Tier Ranking Cantrips in D&D 5e (Part 1)

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greetings my name is Monty Martin and I'm Kelly McLaughlin and we are the dungeon dudes Welcome to our Channel where we cover everything d d including advice for players and guides for GMS we upload new videos on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please like this video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell so that you never miss an episode and a big thank you to all of our patreon supporters for making the work we do here on YouTube possible more on that at the end of the episode but for today we are diving in and we are going to tear rank every cant trip in Dungeons and Dragons 5e this is part one of our three-part video because there are 46 cantrips in Dungeons and Dragons so we're gonna do the first third of them today now as usual with all of our tier ranking videos these are just our opinions and what we think these cantrips have to offer when we rank them we want to keep in mind that most cantrips have a place of the table with the right character or the right player if it brings to life the fantasy that you want to see with your character in your game however we like to look at the mechanics the gritty details and decide which of these cancer hips you should always be looking at taking and which you may want to avoid up on the screen right now you're going to see a brief summary of the metrics we use to rank these cantrips in brief an Esther cantrip is one that we think characters of any class who can take that can trip should take it and other characters might even want to take magic initiate for it because it does great damage or does something that is really unique really powerful and can't be readily replicated with mundane weapons equipment and other mundane a tier is a strong choice for any character who has the option of taking it it's going to perform really well in either utility or damage dealing and it offers an option that you might be able to do with mundane equipment or skills but the cantrip is going to perform it better as always be stands for build it means that other things that they select for that character or it just might be middle of the road so in many cases if your response to well this cantrip is really good but just for this character then it probably means it's a b tier C tier cantrips are situationally useful this doesn't mean that they're bad if they're in the right moment in the right campaign on the right character they could perform really really well but generally speaking they are limited to Niche applications and a d-tier can trip is one where it's damager utility is not better than what characters can just do with mundane weapons and equipment and skills it's pretty much useless except maybe in the most remote situation or there's another cantrip which is just flat out better than it in virtually all situations so we're going to take this all in alphabetical order kicking things off with the letter a and that is acid Splash this is a conjuration cantrip that does basic acid damage to a range of 60 feet does one D6 acid damage on a failed dexterity saving throw and it's Unique because it can potentially hit two Targets it should be noted that in order to hit two Targets they do need to be standing directly next to each other so it doesn't apply in all situations for that reason I do think that this is a c-tier cancer I think it's a b tier can drip despite the fact that nobody takes it 1d6 damage is not terrible for me the C tier comes in because it does lower damage than a lot of the other damage dealing cantrips yes you can hit two Targets with it but that is going to be in Niche situations for me I just feel like in terms of damage dealing can trips I would pick a lot of other options before I would even look at acid Splash and that includes options that I'm going to be giving B tier 2 as well acid is a does it be rarely resisted damage type 1d6 damage is respectable many monsters do not have good dexterity saving throws but the ones that have good ones are usually really good I think acid Splash is kind of underrated overall so I'm going to stick with the B tier all right next up we have blade Ward blade Ward allows you to use an action to gain resistance to piercing slashing and bludgeoning damage on yourself that sounds useful but again this is a cantrip that I don't see really anybody take and it's really hard to justify spending your entire action to gain half damage there's a lot of abilities and and other options out there to gain resistances that can come into play and spending your action to do so in the midst of combat is tough I'm kind of on the fence between C or D T here on blade Ward this is a challenging one because barbarians entering into a rage as a bonus action for a minute and having half damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing weapons is amazing but as soon as you have to spend an action every turn to get it it's no longer good because you can't do anything else in a situation where the character knows that they're going to get beat up very very badly and wants to try to survive it could be potentially good but it's very hard to justify that and for characters it's one of those cantrips that like I've seen people try to build a character around bladeward to optimize that damage resistance but it is almost always ends up being a very long and convoluted way to avoid taking a level of Barbarian uh so I think it's C tier for me I I put it as a low c um not my first choice not even my second third or fourth choice rarely would I take this on a character it's a really unique effect and it's surprise like if if it was a bonus action it would be like yes yeah like it's amazing how just the the action type changes how good good it is and it's one of those things where like if you could cast it as a bonus action as a sorcerer to Quicken spell okay but now you have to spend your sorcery points for that and it gets really expensive at that point they say that the best defense is a good offense and and I mean like if I could spend my action casting Fireball and killing 20 minions then I'm not going to take a lot of damage if if I could use my action even if I don't have Fireball because this is a cantrip so comparing those isn't fair but if I could cast Eldritch blast or even have like a melee attack or anything that could kill a Target then guess what I'm not taking any damage from it one of the other thing that's worth noting is that mathematically Dodge action which gives enemies disadvantage on attack rolls against you depending on your character's AC and the circumstances could mathematically result in your character taking less damage or taking because again bladeward only applies to bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage from weapon attacks the Dodge action gives your character causes attacks against you to have disadvantage so that's where blade word kind of also runs into this money thing where where it's like you're giving up your action you're giving up a cantrip known and you might not actually come out that much further ahead than just dodging next up we have booming blade this yeah there's a little bit more of a complicated can trip uh it affects your melee weapons so when you cast booming blade you get to make a melee attack against a creature within five feet of you once you reach a certain level this attack is just going to do extra damage automatically but no matter what if that Target decides to move then they are going to take a bunch of damage this is a favorite of Eldritch Knights and really any sort of melee combatant sort of spellcaster character I think that this was an S tier can trip that is now an a-tier can't trip because they put in the stipulation that previously there was all of these ways that you could kind of finagle this to do a lot for you but they did have the stipulation that it has to be an actual weapon that costs a certain amount of money yeah so you can't use it on like a summoned weapon there was a lot of play going on there um and I think that that wasn't appropriate dial back because this was s tier and as we know a tier is kind of The Sweet Spot I think that this still lands in The Sweet Spot of excellent can trips though this is an excellent cantrip for the right character okay I think the booming blade is actually the definition of a cantrip that becomes s-tier for the right character build yeah because I don't think that your typical wizard sorcerer or warlock is necessarily going to want to take this spell but I do think your Eldritch Knights your Arcane tricksters your blade singers and your hex blades absolutely love this spell as well as like your Paladin sorcerer builds and stuff like that but I don't think that your conventional wizard really cares about this spell you raise a good point and that actually more so brings up a question about our ranking system which is if we look at a spell that is dedicated to melee combat if we look at the grand scheme of everybody who has access to this can trip yeah if you don't do melee combat then it's not for you if we look at characters who this cantrip works for then it's a much higher ranking indeed and I think that that's why we have the ranking of B for the build yeah right this is unequivocally for hex blades Eldritch Knights blade singers Arcane tricksters s tier but but for everyone else it might be it might be and that makes it a B I think I don't know if it would be D tier for everyone else I think it might actually still be pretty like for everyone else it's actually still better than making a weapon attack if I'm a wizard though and I have the choice of casting booming blade on my dagger or casting Fireball Fireball is better right so I think I think B overall yes I'll agree with that yeah coming up next is Chill Touch This necromancy cantrip does 1d8 necrotic damage but it has some really unique riders that I think make it a little underrated first thing is that it requires an attack roll not a savings row and I just want to say that four metrics going forward cantrips that work on attack rolls are almost always better than cantrips that work on saving throws the reason for this is that at higher levels of play monsters saving throws scale better than their attack than their Armor class so if you look at most high level monsters they're gonna succeed their saving throws but you're going to be able to hit them more often with the way that the scaling works so that it's an attack roll great necrotic damage is actually surprisingly rarely resisted but then the spell prevents healing and if you hit an undead with it that Undead has disadvantage on attack rolls against you I think the Chill Touch is the unassuming s tier of damage dealing cantrips you're gonna go as far as that's here with Chill Touch listen it does pretty good damage it does rarely resist the damage if you're fighting a troll you have that fight at Bay anything that regenerates there's a lot more creatures than just trolls trolls is yeah anything that regenerates any time that there is like an enemy healer or an enemy that would heal if you're chill touching them game over if you're fighting Undead this is the best can't trip to have in your Arsenal mind you there are some Undead that are immune or resistant to necrotic damage but but just because they're immunor resistant to necrotic damage doesn't negate the disadvantage or the stopping their healing and that's the interesting thing hypothetically you could chill touch an undead creature that had regeneration that was immune to necrotic damage I actually don't know if there is an undead creature that has resistant or immune to necrotic damage that has regeneration I mean if there is this still works yeah yeah it does so I think that in the grand scheme of things Chill Touch does not get the credit it deserves actually really good against vampires surprisingly good against vampires Chill Touch is your vampire scroll Undead thwarting cantrip that just works and when you're not fighting those it still does good damage I think for me it's it is borderline s tier for me in that underrated way but I think being more realistic I'm gonna give it an a I'm not realistic I I think she'll touch his underrated people should be taking it more next up we have control Flames there's kind of a suite of cantrips that were added that control all the elements in different ways this is the first of those with the control over fire this spell allows you to take a flame that exists and either extend it extinguish it brighten it or make fun shapes with it pretty cool yeah if you like spreading fire I mean there's a lot let's let's face it there's a lot of ways to spread Fire and Fire likes to spread on its own as well um you can have a variety of these effects honestly I think this is detier for me I just think it's it like you can get this effect from control Flames like a character with prestidigitation and Firebolt is almost there yeah and those are two cantrips that I think have a lot more applications I will say that these control cantrips there's there's fire wind water and Earth I actually think that the fire is the weakest of the options the other ones have lots of useful applications we'll talk about them when we get to them but I think out of The Suite of options here the the Fire Control I have fire bolt and press the digitation and even like something like thamaturgy like you already have cancerous that can kind of brighten Flames or change their colors or have these like interesting effects where this cantrip doesn't really specify you're going to be damaging anybody with it in terms of solving problems I can't see myself solving a lot of problems by brightening a light extinguishing a light if I'm a gloomstalker ranger and I had this maybe to EXT there might be some plays where in on certain very specific characters extinguishing a flame in a room is great I could see like the extinguishing the fire thing is this is kind of where this cantroop is like a weird Silver Bullet for that scenario where you're like you're in a burning building and you have to put out a fire here here's here's the thing big X-Men fan and I remember when I was getting into X-Men and my favorite character was pyro and then I remember realizing that the character of pyro couldn't create his own flame he always carried a lighter with him and then he could control it and I was like oh that's lame you can't even make fire yeah what kind of an X-Men are you and like that's I feel like that's this can trip it's like you can't even make fire like you just you just get to be like I moved that fire it's bigger now and people are like okay and it's gonna be a non-magical flame so you can't even like use this to like get clever with Wildfire or something so yeah yeah now now we're not quite done playing with fire yet because one thing that control Flames can't do is make fire so now we can create a bonfire instead creep on fire is a fun little cancer if you get to create a bonfire as the name implies this is an interesting cancer because it requires concentration and when you create the fire you can create it in the space of an enemy creatures who move into the space of a bonfire or end their turn there do you have to make a dexterity saving throw taking 1d8 damage which levels up as as you do um it's interesting because this has some utility applications yes it does and it has weird Battlefield control applications because we've talked about so many times how much we love spells like wall of fire that you can kick people into create bonfire at higher levels is like an at-will tiny wall of fire that you can kick people into and so in theory a character could get reasonable damage by using Create bonfire and another spell that pushes or pulls other creatures like Eldritch blast with with forceful blast or Thorn whip two pull enemies into it it's a cool low level combo yeah and I think like even outside of that if you are playing in a survival style campaign where you have to forage and camp and make sure you have resources having a bonfire at will can save your life uh that's a little bit of a niche but this spell offers that yeah but I mean in that case you'd want to make a bonfire that lasts all night and the spell only lasts one minute for situation on it that's not good enough to cook a hot dog yeah yeah I think I think cook a hot dog in a minute in a roaring fire yes reasonable reasonable reasonable reasonable use of the spell I will rule that all right so this is the hot dog cooking spell s tier no I'm I'm um I think this is probably I think it's beat here dude I mean I was thinking I was leaning C but I think you could build a character you could build a druid that has created bonfire and Thorn whip that's true it has like a cool stick is that good maybe not but but I feel like there's some there's there's enough here that you could work with something moving on from fire but staying with the theme of lighting areas we have Dancing Lights this allows you to create a bunch of luminous orbs that you can move around and have them dance in the air above you they can actually form shapes you can actually make them into a vaguely humanoid form of like medium height and whatnot which is really interesting uh use of this spell so not only can you light a hallway but you can confuse your enemies with glowing people I gotta be totally honest I think this is a detier spell it requires concentration it does give you like these weird lights that you can control and so there's this weird situation where like maybe it's better than light when you need to illuminate some like you need to move the lights far away from you right but I always just cast light on like my staff or whatever and then it's moving with me that's that's kind of a difference or I've even cast light on a rock and then like throwing it yeah and it has a limit of 120 foot range so you you can't move them so far ahead that it like a lot of creatures now have 120 foot or 300 foot dark vision like it it really doesn't do that for you I it's it's not better than lighting a torch it's not better that like it's not it's barely better than lighting a torch and it requires and it requires concentration also what do you do with a glowing figure uh I mean there's probably a lot but I feel like creating an illusion of a creature is always going to be better than a glowing amorphous blob in the woods or something I mean maybe they think it's an uh I'm being abducted by aliens there's a glowing amorphous blob coming towards let's face it we gotta really dig we really gotta dig to find like where this is actually better than any other cantrip uh no it's deep here all right next up we have Druid craft which is a great spell for Druids it allows you to do all the fun simple druitty things that you want to do in your role-playing and Adventures uh this allows you to determine the weather for the next 24 hours it allows you to create small sensory effects of leaves blowing or wind or growing flowers or various other Druid type stuff and I gotta say that although this can't trip doesn't do any damage the useful applications of it in either role playing or even exploration knowing the weather is pretty cool you can create a small fire with this cantrip so uh this becomes better than create bonfire can't damage creatures but if your goal was oh we're out camping and we need to create a bonfire don't they create bonfire take Druid craft and you can do that and many more things let's bring a match no um I'm a druid I don't bring matches of all the prestidigitation type spells droidcraft excites me the least I'm not really interested in making a skunk smell whenever I think of predicting the weather for the next 24 hours I think of the Druid casting this spell and being like it's going to rain and the rest of the party's standing there in the rain being like thanks we know I mean yeah there is the case where he's like a storm's coming and the Rangers like yeah there's clouds heading this way we can all see it uh so I I get that I don't think this is D tier because I do think that there are a lot of useful applications for it and if I was a druid I'd probably take it I think if I was a druid that didn't have extra cantrips I might take it but it's it's a hard choice because Druids don't get as many cantrips as other characters do I'm giving it a c I'll I'll okay we can give it a seat Elders blasts is an s-tier spell do we need to say anything else I mean there is a case to be made that it's beat here because it's only useful in the right build which is warlocks although no I no I don't think that's okay warlocks get a lot by taking agonizing blasts and for like it becomes like s tier plus with a warlock with the right build elements but if you look at it from I think an objective standpoint it's an attack roll-based spell that makes a that makes more separate attacks that deals Force damage I think that many other characters would take a feat to get it I've seen bards paladins and Sorcerers take magic initiate to get this plus hex I was trying to play The Devil's Advocate like you're right um it also like it does force damage yeah you can't resist Force damage there's a handful of creatures in the game that have resistance or immunity to force damage so it sucks going up against a helmed horror oh no oh yeah uh so no I I do agree that it is asked here uh I think yeah if you're a warlock like take it even if you're playing a hex Blade Take it uh if you're playing another character there are reasons why you might consider grabbing algebra people think of multi-classing into warlock to get Eldritch blast yeah so that's that's how s tier the spell is is that it it becomes part of the orbit of a whole multi-class build like I had to be a source or a warlock I'm going to be a paladin warlock because I want to take Elders blast and I mean it it doesn't help that the hex blade exists as well but like I think that a lot of hex blade should take out this blast as well just because it's so good when you can't get into melee it's it's better than having a bow it's it's unequivocally I think a of the best ranged damage dealing cantrip in the game Bar None next up we have encode thoughts I'm going to try to summarize here this spell allows you to take your thoughts pull them out of your head and turn them into ribbons if you are casting a spell on another creature such as detect thoughts or something that allows you to impact their mind you can pull their thoughts out and turn them into ribbons and then you can give those other those ribbons to other people who can then read those ribbons using this cantrip this is a weird it's a weird setting specific spell from Guild Master's guide to Ravnica I I like I I it's D tier but I don't want to say that this is garbage it's just like so absolutely Niche it's it's cool I am actually pretty sure Dumbledore casts this I just don't I just don't maybe I don't get it I don't understand like it feels like there's a step missing here this feels like a spell that should have been a first level spell that was a ritual this feels like something that I would give to an NPC for really nothing more than like loose plot threads like yeah like you find the missing thought is is this spell like literally weave plot thought thread it's a plot thought thread um D tier for players if you're a GM you might consider building a story around a missing thought or something like that that's cool I I just don't know what what it is if you have like a weird story of how you use the spell and it was like amazing in your campaign um I'd love to hear it as a player yeah and I would love to hear if that happened more than once yeah yeah next up we have Firebolt uh this is kind of the bread and butter damage dealing cantrip you shoot a bolt of fire and it does one d10 damage and that increases as you level up uh 1d10 is one of the better damages that you can get out of the cantrip fire is one of the most resisted damage types in the game so there is a weight there um Firebolt is the go-to for 90 of players who can take it but I think I'm still going to give it a b tier and this is coming from somebody who has taken it because I love people who set things on fire it's how I play so yeah when I play a sorcerer I take fire bolts but really I think my next character is probably leaning towards Chill Touch and Firebolt is becoming least less and less interesting to me as I think about the other cantrips available I think that that board it's B plus yeah um I think that it's it's kind of like the best damage dealing cantrip you can choose if you can't get Eldritch blast or don't have something else in mind again it's an attack roll based spell it has a good range and it's your role in that d10 it's just that the thing that holds it back is the fact that it is such a commonly resisted damage type but it can start fires yeah so it like it's not by any means bad and when I say like yeah b-plus is the right ranking here because there's a lot of other cantrips that do really phenomenal things this kind of is really the basic attack of most blasters yeah but it is basic yeah we love you you're good but you're basic next up we have friends uh this is we have friends we have friends we're friends we don't have any other friends Joe and Joe no yes yeah okay we have friends we have lots of friends uh this spell does this spell actually help you make friends though this spell helps you make enemies um yeah this the friends can't trip makes enemies because it requires concentration you charm a creature and when the spell ends uh that creature knows that they've been Charmed and is like what the heck you just Charmed me yeah now I actually feel like my opinion on this is different than Monty's I know that Monty you told me straight up that you don't like this cancer does that still so the thing about friends is that you there's no saving throw for it but you have to use it against a creature that isn't already hostile to you yeah and then after the Spell's over they're going to become hostile towards you yeah and you did that in exchange for getting advantage on Charisma checks against them yeah so there's a lot of ways to get advantage in this game that then don't turn someone that you're trying to persuade or lie to or influence and make them angry I agree and I'm not going to give this a high ranking but I actually love putting this cantrip on characters who are designed to be like mischievous illusion manipulative characters it's like we see the Trope all the time of like they they like you know these aren't the droids you're looking for and then when they go away at some point those Stormtroopers are like wait a second those were the droids I'm looking for but the thing is is that even if we if we even say let's use this spell in the Stormtrooper situation cast the spell on the Stormtrooper use it to gain advantage on your deception check in a minute that Stormtrooper is going to realize that you used Magic on them and now they're hostile towards you yeah but they don't know where I went I drove away in my little speed I'm at a speeder car but remember you advantage on like you don't get to get a whole minute away because you had to spend some of that duration making the skill check and conversing with them to actually take advantage of the advantage that you got I'm not saying it's a good can trip I'm just saying it's a fun can trip for certain characters I think it's total detailed never use this can't drip use it if it sounds really fun to mess with people and make enemies it's just if you want to make the pot I like the idea of like I walk I walk up to the guard I'm like we're gonna go in and he's like okay and then a minute later he's like wait a minute and then immediately comes to find you I'll deal with that at that point a minute later you just made a worse problem for yourself to to get advantage on a skill check that you might have passed anyways imagine imagine casting friends to get advantage and then you roll like a 17 and a 19 on the skill check that you make and I'm having a good time you actually counter balance like again I agree with you I'm gonna take it on a character because I I want to I want to mess with it okay you say that now but you're gonna instantly regret it maybe next up we have frostbite uh this has a range of 60 feet it requires a concentration saving throw and if the creature fails it does a bit of damage and if they fail they have disadvantage on the next weapon attack uh this is not bad but it's not great I agree um I think that this is one of those cool can trips that like I'm gonna do damage and something else but again we've talked this one requires a saving throw and there's a lot of creatures out there with good constitutions um a lot of creatures that you want to give disadvantage on attack rolls to that have good Constitution scores I think this is be B it's a B minus yeah yeah like it's not awful um I think that there's certain characters that favor want control spells in all situations but I feel like it you're by the time you're casting frostbite you're scraping the bottom of the barrel it's fun uh I have a character who's playing a wizard who is like a frost Mage so frostbite is one of their spells but it it it works and it matches their theme and which which I think is B like it's not a bad can't trip to use they use it and it does what it's supposed to do um but it wouldn't be my go-to but great on like a a themed character next up is green flame blade green fire uh great um this spell like uh this spell like booming blade is one of those attack spells that the rider here is that you're gonna attack with your flaming sword that burst into flame as you attack with it um at higher levels it's gonna deal extra fire damage and then what's gonna happen is the Flames are gonna bounce to a Target beside the other Target so it's a bit of that sort of cleave type spell effect which I think is really good it's really easy to use but I think it's pretty much exactly under the same conditions as booming blade and it's a little less combo-rific than booming blade booming blade has a lot of potential with uh with combos that get you to move away or things like that green flame blade again relies on the acid Splash scenario where there's a Target that is directly next to them which can happen in swarms but doesn't happen all the time so I actually find this one a little more Niche than booming blade in its applications I really like it like I I give this one a B plus uh I think it's good I think that if you're playing a Melee character like definitely consider this I think it's hard to justify taking both booming blade and green flame Blade with dream flame blade feels like it's always the second it's like it's the kid that gets picked second at gym class compared to the when you're looking at like the hex blades and the Eldritch Knights like it's the great flame Blade the blade singer is second choice you know there are people who hear that and go well if you're not first you're last and then there's people who hear that and go second is really really good yep and both of those could be true so green flame blade pretty good next up we have guidance are we doing the new guidance or the old guidance so guidance has changed in one DND to be a reaction and a not concentration spell I think classic guidance is still asked here and current play test as of December 2022 guidance remains asked here I would have put guidance as a tier previously s tier in the one DND test packet interesting I found I find guidance hard to use currently that's a very good point I find that there are times where like okay I'm gonna give a scenario here there's times that like you're at a Tavern and they're like arm wrestling contests and I'm like my friend you have guidance on your arm wrestling contest but then there's a lot of times that skill challenges just kind of pop up out of like in the midst of the back and forth between the DM and the players and it always feels really awkward to be like oh oh oh oh can I can I cast guidance yes and you use it like a reaction so the change in one DND actually reflects the way players actually use it which makes it better in my opinion yes that's why for me the a tier previously was like if you're in a situation where the DM's like oh yeah what you're trying to do right there uh give me an acrobatics check and the player's like oh boy I don't have very good acrobatics and I'm sitting there with guidance being like my turn just ended well I I could have helped but we didn't know that this was coming up yeah so that's where it becomes tricky but if we're playing with the play test packet from One D and D S tier absolutely you know the other really interesting thing about the new guidance that you can't do with the current guidance is you can't stack current Guidance with enhanceability because they're both at least is the same character because they're both concentration effects whereas with current guidance you can it's it's really interesting the combos now that are possible with it although classic guidance is still amazing um it getting that 1d4 extra on the skill check when you know to prepare for it is great I think you know what I think you're right it is kind of a tier it's great it is great but you're right that it requires the foresight the way players use it as if it was the one DND version is s tier because the reaction speed when you need it is is cool um still one of the best cantrips in the game and totally worth taking magic initiate to get it lastly for this video we come to gust gust is another one of these controlling the element can trips this one is dealing with wind it allows you to push a medium or smaller creature five feet push an object that isn't being held or carried 10 feet or create a little sensory option A little sensory effect uh with the Wind I think that this is better than the fire one because Battlefield control is great there are so many concentration spells that you can lay down and then gust people five feet into it aforementioned example you could use gust with create bonfire yes and you've got a cantrip level Battlefield control where you're pushing people into your little fire I was thinking about this in between and I actually realized that you could combine as a druid with the telekinetic feat create bonfire gust Thorn Whip and telekinetic and create a situation where you could in theory have a lot of different ways to yank someone into that bonfire I I do think that that that is a selling point as we talk about the combo potential gastroizes above the uh the control flame uh just the ability to push targets even five feet if you're standing near a cliff you can just Boop nudge enemies off of it there's the the five feet of movement can actually drastically change a combat encounter and again to go on that combo if you have a creature that's in your bonfire at the start of your turn you can gust them out of it telekinetic them back into it sure they have to fail to save but you just did that little twiddle twiddled the fingers to get that extra damage out of it so it is a possible way of getting more out of a little Canter combo but uh and again if you're using it with more powerful Battlefield control like entangle or wall of fire or anything like that I think you could do a really cool Druids are like sleeper hit Battlefield controller yep they actually have a lot of like cool options between all their spells I almost want to give Gustin a tier I love the battlefield control potential of this cancer yeah I think it's a minus B plus okay yeah yeah that that's fair I think that there's just a lot of other options yeah and fundamentally it's short range and the fact that it is only five feet means that it the the primary benefit of gust is that it's at range because you can always shove somebody five feet by running up to them and pushing them but then you have to make that a pose check so this has been part one of our cantrip ranking video again we're ranking these based on our experiences if any of the cantrips that we gave high or low scores to have worked differently in your game tell us about how you use them and any stories that you have about how they worked in the comments below the videos that we make on our channel are made possible because we have an amazing patreon community that helps support our work a huge thank you from both Kelly and myself to all of our patrons for everything that you do for the channel if you want to become one of our patrons and join our community follow the links in the description below and if you want to see me over using Firebolt in a campaign you can check out our live play in the worlds of drachenheim which is Tuesday evenings on Twitch you can find all the previous episodes right up over here and we got plenty more videos on all the Spells and tier rankings for DND 5e right up over here please subscribe to our Channel like this video and ring that Bell so that you never miss an episode thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time in the dungeon
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 266,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: NGls7MR4Wxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 54sec (2514 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2022
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