TikTok Print on Demand Gurus Must Be Stopped!

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we're going to be reacting to print on demand's short form content in this video that's Tik Tok Instagram and YouTube print on demand has gone crazy everyone is making videos about it now and there's so much misinformation out there people saying oh it's easy it's passive it's this it's that well I want to break down these videos and some of them are good some of them are bad I've just got a whole bunch here that I'm going to go through but just for some background I've been doing print on demand for 10 years is this YouTube channel just over 10 years actually and this YouTube channel uh that you're watching it's all put on demand content it's tutorials and reactions and everything related to print on demand I've not just jumped on this print on demand bandwagon because it gets views I actually do this business I have successful stores and um I'm actually trying to help people understand the truth behind print on demand and how realistic it is to actually create a successful business so let's start with the first one okay so um Joe Robert stop selling T-shirts I've actually seen a lot of Joe Robert's stuff he's really really good he makes a heck of a lot of money we put on to mans um he is very into like Signs like pictures like signs on that you have in houses and stuff and his go-to things to kind of tell you not to sell t-shirts actually I disagree and I disagree mainly because t-shirts is the most popular print on demand product without a doubt people say it's saturated and it's not possible anymore but we all know that's not true people will always need to buy T-shirts and the best example I can give of this is if you are buying or you you have a home and you want to buy a sign that says Mr and Mrs Smith um Welcome to our home you need one of those for your home and you are good however when it comes to T-shirts if you've got Mr and Mrs Smith and then baby Smith one and baby Smith 2 all four people will need to buy T-shirts and not only all they need to buy one t-shirt people buy T-shirts like it's flipping groceries so they could buy 20 30 40 50 t-shirts between the four of them over let's say a period of a year right that is far more money than one sign and not only that when people walk around people see that they're wearing like certain t-shirt the word of mouth spreads really really well so I I I don't disagree there are other on demon products out there that are highly successful however I still think t-shirts are one of the best geez that is insane music 114 sales today nice I like that okay so he I don't know if he's done this on purpose but you can see he's shown zero sales on the Sunday one on the Monday this Monday is his 114 sales which leads me to believe this was one order of 114 items I don't know who the heck buys 114 items from one person unless it was to get out of a low tier and he wanted to get out of it so he bought a whole bunch of his products or he got involved with a a company or a school or a restaurant or something where they wanted a buy and this is really rare so amazing hats off um that you got 114 sales in one day $682 in royalties that that's amazing however don't watch this and think that is realistic CU it's completely not realistic no one buys 114 items from one person sorry sorry from one one product like one design one person doesn't just buy 114 of them and unless unless it was like a a contracted like can you make this for us we need 114 of them let me know when you've made it we'll order them all and then he just chose to do it through Amazon I don't know why because he could have made a lot more money if he sold an order like that through printify printful any of these companies best place that you can go ahead and manufacture your products and have them printed on demand and shipped and fulfilled for you and the customer support is completely taken care of so that way people aren't bothering you about and complaining about something that's completely out of your control like shipping thread list is one of my my favorite websites ever because they really care about their artists and also their customer support is insane with 100% satisfaction guaranteed they can even help you get into stores like Hot Topic and Spencers and they have a wholesale program it costs absolutely no money you just get paid whatever percentage of money you want to get paid for your own products and that's it you get paid every month you have your artist shop which the issue and she actually says it in her description here is while I typically only earn $1 to $3 per sale on threadless $1 to $3 if you're making $10,000 that's a th000 sales minimum uh a month in order to make that do you know how much a thousand sales is a month on a platform like threadless where let's have a look at how much traffic something like threadless even gets because threadless isn't the most popular print on demand company 2.4 million visitors that is not a lot of visitors with an average duration of 2 minutes 27 to put that in perspective people selling on Etsy let me just compare it to Etsy Etsy get tons they get 424 so instead of getting 2.4 they get 424 million visitors and on top of that they've got a 5 minute 40 duration and even getting a th000 sales on Etsy is incredible it's an incredible achievement so to get a th sales on threadless would really blow my mind all right let's go for the next one is this the next one yeah oh this is Juna I like Jun jun's got some incredible content on um YouTube he's excellent on demand seller so I made this design entirely on canva let me show you how I did it and how many sales I already got so I just searched for hibiscus here in elements and you can see it's Graphics I'm going to see all graphics and I can pick any one of these you can see these are actually free they're not pro version so I put these on here I like how he showed know the difference between free and pro so many people out there who are making short form contents gloss over little details like this and it misleads people because they think oh I can copy them and then they get slammed with a pay $10 a month to use canva whereas Juna here is actually saying there's some free ones there's some paid ones so I Chang the color background as well as the color of these and then I move them around to kind of make a pattern once you have the pattern hit download I also like how Juna is actually making good designs again what the the the way you can the way you can differentiate between someone who is just making print on demand content for views or a sponsor or whatever versus someone who's actually doing it is the quality of their designs so this is actually a good all over print design that I assume he's going to use on not t-shirts cuz he would know that this wouldn't look good on t-shirts but probably on like you said phone cases pillows tote bags that kind of stuff save as a PNG make sure your size is at least 3200 by 200 once you're done with your pattern upload it to Amazon merch on demand okay well not everyone can get accepted to Amazon merch on demand but um for those who can yeah this would work then put it on all these products popsockets phone cases tote bags and throat pillows there you go he's not putting on t-shirts literally what I said he's going to put on products where it actually looks good so using the products T have on pretty merch you can see I uploaded these just a couple months ago and I already got 15 nice nice and even more so he's showing that he's actually getting sales with it yes it's not the largest amount of money it's only $58 from 15 sales which is a bit of a shame um but that's just the issue we put on demand the margins aren't the best but he's showing how to do it he's explaining how things are free how things are paid um and he's showing what products to put it on that it would actually look good don't just put it everywhere and he's showing that he actually made sale so brilliant junior is one person or detour shirts as his YouTube channel is called would be why would say go follow go watch go learn he's got amazing content side hustles anyone can do part three side hustles anyone can do part three broke and lazy don't forget broke and lazy and this one's for the broke and lazy people let's get into it first you want to go to etsy.com Etsy then search for t-shirts sweaters or jackets in the search bar as you can see there are a ton of listings and we're just going to pick a random one this seller has created a very simple product this shirt's being sold for $17 and store has made over $ 217,00 sale okay this shirt he's about to work it out I imagine this shirt hasn't got 217,000 sales that's how many sales the overall store has got on top of that he's selling this for $16.99 or whoever whoever store he's talking about so their profit margin will be absolutely tiny with Etsy and if we go to do an Etsy a calculator let's just have a look and see what that would be so sale price was [Music] $16.99 I don't know what the shipping would be I don't know if he's charging shipping but we'll say $475 um and then the item cost is about 11 shipping cost is 475 his profit is $334 $334 just remember that number if I multiply the cost of the product by the number of sales you could see the store has made over $3.6 million for you 3.6 million just slightly different from the millions and millions that he was saying same first go to pri.com then select the t-shirt that you would like to customize go over to canva and make a free account then create a simple design just like this there you go this is what I'm talking about this is someone who has never done prod on demand has no idea what he's talking about compare this to Juno where Juno actually showed you a good design that could get sales this is a terrible design you can't see it it's an awful awful design made on canva that won't get any sales literally will not get any sales and it completely misleads people in thinking this is so much easier than it actually is let's go back to printer he hasn't even removed the background he hasn't even made it a transparent background it's got a white border around it literally the most rookie mistake you could possibly imagine I and add your design onto the shirt then go to your Printery settings and connect your Etsy account now go back to Etsy and then create your listing and you're done whenever you get an order PR a file will create and handle everything for you all you do is collect the difference to learn about my favorite side hustle that makes me you're done that's all you have to do you just have to create terrible designs on canva um put them on Etsy connect Printery sit back and you're done like you're going to make 3 million if you watch his video you are going to make $3 million right let's go on to the next one this person has never done print On's m in their entire life $100,000 a month with this new business model now we're going to replicate it in seconds but first you need to know how this business works it's known as pod this is an e-commerce business model that involves working with a print provider to provide custom white label products literally all you're doing is uploading a design onto a mockup and when a customer orders it your manufacturer creates it and ship it directly to them and you keep the profit to start just go over to Etsy and create a sellers account Etsy has over 95 million active buyers so that's all organic traffic for your product now you're going to go over to printify and create an account Printery will create and ship all of your orders so you never have to touch anything and they will give you the best quality prints and the fastest shipping pry will also make it super easy and simple to create your products now you make a bunch of different listings and post them all on Etsy you never have to spend any money on products unless you get an actual sale so it's a winwin people okay so he has explained print on demand yeah he's not going to make $100,000 in a month though um $100,000 a month yeah he's not making $100,000 a month on ET see um absolutely no chance the amount of sales that you would need if you're let's just say doing $5 profit margin you would need 20,000 sales a month which is around 666 sales a day yeah that's just I I I'm lost for words as you can probably tell because I I understand he's done 100,000 per month to grab everyone's attention he's explained print on demand um and it's only a short so he can't explain too much information um but it's just complete rubbish especially with Etsy I can imagine you making like 100k a month maybe um in revenue on like Shopify with a brand and with enough traffic um but with Etsy where you're surrounded by competition there's so many similar designs there just isn't that much traffic for you to be getting that many sales every single month that is a crazy crazy number this is why Shopify is the best platform I like Chris Chris is good he does good content and he he actually walks the walk he doesn't just talk the talk I've I I so I know Chris I've seen the the the dashboard of his stores and um I can see like he's making millions and millions print on demand definitely someone to go follow talk about Etsy and Amazon as the print on demand and I don't think a lot of people recognize the huge opportunity and advantage to doing it on Shopify just take this store for example we just started it on July 1st and it's already done over half a million dollar in sales but what's more than that since it's done at least $100,000 in profit that means that I like that as well he shows that it does a half million in sales but he's being completely honest saying how much profit it's actually making he's not trying to mislead people by saying he's done 500,000 that's cool he's actually showing it's 100,000 in around 100 ,000 in profits that the equity that we built up in the business is around 2 to 3x on that instead of it being $100,000 profit it's add another two to 300,000 on top of that when we go to sell the business whereas if you're selling on Etsy or Amazon it's the opposite of that they own everything about your business they could cut you off just like that and you're done overnight but basic so he makes a very valid point the reason why Shopify is so good is because you're building a brand you're building your own store you're building everything that you have complete control of with Etsy yes you can build up make a ton of money a you're not allowed to transfer ownership of an Etsy store a lot of people don't know that but let's say you get your Etsy to making you know $100,000 and it's worth two 3x that you wouldn't actually be able to sell it because you can't transfer the ownership and on top of that you don't really build that kind of brand awareness using Etsy I completely agree Shopify is definitely the best platform it's it's difficult and it it's timec consuming and it costs more money than Etsy however it's a way of actually turning print on demand into a real legitimate business that can replace your 95 more than that and it can actually be sold down the line as an end goal which is you know what we want is making $27,000 a month and I'm going to show you how to create this lising for your store first we're going to go on e- rank to identify monthly Trends as you can see dark color is a trending keyword and has a high search volume next we're going to go on everb to analyze the earning potential of this doc collar and as you can see this brand is making $27,000 per month with Doc colors then we're going to go to printify to find a doc color that we can custom okay right I'll explain why I just laughed in a second we're going to customize it directly within printify or using canva.com then we're going to publish it to Etsy make sure that we add 13 SEO Rich tags and voila full of for more tips like this okay follow for more tips like this right let's let's um break this down just a little bit so they've done they're selling for $4 they've done 27,000 slightly later on in the video where she shows the predi product it's actually $15 so they're estimated to do 1,901 sales if we give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe they got like a discount bulk deal or something I don't know and they were paying they were only making you know they got it for like $13 so they were making $1 to $2 in profit they're making at best $22,000 in profit a month now I don't think that's the case I actually think that they are probably losing or not even losing but like barely breaking even because dog collars are really expensive items to create with print on demand and the fact that they're selling it for so cheap for $4 to $16 it's costing them4 to $15 there's really not much profit margin to be made here when you factor in ety fees shipping tax and all the other things they're probably not making very much and these kind of of of videos make it look like wow that's amazing someone will spend weeks and weeks going to set this exact thing up and then realize oh actually there there's absolutely no money to be made here um but of course it looks good in in numbers to create a new T-shirt design every every single day for a year because the more designs I create the better chances I have at finding a sellout design for my print on demand side hustle cuz it only takes a few sales a day to make a few thousand a month without any investment I'm not really a graphic designer but I've been using canva and procreate an AI to create a daily t-shirt design for my store the daily thread the Only Rule for the challenge is I have to create and publish one T-shirt design a day and each week I pick one t-shirt to order as a sample so I can wear it and sneak it into my content I know a lot of people think passive income doesn't exist but I couldn't disagree more so I've been documenting the process oh no right he was actually going somewhere with a new design every single day despite the fact that the designs weren't the best he he he he was going down this path and he's saying how he uses all these different tools and he creates one new design every single day and he's now ending the video saying how people say passive income doesn't exist I disagree insinuating that this is passive income how on Earth is this passive income if you are creating a design and uploading it every single day it's it can't be passive income because you are working every single day for it it's passive income if you create a a design today you completely forget it even exists and you get paid every single day back from it or you get paid from it it's that's not going to happen with print on demand and especially with what he's doing he looks like he's doing this on Shopify which means he needs to run ads he needs to manage the ads he needs to update the designs he needs to run customer service there's so many aspects to this business that he hasn't mentioned which make it not passive okay we've got two more $1,000 side hustle that feels illegal to know and you can do it for 1 hour a day from your home let me show you how first you're going to head on over to canva.com and then you're going to come over here and sign up for a free account you're going to search t-shirt design templates and then you're going to scroll until you find one that you like once you find one that you like you're going to customize it and make it your own once you're done customizing it you're going to come over here to the top right corner you're going to click share then download then for the file typ you're going to select PNG and then you're going to click download and you're going to head over to pri.com and create a free account for this ah she didn't she didn't make it transparent background downloading something in a PNG doesn't actually make it transparent background on canva you have to select transparent background which means you have to pay for canva which is fine but like yeah it's little mistakes where it makes you realize some people just never done this before like t-shirts but they have so many options sweatshirts hoodies phone cases baby look at the comments you're getting except I'm having a hard time getting my shop off the ground even though I'm doing a lot with SEO cuz you're following these videos this is so unrealistic bags and so much more then we're going to upload our design to our t-shirt and here's the preview of how it looks then we're going to set our retail price for $29.99 which is going to give us a $21.32 profit for each shirt from there you can either create a free account on etsy.com or shopify.com but for this example we'll go with Etsy then we're going to go ahead and connect our printify account to our Etsy account printify is a print on demand service which means that they're going to print ship and fulfill all of the orders for you so they're basically going to take care of everything at a $21 profit margin per shirt if we sell 15 shirts a day that's $10,000 per month and we didn't even have to leave our home or spend so it got $10,000 in Revenue well actually it's not but she's not factoring in all the other fees Etsy fees various other fees as well now she's explained the concept you know you create a design you upload it to Etsy you set a price you get sales you'll make money making 10K a month a selling a shirt like this for $30 is mind-blowing on Etsy cuz that's very expensive but B that's a terrible design it's not going to be getting you 15 sales a day 16 sales a day however many it was and see there's just so many little things I know it's a short so she can't put so much information in it um and I don't want to just bash it because it's like you know I understand she's just trying to explain the concept except people will watch this and be like oh my God that looks so easy yeah let's do it um and it's just not you know you will set this up you'll do exactly what she says and you will never get any sales um because there is so much more to it and it's really not that simple and if you're charging $29 for a print on demand t-shirt on Etsy no one's going to buy that hour a day on this since oh and it's only an hour a day I forgot of course this is passive it must only be an hour a day there no inventory or headaches now you can sit back and start collecting the profits while prini does all the hard work for you if you like what about customer service so there's no headaches but what about with Etsy you have to do your own customer service no I'm not against that I'm not against Etsy I'm not against customer service I'm just against people who say this is easy make 10K a month there's uh no customer service no this no that you just sit back you chill you know whatever it's it's not it's just not there's so many out there I could probably come up with like another hundred short form pieces of content okay Philip Anders I like Philip Anders done good like he got great channel so let's see um what he has to say where you're going wrong is you're focusing on the quick and easy path and you're probably thinking that there's all these people out there who get rich quickly and I'm sat here trying the same thing and the same method but it's not working out um it's being very slow progress and it's taking me forever but if we think back to a value definition we would actually understand that in order to achieve something valuable and respected like running a successful sustainable business we need to go down the slow and hard route because if it was quick and easy everyone would have a business it wouldn't be valuable you wouldn't be watching videos about it because it would just be easy you could just snap your fingers and get there where you going wrong honestly he could not have said it any better I like this is perfect it's not quick and easy you're trying to build a proper sustainable viable business is going to be slow it's going to take time it's going to be hard work and you have to understand that if it was easy everyone would do it if it was easy people wouldn't be watching videos it would just they would just do it like like he says snap his fingers done that was a terrible snap there you go and um yeah Philip says it as it is and that's one of the reasons why I like Phillip's content I enjoy actually talking to him and we make good videos together and he makes good videos and just in general he's a good channel to go follow because he speaks the truth he doesn't be s his way through trying to get views trying to get you to to do something I don't know what it is but like he's just he's just honest with it and he's realistic and that might not be the sexy approach that people need to get lots of followers right if obviously if I say it's you can make x amount make millions doing nothing everyone's going to jump on board thinking they can do it but that would be really dishonest and I want to I don't want views just for the sake of views I'd rather actually help people know what they're doing and know how to do it so they can approach it realistically and know what they're doing anyways that was the the the reals the shorts the Tik toks that I wanted to react to today there's still so many if you like this format if you like me if you want me to break down more short form content more long form content if you want me to break down specific people uh YouTubers or instagramers or Tik tokers or or anyone if you want me to look into them whatever it is let me know Down Below in the comments and I will create some content on it um I love making these videos because it it helps people realize that there's a lot of BS out there and you've got to be careful and not waste a whole bunch of time or money on something where you've been misled into thinking one thing when actually it's just not like that it's not that easy uh so yeah thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Shimmy Morris
Views: 9,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake guru, scam, make money online, get rich, get rich quick, tiktok, tik tok, tik tok compilation, teespring, print on demand, selling t-shirts, t-shirt business, teespring money, make money on teespring, make money print on demand, facebook, instagram, merch business, pod, print on demand teespring, facebook ads for beginners, facebook ads 2020, teespring marketing, teespring design, i quit print on demand, i got a normal job, my job pays me, is selling online worth it
Id: JgW-gtIkvVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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