young San Francisco shortstop here's a game summary Pablo Sandoval's third giant World Series history with a 2 Homer game and he did it against Verlander in the first and in the third Giants pitchers four straight games with an RBI that's a postseason record and Verlander fifth career game allowing two home runs to the same batter here's a v-line one out nobody on and Alex takes a strike and I just finished for Verlander and just a four inning night [Music] allows five runs on six hits that's fair ball and out number two off the bat of Avila so we've seen the last of fur Lander on the mound and it's our Nikon replay the faces of Justin Verlander he turns in his shortest start since he pitched four innings in Game one of the 2011 LCS 3-2 loss to the Rangers that was that look of disbelief in his pitching coach Jeff Jones was come [Music] Pablo Sandoval's got him for the second time of the game [Applause] in there strike one so uncharacteristic of Justin Verlander but the last time he gave up more earned runs in a game on September 8th against the Angels he gave up six early drugs that night [Applause] worth is now in the hole on two that's what this is at 84 miles per hour the next pitch will be number 60 the order at the plate the pinch-hitter Danny work [Applause] into the Giants dugout [Applause] to achieve we asked for how he would approach Barry Zito he said take the single take the walk take what he gives you so far the Tigers any crap [Applause] and it stays two and two worth broke his back guys talked about it during the pregame his World Series career oh and to record coming in that was from his rookie season 2006 against st. Louis [Applause] - - [Applause] jido halfway through game number one five-nothing Giants [Applause] Pablo Sandoval's - up second for San Francisco bottom of the fifth five five [Applause] you you lately redesigned 2013 Chevrolet Malibu [Music] while the Tigers make a switch in pitchers Jenny o invites you to switch to turkey and it's I'll Albuquerque out of the bullpen taking over from breaking ball misses down and away with Scutaro Sandoval Posey the hitters what a night for Pablos and of all another issue on RBI hit for Scutaro the third inning who scored on the home run by a guy behind him [Applause] here comes a 1-1 pitch slow chopper to Infante Pablo Sandoval tonight two at-bats two home runs Oh toothpicks in the first down on top of that high fastball at 95 and then with two out the third another 95 mile-per-hour fastball that he rode it out to let 360 feet and he is shooting for the three home run club fools did it last year Reggie in 77 the babe did it twice in 26 and 28 he loses thankfully that ball the fat rather stayed on this side of that fence behind the on-deck circle it looked like the NAM of the bat had a chip in it or perhaps it when it hit the fence see the knob of the bat I think it hit the fence chipped the knob that is a rarity important to do that and I think the extraordinary thing about sand of all is how different those pitches were one was there it is right there we have many things that you've seen something like that there's a ball that bounces and one ball one strike those pitches were so different one was up and in the other was low in a way that would about a 54 footer from Albuquerque Albuquerque had to bounce back from right elbow surgery this year wasn't activated to the third week of August in the center [Applause] Pablo Sandoval [Music] [Applause] David World Series game number [Applause] [Music] extraordinary cozy takes high ball one and a curtain call from Pablo Sandoval's I would think so how about what the Giants have done for these fans here at home since the ALCS returned for Game six and seven and now tonight two and a half games they've outscored the opposition 21 to one sanded all head Oh Susie he has never had a three home run game [Applause] he's got six home runs this postseason as many as during his reticence 1 2 the count Posey pulls it over to third nice play by Cabrera Wow 2 out the base is empty the batter will be Hunter Pence [Music] keep in mind the Giants had the fewest home runs in the majors 103 and this ballpark the toughest Park in which to hit the ball whose pants were too out six nothing game the momentum by the Giants that they had from games five six and seven [Applause] it's trumped the rest the Tigers have coming into this World Series five days off so much surrounds the starting pitchers Eidos been outstanding again and Jim Leyland handed the ball to the best in the game and the Giants have taken care of the rest now 1 1 pitch another home bounces sit there for he is too long Mansa struck out and bounced out here's the 2 1 pay attention you know the first to advance bias and of all you think well two strikes first in the first at-bat an O to pitch Verlander stayed with the fastball Sandoval's and free swinger he had to fast balls out now this one in the mid-80s and he goes down to get and shoot out into Center so he's done a 3-2 away yeah that's right what about it two solo shots in a two-run shot Perry Giants up six nothing you you series we stand united in the fight against cancer with our partner stand up to cancer we ask you to please join Commissioner Selig Major League Baseball Fox Sports in the entire baseball family and standing up to cancer and please go to stand up to cancer dot org to find out how you can help today [Music] well what's happening in the seats it's happening in the dugouts and it happens here in our broadcast booth michael weiner is our good friend at fox in the head of the players association major league baseball he is in a fight a strong man and it's great to see him to the ballpark tonight and shannon ford is battling breast cancer in a part of the public relations department of the new york mets and what shannon to know that we're thinking of her as we play here in San Francisco tonight [Applause] [Music] so as those cards are held up around this stadium it just reminds all of us how cancer has touched everyone some shape or form with somebody related to somebody you're close with the nice moment with the players joining in the umpires the managers and these fans and the work could stand up to cancer has done it is unbelie-- it's extraordinary so you can go to stand up the number two find out how you can help today that is well worth your time on the internet something take it very seriously by Major League Baseball it's been a great partnership [Music] [Applause] meanwhile Barry Zito is back to work into the sixth inning help from homeless and of all with help from Gregor Blanco defensively Barry Zito temp continues to change the eye level of hitters he doesn't blow you away but he is effective again here tonight did not allow a run at his starting in five the NLCS and nothing tonight when we came on the air tonight we talked about the importance of Austin Jackson getting on and Barry Zito has retired and you heard from Doug Fister about how important it was to get the leading lady is Jill Becker and old pitching coach used to say but that leadoff man that is pivotal to the success of any pitcher and Austin Jasmine Jackson coming up that's happened only one time Prince Fielder led off the fourth inning with the single so the leadoff batter through the first five has gotten on only once and they're doing it the Tigers against a left-handed starter in Kenny Rosenthal that's been a problem for this Tiger team that's right Joe people who have watched the Tigers during the regular season should not be surprised by what Zito is doing tonight the Tigers were only 26 and 25 in games left-handers start against the season batting average slugging percentage much lower against lefties and righties and those trends have continued into the postseason now the Giants are starting another left-hander Madison Bumgarner in Game two tomorrow night but too soft tossers like cedar we've given the Tigers the most helpful - annoys the cow and even though this game has been lopsided you know with the kind of firepower the Tigers have in this lineup they don't feel out of this ball game there's a strike and again we'll see what we said earlier the bullpen is loaded for the Giants and any hint of trouble you have to believe Bruce Bochy will get those guys active and the biggest hint in this inning would be allowing Austin Jackson to get on base 2 & 1 the count Jackson 1 for 2 and he's on base he shoots one down the left-field line going to get it is Blanco cuts it off that it's a leadoff stand-up double for Austin Jackson is 2 out of 3 tonight I think we'll see action in the giant bullpen and the one thing the giant bullpen can do it can left and right and left and right there three left-handers down there so this is their time as far as the bullpen is concerned but Detroit's trying to make it fair time here's infante now 1 for 2 on the night no action yet for the Giants and their pen as we play here the 6th [Applause] Vontae has a single you struck out Dave Righetti longtime pitching coach here with the Giants watching closely with Barry Zito working to infante those bond takes a struck just thinking Infante with Detroit he said he's a very good Bunter in sand of all 1/3 even with the bag but a good time to do it he wasn't even with a bag prior to that first that's right that's right he was deeper here's hyo-won inside ball and a strike so after Infante you get Miguel Cabrera after Cabrera he get Prince Fielder after Fielder you get Delmon Young was the MVP in the ALCS that was a big leadoff double by Austin Jackson to get something started for the Tigers why ball into centre back is to God tagging going to third is Jackson and flats a 1 for 3 tonight [Applause] the World Series is sponsored by Bank of America official Bank of Major League Baseball like Gatorade Gatorade knows it all begins with in win from within and by jennie-o turkey store make the switch look Virginia Turkey at a store near you [Applause] better at third one out vanna Cabrera who's walked in a line down he was robbed of the hit maybe an RBI hit in the third inning a nice catch but Blanco and left breaking ball doesn't break in this situation the Giants would take a sacrifice flop it's one of those situations where you're really not as concerned about the guide third because you've got a 6-1 lead and this guy is so dangerous you'll take that sack fly in a second to get the out little way again it's to it all [Music] on deck his fielder one for two also a situation where there's no fault of pitching around Stillman young lady he gets a chance with the medal [Applause] - too old may have chased it's like a Jace ball three and count two balls and a strike leadoff double by Jackson at third with one out strike two [Applause] let's shot [Applause] [Applause] barring its time at before [Applause] get the feeling there 47,000 pitching coaches pulling for Zito in this ballpark in watching two toothpicks brother at third one out ball into centre that balls going to drop for a hit Tigers are on the board and it's Cabrera delivers their first one of the night a double a fly out to Center and now the ALS Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera makes it a five-run game good two-strike hitter and began in center field has to respect his power of course 44 home runs on the year so he's playing deep and the Tigers score run lincecum is going to start to get loose thing about Lincecum even booty starts again more than 15 pitches to warm up this field smothered by Posey at the plate prince is one of six players history the game to switch leaves and end up with 30 or more home runs 100 of our RV his teammate Miguel Cabrera did it and he went from the Marlins to the Tigers you know is outside of the count - at all Delmon Young on deck seven if fielder gets a board with Delmon Young coming up and what is a five-run games Lincecum may be right into the axe I get your drift and I think you're right there's a tool pitch that's into left field Blanco another his second of the game two out of the inning what a play by Gregor Blanco to rob Prince Fielder and you could put a blanket over the distance of where that first catch was with the second catch he robbed Cabrera in the third and now he gets Prince Fielder here in the sixth just about the same spot now it's Delmon Young the middle base hit Cabrera will stop at second with two out and Jhonny Peralta will be the batter Peralta's had a very big postseason we face Seto or will it be Lincecum Posey ought to talk to Zito and this is one of those conversations catchers don't like because Posey is buying Lincecum time right now I don't think Bruce Bochy can afford to wait much longer but keep in mind Lincecum warms up just like that when he starts a game rarely more than 15 pitches she eats bread [Applause] [Music] see now got the start Sego doesn't want to come out he's done his job tonight as he exits in the city we don't know you his into the game with two on two out and jhonny peralta at the play fifth game of the postseason one inside Peralta started this night hitting 343 in the postseason two home runs they came in Game four the ALCS is a shortstop with power Lincecum's started Game four of the NLCS all the other action has been out of the bullpen to win and relief Division Series Cincinnati and relief of Zeno strike two fired of this year never ditched professional lincecum slams the door in the top of the sixth Sedo started the inning started the ballgame pitched great gave way to Lincecum who got out of the jam it's a five-run game six to one you you [Applause] Brandon Belt first up against out albuquerque and albuquerque misses up and away ball one walk in the fourth inning he scored on a two-out RBI hit by Barry Zito to his right one up she go back to 2006 remember the Tigers had six days off before the start of the World Series this year five score that game in 2006 in Game one was sent into tonight six to one Verlander was the starter and loser then he's the starter here tonight mains to be seen if he gets a decision and hits Tigers have six tonight had only four against Anthony Reyes who made that start fits brilliantly for the Cardinals to begin the O six World Series is Gregor Blanco [Applause] you may be old for two at the plate but he is two for two out in left field with diving catches wander off Cabrera and the latest to rob fielder and the last one was a big one and I mean a big one [Applause] here's a 1-1 pitch from Albuquerque [Music] on the outside corner strike two Waku is grounded out struck out Lincecum would go back out there for the seventh nobody is up in the bullpen that's up and away two and two that may change if the Giants get something going offensively as Lincecum is two hitters away yeah I think one on he hits two on maybe a pinch-hit here's a two to two out and strikeout number two for Albuquerque tomorrow Fox Tober fest continues a month-long extravaganza great matchups in it's Game two of the World Series on the air at 7:30 Eastern 4:30 Pacific and a matchup of duct fist to the right-hander Madison Bumgarner who's been working out some kinks in the bullpen the left-hander will make the start for the Giants Owen to this postseason Pfister has been deadly on right-handed hitters and so good when healthy after getting picked up last year Dave Dombrowski from Seattle that's down it in a check swing by Crawford two out at ball one and and flied to left in the third grounded out to second in the fourth breaking ball is in for strike one talking to Jim Leyland before the game he said he wanted to wait until his clump was on the road instead of at the end of that blowout victory in Game four against the Yankees in the ALCS they get Valverde and inning to try and get some of his confidence back forthcoming he's been the closer until recently and a rough outing against the A's and then we was save in Game one of the ALCS took care of the closing the rest of the way offered strength to Valverde 4949 last season until we did that game the first Saturday of the regular season but Royden the red sighs when Valverde who and his first save the season and the Tigers were saying well that's out of the way not another 49 for 49 but he has really had a bad year for the Tigers here is it to to offer it takes up in a way out the curve he started to leave the mound and he has to come back with a full count [Applause] three two count that one missed up and away Crawford two out nobody on rolls it over right side and Fonte to his left nice play in the inning is over we go to the seventh inning Game one of this world series Tigers coming up down by five back after this from the local Fox station you you came out of the bullpen in the top of the sixth now he will start fresh in the top of the seventh and he will deal with Garcia the rookie [Music] Avila and a pinch-hitter Valverde continuing to get loose [Music] 2 times Sai Gon Award winner and o8 no.9 [Music] hang out of the bullpen for Bruce Bochy vote she would love to get him through this inning and then lift him for a pinch-hitter in the bottom of this seventh there she has grounded out twice and rides up and in a ball in Australia dumbest a two-fold reasons for Lincecum to do well here in the World Series to restore his confidence so he can get back in the giant's rotation next to guy who led the National League in strikeouts three straight years rough season in 2012 10 and 15 in strike two of 5.18 you mentioned in Timoney made that start in st. Louis game 417 wild pitches velocity not what it was trying to get it back [Applause] prefers now working on the stretch nobody on the one two smothered by Posey 2 & 2 [Music] [Applause] [Applause] avisail Garcia on 2 & 2 all three was dim with Seto lincecum with the kind of weapons Bruce Bochy has at his disposal in the bullpen Lopez I felt to see aroma was one into now it's three and two [Applause] and it'll stay there lincecum is the type of picture that can get away a decrease in velocity if the illusion of a strike is still there that's very very it it is arson [Applause] then hopefully the splitter change what is in a position now where [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he gets his swinging strikeout to start the seventh so the illusion of a strike was there that more than velocity is what Lincecum was lacking actually that's a slider not a fastball serves as the illusion I mentioned in the League Championship Series David Collins comment this year during the Yankee [Music] and the pitcher can throw strikes that look like balls and balls that look like strikes that's the right formula one out nobody on a Vila takes ball 1 Alex tonight over to was a decision to be made by Jim Leyland with the start of Verlander and he called on a Vela they've got a good option Gerald Laird all with San Luis last year and now he's in the World Series with Detroit we had a very good season allowed Avila to not get worn down as much during the course of the season like he did last year it's 2 & 1 Tigers 188 games and won the Hale central by three over the white size they were a team it was five games under 500 on the road under hands strike two [Applause] Giants 194 games and ran away with the NL West another full count it's got Lincecum shaking his head is that pitch bounced in on two two [Applause] - ah three batters faced three strikeouts for Tim Lincecum [Applause] all three swinging strikeouts Peralta two in the top of the sixth Garcia Avila here in the seventh we'll be Quintin berry bad for Albuquerque when two innings allowed it third home run of the night by Pablo Sandoval strike one I'll tell you Jill I don't know you noticed it or not but that put nine of relief after that strikeout with Posey out there showed to me expression on Lincecum's face living at the weight of the world off your shoulders but we believe and relaxes here's a chap to the right side scooter always gets the speedy berry you talk about relief what Tim Lincecum has provided tonight for Barry Zito in the Giants signed a stretch in Game one you Rennell brooks moon for the introduction of god America ladies and gentlemen please rise and remove your caps as we honor America and our military troops around the world with the singing of god Bless America please welcome from the San Francisco Police Department tenderloin station sergeant Jerry Darcy unless of Merrick our land that I love stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans wide with for America my heart we America my home sweet you you 2013 Ford Escape it's what happens when you go further by MasterCard proud supporter have stand up to cancer that's MasterCard that's priceless and buy Windows 8 oh say Val verdict will take Goldberg third pitcher of the night Verlander four innings Albuquerque two now Valverde who all told regular and postseason last year is 52 of 52 save opportunities and he has lost that closer wolf struggle against Oakland and then coming right back two games later in Game one of the ALCS and blowing a lead in the night Vinick for nothing that was about as bad which after that Vaalu lavanya's pinch-hit home run as I have ever seen in a picture on ball one strike trying to almost not to go over the fence in right-center in Yankee Stadium it did and that tie did it for this season 36 of 42 and save opportunities opponents hitting 243 against him regular and postseason last year just over 200 at 2:04 out of his stuff is flattened out this is it working with his pitching coach Jeff Jones during that time off the five he's Jeff and Dave the flaw they thought the right leg was dragging and he's letting the ball go in that process and he's taking some of the velocity away on his pitching stuff facing Tim Lincecum who throws right that's left and four hits during the regular season and it counts two and two it is just a very very short time where you have to correct that flaw and you have to do it on baseball's biggest stage is very very difficult the idea of time to pitch him was tonight Jim Bellino good while insu cover that 91 file for our fish [Applause] leyland a very interested observer [Applause] Alberti could do getting and hitting of work in [Music] didn't get the call he stares in them it's a full count thank lease it 157 with the red-hot Giants six runs all three home runs hit by Sandoval here at Game one [Applause] lincecum strikes out Geico in-game box score for the Giants else would you highlight the man in the number three spot three for three with three home runs we will get another at-bat for the end of the night his angel Pugin walks in Posey has a hit tonight but gone this batter bounced one off the third base bag which led to a three-run third inning and for a double is only hit tonight one out nobody on but God takes a strength this may seem like a small thing to the average fan but I'll tell you players really appreciate this you've got a two time side Young Award winner who gave up six earned runs tonight the very short period of time and he went in and he came back out that says an awful I mean that speaks five years and tells you what down to God Justin Verlander and teammate and team men there grab there very few pictures that are team oriented it's such an individual position nothing starts until they initiated the action so not their very nature the definition of it is individual one into the right-field corner Garcia he'd get to it to cut it off and for God will be content with a stand-up double dare with one out of the seventh his second double of the night [Applause] Lagaan led the National League in triples with 15 and he had that on his mind the splitter that's the first splitter about birdie is thrown and it's crushed by pagai [Music] we've seen this throughout the postseason from begun saluté after the devil [Applause] here is Scutaro one two three RBI single it'll run score to that three-run third [Applause] best fastball of the [Applause] strike one Dean Benoit [Applause] and I'm sure that Jim Leyland hates the fact that he's got to get Benoit trying to restore confidence in Valverde it's a big part of what the Tigers have in their bullpen [Applause] - it was a - strike two out RBI hit the scooter on the third you set up it onto here [Applause] website they said God makes it seven to one as he scores on another two-strike hit by Marco Scutaro [Applause] to describe scooter Rose performance in the postseason I can't think of many more than relentless he just does not stop this first World Series opportunity here tonight two more heads [Applause] here is Pablo Sandoval looking for homerun number four [Applause] ball one down and away he's on a list a World Series list with Babe Ruth Reggie Jackson alder pools never happened in the postseason one player to hit four home runs in one game [Applause] he's got a pig's head it's into left-center field Scutaro will turn and go and it's a four-hit night for Pablo Sandoval's [Applause] time for the Nikon replay Albert Pujols last year three homer game in Game three of the World Series and tonight Game one for the Giants against the Tigers Pablo solo shot 2 run shot solo shot in his first three at-bats first and third only one out a chance for more Buster Posey [Applause] if this is an audition to regain his job as the closer for [Applause] one two three takes a pitch down to that ball [Applause] good fastball there and it's a 1-1 count [Applause] Rosi just nine hits and 48 at-bats in the postseason yet Buster's pulling off if he goes to right field with a couple of hits it's amazing how that can make you well get back into the position of driving the ball - right the base hit and it's 8:1 Giants here in the seventh even if it's a talker there will be no confidence rebuilding for Valverde tonight that's the end of his evening his bed is getting ready [Music] [Applause] Alberti out of the ballgame [Applause] you to his dugout after allowing four straight hits two runs responsible for the two men on and awkward in that dugout when he came back and we were watching that and it's just the when no one knows what to do Joe was talking about discovering a flaw in his motion in the wall series certainly no place to test it but they have to do that [Music] [Applause] even shaking his hands and patting him on back he was so awkward and lonely his teammates were going through and he was going through Hunter Pence at the plate two on one out first pitch is strike talking to Jeff tell [Applause] jeonhwa [Applause] forced to relieve birdie here in the Senate [Applause] Joaquin having a tough time seeing the signs put down by Avila asking questions that have no answers Lucille one Hunter Pence or what strength [Applause] now George Kontos the right-hander will get loose this is turned into a long half-inning in the bottom of the seventh two more runs and eight one giant lead one how to play strike two that's us as we come toward the top of the hour Game one of this 2012 World Series San Francisco has led for the first inning on a home run by Pablo Sandoval's had another in the third he had another in the fifth [Applause] at one point six to nothing it's now eight to one that gets away the run fans to second and third on a wild pitch by Benoit [Music] look like a a splitter all right Noah fastball catchers are not expecting fastball no what's a swimmer trust reinstates was a tough tough play for Alex available down the in fiesta I would imagine Wilson cantos the top of the inning we're selling out goes down to get loose for the Tigers [Applause] there's a tutu - uh and a strikeout of Hunter Pence third time he's struck out tonight [Applause] Pablo Sandoval with three home runs that's his first that's his second and that's his third up Albuquerque the straightaway center 422 feet and in this city a single he's at third Posey at second two out for Brandon Belt fell out of that straight one that was a good splitter Benoit with very very good stuff most good splitters hitters swing over the top up and they're rarely strikes the good out of the strike zone vizio water or two belt is flied out twice walked and scored a rock [Applause] whose poor seller but it's been while on the Mount now two out runners at second and third and a no to count [Applause] eight to one game [Applause] for one [Applause] [Music] well to 320 hitter here at home [Applause] 2012 [Applause] just missed two two 96 for Benoit [Music] [Applause] sandé of all impose you the runners on with two out [Applause] or runs home here in the seventh [Applause] and it suits you pitch inning is over back-to-back strikeouts by Benoit of Pence and belt but it's been all Giants tonight two more runs on the board a seven run lead as we played seven in Game one you [Music] you his doctor Danny Castellano on the Foxit series the Mindy project which airs on Tuesdays at 9:30 Eastern 8:30 central they're obviously the Fox eats because Phillip Phillips was down the row and he did a great job with the star-spangled banner at the beginning of our night last year a foul out of play off to the right as Lincecum goes back out there cantos was getting loose Tim who finished up the six work gear in the 8th after having a 1 2 3 7 woman 1 the count on Jackson is 2 to 3 to the water I thought those two extra runs the Giants scored meant that cantos would go back out there and then perhaps Bruce Bochy would have Lincecum ready for tomorrow night but he's probably trying to space him a couple of days between tonight's performance and maybe having ready for game Korea he may tell you that Lincecum's not going to work back-to-back games doesn't matter you know right Jackson tried to get on base for the third time tonight do it leading off the inning for the second time he way and that strikeout number four for Tim Lincecum one out here in the a while we were talking about the illusion of a strike and again Austin Jackson goes too far now the Detroit Tigers know of no other pitcher in the American League who throws like timlinson he is so unusual in that delivery velocity is important but not as important with most pitchers he jumps at the hitter here's Infante while one Omar won 4-3 singled in the first Tigers put two on in the first then fielder popped out young brownstone the part of the unit hablas santa ball hit a home run the Giants have never trailed here in Game one one out nobody on to another count and then Fontes up plenty of Lincecum in the National League Lincecum hits the outside corner to walk [Applause] Sedo on his way to to an L wrecker at this postseason now watching after his first World Series started his long career too up Scutaro takes care of Infante this year two lucky consumers won the chance to play with MLB legends through the Pepsi Max Field of Dreams program fans voted the game will be played in a hometown of AOL consumer winner Johnny karate from Rochester New York Bharati whose friends and 5a land lb legends will host the NL consumer winner Steven catch smart from Washington DC log on to slash Pepsi Max for details two out nobody on here is Cabrera gales been on base twice walk-in RBI single anybody that's a more imposing figure at the Brera standing right on where do you go [Applause] they count one at one almost has no witnesses he's so quick inside if you can get into chase and it takes enough walks to where he doesn't do that [Applause] we're outside straight to there too as the major leagues almost go hold Albert Pujols with a saving Miguel Cabrera still loud and still packed here at ATT for two one two pitch a strikeout by Lincecum who has been perfect grew to an affair bottom of the 8th inning rolls in number 55 pitching well as the Giants lead by 7 you you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well when you get the okay and the assistance from a band like The Who it's got to be a big event and we thank that who for allowing us to use the music in this World Series game number one as we go to the bottom of the 8th Gregor Blanco against the 5th pitch of the night for the Tigers good for Silla Blanco first up Rocko oh-for-three but he's made two outstanding catches of hold on to Priscilla made 31 starts during the regular season was 10 and 12 er a of just over four and a half that strength three one out in the bottom of the eighth World Series is sponsored by Leo A's back and Walmart on select items see stores for details and fees by the Nikon one a different kind of Nikon and by Samsung Galaxy Note 2 tablet phone best of both the next big thing is here here's Crawford by the way just so you know the three homer game by Pablo Santa ball is the second three homer game in the history this ballpark which goes mm this is the 13th season the Giants and ladies beautiful Stadium the only other guy to do it and have a three homer game Kevin Elster of the Dodgers longtime New York Mets who did it on April 11th 2000 in the first game in this ballpark about that never died thought well this ballpark the ball is really going to carry no sir here's one in the center will that carry to Jackson hip two out a nice catch by Austin Jackson and we welcome you inside our broadcast booth everybody I'm Joe Buck that's Tim McCarver Erin Andrews down on the field along with Kenny Rosenthal and who could have expected that Justin Verlander would struggle here tonight and who could have expected that Barry Zito would end up lasting longer in out pitching just in Berlin and who could have expected Pablo Sandoval's hitting 301 have that one oh you then here's a ground ball left side want to play Miguel Cabrera takes it hit away from Aubrey Huff the pinch-hitter and that was send Game one into the ninth inning how about the last two defensive plays by the Tigers Austin Jackson and Center Miguel Cabrera third time finish eighth one Giants you [Music] you and up 2 cancer Sheriff Bo a photo of the person you stand up for on Instagram using hashtag stand up for as Joaquin arias takes over at third base Pablo Sandoval's done his damage for the night with his bat a four-hit night of three homer night and Jose Mijares is the left-hander cantos still up right-handed batters coming up this is likely a one hitter outing for Mijares two strikes Giants of all friends had problems in the 6th inning and so they picked up Mijares from Kansas City on waivers on August 6 the Bruce Bochy saying he actually helped this team in the 6th inning because it was odd team's capitalizing and beating Giants the Giants on with runs in the 60 areas had a play perfectly gets it on a short hop and gets the out just into the game and the harness goes one-third of an inning by the way that's on the heels of Tim Lincecum you've got a couple of site Young Award winners sitting there veterans the lefty Zito who got the start he'll get the win tonight barring a miraculous comeback and Lincecum went two and a third no hits five strikeouts Horace his knight finished in Game one cantos coming in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you this postseason out of the bullpen for Bruce Bochy just under 11 innings pitched one run three hits in tonight who picked up seven outs seven ounce and five by strikeouts in this stuff is better like [Applause] at any point during the regular season is Delmon Young swings and misses Lincecum's started to get his stuff back as a starter prior to his final T starts in the regular season cantos gives two quick ones on but then his last two starts were not good and Lincecum's started this postseason in the bullpen and he's been boss tell them young one out nobody on I'm ball right side base hit Delmon Young is on with one out here in the ninth no to pitch and Young found a hole over the right side between Scutaro and belt don't you think of the last three innings and you can't help but compare the two relievers Valverde Jim Leyland putting him in to try to restore his confidence the Giants scored two runs against him the body language going into the duck now you look at Lincecum retiring seven in the world five strikeouts laughing let's say easy laugh and smile 2002 it was four and one that postseason yeah I mean you could see the piece on his face they can be cool and the game can be up with there's a 100 that breaking ball misses to know the role 2 at the plate Johnny is open 3 and it was Peralta Lincecum faced out of the bullpen with two on a run home two out Lincecum's struck him out and at the top the six [Applause] George Kontos on the other hand traded for Chris Stewart from right after spring training and you know it had the interest man goes by chance have been in the World Series I'll be with the Giants not the game here's a flyball into Center back is forgot it's gone Johnny Peralta's made this a five-run game and he's hitting out three home runs over his last two postseason games as he gets his first hit of the night in a ballpark that is so difficult to homo we have seen three homers to sinner and an opposite field homer to left knee on a piece the gods club and then the top of the wall and bouncing up and over a subdued celebration for the homerun for Peralta is that just makes this a five-run game and Dave Righetti is apt to talk to cantos with Jeremy Affeldt the left-hander getting loose now in case the sitting starts to get out of hand [Applause] Andy Dirks will be the pinch-hitter pagano's that came awfully close off his glove and over the wall to make it 8/3 Garcia lifted for dirts we hit 322 during a regular season here's a fella [Applause] after dirt suits avila another left-handed batter that strike two Andy Dirks backs out of there gets back in third consider the night for the Tigers back to cantos Giants one out away from a game one victory two out tonight and it's up to Alex Avila to try to keep the top of the ninth inning alive he is struck out grounded out twice a game that started as a matchup between Barry Zito making his first World Series start Justin Verlander the reigning AL Cy Young Award winner MVP all the rest for Verlander all the rest for the Tigers but all the momentum for the Giants gotta run to the bottom of the first never trailed lead by five to the ninth [Applause] go on a strike it's a matchup of Doug Fister the right-hander tomorrow night in Game two against Madison Bumgarner who's Owen two this postseason here is a 1-1 pitch [Applause] [Music] the Giants lost Game one of their division series here at home the Reds lost Game one of the NLCS here at home to the Cardinals [Applause] the count goes to one out away from the victory Game one of the World Series before this home crowd [Applause] on Santiago on death two out nobody on strikes you on a Vila Sedo tonight 5 and 2/3 one run on six hits there is one strike away from his first World Series victory breaking ball fouled back [Applause] a 3-2 is PI and a to outlaw [Applause] and now Ramon Santiago will come off the bench see approach he will stay with cantos the answer is No trying to get George Kontos going he comes in allows a single a homer a two-out walk belt coming in to try and end Game one of this world series you [Music] you [Applause] top of the ninth inning one on two-out and Jeremy Affeldt left-hander and a good one he's into his ninth game with his postseason Santiago one pitch that is it Giants win Game one of the 2012 World Series [Applause] [Music] the giant stay hot and they did it tonight behind a pitching performance from Barry Zito and Tim Lincecum and an unbelievable offense at night from the same two guys Scutaro was good Pablo Sandoval's unbelievable three home runs in the World Series game fall in the fourth time in history remarkably he hit a solo shot in the first a two-run shot in the third a solo blast in the fifth at a single in the seventh for good measure Scutaro two more RBI hits two more runs scored in that two three combination has made bruce bochy smile quite a bit in this 2012 postseason here they are 95 mile-per-hour fastball on Owen 2 from Verlander home run to Center another 95 mile-per-hour fastball home run to left pitch in the 80s against Albuquerque went down to get it to Center plenty of offense and the final eight three let's go down to Erin Andrews Joe thanks Pablo you join a list now with Babe Ruth Reggie Jackson and Albert Poole hosts as players to hit three home runs in a World Series how does that sound to be part of a story you know it's one of the things when you litigate your dream in playing the World Series you know and you dream come true and he told me as a little kid you didn't even hit three home runs before what did Justin Verlander throw to you that you were able to take him out of the park twice you got a good stop we've been throwing fastballs for another piece I was approached I was looking for you know okay I got a good pitch to him there was so much made about Tigers and the time off that they had what advantage did it give you guys that you won three straight and only had one off date before you played Game one of the World Series you know we give it up - you know because we played two days ago the last game you will get the off yes so we're still hot you know we come here play our game alright thanks so much appreciate it Joe back over to you alright Erin thank you and it's up to the Tigers and tomorrow night in particular Doug Fister to try and find a way to quiet the giants bats in particular that two three combination how about Zito tonight how good was he first World Series start he gets the win bitching 5 and 2/3 take a break come back to San Francisco after this [Music]
Channel: MLBGlobal12
Views: 233,473
Rating: 4.7904243 out of 5
Keywords: Major League Baseball, Game Archive, メジャーリーグ, ジャイアンツ, 大リーグ, デトロイト, MLB, 野球, デトロイト・タイガース, タイガース, Major League, San Francisco Giants, サンフランシスコ, メジャー, Detroit Tigers, 野球速報, サンフランシスコ・ジャイアンツ
Id: lPPvkNkbbAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 9sec (13089 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2012
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