100 SUPER HUMAN World Records!

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World's Strongest Man Roberto burst expert Baker Rosanna Pansino and trick shot Lord Jester all have one thing in common they love superhumans we have a real life superhuman here today ladies and gentlemen Robert o burst oh okay whoa this is uh oh bro that was insane this is trials in real life and then he flipped himself afterwards I know you're a superhero but I don't know I would never I could never I would get four feet of air and smack face first okay I'll step up yeah this is you this is my time to shine oh I've done this caber toss this is awesome what is that so this is a Highland Games event a lot of people think it's how far you can throw it but it's really how much you can control so you want to flip it straight so it doesn't turn how heavy are one of those depends on the show depends on the person I flipped one of those in front of the Queen of England did you do it right the first time no it's heavy and hard and when the Queen's watching it's a little nerve-wracking but I did it that's pretty sick this is like a calisthenic God are you kidding me he's gonna get it let's go oh my gosh and he balanced on the last one I would not drop after I make that people you see working out with bricks are the most dangerous people in the world when you see a guy curling a bucket they're breaked up they're bricked up 100 that's what it is oh little Granny Smith apples okay if they're really that little can you do it if they're that little I think so I've never really tried so we have to try if you can smash it they can like it what the frick yeah are these needles oh I don't know anything about bed of nails I don't know if it's fake or real oh it's a human needleped a needle peep what else do you describe this who got the Unlucky draw to be on the bottom tough oh this guy's got serious face it's crazy with the slum of the arrows are so Wiggly don't tell me he's gonna do the Robin Hood oh come on bro it disappeared the Kung Fu boy is out of school says got some moves dude was that a quad backflip onto the back of a quad with the full split see ya can you do that no chance no this kid would kick our butt I wonder if that kid is like a security guard for hire say if you have a bully at school I'll give you my lunch money if you can protect me what you just can't make this up that's good posture I know the guy in the bottom like is obviously extremely impressive but the guy in the top yes he's the one doing most the work you can see it look at him moving his arms and his legs the other guy's just walking up some stairs we could do that let me be on top can I pick you up how much do you weigh 410 pounds oh we both cars this is really cool this is really oh God it's so close that's super super talented you're like healing dude they're probably tired after that yeah parkour oh my gosh in sandals hey yo just normal walk off what's up Bros you're just texting what's up babe yeah I'm on my way home I'll be home wait your parents aren't home whoa okay so how people say you bite off more oh he's got a whole Coke can in his mouth hey yo we got Cokes here oh girl I can't even get my teeth around hey yo you don't have to be delicate with your Coke can you see ah this is the new dance move always cracking eggs bro push my elbows together this is as close as I can get my bows well that's really close I love Matt Stoney bro this is at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas eaten there before have you really I eat there for free because I'm heavy enough they really if you're over 300 pounds you eat for free so every time I go to Vegas and then look at it I don't eat like that though oh shut up this is the old dude perfect are you gonna call Cap no dude these guys are all legit they spend so much time accumulating these trick shots and they're so well edited and they're so wholesome hard to believe some of that I know but I promise it's legit I believe you all right so this is the most coconut smashed with one hand oh my gosh in one minute a shake weight how is this a broken yard oh they're not all over his face he's gonna need a cast for his hand wow that was impressive it was handy he pours the perfect amount of ketchup every time you don't even need a machine he is the machine look at him go look at him go can I be honest with you really don't like ketchup are you more of a mustard guy no but ketchup needs to literally ketchup to Ranch because Ranch is the superior dipping sauce 70 pound sushi roll that's as heavy as meat holding all that rice and everything together it seems like this that's like this twin I wish he would roll me like that though you know what I'm saying this insane it kind of looks like a fruit roll-up doesn't it kind of make me hungry right now oh so this one probably one of my favorite it's the fastest two liter soda chug oh no Preston I think it's under like seven seconds eight no the carbonation oh no oh you're oh oh my stomach hurts just watching that was like I want to challenge everybody have you done the Lacroix challenge like try to drink one eight ounce carbonated water beverage it's like impossible to do without burping I burp when I just have a sip of soda I have one sip of soda and I'm like this is a perfect time to transition to the fastest amount of wieners eaten she is sweet Wing the Glizzy he's not even chewing why are they in water oh so they can slide down slide right down I don't want to ever do this I want to get like an x-ray like what do they look like do you think they're like in the package like in her stomach nicely nah fam nah see this is one of those things I would die I think you would just uncontrollably vomit is that the wind just taking this man or is he like no no I feel like I feel like it's kind of like when you're in a swing set as a kid he's got to be doing something bro have you seen the cars that have been going in the ocean can they do that though what attachment is this and where do I buy it bro I feel like I would die if I did that have you seen that clip with a credit card and he's like I need that what is he training for fam would you leave if you saw him I would definitely not work out in this area that Turf area would be offline oh my God why the backflip though this is the type of guy that pees the Marcus territory before he picks up his dumbbells now oh wait oh my god oh stop stop if you hit a trick shot like this in your video would you title the entire thing oh my God it would be that would be the entire video taking a basketball is it really hard yeah I feel like that's the hardest certified 10 out of 10 trick shot real life superhuman I mean with those shorts on why why no I break my limbs dude I feel like you should try it bro yeah why don't you try it you lanky boy what do you weigh I'm like 200. I'm like 170. your bouldering is so much fun it's like Rockland yeah I have a deep fear of rock climbing my deep fear dude I went with my girlfriend and I went on the kids geologists are like your villains what did rocks ever do to you though I'm not a rock hater I love doing reflexes let's see it oh my God yo if he didn't catch that he'd be dead I would be in a concussion yeah you just because I mean there's no way I'll drive what's that dog doing what do you think he feeds that dog jet fuel possibly I like how this is like an older Club too like it's so bad I can't even see their faces Fade Away beautiful bro I love that one clean goodness won the 100 how difficult I'm gonna give it a 92. we gotta match that energy oh my God I think he's gonna hit the shot too well if you do that and is this Ultimate Frisbee that's Ultimate Frisbee isn't it why do you try to hit it in the cage it looks like a bird cage this man is a rock dude his name is Eddie man that's a thick plane and he's actually not even going slow I mean he is actually going really fast yeah this is insanity do you know where he's from which country three two one Slovenia you think they breed them that big over there I don't know there's only a few places in the world where people get bread to be big America the United Kingdom and Ireland he got it in the basketballs cornhole that is very impressive that one I think that one's more impressive those reactions no oh this is amazing what are these light up balls if you marry this man don't worry he will never cheat he has so much patience you should like stay and watch oh it's the longest human tunnel traveled through by a dog skateboarder that's a world record face oh my gosh from all this three-person bicycle that's so good dude they are intensely focused that man look at this look at this dude but no do you see his mustaches most skips by a robot in one minute what is this robot this is amazing stuff that just happens in Japan and this thing did 106 jumps I could do more than that I can't oh no I don't like it what is this yo I like how she's smiling is that human ew most full body revolutions maintaining a chest stand in one minute that's disgusting why is she move like that she looks like a lizard it's got to be most pairs of underwear put on this was definitely sponsored by Hannah's what is happening can you have kids after that I don't think so whatever he's drinking I want something yeah literally I want to know how much it was 17. and his name is Cherry what um is there a tail does she have a tail what I'm not going to look you shouldn't be looking either sir dude oh my gosh that's on her butt she did that for 31 minutes can you imagine just can you imagine being the guy that she calls like hey I have a record to do and he's like what is it and you're like as long as you look around the pump that's really wholesome wait a whole lot this is fastest five meters on a scooter by dog and cats how about how do you train the dog to do that and it's a recent record that's fun oh my God it's the world's loudest burp loudest burp by a male wait does that mean a female beat this record probably if I have to put that on it 112 decibels that last one hit different can we can we just for reference what is a hundred decibels so we can just explain this to you guys of how is that concert this guy is burped as loud as an emergency siren no idea what you're doing I don't understand why he's doing these things so I think it's like training to have children he had to do this for 12 000 feet oh my gosh that's over two miles on pure Legos fastest 50 meter by running backwards it's the same guy no way is it Cherry I could tell by the way he was moving he still has the boxes on it his face he turns around he's got he's got a real like joji whoa world's largest Nerf gun whoa that looks cool honestly I've so I've seen this in person the the bullets in person are this big and they weigh like 10 pounds that's drywall that was a bro oh my gosh is that insane wait how did they make this it's the brightest flashlight that's really cool though why would you ever need a flashlight to summon Batman so do you get like a disease can you get like a radiation disease I have no idea what's happening but the way he's counting it's like Captain America whenever he goes was that a triple I mean I need that's a clean double imagine you could upload that skill into like Frogger or something if you earn it into Frogger I'm sorry I'm old man that is crazy it's just pulling a bus with her hair just hair I don't understand Rapunzel's got nothing on her a person climbed your hair how about a bus this is actually pretty easy to roll up a frying pan yeah you'd fold them up so you can just fold a frying pan yeah would you be willing to demonstrate it right now in front of the audience No Cap you got a friend pan me all right just so you guys know these are two identical pants so the trick is how tight you can get it I didn't get to start yet oh sorry sir nice that's a good tight little roll finish that squeeze it together this is something a strong man would have been proud of right here tell me if you look like a shorty from like Valerie wow did you just shoot that subscribe button are you just happy to see me that looks awesome are you airboarding it just looks like a popsicle it has nothing to do with anything if they land on a Snowy Mountain and then ride out then then that's cool but it's all desert they can stand bored dude I think they're gonna sandboard most kicks to the head in one minute bro let me kick you in the head yo okay you gotta know itself no so it says self right I can't reach how would you feel is this guy you're like God's judging you like what have you done brought to this world well God guess what I've learned while I was here oh armrests arm wrestling people always want to get me arm wrestling look how little his left arm is and how big his right arm is that's the stuff that's crazy wait what I just now noticed that they work that one arm why can't they do both no need he's a natural born arm wrestler that's crazy you do this I don't do that I was gonna say I love Barefoot Borden you're pure muscle when you just sink you just like skip like the calisthenics guys man insane what that was crazy I got a feeling though you could almost do a push-up like that ah dude no way 30 pound hit cat oh my gosh so this apparently costs almost a thousand dollars to make as well believe it is it a bread knife that's a huge knife oh wow they even did the engraved I like the Alvin this is pretty impressive do you think you could break one maybe maybe if I had those ladies thighs oh it's only marshmallow cereal vat19 makes some fantastic things how are they doing this the ball is the hard part because like what if at any point in time if your milk leaks oh I'm gonna make a custom box nothing you can swim in it oh they're swimming in Syria does it come with the handsome men a whole new meaning to wanting to bathe in your favorite food like I love chocolate so much I could bathe in it but unpopular opinion I don't like marshmallows so I think this is the making the code oh wow what is that in there is that the cream yeah oh my goodness how are they doing this oh that's so sweet they fed it to the kids I guess we'll just have to watch my favorite supermodel Mark Rober so it's like the world's largest jello pool how fun I didn't know it in a world record S I believe where was I what have I been doing I don't know non-stop in my kitchen and just have no that that's buoyant I want to do this I wish I was this little kid right here world record nachos that's what I'm talking about loaded nachos I hope it's loaded with everything like we were talking about she's got the meat Scott of jalapeno just the chili alone is 500 pounds oh my God 80 pounds like cilantro weighs nothing to have eight pounds of cilantro you know what they were missing one very important ingredient what Rich this guy's using his head instead of his hand it's the most walnuts cracked yes humans are so weird dude this poor guy has probably suffered brain damage for years practicing for this moment and you're just dumping on them Matt and unspeakable two of uh are homies so this is when he did this video it's like 100 layers of food so he has to go through all of these rooms eat the food and then progress to the next room it's the fastest lunchable I think ever eaten oh all right Josh Hart oh he's slipping oh wait a minute recovery there I think it's 360 for him that's a bro that's bro moment I need a friend like that or maybe not because I would be way too tempted to just yeah I would definitely give you a concussion if I did that my mom got me a skateboard use it once or twice and then she used it to move very heavy objects broke it and that was the end of my skating career this game is kind of underrated oh Galaxy brain demon times I wish I could do that but this could like four four or five dude Scooter's a Dying Breed man I'm sorry he's bringing it back no he's the next Tony Hawk let me give him a 9 out of ten pool tricks are insane you play pool yeah I mean I'm not fantastic you know how much money you think this guy makes being a bull shark you know what a pole shark is no you ever go to a restaurant where they serve like your mom's grape juice or your dad's water and then you just offer a game for like 20 bucks you let them win double or nothing he's a hustler yeah dude that guy could hustle me he would hustle me in the ground I'm just a pogo stick bro's got the Hogs oh the LeBron James I feel like no one even uses that thing the pogos no the pogo stick is dead as well because kids are playing fortnite all day and the front blue to finish it off that's actually exactly that front flip was impressive that was from high up too is that a bowling ball he's using it like oh oh my okay well that floor's ruined yeah I'm glad the floor didn't break get a strike off a jump shot so that's how high he gets up to head but the ball and these are the kit like just Everyday People oh my God he's flying yo that's amazing okay but would it be more valuable using that in volleyball he'd be the biggest blocker well he could be dunking on people in basketball too that is wholesome very wholesome on the father's birthday he's proud let's go have you seen the guy in the Olympics but his his late wife and he did like the we broke the record in Olympics you know what I'm talking about most balloons pop with your butt is this more wholesome than the hula hoop one bruh yeah dude you know this guy probably squatted for like years to practice for this moment ah dude I could break this record are you so into these dudes what the heck was the tallest bicycle but it's like a Christmas tree 24 feet hey did you know I can ride a unicycle I could do this oh no spoons balanced on the body holy cow this guy spoons these are probably sticky though they probably cheated no no they probably did like that look at me looks like he's got like a freaking armor he looks like a medieval like spoon night whoa it's a big hula hoop okay that's actually kind of cool okay this is a lot cooler than any of the other ones like she's actually doing something cool she has to put like body armor largest hula hoop sponge that's so sick how long though 17 feet this guy it's the longest rubber chicken thrown Tom Brady can break this record though what just happened this guy threw a rubber tickets he was point seven feet away but wait you haven't seen the best record because we're gonna break it at the end of this video most tongue touch to nose how close can you go I can touch what the heck you lizard man how the heck is he doing that it's so weird looking he's got a much longer tongue than me so the thing is this guy did it 262 times in one minute most items kicked off people's heads in one minute and they chose football she did 59 dude holy cow my thighs would be so sore that's actually kind of cool I actually can't I no I could no no shot no no I have a valuable head then go and demonstrate it over there watch yep sorry Tyler oh my God dog with the longest tongue four and a half inch tongue dude that looks like some Jabba the Hutt Star Wars stuff like an alien no way if you like put that in your mouth you're gonna choke on your tongue literally it's pretty big stop crossing your eyes oh facial expressions oh I gotta see how big that mouth is it's two and a half inches tall and four feet across four four inches across all right Derek I get on my mouth pretty big not that big that's a Jackman that man is fit I mean it's really big what what is these this is the world record kick to the growing this person spent a minute in a bubble why is he bent over like that that's a girl oh well the name is the Highland Joker that could be anything that's true oh I love skateboarding videos man I grew up in Santa Cruz so skating's my thing this is your chance this is so sick this is Greece tricks down all the time that's why I stopped I was the only 300 pound kid in sixth grade and so I kept snapping boards and breaking my ankles go come on get it I filmed a Sofie dossi she's a contortionist and every time she would contortion my stomach contortion this is funny it's so much easier the hardest part is holding your breath for that long while you're getting the pumping yeah and not being grossed out by how nasty that water is so how many wow I'm impressed that was like 30 reps oh that was awesome amazing skater died bro kids playing sports is the best free throw s in it goes in wait two seconds wait no number deep I lost the game when I was a kid like at the last second and I remember falling down on the floor and listening to their coach scream if you never give up you can achieve anything unless you're on that team oh my nowhere oh salt baby if you've ever seen a 10 foot wave you're terrified and then you see I dude like it's it looks so much more intense when you're in the water though right if you're in the water with that big of a deal you're dead if that crashes on you it's so intimidating it feels like the whole earth is just Rising above you no bro no no no no no no no is he even strapped in oh he is strapped he does have a safety harness dude but still think about all the factors here wind is blowing obviously these the hot air balloons are definitely not perfectly still I guarantee there's so many different variabilities and he's still tight roping nerves of Steel on this guy let's be honest this guy's got balls probably too oh my gosh so how many that's like a hundred as a man who is of Incredible strength is this real or fake it's real but they do a setup it's like a half cat this is the most pineapples cut off of people's heads the trust that these people have in their friend or this individual one wrong whack is part of the challenge that the pineapples have to be on the head or can they just be on the table it says right here what what most pineapples on heads cut in half in 30 seconds 61. Fruit Ninja so he has to like put a sword in each time wow oh wait what does that say January 20 wait 2022 this is probably the most recent record that's been official that was set Brett and Link I love them they do it this is well that was how it was hot it looks like a giant sock oh no way he's steeping in the tea look at him go oh that's a lot of sugar probably like a hot tub oh so they're going I would so do this tea bag mini day I've seen this one so this guy is the like literally the record holder for the most big Maxine yeah dude he is Big Mac he should legally change his first name big middle name [Music] this he knows what he likes he likes what he knows he's in his tie it says Big Mac he started eating Big Macs and then he just like never decided to venture into other Foods you know this is my style it's uh it's gold it's a 2 000 steak it's something he actually just opened up a restaurant nearby oh hey would you eat that though like I would try a bite but I don't know the nice thing about gold is you can eat it like literally 95 of that steak's cost is the gold leaf that you end up just dumping out oh it's her again what is she eating now so this time it's the most Tomatoes eaten I'm not somebody who can eat a tomato just plain and she's just the whole thing her face looks painful a little bit I feel like there's something to this though because she looks like she's in pain right so like is it the acidity from the maters she's like the female man who would win her versus Matt Stoney I mean I don't know we gotta put them in a room together we're talking about extreme spice now oh wow he's got these goggles on it makes me feel like he's very serious I think it's because he doesn't want to cry oh my gosh is he sweating or is this water oh oh big mistake big mistake okay so people are trying to get us to eat the hottest pepper the Carolina Reaper negative well it was until this guy came around Mr Good Mr Good what a cute name how did you cook it is this most ice cream scoops on a cone no seriously it's 125 scoops on one cone sometimes I thought they would give me an extra scoop like when I'm at The Parlor but oh this is an extra scoop you know this waffle cone is like I don't get paid enough Rosanna the world's largest pizza right is it a pizza what do you think it tasted good I'm impressed oh this is I'm impressed it's the world's biggest wedding cake so does this make your marriage stronger or more stressful because you're out of money yeah I'd say more stressful I would be so stressed out I mean dude this is literally like maybe a million dollar cake I hired bakeries to make like 800 cakes for me and they were silly looking and there ain't nothing silly looking about that cake I feel inferior my whole wedding was alive remember what flavor it was wait there's a flavor isn't it just wedding cake we love you Preston I swear it was wedding cake flavored I love this guy I watch him on Tick Tock he just chugs things he's a chugger yes he's not gonna do that he must be Canadian I've never seen something like that just wait oh my gosh how do you not faint I love this man I would chuck with him anything wow he would have been the highlight in my college days chug this yeah what do you think what are they chugging record it's cracking watermelons with eyes oh my God is it just all moms it's a Guinness official record though it's called mom's drink she cracked three of them in 14 seconds with your thighs oh well easy I could just do that with my bicep [Music] okay I see something is fun who's winning blue is winning yo bro next clip I think it's like a clean that he did when you start down here and it's like a yeah I've never seen this before what is this this is a skateboarding mix of gateboarding dunk contest this is sick 360 behind the back video for you that yeah if I could skate well I mean you just bring in people who can skate skate basketball I never heard of this before dude they gotta do that with wheelchairs bro wheelchair basketball does go crazy really yeah they're very nice with it bro Defenders was on skates oh dude so casual bro ccion with that bulk dude respect he's not obviously on his way to a business meeting to close a deal is he dancing on there actually this is my first time ever seeing rugby why am I watching this is sick that's a lot of work are these guys Jewish they got to be like some form of gymnastics the other teams cheerleaders started doing that I would be intimidated a huge gem okay that's very impressive juggling with one leg while skateboarding let me give that a 10. yeah like nobody even giving this man the day of the moment of the respect of the tunity nobody even looked this way juggling is he gonna stab the corn no he's not you can't snap the corn yes [Applause] this guy's using a mechanical pencil to stab a piece of corn also does he sharpen that because I'm pretty sure they're not normally that sharp I guess so it happened what is he throwing oh it's his Rock Skipper Dipper see this is the coolest suit of all time what kind of rock we need to get that Robert Vine I've never seen you gotta go flying on the sand yay nah we just caught that and he's still going that's different what is this called again this is kite surfing kite surfing I want to do this will you take me on a date to do that dude I love you bro cleanest throw you've ever seen oh do these gentlemen are locked boom man my body hurts for him can I see it again I love men and spandex human jump rope he got no vertebrae was he forced into being a jump rope you ever fished with a minnow and it's on the hook for like more than 10 minutes and it's dead that's kid what is this no he's just bicycle kicked that is this football but on a ping pong table dude this looks like one of the most difficult Sports of All Time what the frick dude I would watch that since one of these shoes I want to watch that nobody watched ESPN anymore dude I watched ESPN occasionally ah my organs where does their organs go what is she even shooting at I've only seen one ah you know she didn't hit like a small Target I've seen it it's crazy it's unreal I love his reaction I'm Thor I can imagine like how many hours you spend doing this he punched it in he just punched it full course look at this guy golf is such a goober oh straight in bro they didn't even balance out did Tiger Woods ever do that in his career I don't think so do you like golfing I I suck at golf I never golf I played Putt-Putt once so maybe I'm maybe I'm judging how old do I gotta be probably like 40s I mean you're just out there riding with the boys I don't know if I like golf what okay okay I mean this dude is fit dude I would love a hug from him he looks like he gives great hugs Grandma about to hit two plates on a deadlift Grandma's stronger than me go crazy America I hope she adopts me okay this is the largest gathering of people dressed as dinosaurs like the music a lot though that's like which just doesn't Roar wait look at them like there's like the red and those are the parents they're very proud of their dinosaurs moose said like I want to do this I want to get 252 people in just Jurassic Park fans they wanted to have their there's only like two of those in the entire world anyways well I know most cans on the body I was keeping those air suction how do you do that with his chest I don't know that's a lot of cans dang 20 cans how do you just figure out that you can do that you just like buy yourself one day you finish drinking a Coke and you're like it's built different is this good for the lower back 32 in 30 seconds that woman's lower back is gone it's more than a flip a second that's 1.2 flips per second as fast as 100 meters wow I don't understand why I mean this guy's got a vertical leap but to be fair though he has a I think it's a safety cable right yeah but it's still cheating as long as Journey on if I have pumpkin boat 25 miles on a pumpkin hey yo this is the literally the Cinderella story that's a a marathon this guy get a marathon in a pumpkin I don't even know what this is but why does she walk like that fastest 10 meter on hind legs by Emma the Palm she's pretty adorable eggs carried on a single hat 735 eggs can we do some quick math on that how many dozens I don't know what this is I don't know imagine he walks away from this and it's just the world's largest Skillet and he just goes like this oh my gosh most t-shirts put on in 30 seconds I like his form you can tell his wife she's recording like come on come on you got this unfortunately you can't put on enough head shirts to fix that hairline next time you want to break your record let me know I would have sent you fire merch to do this and this is the highest dunk of a donut he's literally about the dunk a donut he's dunking a donut yes he's dunking a donut look at this that's amazing 200 feet that's a 200 foot dunk 200 feet we need that what she's so prepared most hugs give it in one minute this is a whole those aren't even hugs man yeah this is kind of like the Christian side hug Trend yeah but he's also like okay I'm gonna need you to click one of these videos right now okay this is really heavy you know if you click one of these you might save me bye
Channel: PrestonReacts
Views: 3,092,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Humans, World Records, Rare People, preston, funny, react, challenge, mrbeast, mrbeastreax, socksreact, brianna, ssundee, unspeakable, alia, dhar man, sidemen
Id: miiefPDILZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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