Thunder Force - Angry Movie Review [The WORST Superhero Film?]

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[Music] i can't believe you watched this i uh this is your fault i don't want to say it's a joke thanks joe it's just not even an oj episode yet no i wouldn't even recommend this to anyone i don't want to say it's the worst superhero film ever but uh it's something it's something it's certainly the worst superhero comedy ever oh it's a comment i think right there's no [ __ ] that that joke from joe was the funniest joke in the entire film about the entire film um guys uh now i'm not about to [ __ ] on this film for the next 15 20 minutes because it's got melissa mccarthy in it from ghostbusters 2016. okay no i'm [ __ ] on it because it is a bad netflix film this movie sucks okay just like the bad sandler adam sandler netflix films they're terrible they're awful in fact this film was so bad it made me go and watch the uh huby halloween because i wanted to see there's no way right there's no way that you know uh that adam sandler's netflix garbage can can be as bad as this did you know he recently signed an extension for four more films with netflix in 2020. he's making money so right uh to see if it was worse or better and uh i i can't even do it so bad humay halloween was really bad uh but there was some charm yeah there was some charm there was some funny jokes i actually laughed in huey halloween and he does a lot of throwbacks to his nostalgic stuff right uh where you know you like it oh doyle and these kinds of things here melissa mccarthy this is yet another film that she does with her director husband and it seems like all the films that she does with her director husband are terrible like the ones she does with other people are better except for paul feige with ghostbusters yeah they had some success with you know bridesmaids but bridesmaids by melissa is playing the same [ __ ] character in all the god dang films that she does i don't know why she does this over and over same thing this is the bottom of the barrels kind of stuff uh and i lost some respect for netflix because i was like this is number one in america [ __ ] netflix you're a liar no it's number i mean here's the thing watch melissa mccarthy it's super heroes it's got like a good rating on it i was like who joe don't look at the the ratings on netflix are bullshitting oh you know this i know but i'm just like oh this man [Music] screw you joe for making me watch this uh what did you all think it is bad oh yeah that's why i brought it up on the news is like i made a mistake i watched thunder force i didn't and okay i think it was gonna be a review so let me let me give you uh just a real quick breakdown of the first three jokes so you have some idea of whether you want to watch whether you want to put yourself through the torture that we did as if you're a masochist right okay so here's here's the first uh uh joke hey tito quit leaving candy wrappers in my rig because you know she's a you know hard worker the hard hat worker and you know he's leaving candy rappers all over the place and she did and then the second okay well okay so that was a small little one little little joke here's the big joke that actually sets up for laughs um she has rancid milk you know and she pours it in her cereal and and she she eats it all and she pours it you know and then and then she drinks from the milk carton to see if it's rancid to see if it's a cereal that's rancid or the milk or the milk because cereal goes rancid right yeah did you know that cereal goes ranch you pour some beer in there yeah and then and then like they wait for you to laugh and no it was not funny please please uh yeah please please clap please clap and then finally um uh the the next big joke is uh knock knock um in an uh an owl uh shut up yeah we have the guy knock knock uh owl shut up he never could know how to do a joke the entire thing that's his whole thing his stickers and then finally who's urkel how do you not know who arko is you know family matters did i do that did i do that did i do that did i do that did i do that did i do that you come on you know who urkel is arco from family matt did i do that did i do that like they said not exaggerating no it lasts that long that's how long it goes and she does all of that yeah that was a perfect like that was it you're like oh you're just being bombastic that is exactly right i was shocked i was like what is going like i i don't think i've cringed uh harder at like a major kind of i guess that's maybe a spencer is in this [ __ ] movie yeah yeah yeah yeah she phoned it the [ __ ] because you know they're friends right melissa mccarthy and her friends and then let's start these married to the director which is how this whole thing gets made but it's it's like come on like you you have an oscar right you have an oscar what are you doing better okay so anyways what do you think alex it was not good these things make sense to me these people are sociopathic they are the real misgrants to make this film yeah so what these things make sense to me it's because these things make money right uh one of the reasons this guy keeps getting money as a director is one he guarantees melissa mccarthy's involvement every time they always make money they're always on time they're always under budget so because people like him keep [ __ ] tricking people like us so until people get together and go you know what i've had enough of this [ __ ] and stop watching hubie halloween and and thunder force which i've never watched you be halloween um this stuff's going to teach you how it was well i feel it's unfair to give you halloween now now you have to watch it we call it no no no no no i never watched jack and jill i never watched it i never watched i've never watched jack and jill i'm with you yeah like i almost i like watch films to purposely watch bad films i will never launch dragon yeah anyways this one is it it was not good it was way too long i was in the middle of making dinner and so we got to a like a natural breaking point i'm like look at least it's at least it's almost over and i hit pause and then i see the progress bar it was only a third of the way through i'm like what the [ __ ] is happening this movie has felt like it's three hours long the first act they set up this how are these how is the odd couple friends why do they know each other and they spent too [ __ ] long on this part for no reason and then they just drag out the the this is how you become a superhero montage part and then they drag out the whole thing at the end it it wasn't paced well it wasn't written well it wasn't everything about it uh according to oj they committed the ultimate crime which they ruined a classic uh kiss from a christmas rose oh yeah i love that i don't know what it is about this but uh this [ __ ] film has this uh they must think it's just so awesome to break out into a song where they just you know sing along with a song and they think it's suddenly endearing that the film seems to think that you know singing along with famous songs makes everything better or super endearing they do it like i like that song at least two to three times i'm not watching your movie to watch two people sing a song poorly i'm not it's not funny to me it's none of this okay i'm gonna give the film this i think there's two funny jokes in there okay but you have to go through what is it the [ __ ] way long nine hours okay so let let's do a little what are the jokes i i i don't know well let's do this i love i just love jason bateman whatever i mean if i give melissa schiff for being the same character jason's the same [ __ ] character he is he's in every film anyway so it starts with a a comic so it's really bad it's you know a little comic book style uh sociopaths by the way guys are now superheroes only sociopaths and they're called miscreants you really only see like one or two of them you know through three of them but apparently they're all over the globe but you only see three so very very kind of limited scope low budget kind of [ __ ] um and then we start off with the little kid versions of uh melissa mccarthy and octavia's characters octave is very smart melissa is very emily dumb and she's just a butch and she like she's she'll beat up the bully for for the very very cliche she's wearing uh [ __ ] slayer shirts and she loves heavy metal and ac dc and all these other places which is completely fake it's 100 fake it rings hollow because they have a perfect opportunity in the final fight and i start to hear some good riffs i'm like oh [ __ ] hell [ __ ] yeah we're about to get some slayer because it's like melissa loves slayer or her character supposed to love slayer he's stronger than we thought and it is the most generic garbage that i've ever heard in fact this was shame on you corey taylor of slipknot corey taylor of slipknot makes just about the worst movie tie-in song i have ever seen in the industry uh with lyrics such as thunder force thunder force thunder force thunder force thunder force was he ripping thunder force in this [ __ ] song by by corey taylor shame on you he added one more word to imagine dragons made 10 million 100 million dollars on that [ __ ] song they ran thunder with thunder 50 times so at least he's better than them yeah uh so okay so you know we get the cliche thing uh she's super smart she's the protector of the nerd and they do the nerd joke then they grow up and it turns out that she creates a company where she's creating a super serum for herself even though she has no [ __ ] fight experience she's a scientist and she would get her ass kicked right and put herself in danger she's going to get the super strength that she's going to get the invisibility melissa comes bar bumbling in here and gets injections in her face don't touch anything melissa mccarthy and it's 33 injections to make her super strong and uh haha octavia only has to take uh you know four pills and she gets invisibility which you know sucks compared to the super strength because she could get killed and she could should have got killed multiple times but whatever uh and and for whatever reason and we have some bangers like the urkel joke uh we get uh the joke of her getting injected in her boobies uh we have the joke of uh uh you know [ __ ] uh get this okay so here's a big joke um she goes you should octavia you should be called bingo you need a cool superhero name your name is bingo and she's like bingo no i don't like that and that just reminds me of the dog you know and you know the song the dog bingo and she's like no it's not it's not bingo it's zero zero is his nemo no i don't think that's how it goes yep zero is his name-o yep i get it because well that just i don't know just reminds me of the dog bingo he's not a dog bingo are you thinking zorro and zoro was his name oh that's not correct we got to think of a team name because because why i i don't i don't know i don't understand anyways and after the injections she gets super strong she's like hey you need to eat raw chicken oh i almost forgot the raw [ __ ] chicken you need wrong this is a multiple recurring joke where she sticks raw chicken in her mouth and then i can't do it oh it's so good the camera goes so close on her mouth [Music] and it's really bad and uh so she the first time they get powers they get in the lamborghini they can barely get in the lamborghini because of their costumes uh they go out to stop a uh convenience store robbery uh and that's where we see jason bateman's character uh the crab suddenly out of nowhere it breaks into a dance sequence a because of that connection that's disgusting his crab hands are disgusting some people like she for no reason i mean i like crab i like to eat crab but i don't know what okay what she sees in his she got that surfing yeah that that stuff was the funny part yeah surf and turf is a funny uh line uh because he was you know has sex with him for information for information which is so stupid because so apparently the main villain is actually the mayor but it's his henchmen that are all dressed up real nice afterwards after they rob a convenience store so like what is the goal here is that how they make money robbing gas stations but then they're also like doing this masterful plan and it's like lex luthor and he no he had to clean up the door his people wouldn't be doing that yeah i guess they're creating petty crimes so that the mayor can say i'm gonna clean this up uh because the mayor himself is a miscreant but don't forget octavia has a daughter character so you know she comes into play here uh she's sort of like their handler along with a cia agent uh lady and they create the superhero team no oversight from the government the city nothing when they go out initially uh everybody they just report on i mean nobody attempts to take the powers away from her or experiment the military or anything like that they're just going out i'm i'm thinking too much into the logic of it you are but as a gamer i got pissed as a gamer i see they're playing [ __ ] fortnite on the ipad at four frames per second did you see that like it's really [ __ ] bad and we have uh and then we learned that uh melissa mccarthy has no idea how to do the backpack kid dance and so like the camera zoom away yeah zoom up so that she's not doing and then she does it for like half a second you know like a move no melissa stop it you know no yeah try stop trying to connect with the youth through the backpack kid dance it's not the fortnite dance it's a backpack kid dance anyways um yeah hey we got a um they try to make a funny joke out of the super bowl shuffle remember that that was that was it i have no idea that joke was for there yeah i mean is it for you guys no sports fans i i know because i didn't like the bears i mean i guess it's for chicago chicago yeah chicago loved this uh this film because melissa is a hardcore chicago sports fan but anyway uh the the flirting sequence with the crab in the convenience store is possibly the stupidest cringiest thing i've ever seen they go over the top to make it funny and i wanted to maybe be charmed by it but it just didn't work for me i i didn't like it at all um and then we get the mayor the mayor there is one funny joke i wrote it here so after they after she so you got the mayor and then you got this progressive mayor there's a female mayor and she's like the nice one versus the evil guy and he's full of himself he's constantly killing his his uh his henchmen and i like i like that that's not the joke but it it that is another part that i like the best part of the film is actually the villains the villains have more uh dynamic and funny moments than the heroes but anyways so the joke is that the the the mayor then bursts in to their headquarters threatens them uh and the one funny joke is this laser lady she's like the only miscreant with good powers and she just terrorizes the city and uh so she walks in with the mayor and melissa's like does she always walk that slow because like she does that evil walk out and she's like pointing it out and that kind of referential humor in in what we've seen in other you know superhero films where their villains always walk like this and look really crazy and uh the mayor and then also the mayor doesn't know which way to go out after he burst into there and he's like this this way so like one it made me chuckle but with zer there was like it was like a [ __ ] cricket in my [ __ ] house i could hear the whole film and then that little thing where she's all walking i think at that time we're just like okay yeah yeah that that made me laugh what about the half korean joke he's like he's half korean i have korean it was it was like the funniest thing in this whole garbage fire of a movie there's nothing else going on here you know and it's just you know the andrew thing where he's gonna kill the next time i'm gonna kill somebody it's gonna be andrew because the guy the the guy's always killing what andrew and bateman is like i think it's a good strategy to continue to kill our best best guys you're just killing our guys anyways uh then they do that they do this random dinner uh with the crab man and they both they figure out they both love raw chicken he's very offended when the when the waiter suggests you know calamari and and crab cakes and things like that so that was that was that was the thing it was very funny but she rubs butter on him right because that yeah oh that's so disgusting they're weird yeah they're the bumbling from the villains we're all right with obey and like i say and then you know eventually so if they endorse the other candidate the mayor gets [ __ ] pissed his eyes glow red and he's strong and so uh he has this plan he's like fine and because they endorse them the progressive mayor wins this mayor loses and he's like okay don't worry i'm gonna throw a big party and i'm gonna celebrate everybody but he's like he gets all the people that voted somehow he gets all the people that voted not it's a movie something for that and in this building he's got a bomb and he's gonna blow it up so then the [ __ ] you know thunder force goes there they figure out about it and and so he they have a confrontation this is the final sort of climactic battle i'm just going straight there because [ __ ] this film yeah uh you know and then they they have the climax and that's where like there's a song that starts and i'm like okay this has some potential i'm like [ __ ] yeah let this sounds great and then it goes into generic it's not slayer it's not heavy metal it's it's just awful um and of course i thought they might do something cool there but of course it's all bs because it's all bs you know slasher all this other [ __ ] is [ __ ] um anyway uh the plot twist is the cia lady that helped uh you know octavia set up the was working for the mayor the thunder force was was actually betrays them it works for the mayor and you think that she's gonna [ __ ] him over but no octavia's daughter's so smart that she figures it out instantly hits her over the head with the thing and uh saves uh the parents just in time from laser shooting them uh and then later on even shows up herself on the scene with super speed uh and and saves them again so yeah yeah and then uh and then the stupidest moment in the film happens where i mean well how do we one of the stupidest moments in the film uh they try to do this sad tearing up scene do you remember this where melissa has to maybe sacrifice herself uh to take the bomb instead of just simply throwing the bomb into the water across the city which is stupid as [ __ ] there's also this bus thing i'm gonna throw that bus don't you throw the bus i'm gonna throw the bus don't throw the button she throws a bus and then she breaks the statue now we got hurt it's a classic fountain remember it's from it's it's from america with children don't worry october that's always good remember that i like that show that she was funny so so she could have just thrown the [ __ ] thing in the air have it explode in the water where instead she decides to throw herself and the box in the water so that we can forcefully create the sad scene where maybe but joe they they said that if the bomb travels too fast then it could go off early and so still traveled pretty fast that was the exact same speech she could have tossed it it had been fine uh her body traveled the same [ __ ] speed anyways then you got the sad music you know they play the sad music to the sound of uh police sirens every film you know as it ends it has that you know uh police siren sad music as she throws up river water in um the mayor's shoe and then octavia's lap yeah another funny thorough joke because throw up is very funny um it was funny when the exorcist did it yeah linda blair melissa uh you know repossessed but and and then she tries to do the backpack kid dance and the camera cuts away really quickly because she cannot do that and uh and then they feed each other chicken there's an end scene uh at the end where uh jason bate made him betrays the mayor in the middle of the the fight and uh gets his claws ripped off gets his claws ripped off and and now uh it's like oh [ __ ] was arms are [ __ ] ripped off but at the end it's shown that you know but we know that the stones crabs regrow their claws every year and so he has a little tiny baby claws yeah remember deadpool did it was funny yeah those little legs yeah it was not funny i don't like the crap thing and it might be funny for you uh no no they're just loved uh so yeah that's what i remember from the film and now let's give it a final verdict and i have no idea why we did this uh several days late but we're mainly telling you uh don't watch avoid this and or if you is correct you want to immediately love all of your superhero content even more maybe you can watch this and then all of a sudden all the other content that you watch all gets plus one plus two i don't know and there's some perspective for you so let's go with uh fi final verdicts uh remember that this film didn't make you laugh at all uh maybe made you chuckle probably at one whoa one or like it made me chuckle once maybe twice so i'm just torn between a one and a two that's that two is the highest i could go okay because nothing really happened like usually this is this is on this is not the j o j bad movie scale oh no no this is really crazy yeah this is the legit scale because like these characters usually evolve sure during well we're i actually think critiquing this film so these characters don't evolve at all yeah her character melissa's character stays the same throughout usually in the movies like oh something's compelling or something there's no arc with her she's it happens at the beginning of the film and it is resolved instantly you know what the arc is that they they fight they you know they fight each other like oh you you're so self-absorbed with your thing and you're you think you're better than me and let's not be friends anymore and then and then later on they're now friends they're forced to be friends that's that's kind of the art because that's well because they're forced yeah so force um i think here's the thing i think catwoman is worse than this because that's why i said it's not the worst superhero film of all time i think the worst superhero film of all time is catwoman if you had a choice does catwoman take itself [ __ ] seriously it is really hard to get through that woman in a single sitting and there are no ones there are no attempts there yeah but at least the mayor and his bumbling idiots and jason bain and you know these characters yeah it's just like i like the crab walk when he was like somewhat made me laugh i'm at a two it's like i said these characters are pretty hollow i don't know there's yeah there's no there's nothing memorable about this this is terrible movie shouldn't see it visual and you ruined my favorite song garbage what is oh seal right yes kiss from aurora okay the best thing about this movie is that it's so forgettable that i will i will no longer remember anything about this next week uh it's i don't think it's a one i i don't think it can go that i mean because you have to this movie did have a beginning in middle and end it had somewhat of a story and it had you know people saying words and they were funny and it wasn't good and didn't make any goddamn sense but there are things that are clearly worse than this you've made me watch them that are worse and so i want to make sure that the as as i try to guard the highest of the hives i'm going to do the so with the lowest the lows because this one is terrible but it's not the worst so i think i'm going to give this one a two uh don't watch it because if these movies continue to make lots of money and they do they are making lots of money because it's still the number one thing being watched on netflix days afterwards um they're gonna get you there's gonna we're gonna get thunder force part two and then we're gonna you know they'll continue to do so we don't have to watch it right this is no they better not this [ __ ] i mean but if they give adam sandler four more movies after what he's done on the uh you know the platform it's really bad but adam sandler's weird man because he does uncut gems actually murder mystery if you haven't seen that that's not that bad well melissa mccarthy does serious drama stuff too uh and apparently she's good in them she signed up for a bunch of new uh well this is terrible she needs to her husband and her are maybe having the time of their lives behind the camera and they think it's super funny somebody needs to tell them these jokes are not funny you need a better writer maybe the writer is the problem their their dynamic is the problem um because this premise could be funny you know it's like these older women uh you know not in the best shape of their lives and they make a crack they crack a joke or two about it uh but none of it really hits it could it has potential to be funny you know but it just was not um and just to hammer home you know i i'm gonna say it is a two a two out of [ __ ] ten it's really bad two or three no two uh it's because of the [ __ ] you know the slipknot song it's not slipknot themselves but it's produced by you know corey taylor and and the lyrics are so bad just like the film itself i mean there's a few more lyrics and i'll read them for you now because you have to put up with this [ __ ] thunder force thunder force thunder just fight back when your life is torn asunder thunder force thunder force lightning never strikes if you can't force the thunder oh it isn't so concerning here we go the hardest part of is learning thunder square your stance and give them a stare act like you do when there's nobody there this is the chance to be what they're afraid of they mean to break the world so get ready when it's time to be the one in control thunder force thunder force thunder force thunder force i'm making my workout you we are not conceding looks can be deceiving in your darkest hour show them you have the power that is the courageous [ __ ] thing that we have and i and our show is based on [ __ ] you know just cheese and that it was really bad shame on you uh corey taylor and shame on youth under force for pretending that that you like slayer and and she just used death clocks thunder horse and just changed it yeah anyways that's it guys uh watch something way better uh on amazon prime called mystery man invincible and oh yeah mystery man is also on netflix you should watch that in celebration 30th i like you wasted your time watching thunder force we'll give you something that can kind of waste your time but not as badly uh mystery men and invincible on amazon prime so we're gonna review that next and we'll see you on the next angry joe show support our show by clicking the links down below to you know get some merch or subscribe okay thank you very much bye guys you
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 584,507
Rating: 4.9080591 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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