Ten Big Red Flags when Joining a D&D Group

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greetings my name is Monty Martin and I'm Kelly McLaughlin and we are the dungeon dudes Welcome to our Channel where we cover everything D including advice for players and guides for DMS we upload new videos on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please subscribe to our Channel like this video and ring the bell up in the corner so that you can be up to date on all of our content and a big thank you to all of our patrons for supporting the channel more details on that at the end of the episode but for today we're going to be talking about 10 red flags that you should watch out for when you are looking to join a new Dungeons and Dragons group there are lots of new people joining the hobby of Dungeons and Dragons and there's a lot of people out there looking for groups and trying to find anybody that they can to start a game with but you should be careful when joining a group to make sure that you are joining the right group for you and that you are getting along with everybody in the group that you're going to be playing with when we look at these 10 red flags it is important to note that not a single one of them is by itself a deal breaker you might experience one or two of these in your group that you've played with for a long time and you guys handle it just fine but if the list starts to pile up or you are finding that the red flag that you are experiencing is an ongoing issue that is taking away from your enjoyment of the game then it might be time to look elsewhere it could be said that playing no DND at all could be better than playing bad d d and so sometimes you need to be aware of the games that you're getting into especially if you are brand new to Dungeons and Dragons have not played before and are looking for your very few first group to join these are definitely some red flags that will help you avoid some of those classic RPG horror stories that you hear about a lot in our minds there is nothing worse than an excited new player joining a new Dungeons and Dragons group and having a completely avoidable and negative experience from playing a group with people who don't necessarily have that new players best interests or enjoyment in mind so with that let's dive in and look at the very first red flag and this is kind of the mother of all red flags I believe if you joined a new DND group and there is no session zero no talk of a session zero or no prognosis of having perhaps a session re-zero to integrate you as a new player into the group that's probably the biggest single red flag going Ascension zero is where you get the group of players together and you don't dive right into the game you discuss characters the world and the sort of the expectations of what the game feels like at your table the DM usually is going to give some information about what their expectations are what the players expectations are any house rules that they might have and sort of lay down the groundwork for the vibe and feeling that you're going to have playing D and D with this group of people for this reason this is our first red flag because if you have a session zero or a discussion with the entire table to lay out the expectations you're actually going to avoid 90 percent of the other red flags on this list or they're going to come up immediately in the session zero and you can say you know I don't think this is the group for Me session zero is like orientation day at school or your first day on the job you're not expected to Dive Right In and do everything they want to get you warmed up and accustomed to the environment and the things that are going to be happening there we made a full guide on how to run a session zero in our video right up over here and I would say that this is such a big red flag that if you join a d d group and there is no talk of a session zero you should propose having one I also will say that there's there's this sort of re-zero the session re-zero and in a small way we actually have these a lot yeah and it's should be open for any player at the table Jill messaged us the other day and asked if we could have a meeting just to catch back up about where we were in our game of drachenheim so we all got together on a video call and just chatted for an hour about our characters where we were at and what the expectations are moving forward it's really good to have these from time to time and especially if a new player is joining it and just to be a hundred percent clear an email a group chat or a document that is distributed to everybody in some way shape or form is not a replacement for a session zero session zero can be done face to face or it can be done over a video or voice call but a group chat and an email where everyone is not engaged in the conversation at the same time is not really a substitute for session zero so that can be one of those things where there's positive intent in trying to have this have the the essence of a session zero but I really think that it's so important to have that actual dedicated conversation with everyone in the group and I think when we're talking about new players joining a game this does bring us to our second red flag and that is if you are joining a game that is already in progress perhaps in mid-tier to high level play now there are a few stipulations that I want to say with this because this is actually quite a common thing I myself when I was running my first campaign had two players that ended up having to leave my table for personal reasons I now had only a few players at my table and we wanted a few more so I asked some friends that were interested if they wanted to join a game that was already at level five or six however we had a session re-zero to help introduce them and that helped mitigate that but if you're a brand new player and you show up to D and D and they say all right here's the table we've been playing together for four months we're a level six and uh yep join in with your character let's go and there's no prep work done you don't you didn't really expect this or you're trying to scramble to figure out how your character fits into this already ongoing and established group it can be difficult and so this might be a red flag for you in my undergrad I joined a d d group that was playing at I think eighth level and I came in with my character made and I sat there for the game session waiting for my character to be introduced and got to the end of the game session and my character hadn't been introduced to the campaign so I sat there and I didn't get to play and that was awful and I never came back and so make sure that if you are in this experience where you are joining in a group that their campaign is in progress your character should be introduced right away and you shouldn't have that experience where you're sitting there for an hour waiting for your character to get integrated uh into the group into the dynamic there's a whole bunch of problems that can occur with this process and in my books it should be pretty smooth like the the dungeon master and the player should be able to work creative creatively to make sure that your character is integrated into the party and you are able to participate in the game right away and if they're not ready for you yet then they should add your character at an appropriate point when that would make sense for the narrative instead of having you wait there for an entire game session not participating at all in what's going on that's a really miserable experience and and by the same token I think for new players I I would just say for any new players out there that are are looking for groups I would strongly recommend avoiding uh groups that have a high level Campaign that's already in progress I think that it really is good for a first-time player to have that new player experience of playing at lower levels I know it's not always possible and I will say I've introduced Kyle to d d and he was playing as like a 13th level character and that was his first D character so it can be done it's just not ideal as we move on to our next point this one is another interesting red flag that may work at your table it may not work at your table but for me a red flag is a dungeon master who has a long list of band options character options spells everything if they have a long shopping list of things that they don't allow at their table this for me is a red flag I want to be very specific with this every dungeon master has the right to say Erica and turtles don't exist in my setting or something like these certain spells I don't allow at my table perhaps there's certain character options or classes or features that they generally don't allow but I find that once this list reaches a certain point what I found is that this relates to an issue that I have on ongoing where things will come up in the game that I was unaware of that suddenly the dungeon master is informing me no you can't do that no I don't allow that no that's not how that's going to work and I have found it very frustrating I've joined a table where the dungeon master did this and at first they presented here's a list of things you can't do so I tried to build within the scenario that they were presenting and I still got shut down at almost every opportunity and I found myself getting constantly shut down with my creativity and the things that I wanted to do to build the character I wanted to play now again you have to be aware of whether or not you enjoy working within the stipulations that the dungeon master has given you and sometimes you might come presenting a character and the dungeon master says actually this this and the other thing I'm not really fond of in my games can we work together to smooth this out if the dungeon master is open to working with you and there is that sort of camaraderie three then that feels more welcoming but if you are continually getting shut down by the dungeon master pushing back on the options that they will allow that's where it becomes a major red flag for me a laundry list of banned items can really help you diagnose that this might be an issue from the outset but if you are constantly finding that your creativity is getting shut down by the dungeon master you're constantly being told no you're being causally told that won't work you're being constantly told you can't do that those are always that the dungeon master is really being authoritarian and controlling over the game and this can extend beyond just player options it might just be no you are not allowed to play a divination wizard it might extend into signs that the dungeon master might have Tendencies towards railroading aggressively as well saying to player characters no you can't go back to town to get a ladder to climb in the second story of the window because I didn't plan for that so you have to do it the way that I wanted it to be um definitely for me that sort of of that increases the number of red flags and um that's where where I get super super concerned this actually does lend itself to our next point which is a dungeon master continuing to say no but in this case if a dungeon master is shutting down certain play Styles and is using terms like meta gaming or power building but specifically they are saying that they will punish players who do this or that it is not tolerated at their table now there are a number of opinions out there on meta gaming and power gaming but what's difficult is that this has become a massive gray area a player who knows the rules well and picks optimal choices for their character is not necessarily power gaming or meta gaming it is very possible to play a powerful well-designed character and still have a great time role-playing and contributing to the game the reason why this is a red flag for me is because it is unclear clear what a dungeon master says I don't allow meta gaming or power building at my table and you will be punished if you do so it's unclear to me exactly what that means if I choose great weapon master or Sharpshooter for my character am I going to be punished or told that I can no longer play at the table am I going to get to have a conversation with that DM on why I chose these options if I'm in halfling divination wizard who takes lucky and halfling luck and all of those abilities to make sure that the dice rolls are working in my favor am I power gaming am I meta gaming or am I just building a really fun lucky character who knows how to Divine the wisdom of the universe it's unclear to me where I'm going to be punished and that doesn't feel right with me these two red flags in particular are possible indicators they're not guarantees but they're possible indicators of a type of adversarial dungeon master style that often results in a game where the encounters and the storyline has to go along the way the dungeon master planned it and this it signals that you might not have a lot of agency as a player at this dungeon Masters table it can help you avoid those situations where you get into a campaign where it feels like your choices as a player don't matter and that you're you're just being dragged around from set piece battle to set piece battle well the dungeon Masters NPCs uh run things along and I would say that kind of like a subred flag to add in here is that I definitely think that a dungeon master player character is a huge red flag at this point um if if the DM is coming into this with a huge like a dungeon a dmpc or a huge cast of super powerful NPCs who are always bossing the players around telling them what to do or interfering or solving the player's problems and that's happening right away from from the first session of the game that's a just a huge red flag for me like it just it just really signals the style of dming that I have no interest in being a player in and and I I play the game because I want my character to feel like the hero of the story I want my character to be able to make interesting choices and do interesting things if I Feel Like Mike character is just going to be a spectator beside the dungeon Masters pet NPCs I'm out I will also say that being somebody who has a vast knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons I love the game I read all of the content I can about it it's hard for me sometimes to separate my knowledge from from my play and I do my best but if Monty throws three trolls at me and I drop a fireball on them am I meta gaming because I know that fire is the weakness of trolls no no not really I would say you like everybody knows about trolls everybody knows about vampires like these are just things that you can't we can't consider that meta gaming anymore unless you have like a setting where the dungeon master is really trying to say that like nobody in this world knows anything about monsters at all because it's a super low fantasy setting but even then even then it's it's tough there are there is just some general knowledge and so if you have a DM who's going to punish you for knowing to hit the troll with fire uh that doesn't sit right with me and by the by the same token like like it's not power gaming to make your highest ability score the most important ability score for your class like like there I do find that there's definitely DMS that I've I've encountered in my playstyle where they consider that power gaming that is I I don't understand like that's not power gaming to me but we can disagree over that but I don't think that's your whole character design that's that's just using logic I the moment I started DND I knew that I should probably put my best stat in the most appropriate place as we're going along with these surprises from the DM I think this next point also fits into this category and that is surprise house rules I think that for me um house rules are great this is again why we go back to the very first red flag did you have a session zero to discuss house rules uh if you didn't discuss house rules in session zero and you're playing the game and you cast a spell or use an ability or try to do something that you understand in the game a certain way and all of a sudden the dungeon master says oh no we don't we we do that differently here you roll a one on your attack and you go oh darn and then the DM suddenly pulls out the fumble table that you didn't know existed rolls and goes oh you chopped off your teammate's head and they have to roll up a new character and you lose your now chaotic evil your alignment has changed and you're just like what yeah yeah how did that happen I wasn't prepared for that and I to me that's an extreme example I'm obviously exaggerating a little bit but but these surprise House Rules can be really jarring and really diminish your playing at the table I think you can just be as simple as the dungeon master ruling the spell that you thought worked one way works another way and in one perhaps that is counterintuitive to the way that it's presented in the rule book or or otherwise and this could also extend to like the dungeon master sneaking in like abusive tricks with spells like we've talked about that one thing about how Creator destroy water doesn't work on monsters but have you ever encountered a dungeon master that tries to cast Creator to spray water on the player characters or like yeah using the same logic right like dungeon Masters who then like twist the logic of the rules and apply it outwards and it I would be out of that game so fast if I was a player who knows my opinion of creators destroy water and I got to a point where my character my player my character was killed by Creator destroyed water I'd be like I would have an argument with the DM and that's not something you want to happen yeah yeah that's not but yeah I I think that like surprising house rules coming out of left field um it's it's one thing like always there's gonna be things in the game that surprise you but the way to to manage it I feel as a dungeon master is to say I'm surprised by this I'm gonna rule it that it works this way this time and then after the game we can discuss how it might work in the future or what you can do is say we're gonna roll a D6 and on a four five or six it works this way and on a one to three it works this way and then after the session we're going to discuss it um that is for me the best way to resolve a rules dispute uh when it happens in the middle of the game and not have anyone feel surprised and having that openness to have that conversation afterwards is is really key I think a lot of the time with these surprise house rules the essence of what the red flag here is is that it signals that this dungeon master is going to be inconsistent and potentially unfair in how they make their rulings yeah and you really need to read the table again some of these red flags might feel different at your table and an example is I had to learn over several years as a DM to be very forthcoming with the information that I like I like exploring creative play I like it when a player comes up with a cool solution and I like to allow these things at my table one of my players presented a very interesting way to use in tangle to stop an object that was about to fall through a grate and they they explained it in a weird way that wouldn't exactly work in the way that the spell description works but I said to them you know what I really like what you're going for here so I'm going to allow it but if you try to use it this way again in the future I may not allow it and I was just very honest because I knew that I was stretching the rules of what the spell could do but I knew and and I didn't want to open the doorway for them to be able to exploit that later so I said right now it's creative and I like it I don't want it to be exploited so we'll try to stick to the rules later on I just like being very forthcoming with this information but as a new DM I might not have been and so surprise rules and rulings can happen especially if it's a newer DM but as long as they're being honest and forthcoming trying to present a good game at the table and you are getting along and you're working together to learn the game that's very different than what we're talking about I think that as we continue another big red flag for me which can happen from the DMS or in this case the players as well if you're joining a new game and you are told which class to play that is an immediate red flag to me and this one is actually probably the one I hear most commonly I've seen this actually on our cleric video where people are saying hey I am joining a new game and I'm told that I have to play a cleric so here I am to learn and I'm always like why were you told you had to play a class it's it's this opinion that oh you're joining our party well we don't have a Healer yet so you're going to be the healer or we already have a fighter so you can't play One D D's such an open-ended game if you have a champion fighter with a sword and shield and a Battle Master fighter with a bow those two players are not going to be playing the same character honestly I don't even have a problem with two players in my party are playing the same class subclass and have the same ability scores like you can make an interesting thing out of that yeah right um You can make it cool for two characters to be playing the same class in subclass and I think that we have this like weird thing about stepping on each other's Toes or like a social code that says like two players in the group can't play the same class in subclass no that's totally fine like it doesn't no one's threatened by that what's the like party balance who cares right like it it really is not DND 5e Is Not Like A Clockwork perfectly balanced MMORPG where you have to have like a tank A Healer and 3dps and otherwise your group just falls apart and can't beat the encounters like no it's not that restrictive and and having the idea especially of like oh or the the worst one is when the new player joins the group and is told they have to play a fighter or they have to or they can't play a spellcaster because they're new I've yeah we've we've gone on records saying that warlocks are one of the hardest classes for new players my new player picked a warlock and it's her favorite class in the whole game she's now tried a few other things still goes back to warlock being her favorite it's fine to make a recommendation but don't force someone to play a character or class or an archetype that they don't want to and and this is also where I played in a campaign where like the dungeon master wanted this whole storyline for my character this was actually in Third Edition and the dungeon master told me that my character had to play The Homebrew Prestige class that they had designed and I didn't want to do that like I didn't that wasn't what I wanted for my character and I was like actually I I this isn't what I want right and and so that's a that's a back and forth that you have to head with with one another but like if the dungeon master or the players are forcing you to build your character in a certain way or play your character in a certain way because it can extend on the other front where you go join a new group and you make your character and then another player of the group's like well actually you know I was watching a dungeon dudes video and they said that if you are a warlock who doesn't take Elder's blast you suck and and like Ben is like being controlling over someone else's character build and it's like no no and if anyone ever uses that excuse to anybody like don't do that the dungeon dudes are going on records saying whatever choices you've made they don't suck yeah you're if you're having fun then you're playing the game right and and that's that's the most important part and I also think two things that we need to squash with this that we've we've said before but I'm gonna say them again we need to squash these you don't need a dedicated healer in your party and clerics aren't the only class that can heal yeah do you have a druid do you have a bar do you have uh us like a paladin can do the job just fine right paladins are good like there's more than one way to heal and healing isn't the greatest thing in DND 5e and if your DM knows that their party doesn't have a Healer they should be prepared to hand out a few extra health potions maybe a staff of healing there are where there are ways we've played for three years in a campaign with no healers and we're okay another potential red flag is a game master who is not forthcoming about the details of their setting the adventure or even the scenario that your characters are in and by the same token another red flag can be players who are not forthcoming about their characters and are always like hoarding their secrets and stuff from one another which again all these things can be interesting in the right context but dungeon Masters who are really cage you with information like you start the campaign and you're all off in a Tavern and none of your characters know each other and nobody knows anybody and nobody comes to you telling you what your quest or objective is and you're all just there in the tavern doing nothing for the entire session trying to figure out what your characters are supposed to be doing that's that's not D and D that's like some sort of weird absurdist hell and and so I think that um I think that this can signal a bit of a back and forth of like sometimes dungeon Masters feel that they have to withhold information from the group because they want to surprise people and that the the whole reveal of information is the surprise and that you can't tell people information we've even seen this really recently where um a really common question that we get now since our drakenheim adventure came out was dungeon Masters asking should I tell my players about contamination should I tell my players about the factions that are in drakenheim and for me the answer is unequivocally yes that's an important rule system that the players have to know about and they need to know that the factions even exist but I've heard people Express that concern of like isn't that the players knowing too much about the world isn't that them isn't that spoiling things for them in the adventure and for me I I just I don't think so I think that there's a certain measure of information that players need to understand the context for what their where their Adventure actually is so my my rule of thumb and we've discussed this before is generally more information is better than not enough yeah and I think that when I'm building a character I want to know about the world that I'm going to be setting out in my goal when I'm building a character is to integrate that character into the world make them part of it the more they are part of the world the more excited I am to to experience that world and if I have a dungeon master who is telling me no information if I make a character who lives in water deep and then we're playing an aberon it's not going to work yeah um and so I I like to I like to have that connective tissue I like my character design to be a full week-long conversation between Monty and I where we go back and forth on every way that we can integrate my character in that is something that I like to do I realize not everybody does but without information on the setting the campaign the world the environment what story I'm going to be taking part in oh we're fighting The Cult of the dragon can I come up with a way that my character cares about what's going on with the cult of the Dragon these are important aspects to me some DMS might be like I don't want to tell them about the cult I want that to be a big surprise but if you're playing horde of the Dragon Queen um I feel like it's okay to be like hey guys we're playing horde of the Dragon Queen you're going to be dealing with a draconic cult I feel it's it's actually one of those things where I I've used to see this debate years ago but I see it less now about should you tell your players that you're running a module for them that you're running a pre-written adventure for them and I feel like nowadays we exist in enough of a context where telling your players yeah we are playing curse of straw it's kind of necessary to help them avoid spoilers on the internet yeah yeah so if you are worried about spoiling things for players it can actually be more helpful especially if you are running a pre-written module to say we are playing this so they can avoid the real spoilers and and and whatnot so again it's a balance but I find that if a dungeon Masters and even other players who are really cagey with information I I find that that just creates this weird I don't understand this world I don't understand the setting character and I'm someone that is a player I like to engage with the world I like to know about the world I like to feel like my character lives in the world and that's where having more information is really as we come to this last batch of red flags the last three are all kind of connected in a way and they're about sort of the relationship that you have with the people at the table and the first red flag for me is people who are canceling constantly last minute now the key word here is last minute or unannounced they just don't show up yeah I I know that schedules are hard my group right now hasn't played in a month because there were various life things going on there were birthdays there was family whatever we haven't played in over a month we're going to be playing again soon schedules happen it's tough in my group we're all adults we all have lives it's tough but what I don't love is if I invited them to the game of d d they all said they could make it and then suddenly one of my players doesn't make it obviously if there was an emergency yes if I got a phone call and it's like I had to rush to the hospital for X Y or Z then by all means I'm not going to be upset but if somebody just doesn't show up and then they're like oh sorry I forgot that's a red flag if somebody continuously every time that we're about ready to play and the other people are already on their way over and then I get a text message being like I can't make it and it's like well this is the third time in a row now I have three people coming over and one person who just canceled red flag and and this can be one of those problems that you can join a group where you're on time you show up the dungeon Masters on time they show up and then it's one or two other players in the group and that's where it just gets super frustrating because it's not the DM the DM has no control over it you have no control over it but you are now affected by another person who is canceling and I think especially with online groups we've seen this situation where you just get ghosted by people who just don't don't show up and it's really really hard and it's really really frustrating um and it might not be a red flag for the dungeon master that you're playing with but it might be a red flag for the people that are also in that group and if if that's something that that just the group dynamic seems tolerant of that sort of thing you have to decide is that something that you're tolerant of again again none of these by themselves might be the red flag that breaks it for you it's really about reading the situation and and I think speaking of reading the situation as we move on to the next point which is about the vibe at the table Yeah and this is one that is hard to quantify but I can tell you that I have joined a table where I am laughing and getting along with everybody I've also joined a table where I'm like I'm not getting along with these people and it's not that they're necessarily being mean or rude it's just that we're not clicking and that might be enough especially if you have three or four of these other red flags going on on and you're also like I would not hang out with these people outside of this table that might be a red flag for you to say hey this isn't the right group for me for me the big question is would you hang out with these people do you enjoy being in their company if you don't if you don't like these people in in any sort of a way it could affect the entire game of DnD you know what it is it's trust right it's I think for me one of the most powerful things that should exist between a role-playing game group is trust because when the players trust each other when the players trust the dungeon master what you are able to do with role-playing games exceeds just Dyson farts you can actually tell interesting stories do interesting narratives and you can have a lot more fun with a group of people that you trust if fun is all you want to do with d d but as soon as you feel like you can't trust the people that you're around I feel like you start to lose something of the magic of a role-playing game it it gets diminished a little bit and so I have difficulty playing DND with people that I don't feel like I can trust them you know if I wouldn't sit down and hang out with you if I if I wouldn't trust you like a friend you know and it doesn't have to always be the same degree right like there's always degrees of trust in relationships and sometimes you know you have your friends that you're really close with and you talk and are your shoulders to cry on and sometimes you have your buddies that you play video games and poker with right but at all levels of those relationships there's a certain degree of trust I will also say that sometimes you can just tell it's sitting down at a table we've played several Adventure League games yeah and there's some tables that you sit at and you're like yeah these people are fun I can get along with them like we're laughing we're already cracking jokes we're bouncing off of each other the ideas are flowing and then sometimes you sit down and you're like I feel weird everything's kind of being shut down just a little bit nothing's really gelling right and it's weird because there's so many people that play D D you might end up at any number of tables with any number of types of people and as much as I want everybody to get along with me in the world not everybody does and as much as I'd like to get along with everybody in the world I don't and there's just sometimes that it's it's not going to work but there is an extreme version of this which is our final red flag that we're going to talk about today which is unkind inappropriate or belligerent Behavior towards you or the other players or towards the dungeon master or anybody at the table this is kind of the extreme version The Vibes can be off and everybody could still be kind and cordial but to me this is just an absolute red flag I think this is the deal breaker Red Flag by itself yeah if this is the only red flag it still is a deal breaker to me if I show up and I had a game where I remember I decided we were about to go into battle we had snuck up on a group of very small creatures that were hostile to us but they were it was going to be a pretty light combat encounter and we needed to get past them and I said I think I'm going to cast sleep on them and somebody else at the table went no it sleeps a stupid spell you might not get them all we're just going to run in and at first I was like okay sure but as we progress through more games I realize that every time I tried to do something no that's a stupid idea no that's dumb no I don't like that and I started feeling really bad about attempting to try anything at the table and at first I was just like okay yeah they're just they're just stating their opinion it's fine until I started to realize that they were hurting my feelings and I needed to leave that table and it can get a lot worse as I'm sure anyone who spent any time reading role-playing game horror stories that are posted on Facebook groups or Reddit can attest to there's a variety of awful behaviors that you can encounter during a game and I just want to tell you that if you felt attacked if you felt like you are extremely uncomfortable by comments or advances or unwanted attention that another player or a dungeon master has visited towards you while you're playing a DND game that feels like it's stretching outside the bounds of the game team as well when the fiction of the world is no longer a nice barrier and someone is acting aggressively towards you in a as a person particularly aggressively towards people in ways that hit at them in a personal or or even a threatening way like if you feel physically or emotionally threatened by someone else's Behavior that's a deal breaker and you should leave that group immediately I I think that that kind of behavior is is the type of thing that um you get one chance to stop it and if it doesn't stop get out and if the group is and if you're playing with a group that accepts that behavior that's a big red flag like when you join a new group and you sit down and immediately you as a player feel like you are being aggressively targeted by some kind of unkind or unwanted attention or behavior whether that is comments about your appearance comments about your play style whether that is really uncomfortable subject matter being brought up into the game in a way that is unnecessary and that you're not okay with and no one at the group is saying to that person hey maybe dial it back that's a huge red flag that you just can't trust that you'll be safe in this group and if you feel like you're not going to be safe if you feel like your feelings aren't going to be taken into account if you feel like you can't trust these people then unfortunately I I really think that it's best to get out again it's a closing statement on this none of these red flags except maybe that last one need to stand on their own as a defining factor of you saying oh the dungeon dude said I should get out of this game because somebody was late or there's a few banned spells in this campaign that's not the point the point is really at the end of the day if you're joining a game and elements of that game are making you uncomfortable or diminishing what you thought was fun about the game then perhaps it's better to find a different group even if it's been hard to find a group to play with and you finally found one and you sit down and are like well I really wanted to play D D but man this is not the d d I wanted to play but maybe I should suck it up because I get to roll dice it might not be worth it if you've had these experiences and are willing to share or if there are other major red flags that you've experienced in your games please let us know about them in the comments below the there's a lot of great ways to find a DND group but one of the ones that I will point out is we have a really cool patreon community that helps support our Channel and make the work that we do here on YouTube possible as part of the rewards for all of our patrons we have a private Discord server that is only for our patreon supporters and one of the channels on that server is a really amazing looking for group Channel where a ton of DnD games are formed new groups play and a lot of the people on our Discord server have the same sort of values and interest in role-playing games as as we do as they they enjoy taking these sort of things seriously they watch our videos they watch your content and and we work really hard to foster a positive Community there if you have been having bad luck finding a DND group maybe check out our patreon talk to some of the other people on our patreon and maybe you can find a group through that through that I'm not saying that'll happen for sure for everybody you know life happens but that's one thing that you might want to consider trying out and you can support our work in the process and if you want to see us enjoying each other's company and playing some great DND you can check check out our live play in the worlds of drach and heimate chairs Tuesday evenings on Twitch you can find all the previous episodes right up over here and we got we got more advice for players and dungeon Masters alike right up over here please like this video subscribe to the channel and ring that Bell so that you're up to date on all of our content thank you so much for watching and we'll see you next time in the dungeon
Channel: Dungeon Dudes
Views: 230,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeons, dragons, tabletop, gaming, roleplaying, games, accessories, rules, rule, gameplay, play, game, rpg, d20, player, character, D&D, 5e, DM, PC, tips, advice, guide, guides, review, dice, books, book
Id: rxpAebIpdAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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