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hey guys welcome to my channel or welcome back my name is Lara for those of you that do not know and for today's video I am going to be ranking some romance tropes and so if you guys watch my channel you know that I'm constantly doing book recommendations based on certain romance tropes all of the time but a lot of the time you guys just want to know what my favorites are what my least favorites are which ones I steer clear of so I thought it would be a fun idea today to share with you guys what my favorites are and what my least favorites are but I kind of wanted to do it in a more interesting way than just like telling you so what I did is I went on tear maker and if you guys don't know what that is it's a website that kind of allows you to rank things and you can put different levels so I kind of made my own for romance tropes I chose 20 random tropes that I talked about in my channel and I'm going to rank them for you guys so for this video I chose 5 different tiers so the best here is god-tier that's like my ultimate all-time favorite tropes and then we have obsessed which is slightly less than god tier but I still love and seek out these tropes then we have average which is just kind of like if it's they're good but I don't really love it not my favorite means I'm not obsessed with this trope but I don't hate it and then could live without / unreadable are just ones that I don't like at all or that I would just totally steer clear of the book because of the trope in it and so we have 20 different tropes that I chose you can see at the bottom we have age gap enemies two lovers friends to Lover's good girl bad boy good boy bad girl secret relationship fake dating forbidden love billionaire royalty mafia workplace romance stuck together paranormal love triangle best friend's brother arranged marriage second chance love single parent and one of them is famous so a lot of these tropes I've talked about on my channel and I've done videos for some of them I haven't which you guys will see why likely but you guys can use this tier maker to if you want to rank yours so I will leave a link down below definitely fill it out and then send it to me let me know what you guys think about these different tropes I want to hear even if we totally disagree I'm very curious so yeah or you can just leave me a comment down below letting me know which are your favorites and least favorites out of these so just getting into this the first one on the list is age gap which if you guys watch my channel I think you already know age gap is god-tier I just I don't know what it is with this trope I don't know what it means that I'm obsessed with it but I am and I just love age gap if there's age gap in a book I'm like we're reading it like we have to read this book so yeah starting out strong age gap is definitely god-tier which might be controversial because I know not everybody is obsessed with age gap especially not as much as I am so very interesting next one is enemies two lovers I think this might shock some of you but I'm gonna put this in average I feel like enemies two lovers is a very popular trope a lot of people are obsessed with it it's just not like my all-time favorite it's not not my favorite cuz I do like it but I'm not obsessed with it I'm just not obsessed with it but I do like it similarly friends to Lover's I think I do like friends to Lover's a bit more but I still think it's just average for me I mean it's always fun when it's in a book I've never mad at it but I like other tropes moreso going in the average category with enemies two lovers next up is good girl bad boy which if we're being honest I'm literally CEO of the company when it comes to good girl bad boy I've been reading those books since I was legit 14 but I'm gonna go obsessed it's not God to your anymore for me it maybe would have been God Tyr years ago high school era probably would have ranked it god-tier but I'm still kind of obsessed with it I do love a good good girl bad boy story similarly I do love a good good boy bad girl so that's also going with obsessed I like both of those I just love kind of opposites attract romance in general so that's why we're putting them at obsessed next up is secret relationship now this might be shocking too I'm really pulling out the controversial opinions in this video but we're going not my favorite secret relationships I sometimes think they can be good when they're done well but I feel like for the most part it just always ends up with like stupid drama that I don't really care to read like one of them always gets more invested and then the other person isn't ready to like say it yeah it just kind of gets annoying there's certain books like if you think of birthday girl by Penelope Douglas because it's age gap it like outweighs my dislike for secret relationship if that makes sense so there's exceptions to every rule but for now not my favorite that's where it's going however fake dating which is kind of similar to secret relationship they have like a similar feeling to me I don't know why fake dating is going in obsessed I feel like when it comes to fake dating these characters always just find themselves in the most ridiculous circumstances there's always like hilarious banter and I personally love slow burn so having this kind of like fake relationship that usually ends up turning into something real seeing the progression of that is what makes it worth it and wonderful to me so fake dating we're obsessed next up is forbidden love which you guys know another one of my favorites and yes it is god-tier I guess forbidden love and age gap can kind of go in the same category age gaps kind of like underneath forbidden love but I just love all forbidden love I mean there's some things that are a little bit too much that like we all have a line you know what I mean but for the most part I just love like forbidden aspects and stories I just think it makes it that much more interesting and compelling to read so yes forbidden love definitely Gontier next up we have billionaire and you know I would put billionaire probably in my not my favorite section but I'm gonna go average because I feel like I've read way too many books where one of them is a billionaire usually the man to actually put it at not my favorite cuz like how is it not my favorite when I'm constantly reading books with billionaires in them I don't necessarily seek out billionaire romances but somehow I just end up reading a lot of them so for that reason I'll put it in average next is royalty so kind of similar to billionaire just kind of like higher rankings for this person I'm gonna put royalty at obsessed I am obsessed with royalty books I don't know what it is about it but it's kind of also tying in usually to that kind of forbidden love aspect as most times the books are like one of them's royal one of them's not and it's like so crazy and they can't be together I don't know what it is but I just love it I love royalty I feel like the characters are always like these super sweet boys usually they're like the prince or something like that you know they're always just like so sweet and I just love it so obsessed i I really admit that I am obsessed with royalty books I know it's not everyone's favorite but I really like it next is mafia which I'm gonna put at not my favorite but that's not a diss because I think it could get bumped up I just haven't read enough of them yet I did read one book called the Italian and I really really love that book it was a mafia book and I was very pleasantly surprised by it but I haven't read anything really since then I know you guys constantly give me recommendations but I just feel like I'm always like oh yeah I could read that but I kind of want to read this more and I always like push the the Mafia books off to the side but maybe one day we'll get there we'll have to wait and see next up is workplace romance and Wow this is a category that I'm constantly reading I'm just gonna put this at average I do like it I do read a lot of books that are like the boss and their employee year like two people working at the same job like weirdly I do read a lot of books like that but I don't think it's really something I'm obsessed with I just happened upon a lot of those books kind of similar to billionaire but yeah it's just not like something I'm craving to read you know but I don't mind it so average stuck together we're gonna go obsessed for stuck together I love this trope I'm actually gonna do a video very soon talking about stuck together books which basically just means that the two characters are stuck somewhere together like an example of this is a by your side by Casey West the two main characters get stuck in a library together and they have to like be on their own together it's a trope that randomly comes up in a lot of romance books so I'm gonna do a whole video about it but I do love this trope I am very obsessed with it not God Tyr to me it's not my absolute favorite but whenever I do see that it's in a book I get kind of excited so obsessed next is paranormal and we're going to the first could live without / unreadable for me I don't think it's unreadable but I could definitely live without it I don't seek out paranormal romances maybe it's just because it's the year 2020 and they're just not that popular anymore but there really isn't a part of me that's like desperate to read up paranormal romance like I just don't really care for it at this point in my life maybe that'll change maybe we'll get like a whole new like paranormal phase of life or it becomes super popular again in literature but until then I could live without it another one for could live without absolutely love triangle now I have read a decent share of books that have loved triangles and while I do enjoy those books love triangles actually melt my insides like I absolutely hate reading them I hate it because 99% of the time when you're reading about a love triangle you know exactly how it's going to play out and it's just like a waste of time like I just I haven't really read a single love triangle where it's like you're not sure what's gonna happen and who they're gonna pick like it's never that maybe if it was that I would actually be interested because I care more about the plot being interesting than the person ending up with the boy that I prefer you know what I mean so for now I could live without it honestly love triangles just drive me mad whenever they're in a book so I really don't need that in my life next up is best friend's brother and now this one is gonna go to obsessed I really like this trope it's not necessarily god-tier but it's a trope that I do seek out from time to time and I do enjoy reading and for that reason I'm obsessed with it who next arranged marriage honestly this can go join paranormal in love triangle I really don't care for an arranged marriage type romance book I feel like a lot of times arranged marriage books tie-in with mafia books and that's probably why I don't really read them I have yet to find like an interesting arranged marriage romance book I don't think I've even read more than maybe one in my life so if you have any good recommendations I'm more than open to trying to read it but for now I could live without it I don't really care for it Oh another pretty popular one a second chance love you know I'm gonna put this at average it's yeah average I mean I would maybe put it or not my favorite but I feel like I actually read a decent amount of them so I'll just keep it at average I can't really think of a reason to dislike it but at the same time I can't think of a book that does it really well that I'm obsessed with so I would say average I have nothing against the trope in fact I would be more than willing to read something with that trope but nothing really like pops out as being like such a good book that has that trope so I'm gonna put it on average next one single parent this might shock you guys but it's going god-tier it's God to here to me I don't know what it is about single parent romance books they're just basically romance books where one of them as a single parent I don't know what it is if you guys are like this to let me know I'm obsessed with this trope if I'm reading a book and suddenly find out that one of them has a kid count me and I'm so excited I don't know what it is I think I just love seeing the other character grow attached to the other person's kid it just like makes me so excited and happy and like I don't know it just like makes their romance that much more exciting to me I don't know tell me from a freak I just love it so much I don't know what it is but it's God Tyr I will literally read a book just because I find out one of them's a single parent like actually so God Tyr the last one on my list is one of them is famous and this one is going to obsessed I feel like I would maybe put in an average but I do think I'm obsessed with this trope subconsciously it's a subconscious obsession I do read a lot of books or one of them's famous I don't know what it is that draws me to these books I feel like it just makes for a fun plot like they always have these like very stereotypical like oh like they can't go out in public or like there's an issue because they're going away and like the other person it's like not like that and they don't want to like live the famous life like there just is always some type of interesting conflict that always rises because one of them is famous that I just happen to really enjoy for some reason so we're gonna go obsessed so guys this is my definitive ranking of twenty romance tropes that I just chose randomly honestly there's so many more romance tropes and I can make a whole nother to your chart type thing for now though I'm so so curious what you guys would put where on your charts so definitely visit the link down below and do one and send me a picture of it I want to see how we compare or maybe we're complete opposites on favorites I just want to see whatever you guys do so definitely do that send them to me on Twitter and Instagram but love Leela Clara I'm very curious if you guys did enjoy this video though let me know in a comment down below or give the video a thumbs up I hope you liked it I know it's a little bit different than what I usually do but I'm trying to switch it up a little bit so I hope this was fun for you guys I know it was fun for me but anyways I hope you guys are all doing fantastic and I will talk to you all very very soon in my next video bye
Channel: LovelyLikeLaura
Views: 24,485
Rating: 4.948936 out of 5
Keywords: romance, books, tropes, tier ranks, ranking, ranking book tropes, book ideas, rom com, book ranks, love
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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