tiktoks that you will think about in 43 days time ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

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hey yo something traumatic happened that changed my life check the last time i checked you were adults well you're not [ __ ] acting like when you're acting like a [ __ ] 12 that was my head that was literally my head nope thanks ang you're welcome i'm currently eating sushi it's very yummy fl now [Music] oh [Music] i'll be five minutes oh wow i look russian boris boris oh my god okay so there's this trick that me and my friends used to do where basically you take a pen and you poke a hole in this part of a soda can like this and then once you have that you put your finger girl i just want to know how to do a cut crease tired of wearing the same old sweats yeah me too try this to change up your look first tuck in your top into your pants then bring your sweats all the way up to make them high-waisted take a belt that's the same color as your sweatsuit then belt it around your waist make sure that you're cinching in your waist and voila you turned your lazy sweats into a sheet jumpsuit [Music] i'm ready let's do it let's do it what i said what time is it now no you [ __ ] didn't you said a wobber bob bob this is itv news at 10 with mark austin and julie etchingham good evening pedophiles i'm going to record me my girlfriend's first kiss today please stop saying i look like elon musk if i hear it or see it one more time i'm going to do something to end up on the national news whose horse is that what'd you get dad a whole book about corrosion it's what i think it is i'm excited it is exactly what i wanted the electrical black ball this has got so many formulae you know i hope it's got owen's law in oh wow this is the chapter on impedance i hope this is all right that is this is a whole book about fastness it's just unreal this is such an embarrassment look thread pitch just a minute just a minute this is yes the engineers black book all right laminated sutton tools decimal equivalent and tapping drill chart no i could wear those while i'm reading my engineers this tick tock is dedicated to dad because i didn't run in my car don't hit me can we please get a happy birthday [Music] robert okay so i'm literally the most uneven person ever and someone said to just stare at yourself in the inverted filter until you actually feel attractive so here we go yeah okay uh this is gonna take a while folks the gold never gets old surprise your friends when they run into like chipotle to pick up the order you gold out their whole radio and the center console area they're gonna love it trust me whoa [ __ ] with no life hey community like do you like this t-shirt i kind of thought here i'll show you i have another option i'll show you that um i saw in viscose somewhere oh wait [ __ ] wait wait no no no no no what what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no wait somebody told my mom you why are you if you want to know what it's like to have chill parents but not chill parents at the same exact time let me enlighten you i can get away with anything i want to do with the right amount of talking but let's just say i was talking to my dad and i was like yeah i wanted to sneak out the other night not to do anything just to walk down the street and like do just leave the house and he was like why didn't you just lock the door on your way out and i'm like that was an option but the thing is i'm not allowed to wear [Music] tampons [Music] don't make it stop i can't stop singing make it stop make it stop talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk we're trapped inside depression meal check what the [ __ ] is this [Music] um so i lost my lives because the the first one i it was like five minutes into the game and they sneezed and lost it the second one i stubbed my toe and dropped my phone and the third one i my finger jumped and it was really sweaty [Music] [Music] i want to show you guys my new couch it's pretty weird and wicked and you guys like what the [ __ ] how do you sit on that show all right that's me sitting like a normal human being on the edge of it yes sitting normal there's me laying a sleepy boat relaxing and living life to the fullest of capacity yes jungle boy boat sitting in a curious way and that's me at the top because [ __ ] i'm [Music] oh yeah [Applause] oh what oh my god this is sweet oh no what the [ __ ] oh my god y'all always saying y'all hate pedophiles what the [ __ ] did they do to you you're not a kid so they're not into you they're not doing you nothing mind your business dreaming talking and you'll sleep i know you want to cry [Music] night [Music] oh it's so moist yo mum what are you saying check out the new gums slime that drip looking icy today safe g no cat no cat be easy boss man [Music] she [Music] keep walking mark [Music] when i was younger i went to my five-year-old sister's play she played as a cow and her one line was moo moo we were all watching how cute these kids were and waiting for my sister's one line this dusty musty unlucky pretty damn sucky crusty ratchet and yucky build like a ducky lost my trusty inverted busty always fussy weird and stinky attached to her binky ass so wrinkly too young to be kinky messy and dinsy ass [ __ ] said gobble gobble she died of cancer last week hey yo people get confused by the sound of your voice because it doesn't match their perception of what you should sound like according to your race check [Music] when i was in year two i walked into the boys toilets i was confused by what i saw it was a boy's penis i didn't know what a penis was so i punched it as hard as i could the boy screamed then said that it was a carrot so i bit his peepee as hard as i could and it started to bleed he told the teacher but my parents never found out not even on this day ew these chips are so oily that this air bubble didn't pop and collected all of it do you see that do you see the oil moving that's so gross [Music] [Music] thank you for your love to all the cool [ __ ] show me your big shirt big pants now show me your little shirt big pants now show me your little shirt little pants now show me your big shirt little pants are the rumors true did he really kill those people he is a cisco be quiet he might hear us i don't know about you guys but i have the biggest erection but [Music] call the police we need to call the police [Music] just a little chunk of hope keeps me going keeps me going every day i hope that one day things will change but a little chunk of hope keeps me going keeps me going every day for a reason but it's uncomfortable are you are you serious no you don't sleep in my room please please please please please please oh my god fine get your mattress [Music] funkin cocktail mixer absolutely lethal time is 721 and i'm absolutely shit-faced honestly i can't even see right now it says vodka line filter there don't ever don't that i was chugging it like juice i promise you it will hit you and it will hit you hard my darling [Music] [Music] oh kitty with no balls oh hold on let me go around this cat whoa [Music] hello do you guys have um a national anthem that you sing always before football games and sports i know you know we just sing the harry potter theme song no the harry potter theme song we sing how do you pronounce garage garage do you say garage garage yeah garage can you guys easily switch from a british accent to an american accent and can it sound realistic yeah i'll wait yeah we can knowing that your school system is so different than ours do you go from elementary middle school high school to college no if not then how does it go uh it's secondary then no hang on you guys just casually leave the country for vacations no not really i've never been out of the u.s not casually yearly a lot of us not all of us are there things that you think americans pronounce weird or have weird names for uh shoot make your best friend a birthday present chet swish swish swish it's my boobs oh this [ __ ] be hitting the exact [ __ ] same if you're an adolescent stop letting people tell you to go to sleep earlier and it'll fix your problems because it won't necessarily fix them melatonin is a hormone that in humans when released makes us sleepy the release and suppression of melatonin will follow our circadian rhythm which is basically just this rhythm that makes us sleepy at night and wakeful during the day in adolescence it's been shown that melatonin is released later on than normal this results in adolescents getting sleepier later in the day and therefore needing to sleep later into the morning the reason that adolescents are so sleepy is because that we're forcing them to conform to a circadian rhythm that adults follow but the adolescent circadian rhythm wants them to go to sleep later and wake up later asking them to go to bed earlier isn't going to help them get a restful sleep because they don't have enough melatonin to make them sleepy if you're an adolescent and you're always sleepy because you have to wake up early in the morning i feel you and don't worry it evens out eventually you will work you pick it up again [Applause] okay gotta go call me when you wanna be honest i'm so disgusted and sick right now i'm [Music] leaving [Music] so something you might not know is that when i was two my little brother was killed in a car accident [Music] check this out so i ordered buffalo wild wings mango habanero and it's super super hot and i can't wait to try the poop the feces the [ __ ] that i dump out and eat it and taste it to see if it's still super super hot so for those of you who don't already know i love to use this example of eating my feces to test out my hey cj i don't know what happened it's been stuck all day i've just been sitting here pulling at it and it won't come open oh guys who am i meant to like this am i meant to like this perverted [ __ ] oh cool look shapes it's perversion it's perversion of vision [Music] [Music] okay [Music] what's up i should call him with a grizzly belt help the bear i don't really know why they bothered marking it it's not like they can operate on the wrong foot so if you put it over your mask of where it's covering look i'm already like super foggy right okay simple solution so you don't want the air to come out of your mask and your glasses pull it up higher put the glasses over i can still see no fog not hard people seven reasons the ocean sunfish is the worst fish ever created number one they're one of the largest fish in the ocean and yet they have almost no ability to move on their own in said ocean for two they have no swim blad or something pretty much every fish needs in order for it to not sink considering this fish can barely even swim it definitely needs a swim bladder and yet it doesn't have one often times they just get stuck at the surface of the ocean because again they can barely move on their own they don't have a swim bladder and they don't even have movable fins before they can never close their mouth because for some reason they were evolved in which their teeth are fused together so their mouth is perpetually open and they look like this number five they're so useless not even other animals will eat them they'll just maim them for fun and then spit them out because they're riddled with parasites and diseases for six they actually produce a fin that would help them move but instead of growing outwards it grows inwards so they have all the cells they're just not doing the right thing scientists have no clue why they exist they pretty much have no purpose they don't serve as food they don't serve as a home for any other creatures they're just a floating cesspool of paris what's you have to say mine to say okay so i'm convinced i was made from pre-cum right cause i'm like because i'm like five-fold my mama like five nine my daddy like six one so either i'm adopted but i think it was a pre-condo i've never seen a girl wink and pucker her lips at the same time back at you mom my girl's flirting with me hey you almost done roses are red you look as sweet as toffee we got water we got fire but we got no coffee i am [ __ ] crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] be um [Music] [Music] hey hi thank you very much that's much better a lot of people have been commenting on my videos saying that i cannot claim to be mentally ill without first providing proof that i am so this video is proof of my mental illness mom what what's your favorite color yellow i like a hamster alfie there's no filter on you're joking me nothing hurts anymore i feel kind of free i'm literally crying over my nails right now because they're oh my god okay this is what i wanted okay this is the pastels and this is what i got [Applause] i am how do you do it well i brush twice a day and it's like it honestly comes down to jeans my whole family has good teeth twice oh no is that normal oh god yes well how many times do you brush a day my dad found this cool website are you ready this is very cool so this is all about eyeballing so the first one is bisect the angle that's pretty close when i get a score equidistant from the edges center of the center this one this one's always quite well i reckon that oh that was a good one that was a good one make a right angle and yeah points of conversion [Music] so how long have you been playing this hours so there's this picture on my dad's phone and it's really scary and they think it's the last thing he's gonna see before he dies this just showed up on his phone out of nowhere it says january 30th 2027 and no one knows where this picture was taken from or what it's uh he doesn't remember taking this picture it's just on his phone ew he only has one wing he'll never be full what a loser he is so poor bro boy wait a minute he has three wings how do you get a golf ball stuck out of the tub why don't you try tweezers [Music] hey boys here's a list of red flags that you should be aware of for your next relationship endeavor red flag number one if she's got a septum piercing um dip the last girlfriend i dated who had a septum piercing literally told me that she wanted to bleed on me during sex red flag number two stay away from the girls who like cut their own bangs and dye their hair like hot pink and blue and purple like they're hot but like they're the type of girls who will gas like the [ __ ] out of you tell you that you're useless and then talk about their vibrator the entire date red flag number three if she's got tattoos of insects i'm sorry but who like wants to get a tattoo of a spider who [ __ ] like what red flag number four or five i can't remember now this one's really important if she still listens to music that we're popular off of tumblr then she's gotta go but if the world is ending you come over right you come over and you'd stay the night would you love me for the hell of it all our fears would be irrelevant if the world was ending you come [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] cuatro [Music] here are some mind-blowing apps that you need to know zen is an app that's just like tick-tock except it pays you to watch videos it's even on the top charts pandora is an app that's just like spotify except it lets you listen to free music and likewise it's a free app that gives you really good movie and tv show recommendations this is literally my favorite app and it always cures my boredom download it using the link in my bio and if you share this video you'll find a hundred dollars on the ground [Music] [Music] helen keller would be a terrible fortune teller all right helen what's the scoop what's my future like huh helen i paid you a hundred dollars can you see my future she said you're stupid and she can't see what she's deaf too [Music] that little [ __ ] [Music] is [Music] what's in here that's my dog steven hello hi what is that man i mean i thought it was the appropriate name i think he's kind of sexy hi i mean he's kind of sexy that's what i like to hear and that's cool and all but why did you name your daughter steven that's weird as [ __ ] is that the water part [Music] this is the mandela effect part four don't you guys remember there being a bank robber emoji he wore a beanie a striped shirt and was carrying a bag of money believe it or not this emoji doesn't exist even on reddit people still believe that they've seen it before but there's no explanation for knock me how took those sticks and stones showed them i could build a house they tell me that i'm crazy they'll never let them change me so they cover me in daisies daisies daisies what is it that you want from me oh you speak to me with that tone you do not speak to me that way okay that's right you don't like it do you
Channel: Chill Phill
Views: 404,032
Rating: 4.8873663 out of 5
Keywords: musical.ly, funny tik tok videos, tik tok compilation, tik tok 2020, ironic tik tok, tik tok musically, cringey tik toks, tiktok, musically, ironic tik toks, tik tok, tiktok cringe, tiktok memes, ironic tik tok trolls, fakememe, succculent, wifi plug tiktok, musical.ly compilation, musical.ly videos, new musical.ly compilation, memes, meme compilation, willianator, musical.lys, the best musical.ly, funny tik tok, clean tik toks, tiktoks, monstro
Id: b26GpLkSivk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 59sec (2279 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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