Tiled - Creating Paths, Terrains, Trees, Collisions

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so you can import more tilesets just by clicking on this create new button and you can browse and go back to where you have more tile sets and then just click open save as and it opens another tab so you can see I have all these tabs open these are all different tile sets that you can get there all on Schoology there's that link to the website to get more if you want to explore more but these are the better ones so let's talk about how to make a path because that's a pretty common feature again we have our layers organized you're gonna have a variety of different layers make sure you're in the right one we can lock this base layer so that way we don't accidentally draw on that and so I'm gonna work in the past layer and so you can click and drag using our stamp tool to make a single path if you wanted to maybe make a bigger grab a bigger section you know you would select this from the tile set area and then notice though we're gonna run into this problem where you can't just like click and drag so there's a feature here that allows us to change that so it's easier so we have these things called terrains and if you click down here you're gonna see that you have terrains and what we can do is we can click and drag and we can click and drag and draw with these paths so so it's a really neat feature that we can have to create these you're gonna go to the tile set that has your paths on it so there's quite a few of them so you can pick and choose which one you want for me I'm going to show you this first as an example you can see what this should look like all right you need to have the center selection okay we have in a corner Corner corner corner all right so basically a rounded box that's the first part of it and then you're gonna have like this other section and so just kind of pay attention if you need to pause the video and and look at the shape of how this should look you can do that and then I'll walk you through on how to do it in a different one so you can go to the terrain atlas and you probably have something in there a path in there that you can use so I'm gonna I'm gonna make this this dirt path here so what we do we come in to the bottom right we select add new terrain type give it a name and then we're going to and if these are made well you should select make a rounded rented square there and you can tell which ones are designed to be passed because typically they're they're like nine little cubes like that and then we're gonna select the exterior and it's going to look like this it's gonna have a little hole in the middle and together those will make this path alright so I'm gonna save this so command s I'm going to go back to my map and down here there's a terrains button we can click that and you can see the different terrains that I've made the different paths so now when I click and drag it automatically makes this path for me so that's pretty awesome and if you mess up you can just switch to this eraser tool and erase what you need to erase all right so that's paths let me show you trees and trees let me find a good tree here here we go so we want that player to be able to walk under a tree so it's going to be split up into two layers we're gonna have the tree base or the tree trunk and then the the tree top so what I like to do I'll come here select the trunks and maybe place them out wherever I want to put them and then I'll come grab the tree top and make sure I'm in the right layer and there we go so now the player and this situation can walk underneath stay on the path and walk underneath the tree top so that's why we put those in different layers okay at some point we're going to set this up now so that way we can tell unity where the collisions should be placed and detected so for example we don't want the player to be able to walk through the tree so we're gonna set this up so that way unity can read all these little markers that we're going to place so we're gonna create a new layer and we're gonna call it collisions and I'm going to add a new tile set and this tile set that we're gonna put in is this red square it's up on Schoology that you should get okay it's just a red square that's 32 by 32 pixels and I'm going to just go ahead and navigate to where I've saved that and if this gets crowded there's a little drop-down arrow here and you can browse through your tile sets I'm going to go to the collision and now with my my stamp tool I can just click over it now that's a little tough to see because you're eventually you're gonna like be blocking things so we have this opacity up here which will change the opacity of that layer so that way you can kind of see what's going on behind there so like you don't want your player to walk through a tree trunks so that's why we're gonna to do that maybe you have another some objects or walls anything that you you don't want your player to be able to walk through so you know a good good RPG usually has some barrels some things for the player to find so this is where you're going to where you're gonna place your your collisions and so when we export this and drop it into unity it's automatically going to know where to place our collisions what I'll expect for you to submit and turn in all right you should have if you do command - you can see your full tile set and command + zooms you in I expect to see a completed terrain meaning there should be a base layer that's filled there should be some paths leading around you should have at least one path that goes off the edge that takes you somewhere you should have some trees I want to see some trees and other landscapes so that way it's more interesting I expect to see some objects that the player can interact with at the minimum the player is going to be able to go inside something whether that's a cave whether that's a building so some other location in this this map that the player will be able to enter so what whatever that is is up to you but there needs to be something and then I also expect to see collisions those should be identified so anything you don't want the player to be able to walk through things like tree trunks they're things like walls objects those should all have a little red squares over those things so that's what you're gonna create that's what you're going to submit you'll have a few days to get this done and obviously the more detailed it is the more fun it'll be to play
Channel: Mike Cropper
Views: 2,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiled, rpg games, tutorials, paths, terrains, trees, collisions, unity, cropper, rockford christian, rcs, computer science, game development, 2d
Id: RyeWjQET0Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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