TikTok's That Are ACTUALLY Relatable

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hello and welcome back to my YouTube channel or welcome to my YouTube channel I'm Jennifer Coolidge and you can call me Jennifer Coolidge and you're looking like a real snack right now oh it makes me want a hot dog real bad okay that was weird Jennifer anyway welcome to the channel happy to have you back uh like she said you're looking like a snack you know what I'm saying anyway we're gonna watch relatable tick tocks let's get to it [Music] when I get another lesson instead of my soulmate what the yeah what did that say I was a little distracted by her eyes but you know what same goes for me you know I've been I've been through a lot of lessons a lot of lessons you know and I'm not talking about school sad when someone asks suffer it's like going to the gym happy suffer and be happy about it isn't that the truth I'm gonna go for a run after this maybe probably not but I'm gonna try to go for a run after this and like during the entire thing I just want to run off a cliff but then at the end I'm like I'm better than everyone you know what I mean that's the feeling I crave and then 10 minutes later I eat you know a couple donuts I got Krispy Kreme Donuts God bless those girls at Costco uh I'm not gonna go for a run eat the donut okay this is me telling you to go get a donut eat the out of it okay tag me on Instagram what are you doing also like the video coming home after a whole day of convincing the public my body your body looks real it looks great you look fantastic I have power to you you know if you want to pump it full of whatever you give everybody teaches their own I'm just scared of needles so I'll probably just age like a dried raisin but that's okay UV mum told you to go to sleep 30 minutes ago when you hear footsteps it's the most terrifying thing ever oh my God does anybody else would like know who's walking in the house like I knew whether it was my mom walking upstairs or my dad walking upstairs or my older sister walking upstairs I feel like that's probably a trauma thing it's fine we're not gonna read into it five minutes wait I can't and it's too fast all these tick tocks are like two five seconds long gotta read read it's re it's reading it's screen reading time I don't know Jay put the thing on get around because now is Chris reads screens me five minutes after we wake up wait what we practices me five minutes after we wake up waiting for hubby to give me good morning kiss okay how long is this going today yeah that should be instant actually don't don't kiss me if you have morning breath I probably have morning breath you guys ever be having a conversation with somebody and you'll be so focused on making the right amount of eye contact with them like I want to make eye contact but not too much eye contact yeah I focus so much on that that I have no idea what the they're saying my grandma was actually murdered yesterday she was shot dead actually that's so cool so true oh my gosh I'm actually really good at making and I I I'm actually really good at making eye contact even though I am an introvert but I think it gets low-key kind of creepy because I'll just be like and I'll forget to play go back I like to give people my full attention like I want them to know that I'm paying attention to them you know it's like my one of my biggest pet peeves if I'm talking to somebody or if I see some people talking to each other and the other person's like this or like they're looking or they're looking at their phone pisses me off right Keanu Pete they both said yeah by the way please fix this for your girls too that are not Barbies who because because not me oh that's the one that wraps under the onesie thing maybe but both yeah that's yeah you know what queen okay we can make like a cute crop top just tuck it under took it under back up tie that you got a cute little bralette top so I'm saying I mean I think they should be more inclusive and make it like so it actually fits I'm just saying this situation we got that five minute craft crop top five minute crafts you suck not you I'm five minute craft song anyway me saying goodbye after our first date oh if that isn't me God I don't talk to a lot of people that's not super if I'm talking to a man friend or a girlfriend of some sort it's usually just that one person because I'm not a hoe nothing but I pretty much depend on that person to bring me all the happiness in my life because I I I struggle with providing that on my own so whoever I'm talking to right now like the video if you're the same as me it's great I wanna kill myself my parents didn't raise this Lost Child how they raised you yeah you know what yeah the lower children the lower children The Peasants sorry I mean the younger children bless the hearts useless and they didn't get parented I'm looking at you yeah I know not you you you gotta like the video let me know if you're your youngest child in the comments below and convince me that you're not a spoiled brat okay I'm the youngest child and I'm not going to not say that I'm not love next the best ones I'll shout out in the next video your husband sees you putting on your leggings knowing that they're you wish that was you you wish I was you huh yeah I mean I don't got a man to say that to but you know I've been practicing this yeah same oh got it my finger hurts what in the world when you tell them you haven't shaved for a while I forgot to mention didn't shower either oh my God that visual she is in the jungle she is I mean he I guess she was playing her husband he was Welcome to the Jungle going in there just we have fun games when you take too long making a toddler some juice that reminds me I've got to take my birth control be right back I'm just kidding kids are great aren't they kids are fantastic for you I got Pete and Keanu am I right oh that was rude we just said that's sad you guys when your girlfriend farts in the middle of a horror movie hello hello it's just me don't pretend you don't smile your own farts I know you do Jay I know you do that's what I thought you wake up from a nap and everyone is gone oh no that was always traumatizing so fun facts I grow up a Conservative Christian don't really know I kind of stepped out of that box now but you know to each their own whatever anyway in the Christian faith they teach you that the Rapture is going to happen and that's when Jesus comes back to Earth and just gathers up all the other Christians and throws them up to heaven that's not their actual story but that's you know pretty much how it goes I always thought that when my parents weren't home or if I woke up from a nap and kidnap stairs nobody was there they got sent back up to heaven and I stayed on Earth which is supposed to be like hell I genuinely thought that every time my parents I was a bad kid I mean I wasn't bad I was just you know I just thought Jesus wouldn't wouldn't take me up you know on his Heavenly elevator or staircase I don't really know that would kind of suck I'd be lost tears I feel kind of dumb when you weren't able to wear your cloth pad during your last time you were forced to use disposables I've been thinking about you and I've been thinking cloth pad is there a cloth pad for a period pad isn't that just like using a handkerchief like you just foreign but like for your veget you know what I mean that's disgusting I mean teach their own you have an older sibling oh I've done a video exactly like this yep and you turn off the light too is he gonna do that that would have been like creme de La Creme cherry on top but that was pretty accurate why did we do that I would just like remember I had a sibling I'd be like in my room and I'd be like oh I could punch my little brother in the face right now all right I forgot Pete you're my little brother in this situation you ready he wasn't ready oh God no not you sweet can Pete's really taking a beating I really do love peanuts I didn't actually punch my brother in the face okay for legal purposes I did no I didn't I'm just kidding to get rid of unwanted fat unwanted fat okay oh Mamacita you're beautiful you don't need to do that that's this funny joke though when you can't find your tampon string yeah yeah it's like ever when you're like okay you're like this you're like I'm Elmo D I can't find it wait do I even have my period no I'm just elbow deep right now for no reason do I like it how it feels when you ask for the Wi-Fi password Wi-Fi password oh yeah [Music] so dramatic and so I always dread doing that I just wanted the Wi-Fi you know yeah it's like I don't think I've ever actually asked anybody for a Wi-Fi password I always depend on other people to ask for the Wi-Fi password partly because I'm an introvert and partly because I just don't want them to think that I want the Wi-Fi to not pay attention to them this all comes back to me Hyper you know making sure people feel like they want to be heard which is good I feel like you know you know you know oh Lord when you've been sitting on the toilet for too long watching tick tocks did they drank me cutting your ass just goes numb oh when your legs go numb when you sit on the toilet for too long watching tick tocks or me I know you got a numb ass and I like it what are going to pretend me every time my new obsession has a red flag that's me when I go on a date and I'll just be like yeah so like um what do you like to do I like to drink and smoke and disrespect my parents oh it's really cute though when we eat out and he has to wait an hour for me to finish my food you know I used to be able to just eat my food so fast but now I got stomach problems oh where I don't know we're now gonna eat like a chipmunk it takes me like an hour but I gotta finish it because I'm always determined but if you put a dessert in front of me different story I'm like eating that real fast I'm like seeing anyone yeah I've been talking to this one guy he's super sweet until your friends okay give me one second yeah that's always the case why couldn't they never take good pictures oh my god what if it's the same for me what if somebody that I'm seeing is like oh yeah they let me show you her picture and he's like you know she's way better looking in person oh god oh knife in the heart Peak yanu do you think I'm better looking in person yeah you kind of lose either way because if you say I'm not and I'm better in pictures section kind of just makes me I'd rather be better looking in person I'm having an existential crisis right now the card I found on the ground at Walmart worked for an online order oh my gosh I could do that even if I was like you know 14 15. I'd find money on the ground and I'd feel bad picking it up you know I sounds like such a right now I'm such a good person I can't even pick up like a dime of the floor me and my boyfriend after a petty argument best yeah you're just like why were we arguing and then you're like [Music] you wanna watch a movie opening up a pad in the bathroom versus reality yeah making all the noise why is that such a thing like I don't give a now I could be you know rip that slap it on I don't give up even if I go into the bathroom I used to like try to like pee like a lady but now I just like waterfall and if I gotta you gotta listen to it I'm sorry Stacy in the other stall okay okay everybody I hope you enjoyed that relatable ass content okay if you did please like the video it really does help out the channel very much appreciated also subscribe if you haven't already subscribed this is obviously bestest YouTube channel ever and here are the subscriber shout outs of the day alley weirdness combined just a Teenage Dirtbag Naomi slushy herb Jordan Teague Ella pereca Riley Hawthorne tiny Top Hat Mega risakuva and kashika cool if you want to be shout out in the next video all you gotta do is be a subscriber like the video and comment something down below you know keep it positive but I like shouting you guys out I appreciate you I love you so thank you and uh I will see your beautiful face in the next video okay bye
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 2,602,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qpcBXthwBls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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