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hey guys welcome to my channel or welcome back my name is Lara for those of you that do not know and in today's video I'm going to be opening up a bunch of packages of books that I recently got from Amazon I used to be the biggest book buyer ever like I only spent my money on books back in high school it was my biggest obsession and then when I got to college I kind of started reeling back in focusing more on ebooks and I got Kindle unlimited so I stopped buying as many physical books which i think was good for my wallet but sad for me because I do love to have like the physical copies of my favorite books around me as you can tell like I just have books everywhere so it makes me really happy to see my favorite books on the shelves in my bedroom so I just graduated college for those of you that don't know and I decided let me just treat myself real quick and buy a bunch of the books that I want to buy and so that's what today's video is all of these books that I'm going to be sharing with you I have read already there just favorite books of mine that I've wanted to own in paperback versions so that's what today is I'm really excited to open all of these and get to arranging them on my shelves it just makes me really happy to have like a new books I don't know so I thought this could be fun for you guys cuz I can kind of explain the books as I go since I've read them all and it's almost like a book haul and a recommendations video in one so I'm gonna get started I have three things to open so I have one pack like this and then two broad boxes to open I feel like it is a lot of books but also it was a lot of money so I don't know if it's 100% worth it some of these books paperback books were like 25 20 dollars which for the United States is a bit expensive in my opinion I feel like I'm used to buying like 10 15 dollar books but you know like I said I just wanted to buy them some of these books have literally been in my cart forever so I decided you know let's just do it so this one I think is only should not show my address like I was saying I think this one is only one book in here I don't know why I bought these all in the same order but they came in three packages oh my god okay so this book is the risk by Elle Kennedy this is book 2 in the Briar u series so I already own the four books in the off campus series I have the copies with the boys on them which was special thing that L Kennedy was doing on her website they're not available right now but I bought those because I wanted to have like the boys on the off-campus ones and then the girls for the Breyer you covers so I bought all three of the books that are currently in the Briar u series the next book and the final book is coming out next month so I'll purchase it next month when it comes out but I did buy the other two so they're somewhere in these boxes but here's the risk these books are really big actually I didn't realize like how large these books are they're all so tall compared to the average paperback but so it's a pretty I'm so excited to have these I actually bought a decent amount of Elle Kennedy books just because a lot of her books are my absolute favorites so wanted to have them okay so here is the other two books in the broader u series so this is the chase this is the first book in the series again so pretty of like I'm so happy to have these and then the play which is actually my favorite it's the third book I love all of them but I don't know there's something about the third book that I really like so here are the three so pretty I'm so excited to have these so yes really fun really exciting this series if you've only run off campus and you have it read the Breyer you spinoff series you 100% need to college hockey fun romance it's so good so definitely check these out okay and then also in this box another L Kennedy book that's also co-written by Serena Bowen top-secret this is one of my favorite standalone novels I'm really sad though because look at the size of this and then look at the size of this am I like a freak and that just annoys me like if it's gonna be on the shelf next to each other that like the two books aren't the same height or is that like I shouldn't freak out about that it's the little things like this that I'm like okay but you know we'll deal with it but I like this cover - it's actually like the mattified cover so that's cool hopefully this matches the other two sarena bow and I'll Kennedy books I got will have to see because I think those are in the next box and then in here also we have two books by V Celeste which I have another one in the other box but here we have underneath the sycamore tree which is my favorite V Celeste book I have to say it's so good I talk about all the time really sad but it's an amazing story I love this I'm so excited to have this paperback you guys I've been wanting this ever since I read it last year so this is exciting and then I also got the truth about heartbreak and then the truth about tomorrow is in the other box I think so finally getting my be Celeste paperback collection going we had to do it I just I've wanted these books for so long and these were some of the more expensive ones so I was kind of like like I don't know I don't want to do it but had to do it so excited for these and then the third and final box right here let's see what we got I kind of forget some of the books that I got I know certain ones but some like what's it even buy it was like last week okay so the first two in here are him and us which is a duology also by Serena Bowen and Elle Kennedy and like I was saying I wanted them to match the height and they do so that's exciting these look they're glossy and this one's matte like this is what my brain does guys like does anybody else's brain do this like analyzing everything about the books that you get yeah I'm crazy I think there's also like sticky stuff on this like what's going on I'll clean that after but anyways him and us another really really amazing gay romance duology I guess um about hockey players all Kennedy's kind of the queen of the hockey the hockey romances I guess but this series is my favorite by her it's just so good I'm obsessed with these characters the story everything about it I just highly recommend if you've read off campus and you haven't read these you have to they're better than off campus just saying I highly recommend so really excited to finally have these I've wanted him especially for so long so I'm so excited Oh like I said so I got the truth about tomorrow as well to go with the truth about heartbreak this is a big book I've gotten so used to reading on my phone that like I don't even imagine how long the book must actually be this is a big book I'm crazy the fact I read most of my books in a day this big am i okay but period I'm excited to have this one these covers are actually so so beautiful so I'm happy to spend the money on them but yeah so exciting okay oh my god another book I got that is actually huge which I wasn't expecting is sweet dandelion by mikelis Meltzer I hope I'm saying that right this book right here I read this on my phone on Kindle like a week or two ago and absolutely fell in love with it and I love the cover so much I don't know what it is I'm not usually all into people on the cover but this covered just did something for me I don't know but this book was so good it's a kind of taboo forbidden romance between a girl and her guidance counselor the girl just moved schools because she went through the tragedy of a school shooting and her mother passed away and she has to move in with her brother and she kind of finds solace and her guidance counselor who she meets with on a daily basis and I just loved this book so much I wanted the physical copy of it but very beautiful so excited to have it but again huge like compared to the truth about tomorrow like they're both really big books oh my god no wonder they were expensive okay and then the last book in this box is actually a book that randomly enough I discovered through Goodreads like I feel like I always find books every way other than Goodreads I don't know but this book is called burnout by Coralie Jun and I just found it like I said on Goodreads and ended up reading it and I was obsessed with it I read it on Kindle and it's kind of like a teacher-student but also a brother's best friend romance and I really really loved it I don't know what it was about it but I thought the story was so fun and unexpectedly like really good I don't know but I wanted the paperback and it was pretty cheap actually out of all of these books so I decided to add it to the pile but really really good if you want something fun forbidden the girl has kind of a dark past there's a lot going on in this book it's really really good so highly recommend you know what I just realized I actually bought some other books hold on while I'm here I just bought these three books also but I opened them but I'm just gonna share them cuz they're new first one dirty letters by V Kailyn and Penelope Ward I talked about this book recently I think on my channel but I'm a huge huge fan of the healin or VY kealan I think I've been saying V and it's VY the whole time I'm not sure I don't know which way it's pronounced but I know I'm saying it wrong I can just feel it but this is a book that they wrote together and it easily became one of my favorites by them and I've read a lot of they're co-written stories this one is just so good I don't know what it is about it but I was obsessed with it when I read it so I wanted the physical copy so there you go another book that I could not believe I didn't own a paperback of birthday girl by Penelope Douglas you guys know how much I talk about this book it's one of my all-time favorites and I just needed the paperback of it you guys know this is a book about a girl who falls for her boyfriend's dad really crazy stuff but I personally love this story I just I'm obsessed with it I don't know what else to say but I didn't have the paperback so I was like let me get that real quick so ordered that and then the final book of this haul is actually a really small little book and this is finding perfect by Colleen Hoover it's actually a novella that she wrote that kind of ties together all your perfect and hopeless / finding Cinderella so if you've read those books and you haven't heard of this you should definitely check it out because it ties together one of the biggest mysteries of all you're perfect if you've read it if you've found the Easter eggs if you know all of that I don't want to spoil anything here but there's these Easter eggs that lead you to believe a certain things going on across her books and I guess this explains it I still haven't read it surprisingly enough like it's tiny I could read it right now but yeah basically I need to get on this because if it's what I think it is I need to know but I really wanted it I have all of Colleen Hoover's books every last one of them so whenever she comes out with something new in a paperback I hop on buying it so I got this as well it's like the only colorful book I have everything else I got like look everything's like so dark and then like pink but yeah so these are the books that I picked up recently spent a lot of money that I probably shouldn't have but I'm really happy to have all of these books also probably have no space for them like no space at all but we'll find places for them I hope you guys like this video though I haven't done book hauls in a really long time because I don't buy as many books anymore but if you did like this video make sure to let me know down below and subscribe to my channel if you've not already give the video a thumb up should follow me on all my social medias like Twitter and Instagram and tik-tok but other than that I hope you guys are all having an absolutely wonderful day and I'll talk to you guys very very soon in my next video bye
Channel: LovelyLikeLaura
Views: 21,289
Rating: 4.9648561 out of 5
Keywords: romance books, books, book haul, book unboxing, unboxing, amazon, packages, fun, surprise, hauling, recomendations, love, new adult, young adult, rom, contemporary, fiction
Id: f5-8oOLNnX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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