tiktoks to spend an hour of your life on 😱😱

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whose horse is that come Joyce ice I come J's ice sometimes I cry you know what to [ __ ] do time travel is caught on camera part four so this first one's really weird there's a man give me an interview when from behind him comes this man on a bike out of nowhere what was he hiding this next one's from a 1930s movie and this woman he looks like she's talking on a phone and then in this footage a car almost hits another car that comes out of nowhere [Music] now let me let me let me add a little bit of spice to that my dad is angry at me because yesterday when he was cleaning my house I bid him twice then swam away and did six shits right where he had just cleaned then he walked away and because I was so mad that he cleaned my favorite [ __ ] spot I went and picked up more dirty sand with my mouth from my wife's [ __ ] spot and put it in mine he has now put another wave maker to circulate the water but now I just have to [ __ ] in the wind and watch everyone else II to thinking it is food [Music] look guys I'm not sure about you but I'm cold cockroaches they're not that gross look he's a cool guy you just hanging out on my thumb and you know what maybe I'm gonna [ __ ] everyone completely safe tonight you ever want to do some more entire life yeah I made a custom gallon yeah and I even added these little time slots to show me exactly how much water to drink when drink up you like that go put down freedom so wet yeah drink choke on it hell yeah bit so hydrated this is Skye she's born death when it's time to go for a walk she doesn't understand this is how we tell her we just thought the world should see this I really don't understand when girls on this app post videos of them like cuddling next to their like male best friend and I ruin in the comments is like you should date and they're like oh my god no I would never think of him that way he's my best friend like you would never think of like your Hotmail best friend in that way are you serious who you spend all your time with I've thought of Mitt Romney in that way what are you talking about okay here we go put a finger down things I'm pretty sure only applied to me addition all right put her finger down if you're near Newark or a mythological bird okay put a finger down if you're an adult who doesn't know how to ride a bike put a finger down if you have less teeth than everybody else put a finger down if your worst injury was from a baked good you have a full set of the 1983 Care Bear glasses from Pizza Hut this one's a series what you really know how to make me cry when you give me those oh oh y'all feel like Floyd in this mayweather it takes so much effort to produce a small these days alright guys but to do my CGM I'm diabetic you know then my first time doing this side so let's see how it feels Oh a little bit of dirt okay let's go [Laughter] this [ __ ] game has no business being so damn hard okay yes what my god this is parkour internet sensation so I wanted to see her her anger level I want to see if I was powerful enough to twist her mind are you sure you want to delete this Napster piece not just yes but [ __ ] you [Applause] guys I know for a fact Charlie D'Amelio would wait for me to tie my shoe while everyone else kept walking I just know Charlie d'emilia would ask me if I was feeling okay after the rest of the group laughed at my self deprecating joke I just though Charlie D'Amelio would text me after homeroom asking why I wasn't in school I just know Charlie Tamilian Emilio I charlie'd Emilio Charlie - really oh I see mm-hmm give me your phone I meant to put dry shampoo in my hair and I was like why does it look even more greasy now this is deodorant but what if you fall so we're about to find out if kookaburra is like a pasta who tear-gassed you Johnny sands Odie mudbone why'd you just pull it Trisha paid it I got a super sexy swing that you just can't know uh you wanna hit some nope this is for all of you who are the youngest sibling so if it's not you just keep scrolling how does it feel to never know what's going on in the family it's currently full thirty in the morning and I'm set up right in my bed because I was just going to take talk trying to find something to fall asleep to and I see this one that's like hey we didn't know where it was come from Hey figure it out please what nice sorry I won't have it this they've done it ovaries or anything and everyone's just like you they just spontaneously appear and we've just that's really upset me you've just let that go on stop sending people to space sort out the electric slugs in the ocean boy yeah not being funny that's a big concern to me skinny little hey you want to meet this banana to rights no whoa whoa whoa I'm not sure how this is gonna go over but this is my dietary restrictions graph on the y-axis we have how serious you take it and on the x-axis how much you like to talk about it in no particular order we're gonna start with lactose intolerance you guys love to tell people you can't have dairy especially while you're eating it if you can't have gluten because you're celiac I feel like you take it really seriously and you don't actually talk about it that much but if you're gluten intolerant it's low key become a personality trait you tell everyone and you cheat every once in a while and this is just in my experience but I think vegetarians pretty much stick to it and don't make a big deal about it but if you're vegan it's like a central part of your life and you try to convince other people to do it - I'd say nut allergies are taking the most seriously cuz they can kind of kill you but I think they're only talked about a medium amount you know those people who are just like vaguely allergic to several fruits I think they go there and don't talk about it much and finally we have the group I personally fall into anti olive an anti pickle we're not very serious but we are very vocal tortilla in the pool folk today why all of a sudden does every [ __ ] girl want this wallpaper where did this come from okay okay okay okay today I went diving with my friend Brittany and I found some cool stuff that I want to show you this probably sounds weird but the seaweed is actually really rare and it means that the ocean is getting healthier then I found this piece of fishing line it was hooked onto the reef but I was able to get it out so I can't hurt another animal piece of plastic got it then I found my friend Octavia she set this she's social distancing and I should come back when the stay-at-home order is done by Octavia be safe then I found this huge net I had to work at it for a while it was really hooked onto the reef I was having a hard time but I didn't want to give up I finally got it off then when I got to the surface my friend Brittany said that there's another one this one's gonna be a lot of work come back later if you want to see me pull it off this thing is huge in the word Ocean CG sounds like and the word about though you sounds like ow Oh W and Colonel ello sounds like ER colonel so technically shower could be spelled like I just went downstairs to get an iced coffee from the cafe in my building and everyone's looking at me real weird and I didn't know why like everyone's kind of laughing at me and I get back upstairs and I realize I'm wearing my wake up jerk off cry shirt [ __ ] no oh you please you take you to the CK team so in this life man it's beautiful I'm going to school to be a programmer man straight parents check the kitchen closes at 8:30 all the bedrooms in the house have locks and only our parents have keys okay I'm gonna try and go in the room yeah and grab it if you want to go swimming you have to have at least two other people out here all of our apps have to be approved our parents have to put in a code if we want to watch any TV all of our bikes are locked and only our parents know two coats we're not allowed to open up any packages that come under any circumstances there's 70 world rules like for part two right so my chemistry teacher was about 22 and we were 15 16 and we wanted to know other Goss and know about her love life and she said girls let's get back to doing chemistry and I was like what about your chemistry and yeah I cracked the whole class up and we can't stop laughing beeping no cyber key we say hi let me say it [Music] the table look for the gummy bear album in stores on November 13th with lots of music videos people carry things I am always holding the lesser amount of weight every time you guys head or tails let's play game of heads or tails I'll be nice and give you tails so I guess that means that you give me put your hands together did you know that robert e lee didn't want statues of robbery lee when asked about building monuments for a civil war he said i think it wiser not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the example of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife and to commit to oblivion the feelings that engendered and with that logic one would say well why don't we destroy all all civil war statues because that will also commemorate the simple strike that he's talking about well here's what he had to say directly about a Confederate statue as regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated my conviction is that whoever grateful would be to the feelings of the South the attempt in the present conditions of the country would have the effect of retarding instead of accelerating its accomplishment of continuing if not adding to the difficulties under which the southern people laboured did you catch that facts don't care about your feelings like he acknowledged that he lost the war he's and while I put up statues for the loser it was just divide the country even more we lost get over it why why is he buys you more self-aware than my comments how cozy bedroom check pot to servant's total security sensor so if anyone tries to come in when I'm not here this happens what are you doing in my swamp so yeah now you know okay I like my girls like I like my one about 12 years old cuz there's a [ __ ] [ __ ] boom fool yeah [Music] where the [ __ ] did all the Jews go what am I getting so worked up about I'm sure the by tomorrow this whole ugly mess will be a funny memory I've been hearing a lot of hype about the movie 365 days you heard about that wack but I just I just watched the boat scene and it was just too much it was over-the-top and unneeded really made me feel uncomfortable I don't know how y'all enjoyed that but I don't know how like at first I was like okay okay but it just kept going how long is that [ __ ] scene all right you guys so I keep on hearing weird ass noises from my bathroom when I see you so soon say Fisher hello whoa what are you doing stepladder so I just got this new vacuum cleaner and I wanted to show it to you guys cuz it's pretty cool cuz you don't even need to plug it in or anything it just comes by the sound of something hitting the floor so watch and now it'll come and it'll clean it up hey this is my body in the visual light yeah we don't talk about it's kind of gross but anyway so if I lost weight I would look a little something like this mm-hmm all right kitten up suit so he likes exploring and rowing you just clean my leg earlier hence the wet spots he's a little insane but that's okay hey onyx hey buddy my mom decided to name him onyx for some reason mostly cuz he probably just black oh why would you try that why would you do that to yourself really his tails a little wet right now because I gave him a bath he's not quite figuring out how to clean himself yet after he's at the bathroom oh come on oh really hello there dang it what'd you say general Kenobi no oh here we go spider cat spider cat hello hi there look at how far you've made it I don't know what went into that process I met the criteria to be selected but I wasn't look at this distinguished gentleman look at the way he is sitting yes very distinguished mmm I see I see I'm not like other girls I'm Shannon drop me off a special treat today I've never had a treat before so let's see how it goes bond app the queef I need like maybe a third of it so we'll see you if you can finish the lyrics all of these ABBA songs you have officially gained immunity against the coronavirus if you change your mind on the first in line Shari's I committed with the most romantic I think I've done to go calm deliver a face and then clean up after and I was like see that's worse [Music] [Music] [ __ ] people cleaning their pool on my for you page has me so confused how does it get to that condition like how does it [ __ ] focus no this is not the time this is not that are you serious [ __ ] what are you doing hello I challenge you three drops on your juicy drop pop one two three guys I've found the stick gun that we've all been looking for our whole childhood it's got a [ __ ] trigger and I'll hole grip and everything alright this is a test to see how immature your boyfriend is so ladies find your boyfriend pause the video and the key is if he laughs he's immature if he doesn't laugh he's probably mature so go find your boyfriend and bring him over all right boyfriend whatever your name is look at me dead in the eyes ready boobies so I posted this and then my uncle posted about a hundred of those well to get the eyes [Music] [Music] CEO of copying south [Music] look who decided to show up at the party why are you here nerd nobody even knows you can you just leave me alone I'm actually here to take my hat back it's just like I took your girl you did not just say that let's go right now wait remember who I said I was bringing oh yeah and what's he gonna do first I'm taking this back second you need to cool off bro oh you're so dead that's right a warning this video gets enough likes then I will stand out on the street with the sign like this one saying whatever the top comment says in that video got 50,000 likes so here it is honk if you have a car well I got 50,000 likes so I guess I'm staying out here waiting for people to honk if they have a car thank you all these people obviously have cars and not many of them are honking so I'm getting a lot of looks not many honks this is not okay you guys ever just take naps but instead of a nap you're just in your room lying in your bed for three hours in the middle of the afternoon looking at your phone is it terrifying no I can't even tell you that if I knew that this was gonna be the outcome like I would have never done something like this but you you don't know when you're in the moment and like what you do is you grab your flavor just gonna pour it in okay so I just got the selfie light from Target this is how I look in the car without it this is also how I look without it because I just realized you have to charge it for it to work oh my god did you see that oh my god strike a [ __ ] different puppet hi this is things from the UK that I would miss a lot if I had to move back to the u.s. part one probably I think maybe first off Echo Falls listen I know this is like the wine you guys drink when you were like six years old but when I'm crying emotional and need wine for that reason I'm not gonna sip on like a good wine I'm going to chug a bottle of echo Falls number two savory pies although I do wish sweet pies were more popular right here this is opened a whole new side to pies in my life and good steak your macaroni pie love it number three train travel I feel like you don't need to explain this one that much it's really fast and cheap to get around and I love that number four as a chocolate milk connoisseur this is like probably the second best chocolate milk I've ever had I absolutely adore it and it's so good number five the chase listen everyone needs like a trivia game show that they watch I really like the setup of this one it's just good you know I feel like a 60 year old retired woman watching it but it never let anybody tell you what you can or can't do like look at Beethoven everybody told him he couldn't be a musician just because he was deaf but did he listen that means it means we have PE today well I'm literally not even [ __ ] joking with your phone [Music] all right I'm pulling in right now Kelsey is in the hammock let's see if I can scare trying to hit this floppy thingy into this cup I owe the person watching this a million dollars if I make this david dobrik will do at this video that was close David I'm gonna make it the person watching is gonna like and follow that was close that was close if I make this ESPN has to play it I'm gonna make it before it gets dark before 1 a.m. oh my gosh that's still seven hours away who can say it the loudest [Music] grandma are you horny I know I'm not the only one that just out of curiosity just wants to do this oh [ __ ] that wasn't a good idea my friend telling me how to make a snake with your hands in middle school so now I'm gonna teach you your first step is you put your hands together like this and you put your ring finger out like that take your index finger then loop it around then you touch your middle finger to your thumb and it should look exactly like a snake okay that's [ __ ] disgusting hello this is an automated call from the NHS Health Service your sexually transmitted infection tests results of the following chlamydia positive gonorrhea positive genital herpes positive people who call their people call women who call their husbands hubby so when I was younger I carved tally marks in my wall um and every time my parents or someone would make me mad I would go carve out a tally mark under their name and basically what those telling marks were so if I was ever you know about that life I'm lying about that anyways that's how many times I would I don't even know [Laughter] all right so this morning I woke up I heard peeping outside of my window and it was two baby ducks which I thought were baby geese I went and I took it some oats because I looked it up and it said that would be okay for them and then I thought I'll go inside and start my day and drink some coffee but they followed me so I said well I guess I'll take them to the lake nearby to see if I can find their parents anywhere but when we got to the lake it was really just full of geese which was fine because I thought that they were geese babies and they aren't and so I walked them over to the water and I said excuse me is anybody going to pick up their children hello are any of you the parent of these two baby geese while they looked at me like um these are ducks stupid-head then I walked into the water and I said go go on Liv go on get out of here it didn't work [Laughter] [Music] well it's that time again when I have to electrocute my armpits because I sweat so damn much and deodorant doesn't work so now I'm stuck doing the electric chair in my armpits a few times a week it's fine I'm fine nothing coming out there dumbass I never see people post tick talks about what they actually look like when they wake up let's start out challenge do like this and show me what you actually look like when you wake up I want to see these puffy eyes puffy face non brush teeth drool on face messy hey hey everybody I found out really revolutionary information today that I would like to share with all of you fat asses well everyone ever asked me I mean you have a fat juicy ass juicy ass so anyway you know how sometimes you do this maybe you don't do it sometimes but I sure do we'll turn to the side and do that and then stop using your arms and then go quicker oh I don't know y'all feeling like Floyd in this mayweather it takes so much effort to produce a small these days [Music] [Music] Brook these dudes I help me bro they do where am i oh wait there's three mr. trayner [ __ ] he's starting his own aquarium bro yeah regarde popcorn soap go this morning my friend texted me and cuz he found Travis cause a yearbook photos and on top of his photo is my sister's photo which is like one centimeter away from him row she's practically the same and to prove that's my sister there's me with the girl filter there's been a murder Pablo how painful and I'm about to drop this little screw that scoop down through the compressor so you can all hear the terrible sound you never want to hear when working on turbine engines did you see the food no me neither update I got my ass whipped back flip okay so apparently everybody has a different green screen picture like you know that little green screen effect you can use while filming a video this is my default green screen background apparently everybody has a different one you know what I hope nobody walking on me watching this because this is this is yo oh yeah I Loki misses boys i Loki miss the boys so we could probably sneak out and look I could scoop us but when your manga my o facts now you guys have to do the top at the end what's happening pumpkins you guys stuff to do the top I'm a Poli Yui oh my god Kylie you're so crazy don't do it you know don't do it don't do it oh my god oh my god grace no you're gonna no you don't do it okay what's your favorite dry noodles okay oh okay what's your least favorite dry noodle to eat that makes sense to me somehow what noodle shape do you think is the most fun is where the pause is so long in between mmm when did you start eating dry noodles what noodle shape that you on - eating dry noodles thanks guys son you're adopted Wow really my goodness I feel like there's a new chapter about open in my life maybe one day I could meet my birth parents we are your birth parents your new parents are on the way all right what are you gonna get 12 seconds later wynjym mama corn where's your mama come where's your mama corn with you tell me this [ __ ] oh these walls all time I've been going up top boy they were Bank of course they were Bank story time so my school started holding home bound spirit days and today's was bring your pet to school day virtually I was kind of confused as to how that would work but we got sent the weekly update which is sort of like our online newspaper thing and people had submitted pictures of their pets and they had been published on the weekly update this is my boyfriend and he's so cute and he plays video games he's my boyfriend I'll listen a guy if you gotta call me Johnson make sure you put Boris in front of it whack ass hoe my way or the highway okay so there's my call there Steve there's Jeffrey there's Alex there's my uncle there's my dad last year I got a tattoo of a bat and I told my dad that I got that tattoo because there's nothing that a bat can do that would make people cancel it I was wrong [Applause] okay all of these clips are somewhat satisfying what's that one bro where did you even get them did you buy them and put them in a convent shave it off for a video like what wires like [ __ ] hate my posture ugliest [ __ ] to be flat chest ass I have don't like in my neighbours book at the f I get the winger for a car he get the winger for a car but I have a 310 the powers of a horse he only have 306 very nice hey Siri how many Koba 19 deaths were there in Canada you know what I'm cooking regular bacon it sounds like this but for some reason when I put turkey bacon in the pan it sounds like this if a time traveler had informed my past self that making a video about how suit Opia is Coppa ganda and how the discourse between if the fictional animal cops in the movie are good cops or bad cops are not is distracting us from the actual problem of real cops would result in half of the comments being wow you look exactly like that rabbit um I wouldn't have made the video I do not look like this rabbit I do not look like this rabbit I'm gonna keep telling myself that until it's true I do not look like this rabbit um I may look a little bit like the rabbit I may look a little bit like the I don't I'm what if I I'm not uh I'm not I'm not a cop rabbit I'm not I don't I may look a little worried what do you want I want MP right here and CP right here say it again every time that your heads up be looking at your mom I'm gay [Music] hey guys I don't even really really big shout out to Pluto cases for sending me these amazing cases which literally stick to any surface like I'm not kidding you literally welcome to a surface and you can just take the case on there and like make tech talks and dance and be amazing you might be thinking there's no way that a case can actually hold up a phone but I guess there's one way to show you so there's really bad light in this corner but you can just like stick it onto the wall and and of become the next Charlie I guess right the cases are not sticky as you can see my hands are not full of like glue and gum and if they do get dirty you can rinse them off and honestly like dead-ass this made my tech talk so much better you can find them at the Pluto case on Instagram or click the hashtag down below and also use my code ma xxxx for 20% off your purchase if you guys do buy a case please tag me I want to see all your creations also fun fact the case is still on the wall so it works hi guys huh i'm in the-- to short shut up you don't tell me what to do you don't get the quiz me no no no leave me alone I just punch them in the jewels we want you back now you behave or else I'm gonna call the cops okay but nugget what did you just say to me ow
Channel: Chill Phill
Views: 548,322
Rating: 4.8735967 out of 5
Keywords: musical.ly, funny tik tok videos, tik tok compilation, tik tok 2020, ironic tik tok, tik tok musically, cringey tik toks, tiktok, musically, ironic tik toks, tik tok, tiktok cringe, tiktok memes, ironic tik tok trolls, fakememe, succculent, wifi plug tiktok, musical.ly compilation, musical.ly videos, new musical.ly compilation, memes, meme compilation, willianator, musical.lys, the best musical.ly, funny tik tok, clean tik toks, tiktoks
Id: lFv0b1TBWpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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