Tier 100 BANANA FARM?!

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the infinite upgrades mod also known as ascended upgrades got updated allowing us to infinitely upgrade banana Farms to make them have more money we can increase the capacity of banks also the capacity of balloon traps and a bunch of other awesome things so today we're going to be boosting and infinitely upgrading some insane Towers but before we do that guys there is something I'd like to talk about okay friends for a moment let's get really real I love playing video games and playing balloons and hanging out with all of you but there's so much more to life than just playing video games and staring at a screen all day it's fun but there is more to life and there's more that I would really like to do specifically I want to be able to help more people I want to be able to explore the world I want to be able to connect more with nature and sometimes get away from technology one of my biggest dreams that I've never really shared with you all is that I want to be able to go to a place and create a a center almost kind of similar to like a summer camp to help people with mental illnesses depressions anxieties and kind of help people experience life it seems that there's so many people nowadays that have so many negative emotions and don't know what they want to do in life and I feel that I want to be able to create a space where I can learn more myself and and also help others that are in need a few months ago we put an offer on a property up in West Virginia where hopefully we're going to be moving there soon and setting up a place now don't worry we're still going to be making Balloons videos daily and I'm still going to be me and we're still going to be doing all this but in the background this is kind of what's been going on in my life and the direction that I want to have my life go in and this is a lot of thanks to you guys for showing me that I can make a difference in people's lives all the beautiful comments you all leave has inspired me to know that I can do more with my life and there's more than just video games now with all of that being said for me to be able and my family and everyone that's a part of it to be able to start working on this new project out in West Virginia for us to go out there we have to move where we currently are and so with that being said I'm currently going through the process of selling my home the my family's home where I'm living right now in my office and I know it's kind of a crazy thing but I was wondering if there's anyone out there that would like to help with that who would like to buy the house that I'm currently living in I this sounds super weird for me to come on and and tell you guys that I'm selling my house and all of this stuff but I would really like to move on to the next chapter of my life and it's kind of weird cuz there is a form of a deadline that that needs to happen so I don't feel that I'm I'm stressed or I need to make this happen but I want to be able to tell I want to kind of share what's going on in my life with you guys and so so if you're interested I currently live in the northwest region of Georgia in a little town called rockar I live on a beautiful 75 acre place with a house that can have a bunch of people in it we have our own swimming pool natural swimming pool we have a garden we have solar panels it's kind of an off-grid r Treat away from the world it's really cool it has a small little Lake on there and we're currently going through the process of selling that and so if that's something you might be interested in or your parents could be interested in there's a link in the description down below that shows you the property you can kind of go and look at some of the pictures and gives you more of a detailed description of it you can also go check out my second Channel follow the Phillips that's more about my life outside of YouTube and you can go check out as well if you want to get a better idea of the property so if you have any questions there's an email on the website you can go and check it out and so if you're interested maybe you can buy my house and you know maybe we can hang out or something like that so thank you guys so much for spending your time to to listen to me and to kind of see what's going on in my life I I greatly appreciate it and I appreciate all of you I love you all so very much and I'm so grateful for you guys to to help and support me so just thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart if you've even shown up you don't even have to be subscribed you don't even have to like or comment just the fact that you come out and just watch a video every now and then or maybe just once I thank you I really appreciate that we do have quite an epic video on hand cuz I'm really excited to test out this new ascended upgrades because we actually get a bunch of new bonuses that come along with it which I think are going to be really cool you can increase the capacity of things what does that mean well it means instead of a bank holding a certain amount of money you can increase the amount of money that that the bank holds or the amount of money that the bank itself makes which I think is really cool and I definitely want to try that out I wait did I just go wait what the heck all right I guess I'm going to turn this into a monkey bank so we need to start getting some upgrades on things to try to make them make us more money and I also there's two settings for this there's the normal version and the op version and you all know I turned on the op version because we're going to have a lot of fun with that so I kind of want to get stuff that makes an insane amount of money and I mean an insane amount of money because with this new update you can actually increase the money making for all things I think this is one of the cheapest t5s that we can get because before we can start actually ascending upgrade ascended upgradings or infinitely upgrading things we need to have it first be a T5 Tower so we need to start working on that first which costs a little bit of money but we're are going to be there in no time with the amount of money the bank is making supply drop I want to just get the Elite Sniper and then we can start infinitely upgrading it cuz we only need another what $7,000 so we're pretty close already I really want to get this Bank infinitely upgraded that's what I really want to do but that cost $100,000 to get the D5 and I don't know if you guys looked at my wallet recently I don't have $100,000 so we got to be a little bit more patient for that I'm just going to grab the bank Elite Sniper okay so we have ascended strength speed and Force but if you look at ascended speed that's production speed okay so ascended strength infinitely repeatable so it improves the damage boss damage and it improves the cash generated so normally we only make about ,000 or $3,000 from this so if we upgrade this a bunch of times how much more money are we actually going to make so we've put a lot of money into this already so normally it makes $3,000 let's see how much money it makes now $4,000 so it makes another ,000 and of course his damage is way increased look at how quickly he's popping Ceramics all right ascended strength ascended strength let's just keep up updating it cuz I think it just helps us to make even more money which is amazing right there we go so again uh-oh are we okay never mind this guy is so powerful I wish there was one of them that has a cool down reduction that would be wild so how much money does it make now 5,846 I don't know if it'll make up for it I think the earlier rounds are probably better for it but for now we I'd really like to get a banana Farm to a T5 maybe we can start working on getting the Central Market up I think that might be a good thing cuz I think if we can get the IMF loan might be a little bit too difficult but monkey wall Street's only 64,000 I think we can probably manage to get $64,000 right especially with this giving us almost $5,000 a around that's that's more money than monkey Wall Street and once we get monkey Wall Street Max out we can actually increase production speed and ascended strength and those are all very good things to have wait you know what I really want to do is I want to get XXL trap down because I think you can increase the amount of things that it absorbs right because that is also capacity that's what I believe the capacity thing means which is under ascended Force which is kind of crazy actually we're so close I want to I want to get all of these upgraded but we should probably just do the banana Farms first because I think that's going to be way better thank you and boom 5,000 and monkey Wall Street so look at this $7 but now if we do it let's see now it's $77 that's pretty good I want to put down a one of these bad boys because if I upgrade that and then I go ahead and get oh I want to get Monkey Town cuz Monkey Town gives us more money but I'd rather get the cash generation in radius because I think that'll be a huge buff monkey City see it's making $77 in now it's making $91 right and so we can also all right so look what's this so 98 107 let's see 116 does it change the money that it makes at the end of a round though I don't know if it does let's see normally I can't tell I I think it makes it at the end of the round I'm really interested in seeing 4,800 so it does change the amount of money you make at the end of the round we've already put I want to increase this right because if we if we upgrade a sended speed look at how much money it's making look how quickly it's making K nice very very nice I want to get monkey nomics to be a crazy thing I want monkey nomics to have a million dollars in it I don't think that's even going to be possible but I want it to be possible possible how much money do we need $108,000 I mean I could just sell this banana Farm but this banana Farm just makes way too much money uh do I go into debt is it worth it to go into debt okay the answer is no by the way it's never worth it to go into debt all right there's never maybe sometimes you have to but you should always avoid debt at all costs no matter debt is debt is a terrible thing and not just financially it's also bad to be in debt emotionally to people or or to have to feel that you owe people things it's really important to always to try to live your life where that never kind of arises in a way anyways we're going to go monkey nomics so let's see so if I get ascended force it increases the capacity by a little bit of money actually ascended Force let's keep I want to just keep upgrading ascended Force as much as possible because look we have $14,000 in the bank and I think this actually will add up rather quickly thank you so we going to have almost $20,000 in the bank now this is good what's not good is the fact that we're kind of having troubles now do I want I'm just going to put more into ascended strength cuz that also just makes us more money too so that's not B but I have $57,000 to do it look at this okay we have $20,000 thank you I'll take that more $20,000 in the bank wait how much money can be in the bank right now wait I think we can have an insane amount of money in the bank and I'm not even paying attention what if I okay this upgrades the cash generation let's just keep putting this yeah I have no oh wait wait wait okay now we're now we're getting close but still $27,000 in a bank is an insane amount of money it's an insane amount of money okay let's go ahead I want to get a village down which I want to get just radar scanner I guess I can get MIB but what I want to focus on now is I want to get this engineer mainly cuz I want to get balloon trap and I want to get XXL trap holy cow we have $38,000 in the bank I guess once the bank is full we'll finally take the money out of it yeah this banana Farms made $200,000 wa I kind of want to oh I could sell this sniper monkey actually he's made me $65,000 and that's pretty nice that's very nice okay there we go we finally we have XXL trap so I can put XXL trap up there and so ascended for increases the capacity so if I keep infinitely upgrading this thing it increases the amount oh my gosh it also increases its range we can just spawn Camp balloons now all right keep upgrading the capacity because it means that we can just absorb more and $57,000 all right all of this is going to go into this all right that was such a bad idea that was such a bad idea but I couldn't help myself that was such a bad idea we've been making a decent amount of money but I really feel that banana Central might be the new is the new play cuz ascended strength or is it nah we'll do we'll do yeah we'll go ahead and get a banana Central banana Central makes a crazy amount of money crazy amount of money wait only $15,000 I feel that we might lose money because of that maybe not I can deposit $226,000 into the bank look the banks made1 27,000 actually wait wait how much money does the the ability give I wasn't paying it I was not paying attention to that the bank's not that good it's funny to have the capacity thrown up more but I think banana Central is going to be really where it's at cuz we can just upgrade ascended strength and also ascended speed and I think that's going to be M yeah look at how much money it makes that's crazy is that $3,000 oh that is so much better okay the bank bank got to go we're selling the bank for $300,000 and all right we already beat that so that's fine and now we have $300,000 so we can just go ascended strength ascended speed ascended strength ascended speed ascended strength ascended speed ascended strength ascended speed oh my gosh there look at how many abilities we're getting it goes crazy oh my gosh look wait holy cow look at the money we're making I wasn't even paying attention oh no oh no oh no we're going to max out our money we're going to Max we have $200 million oh okay wait this got out of hand way faster this got out of hand so much faster than I thought it was going to be it actually got out of hand so much faster okay so if we just get oh my we have we have so much on you though holy cow okay we can put this down what do we get now what do we even dream about buying we could get anything and just infinitely upgrade it yeah oh the sniper is getting very strong now we can also upgrade his speed too yeah now the snip now they're all just broken now now it's just no way okay we have a lot of money I just realized it just gets crazy what is someone I mean obviously dartling I want to get an infinitely upgraded dling Gunner that's what I want to do an infinitely upgraded rayad Doom you can never go wrong with that all right so I wish I could just hold down the button all right I'm getting an auto clicker I'm getting an a I have to get an auto clicker oh my gosh look at how fast I can click it now oh wait wait wait wait wait this guy has negative pops now wait did I think I might have broken it oh wait this guy also has negative pops wait what is happening it upgrades so fast that's crazy wait what if I do this can I upgrade what if I upgrade this insanely fast oh I maxed out the money look at how much money we're making we've maxed it out okay we could sell this okay we can sell this that's made 84 million or billion I can't tell okay let's all right okay okay let's get okay what if we just skip 100 rounds okay instead of that let's just go straight to round a th ooh ooh wait wa wait okay okay okay continue this guy might be too powerful we need okay what if we got just attack shooter I feel that The Inferno ring is all I think The Inferno ring is probably the strongest here so all right let's upgrade The Inferno ring upgrade the speed upgrade the force okay now let's try round wait wait wait okay oh my gosh this is outrageous let's see how many pops does that have okay now let's hit play what how are we still losing okay is this thing just too power oh they're too powerful it's too strong how is it too strong okay all right all right let's try instead what if we only get it up to 80 how's that is that is that too powerful let's see let's see if that's too powerful there we go okay it's getting negative pops it's too it's it is so op right now the things can't even spawn right now what is happening all right do we try tag shooter what is another tower that would be hilarious everything just gets too powerful it's too powerful my friends it's out of it's getting all right round three 4,000 okay I don't think we can beat round four that okay this is out of hand appreciate it all thank you all so much and if again if you're interested please look in the description down below go check out the property would mean the world to me obviously you don't have to buy it
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 385,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, Bloons, Mod, Hack, Tier 6, BTD 6 Tier 6, Bloons TD 6 Tier 6, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons Tier 6, Bloons td 6 Mod, BTD 6 mod, highest tier, top tier, highest tier mod, infinite, infinity, tier infinity, tier ∞, BTD 6 infinite, Bloons TD 6 Infinite, infinite upgrades, infinity upgrades, tier 6, Ascended Upgrades Mod, Ascended Upgrades Hack, Ascended Upgrades Bloons TD 6, banana farm, tier 100, t100, tier 100 banana farm
Id: BoUfl1leNbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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