AET 304: Using the Terrain Brush in Tiled

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so we're back and we're recording a follow-up to our previous video and in this installment of how to use tiled we're gonna be looking at the terrain brush and how to create terrain in your level that you are going to be creating for your video game portfolio project so let's dive right in and take a look at how to use this tool to expand your map making repertoire we're back at open game art org this time we are going to be looking for tile sets that specifically have terrain features to them and to do that we're going to browse to 2d art like we did last time and our search word is gonna be terrain and when we search for that we're gonna get a bunch of different hits on tile sets that contain different terrains and so really what we're looking for when we talk about terrain specifically is we're looking for tile sets that have both kind of this circular pattern like this grass right here but then also the grass and a ring around with the middle empty and you can you notice that here as well with this lava notice that there's a circle of it in the middle and then it's surrounding an empty circle in the middle and with that those tiles we're gonna be able to create a terrain brush so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna download this and then we will go ahead and import it into tiled so I've downloaded the tile set and I pulled it up into Photoshop and you can do the same in Pixlr and what I did is I put a grid over top that shows me every 16 pixels and if you remember we were defaulting to 16 by 16 tiles in our last video and the first thing that I noticed is that when I look at these tiles it appears as though they actually are 30 two by 32 and watch what happens when I change the pixel size of that grid over top and you can see that they're gonna line up a lot better yeah so now I've changed it to 32 by 32 and you can see that this is the default size of this tile so it's very important when you download a tile set to use if you're using especially if you're using multiple tile sets and you're mixing and matching that you if you're using a 16 by 16 tile that you continue to use 16 by 16 tiles if you're using 32 by 32 make sure to continue to use that size if you don't then you're gonna run into all kinds of issues so in this video we're gonna be focusing on 32 by 32 pixels tiles inside a tiled I'm gonna create a new map like I did before orthogonal because we're looking at square tiles down here in tile size because we set our last one to 16 it's gonna remember that we're gonna need to change our tile size to 32 by 32 and then we're gonna save this as terrain brush sample all right so now that we've done that we're gonna import that tile set that we used before so I'm gonna import that in tile sets and there is terrain making sure that it says that the width and the height they're 32 and 32 zero margin and zero spacing I click OK and there's my tile set and remember I can use that control holding down the control button and using the zoom the scroll wheel on my mouse I can go in and kind of get more details oom in and out of that tile set so to create a terrain brush what we're gonna do is we're gonna come down to this icon right here that says edit tile set and when we do that it's gonna pull up a new tab up at the top which is actually the tiles and it's gonna allow us to do some editing of these and what we want to do is I'm gonna zoom in here let's just take a look at this first one right here first thing I want to do is I want to select one tile I'm gonna select this middle solid section right here I'm gonna right-click and I'm going to select add terrain type and it's gonna click and start a new terrain over here on the side I'm gonna call this light rock now once we've done that you'll notice when I hover over these tiles you'll see that kind of quarter circle up here in the corners when I kind of hover over what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw in where this tile is where the stone actually is and and and leaving where it's not blank so for this middle tile it's the whole thing so I'm gonna click and hold down and it's gonna allow me to kind of paint this whole tile in up top what's kind of half of the tile so I'm gonna click and hold just on the bottom this one is just a corner and you can see doing this I'm just gonna paint around where my tile is if I make a mistake like that I can just press ctrl-z and it will undo now likewise I'm gonna do the same thing here except I'm gonna paint the outside edges of this one like so now with these tiles right here I'm going to have a working terrain brush and we're going to go back into the map and check out what that looks like so the magic of video fast-forwarding I went ahead and created a few more terrains following the exact same patterns the only thing that I also did is for some of these like let's look at the light rock this middle section right here is completely filled in and there was some other completely filled in sections out here and so I I used those as well and what its gonna do is it's going to randomly choose one of those to fill in which should add a little bit of an interesting effect when we actually use the terrain brush now that this is all said and done I'm gonna go back to my map here and I'm still looking at my tile set but if I click on this terrain tab down here at the bottom now I can see those terrains I've created so I'm gonna use those in a second but the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna lay down a random background and I want there to just be grass so on my objects my layers here on my tiled layer I should say in an object layer my tiled layer I've named one grass and I am gonna come in here and similar to how I did in that first video I'm gonna select several different grass tiles I'm gonna look around to see if there's even more that I can use maybe these ones as well and I can add to a selection that is not in a row by holding down ctrl and clicking so now I have all this grass and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hit random I'm gonna hit fill and then when I move this around I have this random grass layer everything else I'm gonna place on top of this so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna create a new layer here and I'm gonna call a new tile layer I'll call this one I'll call this one grass too and I'm gonna use a terrain brush for this one so I'm gonna take random off I'm gonna take Phil off I'm gonna go back to the stamping tool right here I'm gonna go into terrains and I'm gonna select dark grass now when I do that and I hover over let me zoom in a little bit you'll see this this grass right here and when I click and hold what it's gonna do based on that train brush I created it's going to fill in grass like this and it'll have a nice kind of even pattern for me so that's cool and it saves a ton of time of having to do all that by hand and I can kind of I really want to get specific and do the fine details around the edges I can hold down control and that'll shrink the selection a little bit so then I can I can do things like that yeah just a little bit more fine control to what I'm doing here I like look at that perfect close that off sure all right now I have a grassy field if I wanted to put some rock over it I could do the same thing select light rock here and now we can see that I have rock perfect and I can kind of surround this grassy patch with that and that is a very simple way to create terrain effects very quickly on your map and now if I wanted to put some stuff over top of this again I'm gonna create another layer new layer we'll call this one foreground all the objects in the foreground go back to my tile set and there's some interesting things that I can put in here let's see me zoom out a little bit like this right here I can put over top and you'll notice because it's on the top layer and because I set the transparency color when I imported that tile set now that's gonna sit on top of that right there put it in the spot right there and there's some other things that I can do for instance there's some some grass patches right here some some of these dark grass patches I can kind of fill those fill those in as like detail work the single ones there we go actually put those on the wrong layer I put those on the foreground layer which is a bad mistake but that's okay I should have put it in the grass to layer you make a mistake like that you can always press ctrl-z and undo it so that's how you use the terrain brush to create background terrain very quickly and very easily and it should add quite a bit of flavor to your map and then I can start putting different objects on top of this I can import another tile set with just objects like houses fences whatever I want to create so the rest students is up to you and this is your course manager Eric diliman signing out once again I wish you all luck
Channel: AET 304 Arts and Entertainment Technologies
Views: 3,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WEtml6DuwqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 11 2019
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