Through the Bible (Jeremiah 33-34)

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and good evening to you all it's great to have you here with us on a wednesday night and also for you online that are joining us thanks for coming uh and get it all ready to roll i love what we get to do going right through the bible verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book one of the things that we're learning in jeremiah of course is just that jeremiah has a lot to say to the people of jerusalem to the people of judea but also he's got a lot to say to the kings we're actually going to see tonight a conversation with the king that jeremiah is going to have does god care about who the kings of the nations are and the presidents of the united states or other nations are the answer is yes the lord's the one who raises men up and puts men down um it's interesting how it says uh you know i'm just gonna read from first timothy chapter two verse one it says i exhort therefore that first of all supplications uh that's like a personal request supplications prayers intercession that's praying for others and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and for all that in our authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godless godliness and honesty for this is good and acceptable in the sight of god our savior what is good and acceptable in god's sight to to have believers pray for all that are rulers and an authority over us and so i think it'd be good before we get into our jeremiah study tonight as we have a new president as of tonight uh for us to do what we always do here at the greek we always pray for our new president after the inauguration whether it was uh back in the day of george w or uh you know obama or you know um we've always prayed clinton um you know trump we've always prayed and so let's do that would you guys join me tonight let's pray as the bible tells us to uh like the priority here says pray for kings and all that are in authority and lord we to do take a moment this evening and pray uh for this country for our our united states lord i pray that you would do a work lord we know that your ways are higher than our ways and your thoughts are wiser than our thoughts and lord so many of us had ideas of what we think this nation should do or who should be our president and all that but lord we trust that you are in fact working all things together for good um lord to those who that are called those that love you called according to your purpose lord we trust that that you're gonna do good things in our lives in the long term in the big picture but in the meantime lord i pray for president biden that lord you would just infuse somehow just wisdom into him not only him but his his whole staff and the cabinet lord for the congress uh lord there's so much division in our nation so much that's really wrong about what's going on in our country lord and yet we know that we're citizens of heaven that we have the future and the hope of being with you um but lord there are things that you tell us in your word about the nations lord we think specifically of of our relationship with israel lord you tell us in your word about nations that you'll bless the nation that blesses israel and you'll curse the nation that curses israel and i pray lord that somehow that you would take biden and his advisors and all that the people are making decisions and lord i pray that somehow that we would um treat israel as you would have us to treat them lord that your will would be done with that we think of other issues that aren't political but theological like israel but also abortion lord we think of all those little lives that are um so so many just don't care that millions of babies are slain lord you know all things you know our hearts lord and you know the the sinfulness of our nation and i just pray that somehow that you would put a heart of conviction in the hearts of those political leaders that have the powers to change things lord just stir up something that would even be shocking lord if need be to the world for we want to be a nation that repents of our sins and i pray that you would help us with those things but but lord we ask that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so we do pray for our leadership i pray that your will would be done in jesus name amen amen well you know it's uh it's interesting some people would say well brett you know we shouldn't even pray because of this and that well who was the president if you would during the time when paul wrote this pray for those who are kings and rulers and authority over us well it happened to be a little historical figure named caesar nero perhaps the most wacko historical figure in all the world i love this just for this reason there's not one person in history that can say to paul well paul you know your leadership was pretty squared away compared to ours no one could say that you know caesar nero used to hang christians alive and dip them in hot wax and hang them on a light pole and light them on fire and then as the christians were burning he would ride nakedly in his chariots shrieking with delight christians are the light of the world christians are the light of the world that's a tough day at the office if you're a christian you know in nero's day so here's paul saying pray for those guys uh so that's something i think we should all be committed to you know because the bible says first of all uh here that we be committed to prayer so are you committed to praying for our leadership uh in our country i hope you are and we really should be uh we're gonna see tonight even zedekiah the king in jerusalem is kind of wacko and jeremiah's gonna have to deal with him and talk with him let's take a look it's jeremiah we're in chapter 33 tonight as we continue our verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book study through the bible jeremiah chapter 33. it says in jeremiah 33 verse 1 moreover the word of the lord came unto jeremiah the second time while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison saying now pause for a second jeremiah's in prison one of the things you'll notice as a bible reader is that oftentimes the passages of scripture that were penned of course inspired by the holy spirit through the hand of man but the the you know writings that were written in prison cells are oftentimes some of the more blessed of the writings uh you'd think there'd be you know a bummer uh when you say well i'm gonna write something and i'm in prison so here goes woe is me or 101 reasons how to escape or you know ways to escape prison you know send help put a you know hacksaw in the cake like whatever you're gonna do but you're in prison that's a bad that's a bad thing but it's amazing how many of the the scriptures were written in prisons or dungeons one of my favorite books of the bible is the book of philippians and it's this book about joy and rejoicing and paul just seems to be in such a good mood he's imprisoned in rome when he writes the book of philippians so it's kind of an interesting the prison epistles in the new testament are always a blessing and and here jeremiah is writing from prison in this passage if you recall this section and you might be a little confused because we've we've done a little backward and forward on sunday versus wednesday and so just as a reminder we're on wednesday night we're still in this section that we started in chapter 30 if you recall uh and it's called the the book of consolation and it's the section of jeremiah chapters 30 through 33. books of consolation once you get into 34 it's a different sort of uh theme in the book of jeremiah but 30 through 33 is the books of consolation or the book of consolation and you'll see that throughout each of those chapters there's a consoling word given by jeremiah so here's jeremiah sitting in a prison cell or a dungeon in jerusalem and he's going to give a consoling word he's also to give some heavy words but he also is going to remind them of the good news as well you know one thing i've noticed in people is it's when they go through times of suffering that oftentimes i see the lord turn that around somehow in their life to them rejoicing it's an amazing thing how suffering can almost promote rejoicing and i know that sounds sort of you know um opposed to itself to say somebody's rejoicing but you know we hear paul say that i rejoice in tribulation uh or suffering or trials because they build hope and patience and experience i see that in the christian church you know if you're a healthy person here and you're thinking everything's great and you think you're pretty happy now and and then you hear all the doctors say cancer you have cancer what would that do well some of you might think well that's going to just be devastating that would be the worst thing i could ever hear with my ears that i would ever have cancer brett you shouldn't even talk like that i'm going to live forever i'm not going to die and some people kind of put it out of their minds and they go on their miserable lives hoping to be safe and never die but i've noticed that when people do hear those words i've often seen in the believers the christians that when they get that message there's something that the lord does and he stirs up within them whatever strength they need to get through whatever they're about to go through that's what i've seen and i can say this as a pastor of many years watching a lot of people go through cancer that was cured and fixed and healed but i've also seen it maybe even stronger in the people who had cancer who were given that you know fatal you have this amount of time to live and sometimes that happens sometimes it doesn't but but i've noticed that there's a joy that's inexplicable hard to describe and it's like this there's a peace in their heart that as it turns out passes understanding it goes beyond our ability to understand and the reason i say that is it's a little bit like this with jeremiah you know jeremiah he was preaching the word just being a good dude got punched in the face was thrown into prison and left there and and so you know what could be worse well you're in prison with walls around you and the city that you're in prison in has a wall around it and there's a the world's biggest army outside that wall ready to crush the city like that's bad you're already in prison but you're in prison in a city that's about ready to be crushed uh by the babylonians led by nebuchadnezzar now the scene is pretty bleak and pretty dark but i love how jeremiah has got still a consoling word something to remind the people that god's going to be faithful and so just something to think about as you might prepare yourself uh because oftentimes we do face troubles and trials and and instead of freaking out or being fearful um for you to already kind of be equipped and have it in the back of your mind the lord's gonna give me whatever i need to get through this season whatever i need to go through and there's people in this room who've been through horribly difficult things but i've seen how the lord gets them through those things and how it makes them stronger and better for it so let's take a look and see what this uh what what let's look for the consolation that jeremiah is about to show us so it says the word of the lord second time in the court of the prison saying thus saith the lord the maker thereof the lord that formed it to establish it the lord is his name call unto me and i will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not we looked at this verse a few weeks ago on sunday morning saturday night because it's such a great thing in trouble what do you do it just tells us the lord says call unto me that's prayer and i will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not and so here we have it right uh that that verse hopefully maybe you can remember that word mighty is the word but sure um and it means uh unsearchable uh uh unable for us to even know by ourselves without the lord's help the lord wants to show you things and reveal you reveal to you uh beautiful and marvelous things by the way um when you're reading the bible some people read the bible and they say it just doesn't mean much to me i don't get it and it just doesn't make any sense to me can i just give you this word to to pray through the bible because even it says call to me and i will answer thee and show you great and mighty things unsearchable hidden things that you don't know and i'll reveal those things to you and when you read the bible sort of actively asking the lord lord help me to have understanding the lord promises that he'll reveal mighty things to you i love that and and it'll make the bible kind of come to life for you a lot of people lack that that you know that holy spirit inspiration in their own personal reading of the bible that comes through prayer um there's different ways to read the bible by the way i have several modes that i read the bible sometimes i just read the bible devotionally and i just kind of you know daily kind of read some scripture some sections and that's just like you know and sometimes i'll honestly i'll break out a an easier translation than the king jimmy um i might i might uh read an esv and just kind of read through it if i want to just kind of read and and let the lord sort of speak to me through larger chunks that's great there's other times i read the bible and more of a prayerful and even journaling kind of mode and i would recommend that where you have your journal open and you're reading your bible and you're writing down thoughts and impressions and things that the lord's showing you because if you're like me i could be doing what i just told you pray and read the bible and let the lord speak to you and give you those you know about sure the hidden things the unsearchable things but if you're not writing down the things the lord's showing you you'll forget them tomorrow i guarantee it wow the lord was really speaking to me yesterday would the lord show you uh i don't remember that's where journaling comes in and uh and if you do journal and write them down um you can you can go back and remember what the lord was revealing to you that's what you know these guys did jeremiah and daniel and ezekiel these prophets wrote down the things that god was revealing to them and thus we have the bible today and i think the lord can reveal important and mighty things to all of us as we ask him and uh so so reading the bible prayerfully sort of in a journaling kind of mode i find that really helpful so you got more of a devotional reading you have more of a prayerful journaling reading and then i have a third mode that is more of a you know study get out all the commentaries bust out logos bible software look at the hebrew the greek and the uh look at other hermeneutics and other teachings and pastors that have taught on those scriptures and doing some you know digging and studying that's also something i love that's probably one of my favorite modes but honestly the things that are most impacting in my life are not the times i'm doing that as much as as those times where i'm praying and journaling through the bible that's where you know when i'm teaching the bible it's always interesting to me because i can teach and share things and and you know it's good to go through the bible know the math and the history and all the stuff behind it the you know the greek the hebrew so we can teach the bible and have people understand but you know the stuff that i go uh that the lord has shown me personally and through prayer and journaling when i bring that out in a teaching that's when people come up after church and say brett who told you i was going through that like who how did you know and i'm like i didn't but that's what the lord's showing me and it's amazing how those things tend to resonate uh in the heart of the congregation and i think you'll find that to be true in your life as well um there's the lagos word and there's the rhema word the lagus is the written word the rhema is god's god breathe you know it's that inspired word that he can you know speak into your life and by the way the bible when talking about how the word of god is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword well when it's the you know the big sword the big battle axe sword the sharper than two edges of sword the word for word is logos but there's other places in the bible where the bible is talking about the sword of the spirit which is the word of god is the the word is rhema why does the lord use two different words for the word word the scriptures the answer is the lord speaks to us both in the logos the written word the battle ax sword double-edged sword but he also speaks what was the rhema the rhema sword that's talked about uh when the bible talks about the sword of the spirit is more of a small uh 18-inch sword uh that's like a personal defense weapon and it was used for more exacting you know it'd be something like a navy seal would carry in bible days you know kind of a more exacting weapon and used for you know fine-tuned uh battle close quarter combat kind of thing and that that rhema was an exacting word and and that's that's what the lord's saying about the sword of the spirit it can be the battle axe of the logos but it can also be this dagger that's the rhema that rightly divides and and convicts us of truth and man i hope you're getting both the logos and the rhema are you guys with me on that that's important uh when you study in the bible well all that to say um the lord will show you great and mighty things if you seek for that ask for that well verse 4 he goes on and says for thus saith the lord the god of israel concerning the houses of this city and concerning the houses of the kings of judah which are thrown down by the mounts and by the sword they come to fight with the chaldeans but it is to fill them with the dead bodies of men whom i have slain in mine anger and in my fury for all those all whose wickedness i have hid my face from this city behold i will bring it health and cure and i will cure them and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth you know the key to understanding what jeremiah is saying here is this uh kind of dichotomy or seeming contradiction you know you you sort of see well okay you're going to destroy city and and jerusalem's going to have all these dead bodies laying around great thanks jeremiah no wonder they punched him in the face no wonder they threw him in prison you know because he was saying you're all going down but now that they're besieged he's in prison he he gets the message out he says listen you guys i know there's gonna be a lot of dead bodies and the city's going down but the lord is gonna and i love this is that this is the consoling part the verse you know the verse six there it says behold i will bring health and cure and i will cure them and reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth the lord reminds the people through jeremiah that he's not going to totally destroy the jews many of them would be taken off into captivity by the babylonians and they would be there for 70 long years in captivity but then the lord would make the way so that they could go back and and restore and rebuild jerusalem and you know i love that the lord is able to do that with the jews and the lord is able to do that with any nation that's why i never lose hope by the way for the united states some of you might say man it's beyond help and beyond hope but you know there's been other times in our history where you could have thought that but you know what who knows maybe this is just one of those birth pains remember how the end times are like a birth pain their contractions but then the contraction lets up and things are good for a bit then another contraction maybe we just had a big contraction and maybe the lord can heal this nation so we should humble ourselves before the lord and do what the word tells us to do and pray and seek the lord for our country uh don't just count it as a lost cause because there's been many times did you know during world war one pretty much the whole world thought they were in armageddon they really believe that yep we've arrived this is armageddon the world war that the bible talks about the last days and they all thought it was especially if you're one of those you know soldiers you know uh shell-shocked that's where that word came from is world war one shell shocked men it just went nuts uh in sitting in the mud in these horrible foxholes you know and um and uh it was just a horrifying death uh there in that region millions of people in the meat grinder of world war one and people just thought this is it it's the end of the world but it wasn't it seemed like it and and so as christians we don't really know when the lord's gonna return we don't know when the end really is but what do we do we just stay faithful and keep praying and seeking and reading the word and and hoping and praying for the you know repentance of a nation and for healing of a nation and the lord can do these things so we remain optimistic not because of you know who our president is or isn't it's we remain optimistic because who our god is and who we worship so that's amazing because you know the people of jeremiah's day would have said man we're totally toast jeremiah what are you talking about calm health cure that's not going to happen uh they wouldn't listen to before jeremiah when he was pronouncing doom upon them but they also didn't listen to him when he was pronouncing blessing on them and that's just the situation well he goes on and now he's going to talk about restoring the land uh restoring the relationship to the lord and restoring the people to a people of honor there's kind of a three-fold restoration the first one is the restoring of the land to the jews verse 7 and i will cause the captivity of judah and the captivity of israel to return and will build them as at the first so this verse 7 is the restoration of the land to the people that god would you know set aside the land of israel for the jews israel and judah i like that he says both here because if you recall it was you know decades earlier um you know where the israelites of the northern ten tribes were taken by the assyrians but now the lord is saying i'm going to restore to you the the um the land of judah the captive of judah and the captivity of israel to return to the land again i i mentioned this before but i got to say it again you'll in your readings and studies you'll find there's a group of people that try to sort of make this claim that the northern 10 tribes of israel are the lost tribes of israel and there's all kinds of goofy riding on the lost tribes you'll find everything from the lost tribes being the incas and the aztecs down in you know the central america you'll hear the lost tribes they're they're actually the brits they all went to england and jesus went to england and married mary and magdalene and had a child and all this like there's all kinds of crazy looney tune uh stuff out there about the lost tribes of you know ephraim and all this stuff be careful with that stuff they were never lost and i'll tell you why when the two kingdoms split jeroboam rehoboam rehoboam jeremiah remember that whole story and jeroboam saw that there were his people were going down to jerusalem to worship god at the temple so he built these little temples you know instead of having the big temple let's just build these little miniature temples and he put a golden calf at bethel and also dan and said hey forget jerusalem stay up here and worship these gods uh you know your local gods and stay away from jerusalem and at that point a bunch of the jews in israel of all that of all the tribes said jeroboam we're out of here we're going to go back to jerusalem because we're not worshiping your golden calf when we go to israel we actually go to this place in dan the very rock where that golden calf was placed we know exactly where that is and we we sit on it and do a bible study uh and then i tell everybody they're sitting on the stairs there's a stairway down to this rock and we sit on the stairway it's always fun because i always say the stairs are sitting on we know for sure jezebel walked up these stairs and it's kind of like can we take a bath though like a shower ew she was gross yeah um but it's i think it's fairly clean since it's been several thousand years but anyways all that to say uh it's it's an amazing place tel dan is the place we go and see all this stuff but but what happened there is when jeroboam set up those fake places of worship many jews of all tribes went back to jerusalem and so when people say the tribes were lost they really weren't a lot of those tribes were taken those people of the tribes were taken but there were still you know levites and people of dan and asher and you know uh ephraim and all that they came back to jerusalem and they killed they kept their identity and they were small in number at that time in history but then they started to reproduce and their their tribes were sort of regrown after the 70 years of captivity this verse verse 7 has largely come to pass that the lord would restore the people to the land and um and we are watching that right before our eyes and there's all people of all tribes now here's the interesting thing most jews don't know what tribe they're from there's a few and some of them even by their last names still can know like if you're a cohen i have a friend who's a cohen uh and uh the cohens were levites and there's no real argument on that if you know a cohen it's probably a levite and and so we do know some of them but most of the jews couldn't tell you what tribe they're from and that was sort of lost in history largely yeah but brett how are we going to know which tribes they are in the book of revelation during the tribulation well first of all we're going to be in heaven and we'll know a lot more than we know now that's the first good news but also the lord is the one who's going to sort out those people in the book of revelation when it talks about those 12 tribes that are listed there he knows who the tribe what tribes they belong to and he's going to sort them out 12 000 of the tribe of levi 12 tribes of the tribe of reuben trump 12 or 12 000 people of the tribe of god and and naphtali and all this the lord's going to sort all that out he knows who they are so it's not a big deal people get all up in a tizzy about things that god could just make it happen no big deal but there's no lost tribes be cautious of the teachings of people that are saying the lost tribes uh it's kind of a usually they've got an agenda that is not really biblical so verse seven i will cause the captain of judah and the captain of israel to return and we'll build them as at the first and i'd say we've seen that happen check verse 8 is the restoration to the lord and i will cleanse them from all their iniquity whereby they have sinned against me and i will pardon their iniquities whereby they have sinned and whereby they have transgressed against me man this is fundamental christianity right here you got to understand this is what it's all about right here reconciliation to the father the jews sinned against god their father and the lord says i have forgiven your sins i'll cleanse you from all your sins and all your iniquities this is what it's all about how is that going to happen well the bible tells us it's not by the sacrifice of bulls rams and goats hebrews tells us but with the precious blood of jesus christ jesus died for the sins of the jews of the old testament and even abraham was counted unto him righteousness and he was given that imputed righteousness why because of the work that jesus would eventually do in history uh future time for abraham history from us when jesus came and died on the cross for our sins so the lord says i will cleanse them from all their iniquity where they've sinned against me this is the way the jews would be reconciled back to the father in heaven um just just if you want to know what the bible is all about in a nutshell it's pretty simple god created humanity told them not to sin they sinned we're going to go to hell and death forever in eternity but god loved the world so he the rest of the bible after adam and eve sinned in genesis after they sinned the rest of the bible is all about that reconciliation of sinful man back to good good standing good relationship with god and the rest of the bible's about that and the lord makes the way the truth the life the the way for a person to be saved the truth jesus would be that way that the life would come through christ and those that would reject that way that god will provide to reconcile there's no hope for them there's no reconciliation apart from jesus christ and so really verse 8 in this restoration to the lord it's through the messiah that would come and die on the cross for the sins of the world and so that's the same thing's true for us um i love that we can apply verse 8 to ourselves as well that the lord would say to you i will cleanse you from all your iniquity whereby you have sinned against me and i will pardon some no all pardon all their iniquities whereby they have sinned and whereby they have transgressed against me well brett i notice that you tend to say all and stuff like that but what about blasphemy the holy spirit that's the one unpardonable sin according to the scriptures true the bible doesn't say that jesus taught that but it's interesting you know the blasphemy holy spirit is is somewhat of a long discussion but um it has to do with the work of the holy spirit you know people think what does it mean to blaspheme well the word blasphemy means to speak against uh to argue against so when somebody argues against jesus's existence they would cry you know jesus was god blasphemy because they're speaking against what the spirit of god is speaking about jesus so so if you're speaking against the spirit now here's the the way this is this is how we deduce what it means to blaspheme the holy spirit the holy spirit's worked jesus said after i leave when i depart die on the cross rise from the grave ascend into heaven after me is coming the comforter the holy spirit and there's a long list in john 14 and john chapter 16 of the things that the holy spirit would do but one of the main works of the holy spirit jesus said and he will speak of me he shall glorify me and by the way when whenever you see a church glorifying the holy spirit more than they're glorifying jesus they're missing the whole point you have to watch out for that it's not all about the holy spirit the holy spirit is god jesus is god god the father is god all one but jesus said here's what the work of the holy spirit is to glorify me to point to me to teach about me the son and so if a person blasphemes the holy spirit it's to speak against what the holy spirit is saying what's the holy spirit saying well remember when in the book of genesis the lord says my spirit will not always strive with man and before you were saved the bible says the holy spirit is with you when you get saved the holy spirit is in you when you are saved and the holy spirit moves in your life to do something anointed and manifesting illustrate that's called the holy spirit being upon you three relationships we have the holy spirit he's with you before you're even saved he is with you he's in you once you become a christian but he's also upon you when the holy spirit empowers you and works through you but the reason that with one the first one is so important is before you were even saying do you remember before you were a christian was there ever a time where the holy spirit was there going you need to be a christian you need to believe in jesus and the cross tap tap tap he was tapping on the shoulder before you're ever saved you knew there was something real there that was the holy spirit and the tragedy is when a person resists the holy spirit and and what's the ultimate sin that's unforgivable is when a person says i speak against what that holy spirit is saying when in that with relationship so if you're an unbeliever and the holy spirit's been saying you need the lord you need to accept christ and you're saying i refuse then that's the unpardonable sin there's a lot of sins that people i think almost put in the unpardonable category um like for example i've heard people say suicide suicide's unforgivable why well there's there's a sense of them not knowing how it all works and think man if you kill yourself that's a sin yes it is suicide is a sin but if you do that that's the last thing you do you did a sin so aren't you going to hell because of that well um what if you're thinking a horrible thought you get run over by a semi truck on the freeway and die are you going to hell what if what if mother teresa in the last 10 seconds of her life thought you know some you know blankety blank this and that and then suddenly killed would mother teresa go to hell because the last thing she did no you've got to remember we're saved by grace through faith not of our works and you got to remember jesus christ died once for all sin he died for your sins past present future that's the good news and suicide is a sin it's a very self-centered sin it's a very a self-focused sin it's horrible sin and remember sin is bad because it's hurtful to others and to us but suicide is not the unpardonable sin i hope you understand that because all of us have sinned we've all fallen short now suicide is one of the more hurtful and damaging sins and that's why god calls it sin the only sin that is unforgivable is when a person says i reject jesus christ i reject the cross that is the unpardonable sin the one sin that's unforgivable now this is important because here i love this word because it's so this restoration the lord is so open-ended with this you know i will cleanse them from all their iniquities whereby they have sinned against me and i will pardon all of their iniquities whereby they have sinned against whereby they have transgendered like verse 8 is so great i've got it marked yellowed highlighted because i'm so thankful for that truth that he died once for all that he reconciles you and me to god even though we're sinners through his messiah jesus christ so number one verse seven you've got the restoration of the land to the people number two verse eight you got restoration of the people to the lord and then number three we see restoration to be a nation of honor and that's in verse 9. it says there and it shall be to me a name of joy a praise and an honor before all the nations of the earth which shall hear all the good that i do unto them and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness for all the prosperity that i procure unto it so this is this is why you know these sections even though jeremiah you're all going down babylon's going to crush you jerusalem is going to be toast but this is the consoling part but i'm going to forgive their sins i'm going to restore you to the land but i'm also going to restore the reputation among all the nations of israel brett have we seeing that has that already happened prophetically in some ways i think you might be able to say yeah look it's amazing israel's an amazing nation and we've done tons of studies one one time i talked about all the things that the jews have given to the world and compared to all the other races and people groups in the world nobody even comes close whether you're talking about science or math or the arts uh or uh you know medical uh breakthroughs and like it's really incredible what the jewish people have given to the world it's amazing when it says by you abraham all the nations will be blessed i think there's a twofold thing there jews have blessed the nations through all that stuff but ultimately bless through jesus christ the messiah the ultimate jew would save the whole world but but it's an amazing thing how the jews have been such a giant blessing of the world meanwhile the world hates the jews isn't that something like the jews are the target of all the people of all these jews occupying israel what's their problem well the problem is the world hates them and wants to kill them and have tried to extinguish the jewish people as an ethnic group for millennia now it's an amazing thing to watch it's it's really the reason i point all this out is you know it's really biblically proportioned when you see what the world thinks of the jews and what's happened historically with the jews there's no denying that the bible is is just true the bible has told us all of this about what's going to happen to the jews and the nation and the land and all this and we've just watched it all happen and if you read your bible carefully you cannot deny that this book is miraculous the bible is true and god knows exactly what he's doing but i don't think we've seen the fullness of this blessing that the nations would have a reputation you know because right now largely uh the world hates the jews even though we're impressed by them and what they've done largely the world hates the jews but when will this ultimately change i believe it'll happen when christ returns the second coming of christ the millennial kingdom when jesus rules from jerusalem in jerusalem it's going to be the millennial kingdom thousand years where christ rules on this earth and reigns and that's when the nations will will fully come to this verse 9 this uh being a nation of real honor and the world will acknowledge that well verse 10 thus saith the lord again there shall be heard in this place which you shall be you say shall be desolate without man and without beast even in the cities of judah and in the streets of jerusalem that are desolate without man and without inhabitant without beast the voice of joy and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride the voice of them that shall say praise the lord of hosts for the lord is good for his mercy endureth forever and of them shall that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the lord for i will cause the to return the captivity of the land as at the first saith the lord um here you know he's talking about how israel would become desolate n man nor beast and then verse 11 and there'll be a time where the voice of the bride and the bridegroom will say and then interestingly uh verse 11 is a verse used to this day uh at jewish weddings did you know that they they quote this verse uh jeremiah 33 11 at jewish weddings um uh as as sort of a blessing so that's something that's kind of interesting if you go to jewish wedding you might just hear jeremiah 33 11 the voice of joy and the voice of gladness the voice of the bridegroom the voice of the bride i'm all about the restoration of israel now um you guys always hear me talking about mark twain on israel because uh i love that because i've read his works on that early in his writing career um i've mentioned this a bunch of times but i've never really quoted what he actually wrote so i'm going to show you just a few things i always tell you how you know um over 100 years ago i think it was 1867 mark twain went to israel the holy land and he was there for almost a year touring the land and and here's here's some of the reason why this is important is we don't have a lot of modern day historical record from over 100 years ago what israel looked like we just know what the bedouins tell us they didn't have a great record-keeping system there's a few artists that went through the land and drew pictures back in the 1800s of israel and it's very desolate but this is what mark twain wrote in his book he said the further we we went the hotter the sun got and the more rocky and bare and repulsive the dreary landscape became there was hardly a tree or shrub anywhere even the olive and the cactus those fast friends of a worthless soil had almost deserted the country the statement reflects you know his general attitude by the way of um you know ancient uh land throughout his journey you know the land of israel um in one of the sharpest and most kind of really beautiful passages i think he acknowledges this twain states this he says palestine is a desolate and unlovely land why should it be otherwise can the curse of the deity beautify a land palestine is no more of this workday world it is sacred to poetry and tradition it's only a dreamland what's he saying he's saying this is worthless dry desert the cactus and the olive tree can barely survive here and there's one place he said for like three weeks he didn't see one living thing and and he was just kind of depressed in the holy land now the reason this is important by the way uh because the lord says to jeremiah it's gonna be desolate man or beast is not gonna dwell on that this happened a couple times mainly in history it happened in 586 after jeremiah and the nebuchadnezzar trounces jerusalem it really would set empty for 70 years and in destruction the land of israel but more so and this is that ripple effect of bible prophecy probably the biggest one was ad70 after the romans crushed jerusalem in a.d 70 man it sat empty and desolate for for centuries for like 1500 years it was just totally barren and it would be in the 1700 the jews would start to you know the zionist movement would start to move back to the land and they'd buy back land and from the bedwins and from the people there they purchased land with money a lot of the land of israel was purchased who could say that about their country did you buy your land from the indians uh the jews did largely and yet again the world's saying get out of that they are occupying not not so the lord gave them the land we the united states and the league of nations back then gave them the land and they purchased land like three strikes against the the world's their occupiers of the land that's stupid it's wrong but it it did set totally empty and desolate just like the bible said where man nor beast and uh and mark twain logs that and says man israel is a desolate place now the reason i point that out is it says in the last days the fig tree israel would blossom that's one of the prophecies that says and then and the generation that sees israel come to full blossom jesus said that's the that's the generation the last generation before the second coming of christ so then the big question is well when does the state of israel when was it in full blossom not sure some people still would argue may 14th 1948 israel blossomed and became a nation again and so that generation the world war ii generation the baby boomers the greatest generation they're the ones that would not fully die or pass away before the second coming of christ maybe that's it you know but we're getting pretty close to the end of that um some people say no no no it wasn't then it was you know in the yom kippur war when they were able to get some other land back or the six you know the six day war you know you could talk about when when the jews got jerusalem again that's when israel blossomed there's all kinds of speculation when did the the nation israel blossom some could argue back in like 2006 israel became the number two producer of fruit and vegetables for all of europe here's this little tiny speck of land in the middle east that used to be a he said mark not even a cactus can grow here and right now israel is one of the top producers of fruit and vegetables and by the way the fruit from israel is is uh and i'm not just being hyperbole here or using hyperbole i'm just i'm just saying it's the best fruit in the world and there's actually a scientific reason why the the fruit from israel tastes sweeter you want to know what it is i'll give you a clumsy i'm not a botanist or biobiologist but um i've talked to biologists and botanists and or what are they what are the people are into plants and stuff herbologists whatever um but uh in israel we listened to this guy one time who was explaining what had happened the land we became so desert and dry and barren and even the salt content in the land and if you've been to the dead sea you know what i'm talking about the land has a saltiness to it the dead sea is just salt that's why it's dead there's nothing living in it but as it turns out for plants to grow there they've had to sort of adapt these plant the plant life to a bit of a hostile situation the dirt is sort of hostile and what they found with their you know the science of the israelis and their water system and the way that they do all their farming and stuff it's really earth shattering groundbreaking science that these jews have used to bring the land of israel from barrenness back to fertility and you can drive through regions of israel now just miles of banana groves and palm trees and fruit trees and you know papayas and all kinds of you know delicious fruits and what have you apples and oranges and like it's just prolific and when you eat the fruit it's extra you know sweet you're like why is it so sweet and the answer is those plants through science but also through you know some kind of an adaptive behavior in the plant it had to over compensate because of the saltiness of the soil the plant had to sort of over compensate and it and it creates even a sweeter kind of fruit and so israel's just kind of hugely blessed right now and some would say that's the fig tree blossoming it's literally coming back to life with farmlands and fruit trees and it's kind of amazing one of the things i love to do is take our groups up to ben tall it's this really really tall mountain in the golan heights and i like to show them syrian positions and we look over into syria and you can see the light at night time of damascus you can't see damascus you can see the light of the city kind of over the horizon and uh and you see a isis town that was just uh last time we were there because yeah the isis guys are right there and you can see it like it's you know a few miles off of the distance but yeah i say isis is right there they're like can we go now no it's great but one of the things i show them up on mount ben tall is um there's something they call the green line and when you're up on mount it's all you about mental you look down and there's this green green green green green and there's a line with a road on it and a creek and it's brown brown brown brown as far as i can see and i always say the green is israel that's the israeli border and the brown is syria and it's it's it's such a juxtaposition to see here's this you know fruitful green lush land that the lord has blessed just like he said he would it's all fulfilling bible prophecy and there's poor syria and really jordan when you cross the border into jordan it's just desert and barren and dry but israel fruitful that's one of the things i like to try to show people when we go to israel look at this like this is the lord's prophecy of being fruitful and blossoming well i didn't mean to get into all that uh and we've got some serious work to do here uh where were we yes okay so verses 10 through 11. the marriage verse and also the desolation well we'll see more of that verse 12 thus saith the lord of hosts again in this place which is desolate without man and without beast and in all the cities thereof shall be an habitation of shepherds causing their flight flocks to lie down in the cities of the mountains of the cities of the vale in the cities of the south in the land of benjamin and the places of jerusalem shall the flocks pass again under the hands of him that telleth them saith the lord in other words they'll be able to have sheep on here because there'll be grass again where sheep can graze behold verse 14 the days come saith the lord that i will perform that good thing which i have promised unto the house of israel to the house of judah and even as the lord has promised a good thing for israel he's promised a good thing for you he's working all things together for good to the called according to his purpose the lord's the lord's going to cause good things to happen i will verse 15 in those days and at that time i will cause the branch of the righteousness to grow up unto david and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land in those days shall judah be saved and jerusalem shall dwell safely and this is the name wherewith she shall be called the lord our righteousness interesting this is the name wherewith she jerusalem shall be called the lord our righteousness does anybody know what the the name is of the lord there that we're talking about right jehovah sydney if you weren't with us you know we saw this back in chapter 23 jeremiah used this name jehovah zidganu which means the lord our righteousness and and this is great that's going to be the name of the city by the way in ezekiel 48 35 let me just read real fast last verse of ezekiel it was around about the 18th thousands measure and it says the name of the city of jerusalem from that day shall be the lord is there that's uh jehovah shama another name of god jehovah shama the lord is there and when is that going to happen that's when the millennial kingdom comes and god is going to be back in jerusalem literally it's an amazing thing jerusalem it's it's the city that god says that's my city it's got my name on it and i'm even even here it's called the lord our righteousness jehovah sid canoe um did you notice here in verse 15 the branch was brought up again we talked about the branch on christmas uh we talked about the branches of the christmas tree and how the branch is a a name a title of the messiah jesus and it's used here again this word branch remember the the hebrew word anybody [Music] that's air where we get the word uh you know nazareth where jesus was from uh it's a great story and if you missed that we called it i think something the branch uh something like that our teaching uh from several weeks back but this is jeremiah bringing that up again in verse 15 and also bring up this name of the lord the lord our righteousness this is a beautiful name of the lord the lord our righteousness what is that why is that beautiful it's not just saying the lord is righteous that's true too but it says the lord is our righteousness do you understand how beautiful that is it's that imputed righteousness that we talked about where you and i are declared righteous not because of our good deeds but because the lord is righteous do you remember in genesis 22 when abraham went up the mountain to sacrifice isaac and isaac said dad we got the wood for the offering we got everything we need for the offering but where's the lamb and here's what abraham said in genesis 22 8 he said my son god will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering so they went both of them together and built an altar was that a typo um why wouldn't abraham just say god will provide a lamb and he did if you remember the story god provided instead of isaac being slaughtered uh the lord said he was demonstrating what substitution would be um and this ram was caught in the thicket and then abraham would bring it and sacrifice it instead of isaac and that's a picture of you and me we're the ones who deserve to die for our sins but the lord provided himself literally jesus the lamb of god would be himself the sacrifice for sin the lord our righteousness his righteousness is then imputed over us and uh and by the way if you're you've got to have that doctrine down the doctrine of of imputed righteousness jot down of course um you know ii corinthians there in second corinthians 5 21 i'll just read it to you real fast it says for he the lord hath made him jesus to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him when jesus became sin for us in our place in our stead he who knew no sin jesus never sinned then it says we might be made the righteousness of god jehovah said canoe the lord our righteousness it's such a great doctrine this doctrine of of righteousness romans chapter 4 verse 3 remember it says that for what saith scripture abraham abraham believed god and it was counted unto him for what righteousness and then it ends that same chapter in romans 4 22 it says and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness now it was not written for his sake alone that it was imputed to abraham but for us also who shall be imputed if we believe on him that raised up jesus our lord from the dead who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification there romans chapter 4 huge chapter on imputed righteousness jehovah said canoe well huge theme here in the bible big point there now by the way jesus being spoken of as the branch here in chapter 15 uh the the our righteous one chapter uh 33 verse 16. but so far do you see how jeremiah is really a lot about jesus um remember when you read the old testament look for jesus it's a big goof because jesus said i come in the volume of the book it is written of me remember in chapter 2 verse 13 we read that scripture where jeremiah said you've forsaken me the fountain of living water the lord says for old broken down sisters jesus said cisterns jesus said i am the fountain of living water uh you know jeremiah speaking of christ in chapter 23 verse 4 and 31 10 speaks of jesus as the good shepherd in the book of jeremiah um in chapter 30 verse 9 we read a few weeks ago that the jesus will be the son of david and i can't uh also forget that he's also uh you might call him the mediator or the agent of the new covenant what chapter of jeremiah quiz time is the new covenant found jeremiah chapter 30 30 right 31. you were close you're just one off and i was just waiting for it that's right that's something you should do where is the new if you missed that teaching on the new covenant christianity 101 right there it's really important to know what the new covenant is and so we did a study on the new covenant jeremiah 31 but that's also all about jesus okay so really huge really important verse 17 for thus saith the lord david shall never want for a man to sit upon the throne of the house of israel in other words there's going to be a king sitting on that throne that's in the line of david and that's ultimately going to be jesus son of david verse 18 neither shall the priests and the levites want for a man before me to offer burnt offerings and kindle meat offerings to do sacrifice continually so it seems like he's talking about two people a king and a priest but what's the deal jesus is going to be both the king and priest how could he do that brett you're not supposed to do that well jesus is different he's the only one who can be prophet priest and king all in one deal and he's going to be a priest by the way in the in the millennial kingdom not only is going to sit on the throne as king of kings but he's also going to be a priest after the order of for you bible scholars what after the order of what melchizedek right good that's great uh that's genesis 14 verses 18-20 and also the whole chapter of hebrews chapter 7 tells us about christ's priesthood and what that means well verse 19 and the word of lord came unto jeremiah saying thus saith the lord if you can break my covenant of the day and my covenant of the night that there should be not not be day and night in their season then may also my covenant be broken with david my servant that he should not have a son to reign upon the throne with the levites the priests and my ministers now this is confusing this is king james way of saying there's no way there's not going to be a king from david sitting on the throne if you can stop day and night from coming and going which you can't that's the idea then you could also stop the king from sitting on the throne but you can't that's the idea are you guys still with me on that very important a little hard to understand on the king james there as the host verse 22 of heaven cannot be numbered neither the sand or the sea measured oh this is great so another example not only you know stopping day and night but if you can count the sand of the sea or the stars of the sky did you know that they've tried to count all of those things there's actually a funny history i was i was a galileo who said there are more than 5 000 stars in the sky you know and he made that crude little telescope and and and then he realized wait a minute and shortly after him they realized well it's not just our sky it's the sky around the world looking out so it must be more like you know thirty thousand stars in the sky and for a long time it wasn't until um really like the hubble space telescope uh that we really started to go you know what um there's a lot of stars out there billions just in our in our solar system our pardon me our galaxy there are millions and millions and millions just in our galaxy alone the milky way galaxy as it turns out they can sort of speculate now with math how many stars are and this is the number they think right now and no science scientists would die that we know the exact number but they'd say it's somewhere around 1 in 10 to the 21st power do you know what kind of number that is i was going to go through without what that number is but we don't have time it's just a lot of stars and you can't number them just you know try to number the sands the next time you go to the oregon coast go sit down and make a day of it just grab a handful of sand and a wood a hue and see how long it takes to number the sand of the sea that's what the lord's saying if you can number the sand or the stars um then you'd be able to also you know do what he's so so that's what he starts out verse 22 is the host of heaven cannot be numbered um neither the sound of the sea measured so i multiply the seed of david my servant and the levites that minister unto me moreover the word of the lord came to jeremiah saying considers thou not what the people have spoken saying the two families which the lord hath chosen he hath cast them off that'd be the two families being israel and judah thus they they have despised by people that they should be no more a nation before them thus saith the lord if my covenant be not with day and night and i have not appointed the ordinance of the heaven and earth then i will cast away the seed of jacob and david my servant so that i will not take away any of his seed to be rulers over the seat of abraham isaac and jacob for i will cause their captivity to return and have mercy on them uh i'm going to take care of the jews that's what the lord's saying quickly chapter 34. i have to get through this because we did 35 on sunday and it'll be totally horrible if we don't finish so really quickly let's just read through verse 1 34. um we have a warning to king zedekiah now by the way we're coming into this new section of jeremiah and this chapter 34 through 38 is about it's a narrative really of the besieging of jerusalem and the wiping out of jerusalem so this is where it gets kind of rough the word of the lord which came to jeremiah from the lord when nebuchadnezzar king of babylon and all his army and all the kingdoms of the earth of his dominion and all the people fought against jerusalem and against all the cities thereof saying thus saith the lord the god of israel go and speak to zeta guy the king of judah and tell him thus saith the lord behold i will give this city into the hand of the king of babylon and he shall burn it with fire and thou shalt not escape out of his hand but thou shalt surely be taken delivered into his hand and thine eye shall behold the eyes of the king of babylon and he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth and thou shalt go to babylon this would have put a huge lump in his throat to think i'm going to go to babylon and talk to king nebuchadnezzar that's like the worst thing a king could hear in those days yet verse 4 hear the word of the lord o zedekiah king of judah thus saith the lord of the of the thou shalt not die by the sword but thou shalt die in peace and with thy burnings of thy fathers the former kings which were before thee so shall they burn odors unto thee and they will lament thee saying ah lord for i have pronounced the word saith the lord then jeremiah the prophet um spake all these words to zedekiah king of judah in jerusalem now we've already talked about how you know the book of ezekiel chapter 12 verse 13 tells that he would not see babylon so they say contradiction but no he gets his eyes poked out then he goes to babylon but as it turns out zedekiah lives through that even though he's blinded and he dies in relative peace just like the bible says um so that's the you know the word to zedekiah verse seven uh when the king of babylon's army fought against jerusalem and against all the cities of judah that were left against lakish and against ezekiel for these defense cities remained of the cities of judah now this last section verses 8 through 22 is a warning to the people the first was the warning to zedekiah this is the warning to the people verse eight this is my word that came unto jeremiah the lord of the from the lord after the that the king of zedekiah had made the covenant with all the people which were at jerusalem to proclaim liberty unto them um that every man should be uh let his manservant and every man his maidservant being a hebrew or hebrew s go free that none should serve himself of them to it of a jew his brother now when all the princes of the people which had entered into the covenant heard that everyone should let his manservant and everyone let his maidservant go free that none should serve themselves of them anymore then they obeyed and let them go let their slaves go when did they let the slaves go when zedekiah was in trouble when the babylonians were ready to kill them all they said okay lord we'll let our slaves go but verse 11 afterward they turned and caused the servants and the handmaids whom they'd let go free to return and brought them into subjection for servants and for handmaids again what happened actually historically we know nebuchadnezzar besieged jerusalem and so they let their slaves go and they said lord we're sorry and lord said okay you let your slaves go then nebuchadnezzar got tied up in another battle with a guy named pharaoh neko down in egypt and he left jerusalem he left for a short season and the jews said wait a minute you you slaves come back here now that fair now you know babylon's no longer besieging our city come back here and so they took their slaves back and the lord is now going to say i saw that i saw that check it out verse 12 therefore the word of the lord came to jeremiah from the lord saying thus saith the lord the god of israel i made a covenant with your fathers in the day that i brought them forth out of the land of egypt out of the house of bond men saying at the end of seven years you let every man his brother a hebrew which hath been sold unto thee as a slave and when thou hath served thee six years thou shalt let him go free from thee but your fathers hearken not unto me neither inclined their ear they just kept people slaves indefinitely and you uh and ye were now turned and had done right in that my sight in proclaiming liberty every man to his neighbor and um ye had made a covenant before me in the house which is called by my name but then you turned and polluted my name and caused every man and servant every man is handmade whom he had said at liberty at their pleasure to return and brought them into subjection to be unto you for servants and for handmaids therefore thus saith the lord you have not hearkened unto me in proclaiming liberty to everyone his brother and every man as neighbor behold i proclaim a liberty for you saith the lord to the sword to the pestilence to the famine and i will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth and i will give the men that have transgressed my covenant and have not performed the words of my covenant which they have made before me when they cut in half and twain the calf and twain and passed between the parts thereof does anyone know what this is called when they cut a calf in half and walk between it cutting covenant have you ever heard the phrase cutting a deal hey let's cut a deal that actually is an ancient phrase that comes from hebrew where they would cut a piece of animal in half and i mean it'd be like if you went down to say you know one of the car dealerships here locally and you're gonna get your you know beaverton honda or or if you go down to you know uh johnstone's uh place down here in wilson i'll get your honda and uh and then you guys sit down with your so what i'm going to do here well you get out a cow and you cut it in half and you let it bleed there and then you and the car salesman and the you know and the team there they walk between the dead animal and say and the idea is this as you're holding hands you're walking through the dead animal you're saying if you don't pay your bill on this car deal you'll be like this dead calf i wonder if people kept their deals a little bit more back in those days it was a bloody time but that's what the lord's talking about you cut a deal with me and abraham and god cut covenant by the way there's a whole story in genesis about that but all that to say they refuse to keep the deal so they're going to be cut up in pieces verse 19 the princes of judah the prince of jerusalem the eunuchs the priests all the people of the land which pass between the parts of the calf i will even give unto them give them into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seek their life and their dead bodies shall be for meat unto the fowls of the heaven to the beasts of the earth and zedekiah king of judah and his princes will i give into the hand of their enemies and into the hand of them that seek their life and into the hand of the king of babylon's army which are gone up from before you behold i will command saith the lord and cause them to return to this city and they shall fight against it and take it and burn it with fire and i will make the cities of judah a desolation without an inhabitant and the lord did that you know before we go just um you might say brett how in the world do you apply that to our lives is cutting a calf in half and making a deal and then sort of reneging on the deal and going backwards what does that all mean well i see that happen all the time i'll give you just one example then we'll pack it up the husband the husband that is kind of coarse and mean spirited a little bit with his wife oh he loves her but you know he treats her kind of badly year after year year after year he just kind of says mean things not appreciative doesn't and so he just kind of does sinful stuff but meanwhile i'm always amazed how tough these ladies are that are married to these guys and they love them and cook meals for them and try to be kind to them but the guy just goes for year after year after you're treating her badly then it's the 15-year mark i've noticed that's the mark i've noticed that's very common where finally you know every time he speaks a mean word she puts a brick in her heart and then again and after about 15 years that brick wall it's sealed off her heart is closed off to that guy and suddenly she's stone faces i'm done and i see this a million times this happens all the time and the guy is saying pastor brett fixer she hates me now um and you gotta you gotta fix our marriage and the guy he realizes he's been a dupe and he's been a jerk for all those 15 years and and she never she didn't want to be the whiny wife she didn't want to complain but all the while he just treated her badly and so suddenly he's repentant he's like i'm sorry i'll treat you really good and i'll love you honey and forgive me forgive me and and and i'll just tell you honestly if that 15-year thing it's you know it's hard men's hearts can be flipped around quickly i've noticed that a woman's heart is a little different than a man's heart um you know the jet boat's out in the lab every now they spin around that's the man's heart the woman's heart's like the titanic turn that heart around it's like whoa boy that's not gonna change whoo so at that 15 year mark i've seen a lot of women like just shut down and she goes her way and it's done but if by the grace of god she says okay i forgive you and she you know and i've seen where the lord can miraculously pull bricks out and see things refreshed and restored and that's that's a miracle of god and it's something that god only can do but but i've also seen it where the guy's like i'll be good from this day forward and he treats her really really good for two whole weeks have you guys seen this where the guy's like i'm sorry honey and she says okay you know she's trying to restore and go back and but the guy just goes back to his old ways this is what's being talked about here in jeremiah chapter 34. the jews were in desperate trouble things looked bleak and so they said we're sorry here's our slaves lord we'll be good from this day forward and as soon as the babylonians left and everything was back to normal get those slaves back in here and that's just human nature right there and the lord says because you've done this you're gonna die and and sadly there's a lot of spiritual death going on i think because people are unwilling to repent from their sins repentance true repentance doesn't mean two weeks true repentance means never again breaking off our sins so learn the lesson from the jews there in chapter 34 and we did it praise the lord uh chapter 34 35 we did last sunday 36 we'll pick up next wednesday lord willing let's pray lord how we thank you for your word and it really is pertinent and relevant for today um lord the heart of the jews in this story we can recognize in our own hearts the propensity to sin and have a really bad mentality about things but i pray that you'd help us to learn from these stories the lord is so much better to learn in the sanctuary rather than to learn out in the storm out in the real life issues so help us to learn from your word and take heed to what the scriptures say here lord and give us understanding we pray in jesus name amen you
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 3,603
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Bible, Church, Teaching, Study, Christian, Jesus, Oregon, Through the Bible, Athey Creek, Athey Creek Church, Athey Creek Christian Fellowship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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