tiktoks that encompass vine humour

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what's this all right all looks well so far I'm just gonna have to ask you to bend over all right doc I got you all right let's see what we're working with here wait a minute I'm at the dentist um my favorite thing to eat is a granny smith apple now if you mean my favorite meal it'll be breakfast I really love is hey cuz I make a real breakfast salad how do you make her fake breakfast in Christine hey oh the goats flaky salt oh that was a battle seesaw the only reason I have followers on this app is because I look a little bit like someone from stranger things check you know that John Green quote that's like you put the killing thing between your teeth but you don't give it the power to do it's killing I can relate to that that's how I feel about Jim and Dwight from the office fan fiction because I know it's out there I know it but I'm not gonna look for it I will never understand conservatives cuz they'll be out here like oh I don't think health care is a human right and it'll be like so poor people should just die because they can't afford insurance and look you in the eyes and be like yes Coenen - poof Oh today I have had this charm for so long looking for the perfect day lien to put inside of it I was cleaning my kid's room and found this bouncy ball after a quick dissection I realized he's on near as big as he looks he's actually super time [Music] have you ever thought about maybe not doing it to him or maybe that you don't have to do it to them have you ever considered it all I've ever known is doing it you're never gonna believe this rate but I'm extremely shirtless extremely Fry's very shirtless I'm just like in a field full of cows bro [Music] I'm Emily good thrift store that I go to all the time right now and I a park and I look in front of me in the [ __ ] car front of me license plate says [ __ ] sue she brought up to me she like Ellie how you like I haven't seen you like I really miss you like will you please like have sex with me and getting [ __ ] I'm trying to well so I just told my friends I bought myself a new Nissan but now they're all making fun of me like oh that's an old person's car and oh that's a piece of rubbish okay [Music] if you're gonna call me pressed make sure you put D in front of it my way I'm so in lieu of serotonin I'm going to put every guy I've ever slept with in a group chat together and ask them which one of you do you think is the biggest and then turn my phone off what is your new banner although you guys start something you trying to go boy I'll bite you just me oh this is my impression of my boobs this is the right one this is the left one yes I was just walking over here my kitchen to get some snacks and you know I open it up and I feel my foot getting really warm this spot on my floor is so [ __ ] warm 11 the good thing about being prime minister of New Zealand is that I win every argument with my husband Clark and I'll say actually I'm a bit tired from leading the country through a pandemic Oh cigarettes Angela what are you doing you like a first responder no are you do work in the grocery store no what do you do giving you very much upside down vibes let's see how long it takes for my blood to rush to my head [Music] [Music] this is Murphy my two-year-old golden retriever he is so sweet and loving and calm when he wants to be and he lets me braid his feathers in the back of his legs even on his tail he loves it he thinks he's getting him like a spa treatment I don't think I'm supposed to see what I found whoever made geometry is a [ __ ] wiener dog [ __ ] y'all I thought was just about shapes and [ __ ] but y'all want to bring the pie right there right there I'm the [ __ ] is that it's not like some goddamn sauce or some dress is to blow in front you cannot eat cami underneath and if it needs more covers all around you can add a cute button up underneath you can also add a denim jacket which is one of our favorite pieces and if you have a dress that's too short a great trick is to add another skirt underneath to give it some length hi this is my impression of Mort from Madagascar singing you make me feel by cobra starship where did it go I can't find it yummy tearing it up oh oh my god whoa Oh hand oh god we have to go back no pocha we have to go back mum's been asked to come back to work you know she was a nurse a hospital just want to know him he's gonna tell him a fun show she um CND EP n so long big bang you naughty naughty you teasing me somebody asked me would I rather kill Hitler or all diseases in the world Fossum killing whoever invented coleslaw oh my no so I came through a bit strange with hi babies oh I like you little chubby girl come here [Laughter] cone into poof Oh today how many all 36 counted them myself I guarantee I can make you laugh are you ready 3-play hold up to zero just about this and don't know why I haven't posted this earlier please watch this video but say here's Montes flash she loves hit button shoes and he's got a weird attraction to brooms but the main point about this video is how fast he is like it may not look fast when you compare it to the world record I think you might be it right I see sees him running okay and I know he can go faster and then here is the world record okay I think he's banged ear I don't know website she [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] Hey what watch the ovens watch the ovens foods about to come out when I am older out of pure and simple entertainment I will force my children to call my mother their grandmother something absolutely absurd and I'm not talking like nanny I'm talking like queef just queef do you want to go by the evening no no I wasn't I wasn't hungry anyway I'm just gonna do no okay it's the second and fourth please okay lovely I'm going through did you see what I did there it's a scam [Music] central you're attacking us you're spawning 132 Brooklyn Stanhope Road for the female who reportedly has her braces stuck to her boyfriend's genitals hello everyone no fear they're doing for me today it's now ten days since I had a fizzy drink I was reflecting on this journey and I have realized that this has become easier for me all because of the motivation you guys have provided and the trust you guys have put on me so I really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart overall no fizzy drink in ten days thank you very much that's my scrunchie that's my scrunchie knock it off get it out of your mouth get it out of your mouth get it out ridiculous so I was gonna make chicken for lunch but then I realized that's frozen so it was like all right well I guess I could just make some mac and cheese but that's frozen to accessories are the weather if I were less shy or your injury or your walk I have to take a screaming [ __ ] water water [Music] [Music] anyway just don't eat it's like a charitable cause like I know some people who could really benefit from it come over not me I don't know the person I don't know them but like I know somebody who could you know just if you're gonna get rid of it like maybe I could have it okay ha ha you're so funny if my wrists were really barcodes it would it would be wouldn't what are you doing so you're taking the car away because I have a gorilla grip coochie uh no Kenzie I'm taking the freaking car away because you didn't come home last night but you gave me this coochie what do you want what where D where D won't need to go I of course someone just tried to tell me that my ancestors were probably involved in slavery and I just think that's crazy because um my ancestors emigrated here in 1968 from Argentina and they emigrated to Argentina in 1945 from Germany so all my ancestors are amazing people and they had nothing to do with slavery so please piss off I like to marry you Doris yes you're my best of your man will you translate this to French for me is on Fitness in English no translate it's a bra okay wait I thought that don t you have some more selfies well I first was okay I thought that thought upon a little independent Anna I thought Jason the ruler has a baby she brought as her baby this is my car and my friend and I have been upgrading it but only 20 dollars at a time in the last episode sexy cheeseball 8 suggested that we get an air freshener so we went to the store we're back in the store and we bought some air fresheners we just got 50 air fresheners the sign said they do not have scent yeah they don't have sin they're literally just cardboard you can't get much better than that here's what the outside view looks like we had about $10 left over so if you want to see the other upgrades we got go watch the full video on YouTube but also if you have any other suggestions for upgrades leave them in the comments thanks for watching yep now we're gonna do a transition and now this is me after I take a shower I haven't gone to sleep yet anyways just broke my leg hello Lucy I find you quite beautiful I went unlock calculator the other day and they said that me and you have a 99% chance of game together I just want to throw you down shinee's you're looking pain today come here come here you're Batsy jiggly I'm liking what I'm feeling right now oh is strong Oh God and the keys do it Oh put a finger down put a finger down addition first put a finger down next put a finger down if you've ever put a finger down put a finger down if you ever put a finger down for putting a finger town put a finger down if you ever put a finger down today sir just a regular shirt name my family turned our house into a literal exhibit that we're not allowed to live in check his fireplace fake if you light a fire in there you'll burn down the house that's the threat this toilet is magical it opens when you approach it while seated on the magical toilet which is heated by the way you have earned few of this unnecessarily large painting of boniface this lent picture although beautiful it's not conducive with life because I'm five three I don't think anyone has ever opened this little liquored capsule I'm not saying a lot because we're a family of alcoholics I know this is definitely apple juice what do you mean you don't have a support of themed elevator in your house professional art no this is my freshman year ceramics project a varnish and lime thank you for the many programs in our Communication Studies department thank you for the feet and the baby maybe keep winning today and after than enough dad yeah I think we have the wrong kind of mask fog fog I think about this every day of my goddamn life want to know why when I was born my father wanted to name me Frederick the third if he had I would have been the first to kill myself [Music] Martin are you circumcised I made it myself Shalom to y'all is there any vinegar crippled from vult by Martin yeah hi Jackie right so it's just grunting for Instagram when I came across this and I just don't want to know what's considered weird and because if you ask me weird is is relative um and if your school didn't have a girl that did this or does does that mean you were the girl I'm not talking about me I used to be a Christian site Jesus Christ you know I mean not me I'm actually just asking for a friend son oh yeah she wants to know so just let me know if you put one or more fingers down you're definitely the mom and it Pixar movie okay put a finger down if you have a dumptruck of an ass oh my god that's a [ __ ] Rock right the worst movies of the main part 6 so this is troll 2 a movie so bad that one of the people who worked on that actually made a documentary about it called the best worst movie where it goes into detail about all the stuff that happened on set the movies about a bunch of goblins not roles goblins who are vegetarians so they turn people into vegetables to eat them instead of you know just eating vegetables how is this meant to be a horror movie you can't make this stuff up [Applause] whoa we never did that before why you thought today was the new days kids remember if somebody offers you drugs say thank you because drugs are expensive babe no pan people ask me why I blew up a preschool I'm sick of people posting like since boys think they know everything what's this I got a question none of your hoes can answer when does it get better if you look at your front teeth and they're more square your smile might be perceived of being more masculine but if you look at your front teeth and they're a little bit more round your smile might be perceived as more feminine now these are I have come for your children please no please yes one will be enough Nuuanu where is Joe I don't [ __ ] know I only have two children now and if you're gonna call me deficiency makes you put iron in front of it my way my you said that's why your shoes raggedy that's why your mama day [Music] if you're bored and Quarantine listen up I'm gonna show you a cool trick that can keep you occupied for hours Google homepage type asparagus hit enter go to images and if you did everything right there should be a tons of pictures of asparagus that you can stare at for hours now never seen it there before where's it go how far is it go he's gonna follow it all the way I'm going home we got him Oh perfect own if you have ever decided that Lockton is the perfect time to become an are you guys go to party too we have to throw up on so you're dropping off the package at the next four nine eight oh three two one you guys are like I ain't gotta get naked for no tennis bracelet I'm not getting naked period call me Tobias Bianca welcome back to the perils of tinder Edith said guess my nationality I said I'm thinking of Spanish or latina and she heard me said evening Jessica Jessy a kateri nose buyer said wow I like ghosts too we have so much in common but then she had me matched with Haley I said if someone shows your name does a man called Lee ever shout hey back I mean that one kind of worked I go I said [ __ ] marry kill David Attenborough Louis through and Paul Hollywood I said kind of [ __ ] them all and she aired me match these four lovely ladies they said imagine you're coming down the lift tell us what song is playing in a bit about yourself ed hi I'm Luca and I'm depressed from quarantine and they heard me I'm not sure Jay Lee I said to him I said can I see her I said can I steal your name if I become a rapper and I don't think she found it as fun as I did I'm already holy I just like a Trinity basically I'm just gonna try Grindr next week okay real-life monsters caught on camera part 4 this guy called a real vampire on camera so he starts off going through this cave and you see all these bats and he continues deeper into the cave but eventually stops when he sees this and then he gets the hell out of there because this is either a some creepy person who lives in a pitch-black cave or a vampire Edward Cullen looks real different here there's no cords yeah okay now you like me now we're friends now that I have food uh-huh want my food okay fine you know what here yeah No oh my god [ __ ] damn it this angle is so like I was gonna film something but like I'm hold on what if I hold on wait a minute wait a minute this mushroom here is a little different if Mario picks it up he'll become super mario brothers - Mario ride on enemies and throw them at will as a member of the Caucasian community we gladly pass this email to the African Americans the African Americans like to pass on this white thought to our Asian brothers on behalf of all of China we have banned her from ever stepping foot on the Chinese soil and we suggest you jump off a plane above the Latino community guys ariana grande just paid thirteen point seven million dollars for one of the coolest houses in West Hollywood let's take a tour we'll start in the master bedroom which takes up most of the top floor the modern design is absolutely stunning those floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors open up to expose a 180 degree view of the Hollywood Hills in downtown Los Angeles next to the master bath which is completely covered in marble I'm obsessed dual shower heads dual vanities just take a look at this bathtub with an incredible view honestly this bathroom is just to die for we've made our way downstairs to the basement where we'll find a media lounge a lavish bar and a three hundred-plus bottle wine cellar there's also a gym and a cedar Wellness Center check this out goals right we've run out of time you see the rest so we'll finish off with this breathtaking infinity edge pool thanks so much for watching and be sure to LIKE and follow up at the next home tour are you being so weird tonight [Music] died okay guys I am so good at these and I can get every single one here we go how Ober you win crotch thread pillow heel crotch bread pillow heel mm-hmm hey yo my house is flooding check okay I checked and my house is not flooding she's married to the muffin man the muffin man [Music] [Music] [Music] that's like a Dave one I'm talking to somebody week of talking to somebody I don't know bro I think I like her one month of talking to somebody I just went all the way boys real-life monsters caught on camera part six so first up in this video these guys are running through the woods when one of the hell this thing is runs past them in this next video this guy films this strange creature in his backyard through his screen door while creatures apparently pale skinny and humanoid I have an idea really what is it let's move hey hold on he's got some new exhaust on the car check it out [Applause] give us some gas man give it some gas I'm at the dog park right now and you know what I don't understand who wakes up and then it's like let's go by that weird nasty five pound white dog that everybody has [ __ ] hate those things Oh all right I'm trying to see you as the weirdest talent on tick-tock I can kick myself in the head that's my second I need to get my story straight with freezer so I've never tried talk us before so let's have some talk they're called cocky spend the whole why are you eating them with chopsticks no very much I did not what are you talking about not me wrong [ __ ] oh my god zero bro watch out he is 3.5 metric tons of wrong sexual aggression [Music] I'm just like baking Mike did you just finish that yeah how much caffeine Singh that thing only 140 hot 40 yeah we have a three-hour car ride so I'll be fine yeah my word no energy for me no end whoa by the watering can pull over on getting kind of heavy now I'm getting sweaty mom spaghetti I'll go back I hyper focus my brain is exploding with ideas water bike ride bike and water dream watcher watch your dreams building bags bean bags the size of buildings that everyone can just hop on and just just post tell me that's not intuitive I'm tired mom how many more minutes we got like 20 we have two hours here are some famous singers you didn't know we're Jewish at number one we have chemin em but I unveil your kovitch of course nahama minaj OS hottie style Minh and last we have rabbi rod Nahum [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I've never shown my dog in a video because he sparks arguments he is a mutt and so people always want to argue and say they know what breed he is so I guess we'll battle it out in the comments this is him he's okay seriously to go to sleep how did you get out of my iron farm get your ass back in there so my friends don't know that I can sing a little so it's the eMeter at least now if you died Chris big tree - oh good morning hey get the [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] off this is unfortunate no this is your for you page just unfortunates you're lucky from now on call me eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh eh-eh-eh-eh from now on now ah what am I getting so worked up about I'm sure the by tomorrow this whole ugly mess will be a funny memory top story tonight babe no violin bow this is Skye she's born deaf when it's time to go for a walk she doesn't understand this is how we tell her we just thought the world should see this Parcells i facetimed my friend faith at 1:00 a.m. why all of a sudden does every [ __ ] girl want this wallpaper where did this come from look for the gummy bear album in stores on November 13th with lots of music videos people cleaning their pool on my for you page has me so confused how does it get to that condition like how does it [ __ ] focus no this is not the time this is not that are you serious [ __ ] what are you doing hello grandma are you Arnie don't okay noodle either side what's your favorite dry noodles okay I okay what's your least favorite dry noodle tea and make sense to me somehow what noodle shape do you think is the most finest where the pause is so longer between mmm when did you start eating dry noodles what noodle shaped is you on to eating dry noodles thanks guys hey guys I don't even really really big shout out to Pluto cases for sending me these amazing cases which literally stick to any surface like I'm not kidding you would literally welcome to a surface and you can just take the case on there and like make tech talks and dance and be amazing you might be thinking there's no way that a case can actually hold up a phone but I guess was one way to show you so there's really bad light in this corner but you could just like to stick it onto the wall and and of be on the next Charlie I guess right the cases are not sticky as you can see my hands are not full of like glue and gum and if they do get dirty you can rinse them off and honestly like dead ass this made my tech-talk so much better you can find them at the Pluto case on Instagram or click the hashtag down below and also use my code ma xxxx for 20% off your purchase if you guys do buy a case please tag me I want to see all your creations also fun fact the case is still on the wall so it works hey guys huh I'm gonna be too short shut up you don't tell me what to do you don't get the quiz me huh no no leave me alone I just punched him in the jewels the only way back now you behave or else I'm gonna call the cops okay but nugget what did you just say to me ow
Channel: Chill Phill
Views: 1,813,692
Rating: 4.8479476 out of 5
Keywords: musical.ly, funny tik tok videos, tik tok compilation, tik tok 2020, ironic tik tok, tik tok musically, cringey tik toks, tiktok, musically, ironic tik toks, tik tok, tiktok cringe, tiktok memes, ironic tik tok trolls, fakememe, succculent, wifi plug tiktok, musical.ly compilation, musical.ly videos, new musical.ly compilation, memes, meme compilation, willianator, musical.lys, the best musical.ly, funny tik tok, clean tik toks, tiktoks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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