Through The Bible (Jeremiah 7-10)

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i was telling the group on sunday we've got ground to make up so tonight strap on your safety belts we're going to cover some ground there's a section here that um perhaps we can get get through this section we'll see but basically it's a section that changed when we finished chapter 6. chapter 1 through 6 deals with jeremiah's ministry during the reign of josiah the king chapter 7 through 11 goes through the reign of jehoiakim and josiah's son and it's a different era different season and this section of scripture is a little different because jeremiah's got a different message the first message in verses or chapters one through six was basically the message you know israel you're going down jerusalem you're going down like the northern ten tribes because your rebellion against the lord the babylonians are coming and they're going to wipe out jerusalem and it was a real brutal message um and so it's kind of a hard thing to listen to and and for that reason people didn't like jeremiah and they would very early in his ministry and this by the way is when jeremiah was in his 20s he was a young young prophet same age by the way as josiah uh and um are very close i should say uh in age and they were probably friends because there were a couple of the few young guys in israel that loved the lord and had a real relationship with the lord not the poser fake relationship that so many others in israel had and so here tonight we kind of pick up this new section uh and this section in chapter seven is called the temple discourses um that is uh if you could picture in your mind's eye jeremiah at the temple and he starts out in the gate of the temple and works his way into the courts eventually we'll see that even perhaps tonight but he starts in the gate and whether it's the hold the gates or the east gate one doesn't know for sure the hold the gates were the the east uh or apparently the southern uh gates that went from the uh the temple steps the southern steps you'd go up these steps and go into the hold the gates and then you'd go up in to uh the the outer courtyard from there and so jeremiah would start in the gates whether that one or the east gate or the beautiful gate as it's called in some places um either way it would it would be where people would gather to come in to the temple to worship if you could picture people traveling from you know far ways away and and bringing their sacrificial lamb and their family and they're making their way up the temple steps and and uh people from jerusalem making their way into the temple and and jeremiah sort of being the preacher it'd be almost like if you all came to anthony creek on a sunday like you used to and um and if you're coming into the sanctuary but pastor brett's preaching out on the parking lot as you guys are coming in to go to church um and uh i'm just kind of yelling a sermon and one that you don't like and it's got a little bit of doom and gloom in it you'd be like man that's a little wacko what's going on there well that's what jeremiah was doing before they even made it to the temple jeremiah's sort of preaching these uh prophetic words that are pretty heavy and that's why these are called the temple discourses chapter seven through ten uh is really this section i should say so um these discourses again like i said during the reign of jehoiakim let's pick it up in verse one the word that came to jeremiah from the lord saying stand in the gate of the lord's house and proclaim there this word and say hear the word of the lord all ye of judah that enter in these gates to worship the lord thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel amend your ways and your doings and i will cause you to dwell in this place trust ye not in lying words saying the temple of the lord the temple of the lord the temple of the lord are these for if you thoroughly amend your ways and your doings if you thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor if you oppress not the stranger the fatherless the widow and shed not innocent blood in this place neither walk after other gods to your to your hurt then will i cause you to dwell in this place in the land that i gave you to your fathers forever and ever behold you trust in lying words that cannot profit will you will you steal murder and commit adultery and swear falsely and burn incense to baal and walk after other gods whom you know not and come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name and say we are delivered unto to do all these abominations is this house which is called by my name become a den of robbers in your eyes behold even i have seen it saith the lord uh jeremiah these are heavy words as people are coming in and they're here in jeremiah saying you know you gotta you gotta mend your ways that if if there's a main point here point number one of this chapter is this is god's call for people to amend their ways change their ways and he says amend your ways and do it thoroughly uh you know uh verse five for if you thoroughly amend your ways and your doings if you thoroughly execute judgment between a man and his neighbor see the idea is that not just a half-hearted sort of well i guess we better be a little better best we best stop committing adultery and worshiping baal and other gods and deities and doing all these horrible wicked sinful things he says you need to thoroughly amend your ways you've got to fix your doings as it says here in verse three now the reason this is important is because you you might say what's the problem man the people jeremiah is preaching to the choir uh these are the people that are coming to the temple to worship what what's jeremiah's problem well the problem is simply that there the problem was that they were not changing their ways but they were still going up to the temple to worship um do you see the problem there they were you know just the sunday christian if you would in the new testament terms you know sunday go to church put on your christian face say praise the lord a few times and open your bible and sing a hymn and then on monday man you're out there cussing and cheating and sleeping around and doing your meth in portland uh which is legal uh and thinking you're good about that then come back to eighty creek on sunday it's the same kind of thing only ancient times sabbath day uh on saturday you know friday night to saturday and these people were coming to the temple saying the temple of the lord look at it the temple of the lord the temple they were really into the temple now why were they into the temple this is an interesting thing um where if you recall josiah as the young king in israel um eight years old when he began to reign and uh when he became a teenager he started to clean out the temple the temple had sat in sort of dust and it had become sort of an empty building in the middle of this of jerusalem and nobody used it it was like a ghost town temple and so josiah this king says man we got to clean out the temple and start using it remember hilkiah and schaefen now hilkiah by the way was very probably jeremiah's father sheaf and the scribe hokai the priests they were the two guys that were working and cleaning the temple and they found they're the old scrolls do you remember this they found the scrolls of the book that is the pentateuch which was the bible of that day um it was just you know genesis through deuteronomy and they found it and and they said look what we found we found the lost book and they went and showed josiah and josiah read it and he ripped his clothes because he said man we have lost the most important thing of our nation of worshiping the lord and the word of god and we've blown it all off for all these times and so man not only did they clean out the temple but josiah and the elders of israel got all the people of israel together and there um you know basically said listen you know you you need to hear the words of the lord and so they read the word to all the people's ears in israel well there was a revival seemingly in the land and people started making their way to the temple in fact let me read to you there's there's actually an interesting thing that was said about that time period when uh this happened at second chronicles chapter 36 listen as i read uh verses 18 and 19. this is the description of the very first passover that josiah keeps according to scripture because he found the scriptures the temple was reopened they had this huge passover celebration check this out this is uh 7 chronicles 36 18 it says and there was no passover like that kept in israel from the days of samuel the prophet neither did all the kings of israel keep such a passover as josiah kept and the priests and the levites and all of judah and israel were present and the inhabitants of jerusalem in the 18th year of his reign of josiah was this passover kept isn't that something josiah at the age of 1 was it like 27 now he has this passover of all passovers all of jerusalem comes he he's cleaned out the temple and there's no passover since the time of way back in samuel's day um until the present josiah keep keeps this amazing passover at the temple people came and gathered what a beautiful event now fast forward years later jeremiah's prophesying josiah is now gone and the next king jehoiachim is in reign but jeremiah is calling the jews out saying you guys come here on your temple you know sabbath and all this but you're just going through motions it's not real it's not you really loving god and having a personal relationship with god you're just playing games with god and he's calling them out and the lord says with jeremiah the lord says i have seen this with my own eyes and so what's the admonition what's the challenge amend your ways stop worshiping baal on sunday monday tuesday wednesday thursday and then coming on the sabbath friday night and saturday and doing your you know jewish rituals and then going and worshiping astrath or all these other gods and goddesses stop playing games with god that's really what jeremiah is calling out the people um could it be that we have things that make us feel well and wonderful like the temple of the lord they were saying the temple of the lord the temple of the lord the temple of the lord they're saying it over and over again like it's some big deal did you ever notice how jesus seemed to never be that impressed with the temple remember the disciples took jesus up to the temple which was a remodeled you know sort of temple by herod the great it was a glorious temple beautiful and they brought jesus there and the disciples you could almost hear this like hey jesus check out the temple this is pretty awesome it's amazing isn't it and do you remember what jesus he kind of looked and said you know not one of these stones will remain upon another this temple will be destroyed um he made this prophecy that was going to be destroyed he didn't even go wow it's pretty he didn't say nice job he said no it's going to be destroyed don't be so into your temple uh and then jesus and then later paul would kind of talk about how it's going to be christ dwelling in your temple don't you know your body is a temple of the holy spirit and that's that's what would be ultimately in the church after jesus died uh was buried and rose again and ascended into heaven uh that's kind of the main thing but i wonder if some of us have that same propensity to put our trust or glory in the things that we have that are trappings of spirituality you know hopefully god forbid we're not saying ac creed casey creed can't see creek because it's not about anthony creek it's about the lord it's about having a personal relationship with the lord athey creek's existence is only to try to help people get closer to the lord to know his word to be saved and to repent of their sins and and follow jesus that's what athei creek's about and i hope no one's saying anything creepy i think creaky creek i hope they're saying jesus jesus jesus no sweeter name that we know than jesus christ not unto us psalm 115 says but unto thy name give glory and honor so many of us have this propensity to say look at me look at my ministry or look at our church or look what we're doing and it's really not about that at all it's really about what is the lord doing and um are we going away from a podcast are we going away from a sermon are we going away from a worship service or an online you know study uh wednesday night bible study are we going away saying wow uh eighth grade kids greek or um even even good stuff through the bible through the bible through the bible like that's that's that's not what we're glorifying as our going through the bible we're saying going through the bible is really important and it's that tool that god's using to help us to draw nearer to him it's all about the lord and god forbid that we get to this place where we're playing games with god and we're all into our own things playing games on especially on sunday morning or on wednesday night god forbid that that's happening so that's the situation here in jeremiah 7 and jeremiah is standing on the temple steps telling the people this pretty radical well we pick it up in verse 12 but go ye now to my place which was in shiloh where i set my name at the first and see what i did to it for the wickedness of my people israel and now because you have done all these works saith the lord and i spake unto you rising up early and speaking but you heard not i called to you but you did not answer therefore will i do unto this house which is called by my name wherein you trust and unto the place which i gave to you and your fathers as i have done to shiloh what's shiloh well shiloh was the place where the tabernacle was sort of temporarily permanently set remember the tabernacle was the tent of meeting that they carried with them all around the wilderness but when they finally made it into the promised land crossed over the jordan river they set up camp uh for the tabernacle in shiloh and that tabernacle sat there for several hundred years uh that's where people came to worship it wasn't the temple in jerusalem that would only come really after you know david would build up jerusalem take the jerusalem from the jebusites and prepare to build the temple where solomon would build the temple but before it was the temple in jerusalem it was shiloh which is in the west bank of israel you can go there to this day and see the rocks and the ruins where they had the tabernacle sat it's still there you can see it it's actually one of the more amazing spots i think in israel to visit i love going to that place called shiloh but what happened to shiloh well shiloh was destroyed in 1050 bc and wiped out no longer to be the tent of meeting or the place of worship um why well the psalmist tells us the answer to that check this out here's what jeremiah's talking about but we have a better description here in psalm 78 verses 56 through 60. i'll read it to you psalm 78 56-60 says they yet they tempted and provoked the most high god and kept not as testimonies but turned back and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers they were turned aside like a deceitful bow for they provoked him to anger with their high places and moved him to jealousy with their graven images when god heard this he was roth and greatly abhorred israel so that he forsook the tabernacle of shiloh the tent which he placed among men that's verse 60. so 56 or 60 psalm 78 describes the very same problem was that they were worshiping other gods and had idols and worshiped god in the high places and god says enough so he destroyed shiloh now jeremiah's reaching back into history to 1050 you know bc and saying remember when shiloh was destroyed that's exactly what's going to happen to this temple it's going to be destroyed for the same reasons because of the idolatry of the people well verse 15 and i will cast you out of my sight as i have cast out all your brethren even the whole seed of ephraim remember that's the northern 10 tribes that he's referring to verse 16 therefore pray not thou for this people neither lift up or cry nor prayer for them neither make intercession to me for i will not hear thee don't pray for these people i wonder if jeremiah is like oh lord come on please save these people and the lord's like stop praying for them why the lord had already made up his mind did you know that genesis chapter 6 tells us that the spirit of the lord will not always strive with man there's a point where god says nope it's over it's done and god forbid that any of us get to that place of rebellion where we uh finally get to that point where god says okay you really really want to live this way to worship other gods have your own deal then the lord will say okay remember romans chapter 1 it talks about those that were proud neither thankful are giving thanks to the lord for what he's done but they were rebellious and they're stubborn minds and they did stuff and there's all kinds of sins of rebellion listed in romans chapter one but remember the phrase that to me is so heartbreaking and i'm sure it breaks the heart of the lord but but people that are so stubborn it says the lord will finally get to a place where he'll give them over to their own lusts he'll give them over to their own devices their own way you know it seems that the spirit of god will strive with you saying man break off your sin repent and turn to the lord do the right thing uh but but if you push hard enough long enough against the lord the spirit will not always strive with you and he'll finally say time's up click stop watch is over and that's what happened to israel with shiloh that's what happens to israel right now with the people of jeremiah god determined to do what he's going to do to the people because they were so rebellious they for so long did their own thing and rebelled against the lord jeremiah's told don't even don't even pray for these people because it's already a done deal there's a question for you to think about maybe we'll answer it tonight if we have time um uh do do is there ever a time where you should stop praying for someone uh there's a thought uh i will talk about that in a second if we get to the passage i'm thinking of uh in time tonight got a lot of ground to cover so don't pray don't intercede i will not hear your prayers well verse 17 says seest thou not what they do in the cities of judah and in the streets of jerusalem the children gather wood and the fathers kindle the fire and the woman need their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods that they may provoke me to anger what's going on here the lord says don't even pray for these people because they're getting their little fires together and they're needing their dough making cakes to the queens of heaven who's the queen of heaven well there's an interesting story um and we don't have a lot of time to go into it um but it's this ancient mystery babylonian religion that started way back remember nimrod and the story of semaramus and tammuz well semaramus was called the queen of heaven now in rome her name became venus and it was venus and cupid and all that uh in canaan it was ashtaroth and baal so they're really all the same gods i hope you kind of know that when you're studying the gods of ancient peoples uh a lot of times they try to separate that bail and and asteroth and summer after news and venus and cupid all these gods of the romans that they're all different they're not they're just they're very much the same ancient mystery babylonian religion that goes all the way back to the tower of babel and that whole story where god scattered the people and confused their languages but this queen of heaven uh story and by the way there's a whole counterfeit story uh that is there um that had to do with um you know tammuz who's sort of this messianic type figure who actually was told to have raised from the dead which we know he didn't uh that would only be jesus but you know satan is a counterfeiter and it's no wonder that he's got this queen mother of heaven sort of individual that the bible really does not teach at all if there's ever a queen mother of heaven it's an anti-biblical theme i hope i hope you understand this because you might say well where do some of these traditions come from if you were raised in certain traditions of liturgy mary's kind of the queen mother of heaven and she's almost deified in fact some circles she is deified almost as if she's god herself and that's very pagan where did all that come from boy you know this story where these they're gathering wood and kindling of fire needing their dough this is actually something you're not going to want to hear have you ever heard of hot cross buns you're like oh yeah jesus buns they have a picture of the cross on them that's great if that's what you think and and if you're making hot cross buns as a tradition because you're focusing on jesus i applaud that but actually hot cross buns unbeknownst to many uh and and uh you'd have to do some digging in history to kind of find this but it actually goes back to this ancient pagan mystery babylonian religion of semoramus tammuz nimrod and um and the hot cross bun tradition in fact there was a bunch of traditions that came out of that people used to put a certain kind of log on the fire and it was a it was a part of the celebration of samurais and tammuz and ishtar and all this stuff uh easter the word comes from ishtar which is a ancient pagan babylonian thing and a certain kind of log was called the yule log and they used mistletoe in their religious practices and had all kinds of strange little practices now some of you are saying brent what are you saying i just heard bing sing about throwing the yule log on the fire and i thought hot cross buns were something that are fun christmas listen the people of jerusalem during the time of jeremiah were getting into this paganism this whole story and they were worshiping semoramus the queen mother of heaven as she's called here in the text the queen of heaven and they poured out drink offerings unto other gods and they were provoking god to anger well brett that sounds like christmas stuff that we talk about and our christmas songs sing about well we'll see more on that in a second or in a few minutes let's read on verse 19 do they provoke me to anger saith the lord do they not provoke themselves to confusion of their own faces therefore thus saith the lord god be old by anger and my fear shall be poured out upon this place upon man and upon beast upon the trees of the field and upon the fruit of the ground and it shall burn and shall not be quenched thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel put your burnt offerings unto your sacrifices and eat flesh for i spake not unto your fathers nor commanded them in the day that i brought them out of the land of egypt concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices but this thing commanded i them saying obey my voice and i will be your god and you shall be my people and walk ye in all my ways that i have commanded you that it may be well with you but they hearkened not nor inclined their ear but walked in the councils and in the imagination of their evil heart and went backward and not forward since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of egypt unto this day i have even seen sent pardon me unto you all my servants the prophets daily rising up early and sending them yet they hearkened not unto me nor inclined their ear but hardened their neck and they did worse than their fathers therefore thou shalt speak all these words unto them but they will not hearken unto thee thou shalt als also call unto them but they will not answer thee but thou shall say unto them this is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the lord their god nor receives correction truth is perished and is cut off from their mouth what a sad place the children of israel were they the lord sent his prophets to say get back to the lord get back to the lord but finally jeremiah is the prophet saying it's over and they will not hear you they this is what the lord tells jeremiah verse 27 therefore thou shalt speak all these words them but they will not hearken unto thee that's jeremiah's mo man the poor guy the prophet that prophesied for 42 years among the men of jerusalem and judah but none of them listen not one person listened to jeremiah in 42 years of ministry and the lord told him that that's going to happen this tells me something by the way about ministry and what the lord requires of you as a servant of the lord and what that is is that the lord seems to me that he doesn't care as much about our faithfulness um or part of me or i should say he doesn't care as much about our success as he cares about just being faithful jeremiah was a faithful prophet who just shared the word of the lord but you might say he was very unsuccessful having not one person listen to what he said but the lord said keep going jeremiah i want you to keep prophesying keep speaking even though no one's listening and there's times in ministry where you'll feel like your ministry is unsuccessful but be careful not to measure that in terms of worldly success numbers and how many people you've led to christ or how many people go to your ministry or a part of your thing or go to the fca or young life or how many people you've saved because frankly there's a lot of people that try to minister their whole life but the numbers aren't there and they might get discouraged and say i guess i might as well give up because i'm unsuccessful the lord measures it totally different he says jeremiah you're the man and he he was counted faithful in ministry i think the lord cares more about faithfulness not as much about our view of what success is maybe success looks different in god's eyes uh maybe it's just the final indictment like jeremiah is giving that jeremiah's successful saying it's coming down you guys are you guys are toast and that's what jeremiah was called to be and to do but the bottom line is in this chapter seven thus far it's just that they need to change their ways but they would not hear they would not listen that's the sad truth verse 29 cut off thine hair o jerusalem and cast it away and take up a lamentation on high places for the lord hath rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath for the children of judah have done evil in my sight saith the lord they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name to pollute it and they have built the high places to tophit which is in the valley of the sons of hinnom to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire which i commanded them not neither came into my heart this is that valley of hinnom another way of saying is gohinum or gehenna today in jerusalem this valley is still called this it's a little green grass park with a swing set i think and a slide and it's called the valley of gehenna which is the valley of hell why why would you call such a tranquil little valley in jerusalem the valley of hell because it's where they sacrificed children during the time of of these israelis during the time of solomon and other times even during this time they were sacrificing babies in jerusalem like on molok and kimash like we talked about on sunday and before we're too hard on them i i always have to say i believe abortion is the modern day version of that when we abort an unborn child um it's the same thing and i believe it's an abomination before god the bible talks about how the lord is forming a little child in the mother's womb and interacts with that child prenatally and the the baby even has prenatal uh influence and and uh shaping that goes on biblically and and uh it's an abomination for a culture like ours to continue to uh endorse and think abortions all right um so sad what our culture has done um but all that to say uh even though there's many that think it's okay and it's just like the children of israel they will not hear they will not listen to what god says and they will not uh give ear to the truth um but they'll just keep doing their thing that's that's what happened to those people in those days and god's wrath was poured out that's what's happening in these days and i have no question in my mind there's coming a time where god's gonna part his wrath upon a christ rejecting sinful world it's called the tribulation period but what happens before the wrath is poured out the rapture god always pulls the righteous out before he pours out the the wrath upon the unrighteous and that's your hope if you've even had an abortion or done any other sin like all of us have sinned um then you need to be saved so that the wrath of god is not poured out and if these people would have repented in josiah's day in jeremiah's day and joha kim's day then the lord would have saved them but they would not hear so they were destroyed same thing's going to happen in the future i hope you understand that even though some of your pastors and churches will never tell you this it's what the bible teaches and it teaches it very strongly it's not even a question god's wrath will be poured out upon a christ-rejecting sinful world but you and i as christians we can comfort one another with these words that he has not appointed us unto that wrath but to obtain salvation through jesus christ first thessalonians 4 and 5 tells us that well jeremiah's saying you guys are going down because of the valley of gehenna burning your children on these altars verse 32 therefore behold the days come saith the lord that it shall no more be called to fit nor the valley of the son of hinlam but shall be the valley of slaughter for they shall bury in to fit till there be no place and the carcasses of this people shall be meat for the fowls of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth and none shall fray them away then will i cause cease to cease from the cities of judah and from the streets of jerusalem the voice of mirth and the voices of gladness the voices of bridegroom and the voice of the bride for the land shall be desolate all the partying and all the fun and all that stuff's going to be gone and it's been going to become the lord because the lord pours out his wrath and allows the babylonians to wipe him out well this continues his you know message continues here about what's going to happen to the people of israel as he's standing on the gates of the house of the lord verse 1 of chapter 8 at that time saith the lord they shall bring out the bones of the kings of judah and the bones of his princes and the bones of the priests and the bones of the prophets and the bones of the inhabitants of the jerusalem out of their graves and they shall spread them before the son and the moon and all the host of heaven whom they have loved and whom they have served and after who they have walked and whom they have sought and whom they have worshiped they shall not be gathered nor buried but they shall be for done upon the face of the earth and the death and death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of them that remain in this evil family which remain in all the places whether i have driven them saith the lord of hosts you know the enemies are going to sort of you know take all the bones and scatter them like manure to the jews this couldn't be worse thing to hear um they wanted to have their bones gathered do you remember when joseph died in egypt and said make sure and gather up my bones and take them with you as i go to as we go to the promised land someday and they did as the children of israel you know 400 years later left egypt they said hey what's that bag with those clinking sticks oh that's joseph's bones um the great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather joseph uh died he wanted his bones taken to the promised land the jews had tradition and and the judaism sort of speaks of you gather the bones together and you put them in that uh little box of oshawa kind of thing where you know not a coffin as much but um but they'd gather their bones and that's something that was very important to them so to hear that their bones would be scattered all over like done on the hillside this is jeremiah using horrifying words that the people were freaked out by moreover verse 4 chapter 8 thou shalt say unto them thus saith the lord shall they fall and not arise shall he turn away and not return why then is this people of jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual backsliding they hold fast deceit and refuse to return i hearkened and heard but they spaked not a right no man repented of his wickedness saying what have i done everyone turned to his own course as a horse rushes into battle yea the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming but my people know not the judgment of the lord how do you say we are wise and the law of the lord is with us lo certainly certainly in vain made he it the pen of the scribes is vain the wise men are ashamed they are dismayed and taken lo they have rejected the word of the lord and what wisdom is in them verse 9 i've marked this because this is a characterization of really our people today what a horrible thing to do is to reject the word of the lord you know when people reject the word it's one thing if you're a devout atheist and you're saying the bible's full of contradictions and we hate the bible and all this that's one thing but the thing that i'm concerned about is christians who reject the word of god and and is that even possible you know this idea of rejecting the word um here's the problem if you take any part of this bible and reject it let's take some of your most unfavorite passages like first timothy chapter 2 where the bible says women are you not to teach or usurp with authority over men in the church um and yet there's churches and people that do that all the time uh george fox uh doesn't teach that you know these women can basically be senior pastors and um you know it's just kind of this notion that's totally contrary to what the scriptures say and so people say well that's not really popular today and they rip out that section of the word of god is that a problem when you tear out pages or say i don't really believe that for today or whatever people want to try to say here's the problem with that in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god and first uh chapter four chapter 1 verse 14 of john after it says that in chapters 1 verse 1 and 2 then in verse 14 says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us when you're handling the word of god i hope you're careful not take the whole word as it is in truth the word of god and not the word of men um people say well men wrote that paul was uh biased against women that's why he said in 1st timothy 2 women should not be pastors only men in the church and so people get really upset about that rip it out don't like it but do you understand when you rip out a page of the bible in the beginning was the word the word became the word was with god and was god and then the word became flesh and dwelt among us you are tearing out part of god by doing that to the word jesus is the word lo i come in the volume of the book it is written of me saith the lord you see people that cavalierly chalk off sections of scripture are cavalierly chalking off sections of the lord himself that's why we have to look at it as the holy bible and take the whole bible as it is the whole bible is god it's all about god it's god's heart his mind and as soon as you start taking things out and not agreeing with it or what have you you're doing what these people did and i believe god deals pretty brutally with those who say yeah we're not going to believe the word that's something i don't want to be in in that group i don't ever want to be one like verse 9 they have rejected the word of the lord and what wisdom is them jeremiah asks rhetorically the answer none there's no wisdom in rejecting the word of god man i hope that you we need people that are faithful to the word people that just say you know what even if i don't like it and by the way i got to confess there's things in the scripture i don't necessarily like if i wrote the bible i would have written it differently for sure i would have put women as pastors because women are really smart and i i like what women do and say and i think that men are not smarter than women i don't believe that at all um but as it turns out the bible just says that's what's supposed to happen and that was god's plan and his purpose so we need to stick to that that's just one example of really hundreds of things i could talk about that goes against what we think in modern day culture well the bible did that to them in those days and they said we don't want to hear the word we're going to reject the word so what happens to them well that's where we continue to hear this pretty horrific story of what's going to happen to them verse 10 therefore will i give their wives unto others and their fields to them that shall inherit them for everyone from them to the least even to the greatest is given to covetousness from the prophet even to the priest everyone dealeth falsely for they have healed the hurt of the daughter of my people saying slightly peace peace when there is no peace in other words this king james way of saying they're they're saying something that's sort of like um you know trying to make them all feel better but it's like the idea is of quackery you know like a doctor that's selling snake oil trying to make people feel better that's what these these priests are doing they're dealing falsely with the people saying it's all good peace peace but there's going to be no peace verse 12 were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not all ashamed neither could they blush therefore shall they fail among them that fall promise fall among them that fall in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down saith the lord um you know the idea is are they embarrassed by their sins anymore and they're proud of their sins and again i can't help but see the correlation between jeremiah's people in that day to our current day where people pridefully flaunt their sin in our culture people that are happy to say i love doing this and i love doing that and they're posting pictures of it on their social media even though the bible says don't do that that's wrong that's a sin but we've got parades and people celebrating like we we might even blow these people out of the water when it comes to celebrating and not being ashamed of sinful things verse 13 i will surely consume them saith the lord there shall be no grapes of vine on the vine nor figs on the fig tree and the leaf shall fade and the things that i have given them shall pass away from them why do we still sit still assemble yourselves and let us enter into the defense cities and let them be silent therefore the lord our god hath put us to silence and given us water of gall to drink because we have sinned against the lord we looked for peace but no good came and for a time of health and behold trouble the snorting of his horses was heard from dan the whole land trembled at the sound of the naying of his strong ones for they are come and have devoured the land and all that is in at the city and those that dwell therein for behold i will send serpents cockatrices among you which will not be charmed and they shall bite you saith the lord now jeremiah's prophetically and poetically getting quite you know uh scary he's uh using this this language that would make them freak out now it says you know the snorting of his horses was heard from dan what that is is remember the very northern part of israel was dan even to this day if you go with us to israel i take you to the ancient place of dan and we stand right on the border of of you know israel and lebanon and we go right to the border of israel and syria that northernmost part but it's like jeremiah saying we're hearing the the snorting of the horses and see that would have freaked the jews out because the babylonians had horses the jews weren't that great with horses and they never really had much of a cavalry but these babylonians would come with a mighty army with our snorting horses from the north uh and would take them out that's that's the idea you're very scary languages you know the snakes will bite you and what have you so uh pretty pretty uh scary stuff by the way um there's a story that i'm reminded of there that coach eric russell years ago from georgia's southern college he uh he arranged a couple of good old country boys to come into the locker room during one of his uh you know locker room talks to his his team his football team he noticed that there was a problem with drug addiction and cocaine so he brought these couple redneck hick guys into this locker room and they they took out of this little box and threw on the table right in front of all the guys a hissing uh rattlesnake a big one like a six foot long rattlesnake right under the table in front of all the players and the all the players shrieked like little girls and they were jumping up on chairs and trying to get away from this rattlesnake it was just wreathing on the table in front of the whole team and they got all freaked out and then everyone screamed everyone scattered russell recalls the coach he said but i told them when cocaine comes into a room you're not not nearly as apt to leave as when a rattlesnake comes in but but cocaine will kill you faster than a rattlesnake and he made his point he was known for making powerful points like that uh and i guess the team actually cleaned up after that day uh from their cocaine addiction um but all that to say that's what that's what jeremiah's trying to do he's saying man the the rattlesnakes are gonna you know gonna get get you uh and you won't be able to charm them but they will bite you um now you say but brett you already said that these people are doomed don't even pray for them why are we even reading this stuff well i think these words of jeremiah are recorded not for them as much as maybe for us all throughout history you and i can sit and read what happens to a people that just leave the lord all together and this is only a small city of jerusalem and a small region called judea but in the last days it's going to be global where the lord is going to pour out his wrath on a christ-rejecting sinful world and that's all the more reason you need to be saved and forgiven of your sins and to be on the right side of this thing for these people is too far for us it's not yet too far you can still be saved if you're not a christian and you're watching this study tonight make sure that you're saved you do that by con you know just repentance you repent and say lord i'm a sinner acknowledge your sin before the lord and then say lord i pray for forgiveness and i believe that jesus died on the cross and was buried and rose from the grave and he died for my sins he took the penalty that i owed he paid the debt that he did not owe he paid a debt that i could not pay and so he gave his life for me and that's what jesus is all about that's why the cross is celebrated by christians because jesus died for our sins and anyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved so be saved be a christian don't don't play games with god it doesn't mean you're going to be perfect or sinless but you're not like these people who just reject the word and just keep doing their sinful thing these words are recorded for you and me and maybe the scary language jeremiah's be being you know given to here the the uh the snorting of the horses and the the uh you know the serpents and cockatrices and uh they'll bite you saith the lord that's all to remind us that sin bites you and you'll be crushed by sin you've got to be saved from sin very important well verse 18 when i would comfort myself against sorrow my heart is faint within me behold the voice of the cry of the daughter of my people because them that dwell in the far country is not is not the lord in zion is not her king in her we have why have they provoked me to anger with their graven images and their strange vanities the harvest has passed the summer has ended and we are not saved for the hurt of the daughter of my people am i hurt i am black astonishment hath taken hold on me there is no balm in gilead there is no physician there why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered um basically jeremiah is compassionately bummed out that the people are going down and they've refused to take the antidote they've refused to be saved and so jeremiah now is going to share god's heartbreak the heartbreak of the lord in chapter 9. let's take a look oh that my head were waters and my eyes were a fountain of tears that i might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people oh that i am in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men that i might leave my people and go from them for they all be adulterers and assembly of treacherous men this by the way is one of the verses um that really tells us why jeremiah is called the weeping prophet the language here is kind of almost funny he says oh that my head were waters you know my head was a big water balloon that's kind of what he's saying and that my eyes were a fountain of tears he's he's crying in compassion for the people who have rebelled against the lord verse 3 and they bend their tongues like a bow for lies but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth for they proceed from evil to evil and they know not me saith the lord take he heed every one his neighbor and trust you not in any brother for every brother will utterly supplant and every neighbor will walk with slanderers they will deceive everyone his neighbor and will not speak the truth they have taught their tongue to speak lies and weary themselves to commit iniquity thine habitation is the midst of deceit through deceit they refuse to know me saith the lord therefore thus saith the lord of hosts behold i will melt them and try them for how shall i do for the daughter of my people their tongue is as an arrow shot out it speaketh deceit one speaketh peaceably to his neighbor with his mouth but in his heart he layeth in weight or layup in his his weight um this phrase here in verse 3 caught my attention today as i was praying through this but they are not valiant for the truth that's what we need today people that are valiant for the truth brave not afraid to speak the truth in love but nonetheless the truth so many people are afraid there's there's not a lot of valiant people in speaking the truth um and a lot of times the people that are trying to bravely speak the truth are so quickly you know shot by the bow of the tongue of deceit that's what's being talked about here these people are just you know saying stuff and now they're they're speaking against their neighbor but to their face they're going hey neighbor how you doing and then the neighbor walks away what a jerk do you know what he does and you know what he's guilty of and they start talking about each other in deceit we're living in a weird day i heard uh just the other day where um you know well over and over i'm hearing this story where you know people that are unmasked are being reported the neighbors there's a guy out mowing his lawn without his mask on and so some of the neighbors report like this sounds like some sci-fi movie uh you know where where people are having to tell on each other uh i can't believe that restaurant is letting more people in than they're supposed to and people are reporting and stuff like that we've had several people report athy creek because there's people in the parking lot and they can tell we're meeting it seems very last days to me this whole almost like a sci-fi movie you know these people going around saying tattling and lying about stuff it just it is more of that's going on and i think we'll see more of that and you know the love of many will go cold uh the bible says jesus talked about in the last days we should be surprised to see people turning on one another that's a mark of the end times a neighbor against neighbor brother against brother and people wonder why there's talk of civil war in america right now we're seeing just some really weird behavior stuff that we haven't seen not in my lifetime until now um but i i see a similarity here the way people are treating each other in jeremiah's time as the days that you and i are living right now if you read that again verse 8 their tongue is an arrow shot out and it speaketh deceit the tongue man it reminds me of james chapter 3 verse 6 where it says the tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it defileth the whole body and sets on fire the course of nature and is set on fire of hell verse eight but the tongue can no man tame is an unruly evil full of deadly poison that's really what jeremiah is saying to uh to the people your tongue is a bow shooting lies arrows of lies and the people they're just going to stick with that well all that to say it says here in verse 9. chapter 9 verse 9 shall i not visit them for these things saith the lord the word visit means judge don't forget shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this for the mountains will i take up a weeping and wailing for the inhab the habitations of the wilderness a lamentation because they are burned up so that no none can pass through them neither can men hear the voice of the cattle both the fowl the heavens and the beasts are fled they are gone and i will make jerusalem heaps and dens of dragons and i will make the cities of judah desolate without inhabitant who is the wise man that may understand this and who is he that to whom the mouth of the lord hath spoken that he may declare it for what land perisheth and is burned up like a wilderness that none passeth through and the lord saith because they have forsaken my law which i set before them and have not obeyed my voice neither walked therein but have walked after their own imagination of their own heart after baalim which their fathers taught them therefore thus saith the lord of hosts the god of israel behold i will feed them even this people with wormwood and give them water of gall to drink i will scatter them among the heathen whom that whom neither they nor their fathers have known and i will send a sword after them till i have consumed them verse 15 speaks of the lord feeding them you know with wormwood and giving them water of gold we already read about gaul a few last chapter what is this goal well the word gall means like it's like poison water and the word wormwood means bitter food we have a lot of ukrainians in our church and chernobyl is the word wormwood which is an interesting thing as chernobyl is most famous for uh poison uh and uh and it's a kind of a crazy story but it's the same word uh that the ukrainians use for chernobyl is this word wormwood and um and the idea of wormwood is bitter or poisonous food and uh so that's kind of an interesting freebie for you ukrainians out there uh but the word wormwood and gall means the lord's gonna say you're you're gonna be poisoned but it's their own doings they've done this to their their own selves by uh worshiping baal is what the lord's saying so verse 17 thus saith the lord of hosts consider ye and call for the morning women that they may come there's by the way in jerusalem had professional morning women that was their job they would go around weeping and wailing the ones that could cry and scream the loudest the longest they were hired and that's who jeremiah is talking about here call for the morning women that they may come and send for cunning women that they may come and let them make haste and take up wailing for us that our eyes may run down with tears and our eyelids gush out with waters for a voice of wailing is heard out of zion how are we spoiled we are greatly confounded because we have forsaken the land because our dwellings have cast us out yet hear the word of the lord o ye women and let your ear receive the word of his mouth and teach your daughter's wailing and everyone her neighbor lamentation for death has come up into our widows and is entered in our palaces and to cut off the children from without and the young men from the streets speak thus saith the lord even the carcasses of men shall fall as dung upon the open field as the handful after the harvestmen and none shall gather them thus saith the lord let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither let the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man glory in his riches but let him that glorious glory in this that he understandeth and knoweth me that i am the lord which exercises loving kindness judgment and righteousness in the earth for in these things do i delight sayeth the lord we looked at these two verses on sunday but uh isn't it powerful to see the context of those two verses i mean it's so warm and fuzzy on sunday to say oh let not the wise man boast in his you know wisdom the rich man and his wealth the mighty man and the strength but you know knowing the lord understanding the lord is also nice and beautiful and it is and it was but the context of this is all these people are going to die because they're not going to do what this these verses say that's the spooky part of this the the word tells us the truth and the question is will we listen to it or will we blow it off these people we're going to totally blow off everything jeremiah is saying and i i hope we're not good at that um the context of this these beautiful verses verses 23 and 24 should scare you and it should scare us into saying lord forgive us for our hard-heartedness when we don't listen to your word and we go with our own plan verse 25 behold the days come say the lord that i will punish all them which are circumcised with the uncircumcised egypt and judah edom and the children of ammon and moab and all that are in the utmost corners that dwell in the wilderness for all these nations are uncircumcised and all the house of israel are uncircumcised in the heart and last week we talked about the lord saying they were uncircumcised in the heart they were uncircumcised in the tongue what they said and they were uncircumcised in the ears what they heard and the lord's going to call them to account should you have a christmas tree this year verse 1 of chapter 10 hear ye the word of the lord which the lord speaketh unto you oh his house of israel thus saith the lord learn not the way of the heathen and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the heathen are dismayed at them for the customs of the people are vain for one cutteth a tree out of the forest the work of the hands the workmen of with the ox they deck it with silver and with gold they fastened it with nails and with hammers that it moved not they are upright as the palm tree but speak not they must needs be born or carried because they cannot go be not afraid of them for they cannot do evil neither also is it in them to do good in other words they're powerless did you see what we just read says don't it says for the customs of the people are vain which means worthless of no value and they go and they cut a tree out of the forest with the work of hens and they deck it with silver and gold and fasten it to you know the idea a stand with nails and a hammer boy brett i think we better not have christmas trees well the problem is there's a story that kind of goes with this and it's the same story i was talking about earlier remember when i told you i'd get back to semoramus temus mystery babylon here's the thing about this this was the custom in fact the new international version gets it right on this one i i printed it out so i could read it to you verse 3 and 4 of jeremiah 10 it says for the customs of people are worthless they cut a tree out of the forest and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel true they adorn it with silver and gold they fasten with hammer and nails so it will not tutter or tip over um what what are they doing and and let me quickly answer the question should you have a christmas tree the answer is absolutely not if you're worshiping semoramus tammuz and nimrod and paganism and if you're taking your tree from leaf arms and you bring it home and you get a chisel out you start chiseling away and making a little diana or asteroth or a little bale god no branches we're talking about chiseling a shape of an idol that's this that's what it says here they chisel out this and they fasten this chunk of wood to a stand and this little wooden thing they cover they deck it with silver and gold the idea is covering with gold and silver this is how they made their gods and goddesses um so uh some people say you know the christians that have a christmas tree with christmas lights and all this it's paganism from ancient babylon and stuff like that it is paganism if you're worshiping semoramus and tammuz um it's the same thing should you throw a log on the fire well i'd say yeah put a log in yeah but they threw logs on the fire and they called it the yule log and they used it as a worship for paganism yeah if you're throwing a log in the fire because you want to worship semoramus and times don't throw a log on the fire but if you're throwing a log on the fire because you need you want to have a log on the fire and you want a fire in your fireplace throw a log on the fire same thing with the christmas tree see when i put a christmas tree in my house or here in the church we love the smell of evergreen trees and we think they look really pretty when they are decorated with cool things and guess what ours what we're remembering we're not worshiping the tree that's what they were doing is worshiping the tree if you're worshiping the tree don't have a christmas tree but if you're having a tree cause you enjoy the smell and it reminds you of christ when i told uh you know i talked to my kids when they were little and we'd sit around the christmas tree smelling the evergreen and looking at its branches how lovely are thy branches and i would explain that the evergreen is always green and it speaks of everlasting life and the tree speaks of the tree that was cut out of wood that made the cross of jesus christ and that's how we have everlasting life through jesus when we have a christmas tree we're pointing to jesus not paganism and so don't be a grinch and say you can't have christmas trees because of what jeremiah 10 says if you're doing what jeremiah 10 says chiseling out a god and goddess and covering it with gold and stapling it or nailing it to a stand so that it doesn't fall over stop that that's paganism and that's evil i think we've made too much of this now by the way i already talked about hot cross buns the yule log mistletoe the christmas tree easter all of that came from ancient paganism then why do we as christians celebrate it well this happened like 300 you know a.d i should say back when constantine apparently accepted christ and believed in jesus and constantly took basically the old roman empire and their paganism that that stemmed from ancient babylonian mystery religion samurais temus and they had the priests and all the stuff that did all these pagan things when constantine sort of mandated christianity and then after he died about 100 years later they made it the religion that was legal you had to be a christian if you're part of rome um the priests of paganism said what are we gonna do now that you guys are all christians are we out of a job and i'm giving you the reader's digest version but basically those priests the the leadership and constituting and his predecessors they all came and said um said well chill man just be priests of jesus instead of these pagan things and instead of you know easter we'll call or estar istar will do easter the resurrection sunday uh instead of um instead of you know celebrating the um you know tammuz and semoramus and uh saturnalias and all these other things we'll just call those dates christmas isn't that funny because jesus was not born on december 25th not even close probably we got it at the opposite end of the calendar it's probably more like in spring or april um and uh and so so we've got it wrong on that where did where did december you know come from uh it came from ancient paganism that was the date that they celebrated so they just transitioned stuff um one holiday that didn't make the transition from paganism was halloween so i hope you understand uh that's why we don't celebrate halloween they didn't make the transition to uh where we're worshiping the lord instead of paganism and idols and all that stuff now i understand some of you might be saying brad i still don't trust it i can't do a christmas tree because i feel like i'm doing getting a little too close to jeremiah 10 ancient paganism and babylonism well if you're struggling with that then um don't do it you know um be a grinch no i'm just just kidding you you can say okay i'm not going to do that but i would caution you you know it gets back to the new testament remember when the church was debating about meat can we eat meat that sacrificed to idols and paul made this interesting argument that you can eat meat sacrifice style but if you're stumbling your brother you probably shouldn't eat meat sacrifice titles like it was more about are you stumbling people um are you loving people and uh to the pure all things are pure uh so it's it's all things are lawful for me not everything's expedient so we shouldn't be legalistic about christmas trees that's what i believe for sure if a person says i don't want anything to do with the christmas tree because there might be some kind of a link to the ancient paganism uh and stuff i get it uh you don't have to have a christmas tree but for me and for our house and for our church it has nothing to do with that thankfully over thousands of years that's all been changed and transformed uh to where we are just celebrating jesus and i love christmas big fan of christmas big fan of christmas trees we'll probably get ours pretty quick here for this coming season well that's where people get all freaked out is this idea from jeremiah 10 stape uh nailing a a tree to a stand what goes on in verse six four as much as there is none like unto thee oh lord thou great are great and thy name is great in might who would not fear the o king of the nations for to thee death of appertain for as much as among all the wise men of the nations in all their kingdoms there is none like unto thee but they are all together brutish the word brutish means stupid they're brutish and foolish the stock is a doctrine of vanities silver spread into plates is brought from tarshish and gold from euphase the work of the workmen of the hands of the founder blue and purple is their clothing they're all the work of cunning men but the lord is the true god he is a living god and an everlasting king and his wrath the earth shall tremble and the nation shall not be able to abide in his uh his indignation thus shall ye say unto them the gods have not made the heavens and the earth even they shall perish from the earth and from under these heavens he hath made the earth by his power he has established the world by his wisdom and he hath stretched out the heavens by his discretion um this is great he says all these people are making their gods with the work of men's hands these gods and goddesses but the thing that separates the fake gods from the true god is creation those gods can't even carry themselves verse first five they must be born or carried but you know jeremiah says the thing that separates the fake little g gods from the true and living god is creation and how important that is i hope you're one who hasn't caved to the stupidity of evolution it's it's really ridiculous and even science is starting to say we got to come up with something better because even if you give it billions of years there's no way uh evolution could have really happened uh from prebiotic soup to the to the complexities that we see even if you get it built billions of years i love what gk chesterton said about this he said it is absurd for the evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable god to make everything out of nothing and then to pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into something i love that good quote from chesterton uh you either believe that in the beginning god created the heavens of the earth or you believe in the beginning nothing became something really amazing like poof out of nothing at least we know that god pre-existed and always existed he's eternal and he created them and said that's that's less far-fetched then out of nothing came something you have to be a crazy person to believe that well all that to say that's what jeremiah says these people are crazy to worship their pagan gods that they make with their own hands verse 13 when he uttereth his voice there was there's a multitude of waters in the heavens and he causes the vapors to ascend from the earth of the earth from the ends of the earth he maketh lightnings with rain and brings forth the wind out of his treasures every man is brutish or stupid in his knowledge every founder is confused or confounded by the graven image for his molten image is falsehood there is no breath in them they are vanity and the work of errors in the time of their visitation they shall perish the portion of jacob is not like them for he is the former of all things former of all things and israel is the rod of his inheritance the lord of hosts is his name gather up thy wares out of the lando inhabitant of the fortress for thus saith the lord behold i will sling out of the inhabitants of the land at this once and will distress them that they may find it so woe is me for my hurt my wound is grievous but i said truly this is a grief and i must bear it my tabernacle is spoiled all my cords are broken my children are gone forth of me and they are not there is none to stretch forth my tent any more and to set up my curtains for the pastors are become brutish stupid and have not sought the lord therefore they shall not prosper and all their flocks shall be scattered behold the noise of the brute brood has come and great commotion out of the north country to make the cities of judah desolate and a den of dragons oh lord i know that the way of man is not in himself it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps o lord correct me but with judgment not in thine anger lest thou bring me to nothing pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not and upon the families that call not on thy name for they have eaten up jacob and devoured him and consumed him and have made his habitation desolate jeremiah at the end here is sort of pining as he realizes it's a lost cause you know there's coming a day where we might even see that it feels a little bit like that now if you feel like it's a lost cause like jeremiah we can't say we're at that point yet we don't know if we're at that place where the pastors have become stupid and not seeking the lord where the you know the the fury is coming for sure you know soon we know that's coming we just don't know when so until that happens you and i need to keep plugging away and being faithful and show people jesus i love what he says there jeremiah in verse 23 oh lord i know that the way of man is not within himself men can't direct their own selves we don't know how to go the right way or do the right thing um you know i feel like a lot of us don't know where we're going or why we're going where we're going but as a christian you can know for sure and we have a plan and a purpose but as an unbeliever you're you're going to end up in real trouble the story is told of a man flying across america in 1976 as he rose up from his seat before 9 11 and before you know the security measures and everything he rose up from a seat drew a gun and took the flight attendant hostage and he said take me to detroit he said she turned around and said we're already going to detroit he said oh good and then he sat back down in his seat i thought that's a bad day and if you're a you know hostage taker or plane hijacker oh the plane's already going where i want to go okay sorry my bad there's a lot of people that are like that in this world they think they know what they're doing and they're doing drastic things only to find out that it's brutish that word that's used over and over in the king james brutish british british that's used several times tonight it's just the word stupid don't be stupid follow after the lord do the right thing don't dabble with paganism and sinfulness and you know things that are contrary to god's word don't rip out pages of god's word but take the whole counsel of god and and follow jesus with all of your heart whatsoever you do colossians 3 23 do everything heartily as unto the lord and not unto men this is a day that we live where it's time to be radical it's not time to be playing around and messing around with sinful stuff very important and i hope that there that we have more of the heart of jeremiah of compassion and maybe even a little bit of brokenness as we see our world you know you might be tempted to be really bitter and angry about all those people that are different than you and think differently than you and are anti-biblical anti-god pro-abortion you know all this stuff instead of just being furious one of the things we should do is also be really compassionate and like jeremiah be weeping for a sinful godless world right now and maybe if we can shine the light on on the situation and point people to jesus maybe more and more people will come to know jesus and repent of their sins we have the hope still it seems that jeremiah the day their number was up the time had come and god said time's up that time is coming today uh sometime some somewhere uh i believe possibly in the near future whether it's soon or later we should still be busy about the gospel showing people jesus who's the one who saves lord we pray tonight as we look at these chapters i pray that you'd bless your church that we'd be a people who submit to your word lord i pray that we wouldn't cut out pages or truth that we don't like and and be like these people who just sort of make up their own thing as they went may we be submitted to you lord i pray that we'd be broken before you with a broken and contrite spirit these people had a stiff neck and they were unchanging and did not believe your word i pray that you'd soften the hearts of men lord today and that more and more people might come to a saving knowledge of your or your son jesus christ the savior of the world so we pray blessing tonight as we close this teaching time this wednesday night bible study may bring forth good fruit we pray in jesus name amen
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 3,322
Rating: 4.8504672 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Id: 3dk1U4ETLgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 23sec (4403 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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