TIA Portal V16 Scaling Analog INPUT and test with real PLC S7-300

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hello everyone welcome back to my youtube channel general technology knowledge today i would like to show and share about how to use tiaa-4 version 16. to connect with the plc s van 300 cvu 314c 2pm dp okay and in this section i will show how to scale the analog input for this channel and i will explain about how to violin step by step before we start with the tla portal okay so first we need to have the current loop calibrator or current loop source and we sorry with the milliamp meter to measure the milliamp that saw from the standard saw to the module okay and i will use the profinet part for connect with my pc by using the tla portal okay so uh before i go to create the program i would like to show about how to wiring and i will explain step by step okay so let's go so here the drawing that i already explained in the previous video about how to connect the encoder but in this section we not discussed about encoder but we discard about the analog input module okay so here is the cpu 314c 2p and flat dp and here is the memory card and here is the suite stop and fit run and here is the profinet part and here is the terminal blocks that we will connect the power supply 24 voltage to the cpu okay and for in this cpu it has only uh one for profit bus part okay and here is the analog input totally there are five channels that fortunately we can select the option milliamp oval yes that we want and here is the drawing how to connect yes if we would like to use with the world we can connect with the terminal 4 and terminal 2 and if you would like to use the mili m we can connect terminal 4 and terminal 3 okay for channel number one and for general number two we have three terminal also so the first one is terminal number seven we can connect the voltage sorry the command yes and for terminal number six we can connect milliamp and if we would like to use the wall we can connect the terminal number five okay and ai one two ai four is the same function that i already draw the terminal number so we can connect follow this one but for the last one of analog input it is the input with the pt 100 or ohm yes so uh we cannot use wall or m but we can use with the pt 100 or rtd okay so it is the special channel and uh we will check the address when we [Music] create the hardware configuration on the tia portal yeah and i will explain more about this step so right now here is the violin connection yes so we need to know about how to binding before we test the module okay so let's go to our software to create the new project of gaa portal and test with the real poc okay so let's go okay here is the taa portal that i already installed in my pc and the previous video we already learned about encoder and for today we will learn about how to scale scaling ai right scaling analog input yes so let's go to open the tia portal version 16 and i will explain step by step about how to configure the hardware configuration and check the address and create the scale or we can use the library of scale that we want okay so let's follow me step by step so uh the first step we need to create a new project so let's create the new project here click and then this is a project name example scale ai yes and here is the project file location that we would like to keep so i will browse to keep on desktop and then go to scaling ai that we already created the folder yes and we will click create it will create the project automatically yes and then we will create the hardware configuration okay so let's follow me step by step it is the brexit of tiaa okay so wait a moment for creating the project yes so right now uh let's go to project u yay and then we need to create the hardware configuration right so to create device let's go to add new device the berkeley and then go to controllers go to plc as event 300 right because right now i use poc sven300 yeah and then go to see the cvu three one four c two p and dp here yes and here is the picture of device and here is the serial number yes and here is the version so we can click ok the hardware configuration will insert automatically and then we will go to see the property of the analog input that we will test with the real plc yes okay so we already created the hardware configuration here because this view it billing the input and output yes with the cpu yeah and we can zoom a little bit zoom in yes okay so in a little bit okay so it is the analog input guide and here is the digital input and output module yes so uh in this section we now discard about the digital input and output so we discard about analog input only okay so let's go to a property of the device okay go to property of the device and then let's see here we will found the channel number zero until number four because there are totally five channels right that i already show in drawing so the first one is channel number zero so we can select the option for milliamp or volt that we want so basically i will correct select two uh current yes and my current is uh 4 to 20 milliamp yes and for channel number one i will select two current also 4 to 20 milliamp or so because i have only a standard saw with the current okay so i will select all input with the current if everyone have the wall yeah use with the input volt example the vfd use the wall so we can select evol and volume the connection follow my drawing yes follow here if you would like to use the wall so we need to use the terminal 4 and terminal 2 and for the option we can select here okay 0 to 10 volt or plus minus 10 volt yes but in this case i will select two current yes and this one channel number three is current also and for channel number four it has only uh two options the first one is resistant two wise and the second one is turmoil resistant to y okay so we can select like this first or we can select with the standard pt100 or rtd like this and for analog output reveal this car in the next video okay so right now the option we already created so we save the project and then let's go to connect my lan cable from the profinet here to my pc and we can use the command chrome to ping sorry okay we can ping if everyone cannot ping let's go to see the internet yes we can put the manual of internet for me i already put the manual yes provide the manual for ip4 here yes example192.168.0.253 yes so we can ping it mean that we can communication between the plc and pc okay so we can go to select the cpu and then go to download to device yes download our configuration to device before create the logic yes created scale so here we can select the profinet and then here we can select the network card that we already put the land cap ball okay for me i select this one because my network card is here so we can go to start search it will detect the one cpu here let's see here the device type is cvu 314c 2pm dp and for the ip address is here the same as i ping yes okay and then we can load yeah it means that download the hardware configuration to the plc and for the hardware configuration download we need to stop the cpu yes so waiting for compile the program and then let's stop all yes we can select no action and stop all in the first time we need to stop all so click load and then we will start the cpu again yes i will show if we press the finish the cpu will start automatically start okay let's see right now the cpu is tough so if i select fitness the sea view is warming star yes okay and then we can go to uh create the scale right okay before go to clear the scale i would like to explain a little bit more for the address so we can go to the plc hardware configuration and then go to property again and here is the io address yeah so it will start from address 800 yes 800 until 809 yes so for analog input it will start from piw 800 yes piw 802 800 4 800 search 800h yes until 809 right totally 5 channel okay so we can go to create the block program block go to the program blocks and then go to the main program and then go to the scaling right actually we can use from here we can search for scale yes if we search we can go to see the scale or and scale here yes it is the convert operations yes conversion of operation so basically we can use the scale here drag and drop yes we will got like this block like this so we can command the network example scale analog input channel 1 connect with temperature trend submit test okay okay and the scale is example 0 to 150 degrees celsius yes okay just example yes so uh here we can use the address that i already show so it will start from p pi w 800 right piw800 so here we can command the text example sensor one okay and here is the high limit so high limit we can use 150 0.0 and for the low limit we can do 0 2 0 0. and for this bipolar we can use the health yeah i will show okay press f1 to see the hell the software will explain us about how to do the scale yes so let's see here it is the parameter of the scale so the first one is en it means that enable input in the ball output e and o it means that input value to be scale yes so it can integer yes and here is the real for high limit yes low limit it is the real also input and for the bipolar yeah here it is the boolean input also and the solver will explain us indicate if the value add the in parameter it is to be interpreted as bipolar or unfollow okay the parameter can be assumed the following value one is bipolar it means that the boolean true of one and zero and polar okay and here is the output so the output is the real yeah example the temperature zero to uh 150 degrees celsius so it is the real it has the decimal place and revival means that the error yes error information it is the word and it is the output also okay and here is the platform of the scale yeah then we can read okay let's go back to our scale block so here we can use m0.0 example the option yeah option bipolar and polar and bipolar okay and here is the error value right so error value we can use mw [Music] 100 yes it is the error value right so we can use error value for channel number one okay and here is the output the output is the real right so here we can use md [Music] example md10 yes it is the rear light so example uh temporary one okay then we can save the project and we can download the logic to the cpu again okay download to device here we can select console to download and we can load and then we can go online to see the status yes okay go online to see the status and then it will show the status for us okay let's see here the milliamp is uh half because i only connected the standard saw current loop to the terminal so let me show okay so we can adjust the milliamp to four milliamps yeah four milliamp it is zero right zero it means that uh zero degrees is yes so if i would like to adjust to eight milliamp yes 8 it will show around 27 right 37 sorry 12 million it will show around 74 right okay 16 milliamp it will show around 112 yes if i select to 20 milliamp it will show around 149 nearly 150 right because the error a little bit for my current loop actually this one should be uh 22 348 right let me adjust a little bit okay because this error little bit so if we would like to decrease we can decrease yeah because now i only connect two channel number one let's see the volume yes so it working properly for channel number one and if you would like to connect to the additional we can also connect yes so if you would like to connect to other channel you can go upline and then go to the scale yeah one more scale actually we can use drag and drop two here and we will got one more scale okay so this one should be a pi w 800 2 right it is the channel number 2 or we can write command sensor 2. and example scale high scale from 0 to 100 degrees celsius or 100 yes this one should be m 0.1 optional also right example option by polar 2 yes here mw 200 yes it is the error for channel number two and here we can use example md20 it is the temperature number two yeah temperature too then we can go online and then go to download okay and we can go the monitor to see let's see right now the connection is uh not yet corner drive so i will connect the milliamp to the channel number two so uh channel number two is terminal number seven is minus number six is plus okay so i will this connect from channel number one and then connect to channel number two okay right now i already connected the cap ball number seven is minor number five sorry number six is plus four milliamp then let's see here again yes let online again maybe we can use with the network number two yes i will cut to network number two paste this one should be a channel number two scaling you can cut and then we can paste we can sell and we can copy from here and then paste here so this one is channel number two then the temperature is zero to 100 degrees celsius yeah so we can save the project and then download to the cpu again because we change the network then we can online okay let's see here the temperature so around 24 degrees is here fortunate number two and fortunate number one i already disconnected the cable so it go to zero yes so if i adjust the milliamp yes let me show the connection fortunate number two okay for channel number two i already connected the cap ball yeah to number seven terminal number seven and number six and if i adjust to 12 milliamp let's see the temperature show around for [Music] 16 so around 74. 20 milliamp so around nearly uh 100 degrees cs right okay so channel number two is working properly also yes so if we would like to connect to the hmi we can also insert here so i will go upline first and then let's go to the hmi right let's go to add the new devices go to hmi and example i will use the confort panel yes this panel because we need to show the analog input on the hmi right for example the temperature yes so we need to show on hmi so i will select the plc here okay and then click finish because we connect to the plc as well 300 and 400 right so wait a moment for creating the project of hmi yes so basically we can use like this and for that we can delete or we can keep yes and this one we can modify to be uh go to the text and then go to the general so here we can write another word that we want example we are learning about scaling analog input with tia of version 16 yes so we can write like this and if we would like to include the sign yeah we can also increase and if we would like to change the color of background we can also change the color of background example to this color and for the text we can also choose another color that we want and then we can adjust the area yes then we can uh align to be center so uh the first step we need to create the text right so let's go to the connection to see the connection that we connect from the plc svn 300 to the hmi right so let's go to the text here because we need to insert the text right so i will add the new one example sensor one so it is the real right it is the real right so it is the connection yeah we can choose the connection of poc because we need to use the plc right and for the address is let's see here for the address for channel number one is md 10 right and channel number two is md 20 it's just a sample so i will choose this one is so md 10 right okay and for sensor number two i will use md 20. yes so that's all for create the text and the next step we need go to the root screen to create the screen right to show the value of the temperature so example we can use the input file here for sensor number one so here we can choose the tag that we already created for sensor number one here yes and for the text format we can use another format that we want example for the font size i will change to 20 yes and alignment i will set to central in middle yes okay and for the format uh let's go to see the format like this example.99 yes so it will come to like this and we will go to the layout apparent we can change to another the color that we want example this color and for the text color i will change to the green this one i will change to black it is the black line and for the outline i will change to white okay like this and for the text i can copy from here for the unit right for the unit i will change to the degrees cs yes i will change the size to be 15 yeah for unit this one i will change to 27 something yes so for sensor number one we can copy yes for sensor number two we can copy and paste here for unit yes and for the text we can also copy yes and for sensor temperature sensor temperature sensor one yes we can adjust the font size a little bit and we can align this one to here okay and then we can adjust to be 32 27 25 yes okay and then we can copy for sensor number two here and we can change the color to y color we can select by click shift and then go to the color right we will change the text to white color apparent so we can change to the y color okay and then we can sail and for this num sensor number two we can go to general to change the take to be a sensor number two here and then we can sail and let me check the connection again okay so we can simulation yes go to simulation here okay wait a moment for processing the simulation or here you can adjust yes adjust the location a little bit it's just to be here here we can adjust also okay this one we need to adjust also okay and then go to save the project and then simulation again this one right we will adjust maybe we need to decrease the size okay so we can simulation again okay that's good now so we can go to the main program and then let uh online to check the status yeah the real status of the poc and then the hmi yes let's see here the temperature is so around 49 degrees celsius because i select to 12 milliamp okay let me adjust the milliamp so if i adjust to 8 milliamp the thai skin is so around for 24 degrees this year 12 49 17 16 74 and 20 is nearly 100 degrees celsius okay so it working properly yes so this is the example about how to use the scale analog input on the tia portal version 16 and also simulation with the hmi yes that i already showed step by step about how to create the project how to create the scale yes so i hope this video is useful for everyone for basic configuration the hardware and test with the hmi right so thank you very much for watching my video and if everyone have any question please kindly drop comment under my video i will reply soon and i would like to request all of you to lie share and subscribe my video also to get more notification and more new videos that i will create step by step so in this time i would like to say thank you remind again and see you next videos [Music] bye
Channel: General Technology Knowledge
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Keywords: tia portal v16 download, tia portal v16 free download, tia portal v16 add in, tia portal v16 basic, tia portal v16 basic vs professional, baixar tia portal v16, tia portal v16 download full, simular en tia portal v16, tia portal v16 full version, simular hmi tia portal v16, tia portal v16, tia portal hmi, tia portal tutorial for beginners, tia portal simulation without plc, tia portal basic, tia portal beginner, tia portal example project, TIA portal training, TIA Portal V16
Id: QY8ksYqHmmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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