Tic Tac Oak Bowl

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what you see here is a few seconds of the final product and I wanted to do this little short intro just to say that at the beginning here you're going to see mostly all the workings going up to turning and that takes seven and a half minutes or so and then the rest of the video will be turning squares separated by 5 16 inch oak so my squares are going to come out of this log that's sitting in front of us I got to peel the bark off then I have to make squares and so I'll plane this and use it on take it on my table saw and my chop saw or whatever and I will make two by two by one and a half inch cubes and those will be bonded together to make the basic so here I am running it through the planer to make the sides of the square so I'll make two sides on the planer or the Joiner cut it with some other saw [Music] there's some of the progress so you can see I've planed off two sides of this and I said two inches a couple minutes ago but what I really mean is closer to three like two and seven eighths that's what the space is between that that's what the width this blade is going to cut and so I've planed these two sides for 90 degrees to each other then I'm going to use one of these as the the surface and one is that surface and then I should be able to rip this off at two and seven eighths inch wide and then flip it around and run it back through again and make a right a square that's two and seven eighths on the side then I'll cut it off with the chop saw so now you can see I've cut it into a it's a square profile layer obviously with that diagonal cut it's looks like it's not a square same thing there but you can see some interesting grain in this um this is a log that's been laying around in my yard for quite a while now this Gap here I'll probably leave that in what my intent is to put this all this stuff together is with some epoxy so this will fill in with whatever epoxy I end up using here's my chill up song I'm gonna cut these off [Music] okay my obviously my blade is not very sharp but this is my first two out of 16 blocks you can see I've got a hole in here that when I fill this epoxy I'll have a hole in it that one goes all the way through this one goes there to that pith spot so um okay here is the 16 pieces like these are all Oak but some of them are quite different than others this one is really dark almost Walnut colored it is and now my next project besides letting these dry 5 16 Oak is going to go in between these pieces so there's a piece of Oak and that'll go down in between here if I can get it and I'll um put a full set of three and three I won't put them around the outside and kind of like a tick and slightly enlarged Tic-Tac toe bore but I think when I cut this into a circle that fits in my five gallon bucket I think I'm going to be like 11 inches so and this is currently over 12 by the time we put all the fill all the spaces in this 3x3 array it's got to be less than 10 inches across because that's what fits in my five gallon bucket and for the pressure pot I've attached these together so they'll hold it together pretty well I've got all these holy pieces of wood I chose wood that has bolted some amount so I've got it so this is just over 10 inches right now from that edge to this Edge and it needs to be a 10 inch circle to fit in my pot so I'm going to pick a highly contrasting color and then I'll cast it a pressure pot only holds uh or my five gallon bucket holds 10 inch diameter that I can then pour epoxy in so I have to um turn after I glue this together I'm going to um cut a 10 inch diameter or just under 10 inch diameter circle so that it'll fit in there and then I can pour epoxy and then all these voids will be filled and then I will turn this and see what I end up with hey I've made a circle here the outside of this is just slightly larger than I want and the dark line in the board of that is smaller than I want my intent is to use that to find the center I'm going to put this here I'm going to glue it down with construction you know wood glue drop these in with some small amount of glue just to make sure that they're here adhered and then I'm going to clamp them all down but I'm not intending to put any glue in between here because I want the epoxy to fill that in when I put the part together okay here it is what I've done is I've taken the tic-tac-toe frame and I'm construction or you know wood gluing it together onto this circle here which should have drew two lines on here that were the diagonal you can just see him there maybe there's a line there and a line over there that's how I centered the tic-tac-toe to the circle okay you can see I've glued the tic-tac-toe board to a to a circle now I'm going to blend these down and since this surface is going to be the bottom I want these bigger voids upward so that I'll have more epoxy this side you can see has less void this will be dished out on on this one in particular because this one's going to be in the center everybody's in now I gotta clamp it oh so it'll be a thinner Bond here is my tic-tac-toe shaped turning block that I started with okay here's my cast tic-tac-toe Bowl I have it got a like magenta or fuchsia pink fill I think I didn't put enough or what I think was enough of the die and um and also I think I floated up I thought I had it but obviously it floated up a little bit because you can see there's a space right here where this should be lowered the the uh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign the the e [Music] I am using the super glue or CA glue stiffen up some areas and I guess I should talk about my problems here so and since this is all wet I won't be able to turn it over but essentially I wanted this side to the top and that side to be the bottom well in my excess exclusive enthusiasm I cut too far into the bottom so therefore it's now the top so I had to I'm going to have to invert this and it'll work out but it wasn't what I intended and it'll look pretty much the same just the um what the pieces of wood looked like versus up versus down is a little different and I remove things that I think I wish I could have kept but I think in the end this is going to look really good so I'm putting a little CA glue on stiffen up where the the epoxy didn't get to and and I've obviously put in some coffee grounds in the areas where there were chip outs because of the software luckily in my chasing going too fast I stopped in time that I could recover I had gone much farther I wouldn't have been able to easily recover I would have had to change the bowl [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay here is my finished Tic Tac Oak Bowl I started out a little different than I ended up my original plan was mostly because my pressure pots and the bucket that fits in my pressure pot is smaller than I was thinking I don't know why I was thinking that because I've made multiple things that are around 11 inches across 10 11 inches so I was over estimating the ability to fit in there but in any case I put in a purple dyed epoxy this is very spalted wood you could see that in all the preview of the in the early part of the video the um wherever the wood is light colored it's Punky and the epoxy helped a lot in that area but it couldn't penetrate way into the wood so I ended up using CA glue to stiffen it up it is um about 10 inches across and two and a half inches three inches high I use the drawer sides and the logs so it came big contrast here between the different colors and the different types of wood the epoxy didn't turn out as contrasty as I had hoped and I think there's a couple of reasons one is I didn't put enough color and the second is that the color is a mica kind of color so it's particles and I think they got filtered out by just not having the gaps that you would want for flowing in the particles and you could kind of see that early in the video where there was a initial casting you could see a lot of mica shiny particles in it and that's all machined away so then there's none of that left in any case I think it turned out really well I made something similar to this but I did not video it and the or I didn't video much of it I have a short so that shows it turning on a turntable or me turning it by hand that's the most I have on that and didn't show the process or anything this here shows all the process and I didn't skip much I mean I skipped over some things I uh one thing I didn't talk about in the in anywhere in the video is that I had some shrinkage issues on here where the the squares shrank after I epoxided and I ended up with two separations or cracks where the the nice Oak side drawer sides separated from the logs and so I ended up having to put some CA glue and some coffee grounds in a couple of gaps is you can't really tell but it is something that happened and I didn't I'm needing the non-patient person I am didn't Drive the court the cubes well enough I did dry them but obviously not enough and so that's what's delayed this bowl I mean I started it last year and it's in October or September took me quite a long time to wait it out and dry it some more and I'm the hope and I'm good
Channel: Walt Whybrew Woodworking
Views: 21,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lathe, Turning, Milling, Wood, Laguna, Time Lapse, DIY, Do It Yourself, Homemade, Carve, REVO 18 36, REVO 1836, REVO1836, Turn, Carving, Mill, Bowl, Decoration, Craftsman, Oak, Woodturning, Live Edge, Platter, Spalted, Vase, Epoxy, Casting, Pour, Iridescent, Resin, Deep Pour, Spalted Oak, Pearlescent, Slow Motion, Slo-Mo, Slow-Mo, Wagon Wheel Effect, Stagecoach Wheel Effect, Stroboscopic Effect, Stroboscopic, Purple
Id: XMLLeoC9g6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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