Through The Bible - English - 09 (Joshua) by Zac Poonen

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we'll turn to the Book of Joshua Joshua chapter 1 we could describe this book as the book that tells us about how Israel possessed the promised land it's very similar to the Acts of the Apostles because it was a new beginning and there were tremendous manifestations of power and Joshua was a great leader brought them into the promised land just like in the Acts of the Apostles we read about people who came into the fullness of the Spirit and came into a new beginning in the New Covenant and we also see in the book of Judges immediately after Joshua how backsliding came very quickly and after the time of Joshua which teaches us that when God's people don't have good leaders backsliding enters in very quickly and we see that as soon as the Apostles died backsliding entered and very quickly as we read in revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3 among the churches so the book of Joshua is very similar to the Acts of the Apostles and just like we learned from the Acts of the Apostles we can learn from the book of Joshua see book of Joshua pictures God as a God of War and sometimes we can understand that but God is a God of War because he's a God of love he hates anything that harms his people just like a father would make war against the diseases that are in his son a good doctor would make war against disease where there are polluting influences that would defile and corrupt his people the only way was to eliminate them so the land of Canaan is not a picture of heaven some people talk about crossing we sing songs sometimes who are crossing Jordan in death and entering Kenan Kenan is not a picture of heaven because there are no Giants in heaven to be killed and that's the clearest proof that Kenan is not a picture of heaven it's a picture of life on this earth of an overcoming life sometimes some of these songs we sing have got wrong theology in them Kenan is a description of a spirit filled life where the Giants of sin the lusts in our flesh are crucified one by one all the Giants were not killed in a moment you know the people of Israel had to go cross two bits of water in their life journey from Egypt to Canaan one was the Red Sea and the other was the River Jordan and these speak of both speak of death we saw in 1 Corinthians 10 that going into the Red Sea was a picture of baptism the River Jordan is a picture of another death that's where John the Baptist baptized people that's where Jesus was baptized and that speaks of another death and we need to understand these two the spiritual meaning of this if we are to enter into the promised land ourselves see the Bible speaks about the old man being crucified Romans 6:1 to 6 speaks about your old man was crucified by God we don't crucify our old man Romans 6 is very clear that our old man which is this mind that wanted to sing when which we were in our unconverted days our sinful bent of mind was crucified with Christ on the cross it was God who did that but there is another thing which we are to crucify in Galatians 5:24 it says those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its lusts and affections so the flesh is different from the old man the old man is what God crucified on the cross with Christ Romans 6 is very clear the flesh galatians buying is what those who are Christ's crucified the flesh we can say if I were to use an illustration the flesh with its lusts are like a gang of robbers that try to come into our heart to pollute us the old man is like an unfaithful servant who lives inside our heart and opens the door every time these robbers come to steal everything which does God kill he kills the servant the gang of robbers are still there Halon hearty that's why you are tempted exactly the same way after you're converted as before you were converted because the gang of robbers is alive they wanted to come into your heart before you were converted they want to come into your heart after you're converted but something died and what died was not the lusts of the temptation the old man the servant inside who kept opening the door he's dying that God killed him and he put a new servant there called a new man who does not open the door when the temptation comes now we say no then how do we fall into sin because sometimes when this new servant does not eat properly he's weak and he can't keep the door shut against the robbers and the robbers pushed their way in that's how a believer sins but that is a difference between a believer sinning and an unbeliever sinning because the believer doesn't want to the unbeliever wants to in fact that is the proof of whether you're born again or not the proof of being burning is not whether you sinned or not but you want to sin if you still want to say and I would definitely say you're not converted when people come to me for baptism I ask them one question do you want to sin anymore even once I'm not asking you will you sin nobody can say I will not do the end of their lives but do you want to that one - that's the old man so there are two deaths and it's very beautifully pictured in the Old Testament in the Old Testament the entire army of Pharaoh was buried in one moment under the Red Sea that's the old man who did it the Israelites did not kill them God did it God buried the Egyptian army the old man was crucified by God on the cross but now they crossed Jordan which speaks of another depth I again go into the water and say Lord I die to this flesh of mine I take that attitude they that are Christ's have taken this attitude of the flesh will be crucified but the lusts are still there the Giants are still ruling the land and Joshua and the Israelites had to kill them one by one and we have to kill our lusts one by one that's different from the Egyptian army which is buried in a moment see scripture is so exact when it comes in to its application in the New Testament and if open ourselves to the Holy Spirit he will reveal these hidden things of Scripture to us and we see the wonderful Bible is a wonderful exciting book it's so perfect and so exact in that Old Testament typology they did not understand it then but we understand it today this is the land of Canaan our body ruled by Giants many many giants but we have taken an attitude towards that Giants saying I have decided I'm gonna take up the cross Jesus said you got to take up the cross every day that's not to kill the old man the old man is already crucified it's to put the flesh to that there is only one thing I want to say the Bible speaks about the possibility that if you continue to take a lacs attitude toward sin you can put on the old man again that's possible person can lose his salvation but in Joshua we are talking the picture here is of the lusts of the flesh being put to death one by one overcoming sin is the thing the spiritual thing about the Book of Joshua and the picture in the whole book is to encourage us in our battle against sin and that's why this is a wonderful book and we have a leader in this battle who goes ahead and leads us into this battle his name is Joshua Joshua is the Hebrew word for Jesus Jesus is a Greek word and the Hebrew is yahushua the Lord is Savior you shall call his name Jesus because he is a savior he shall save his people from their sins and you read about that's why you read in Hebrews chapter 4 you see that in the King James Version how Jesus and Josh who are actually the same name and that's also very interesting that our leader who leads us into this battle against sin is Jesus who was tempted in all points as we are Joshua did not sit in a tent and tell the other people to go and fight you go and fight I'll sit here comfortably in the tent and you fight the battle and win for me no he went in front and fought and said follow me that's what Jesus also says the Bible says he is the captain of our salvation in Hebrews and hebrews chapter 2 now a captain of an army does not sit in a tent of the bank he goes in front and the people in the old days anyway they looked at that captain the kings used to lead people into battle and it's exactly like that Jesus is the one who has gone ahead but that's why it says let us run this race looking unto Jesus who in his earthly life endured the cross despising the shame Concord and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God this is the one we are to look at in our earthly life in our battle today there is a captain who has gone in front of us so that when we are tempted today we say Lord you were also tempted exactly like I am being tempted at this moment and you have gone ahead of me as my captain Yin you have overcome and I shall also overcome I'm following you and there is no defeat when we follow Jesus we are defeated when we don't follow Jesus so those things as a word of introduction I also want to say just one practical thing and that is that you know there was a reason why God wiped out the Canaanites the same reason why he wiped out people in the time of Noah through a flood because the whole earth that says in Genesis 6 had become corrupt does a God of love wipe out people let me ask you when will a doctor who loves his patient amputate his foot have you heard of people whose feet have to be amputated because gangrene has set in and it is so bad that if they don't cut off the foot the whole body will be killed so when you see that doctor using your saw and cutting off somebody's leg if you don't understand medicine you'll be convinced that that doctor hates it but actually that is the greatest aspect mark of love that he's cutting off his leg so we need to see that killing people who were going to cause gangrene and corrupt the whole nation of Israel was the greatest act of love wiping out people in the time of the flood was an act of love so that the human race is preserved and that was God's Way in the Old Testament he very rarely does it in the New Testament where people lead others astray sometimes he smites them dead we read of the Apostle Paul once smiting a man with blindness in Acts chapter 13 because he was meeting somebody astray but those are rare I've heard of people who have been killed because they were opposed to revival so God does that very rarely but in the Old Testament we read this it was not murder of the Canaanites it was surgery that we read in Joshua and many many years earlier you read in the book of Genesis in chapter 15 something very interesting relating to why this judgment took place in Joshua in Genesis 15 we read here that the Lord said to Abram and Abram was living in Canaan at that time and that were Canaanites there why didn't God use Abraham and his servants to kill the Canaanites you know that in the previous chapter Genesis 14 he killed so many armies I mean he defeated so many armies Abraham was a powerful man but he did not use Abraham to kill the Canaanites then he said you gotta wait for hundred years and the reason being given in Genesis 15 it says afterwards verse 14 they will come out with many possessions and then they will occupy this land in the fourth generation Genesis 1516 they'll return here reason because the sin of these people has not have become the right for judgment just like the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah came up to a certain part the point of ripeness just like you pluck a mango when it is right sin also God waits and waits it's green now yeah it's growing growing growing you wait for the mango to grow till it becomes right sin also grows and grows and grows and finally it becomes a right who God says now it has to be judged so the sin of the Canaanites we read there was not yet right but to take another 400 years to be right and then Joshua came in now the Canaanites were right for judgment there was all types of sexual perversity going there sex with animals and all types of wicked things going on you read that in Leviticus God said this is the reason why I'm driving out these nations in front of you so we see that it was surgery not murder that's the reason why and it was not because he was partial because we read after Israel occupied the land 700 years later when Israel themselves committed the same sins God chased the Israelites out of the land also the Assyrians came and captured them 125 years later when Judah the southern kingdom also began to turn away from the prophets and fall into sin God sent the Babylonians to destroy them too so God is not partial well that is the Canaanites or the Israelites or the people of Judah his standards are the same if they keep on violating violating don't listen don't listen don't listen one day God does surgery just like he does with us you know that if God excuses your sin I would say he doesn't love you he has to judge yourself he hates sin if a father allows his children to have disease I would say the father doesn't love that that child of his so what we see here is Joshua did not question God he accepted God's standards and he obeyed his laws and his ways and it says here in Joshua chapter one so much for an introduction as we go into the book of Joshua chapter one and verse one we read here after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord the Lord spoke to Joshua saying Moses my servant is dead now I've given you every place that your foot treads on wears three verse five no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life what is the New Testament verse which is the equivalent of Joshua 1:5 no man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life Romans 6:14 no sin will be able to master you because you are under grace because you followed Jesus this is the exact equivalent of Romans 6:14 here is the land of Canaan ruled by many many giants many sins and the Lord says not one of those sins will be able to stand in front of you conquer all of them do you believe that that's God's will Paul believed it and he said in second Corinthians 2 thanks be to God who always leads us in victory in Christ always in victory that was Paul's song that is to be our song - we know that many people did not enter into that life many Christians don't enter into this life 600,000 Israelites came out of Egypt how many entered into this land - 600,000 people are born again how many come to a life of victory perhaps - why like Joshua and Caleb those are the ones who have faith you goddess said it we can do it the other people say oh no no no no these Giants are so big these sins are so powerful they have ruined us for so long how can we drive them out and such believers remain defeated defeated defeated even though they are serving God that's not the way to serve God we have to overcome sin and thus serve the Lord the rivers that flow from heaven through us must not flow through a polluted channel a channel that is polluted with dirty thoughts and murmuring and complaining and love of money no it must flow through a clean channel that has overcome sin then it can bless people I believe this is the great lack in Christendom today we have Christian leaders who are not pure inside who have not overcome sin in their private life who have not overcome the love of money who have not overcome the lust of the eyes who have not overcome bitterness who have not overcome the spirit of competition with other Christian leaders and with other organizations who have not overcome jealousy and who have not overcome unrighteousness in many areas well not even overcome telling lies who have not overcome shouting at their wives and their getting up to preach to God's people what can they preach to God's people they can teach people God's people how to shout at your wife how to be bitter how to be jealous how to compete what else can they teach the rest is all theory there's a lot of theory being preached in the pulpits today which are not real we have to overcome all the knowledge that you acquire which study is useless if you are not an overcomer you will only preach theory to other people remember this learn this from the book of Joshua be and overcomer so the Lord says no man will be able to stand before you why because I will be with you it's not because we determine no it's because Jesus is with me it's because he fills me with the Holy Spirit he will never fail me nor forsake me when I face a trial or a temptation that is the type of leader God is looking for today be strong verse six and courageous don't be afraid of any sin you will lead these people to possess this land which has been ruled by their enemies for so long my dear brothers and sisters you must go out and get God's people to possess the land which has been occupied by sin their bodies ruled by sin for years it's no use just converting people to have faith in Christ just cross Egypt put the blood outside the door come through the Red Sea be baptized and also be baptized the Holy Spirit . there is no pull stop that is only the kindergarten lesson after the kindergarten do you send your child into the kindergarten and say okay you passed out of kindergarten that's all your education that is what is happening in Christendom today no that's the beginning of your education the baptism in the Holy Spirit the pillar of cloud was to lead them into the Promised Land they should have gone there in two years they did not go there even in 40 because the leaders don't teach them faith comes by hearing if we don't hear these truths how will we overcome be strong and courageous he says and be careful verse 7 to do everything that's written in God's Word don't turn to the left or the right if God says sin shall not have dominion over you say it don't reduce the intensity of that and don't say more than what the Bible says don't say that we can be perfect like Christ on this earth we cannot we shall be like him when we see him it says in 1 John 3 don't go beyond scripture don't go less than scripture we can overcome but we will be like him fully only when he comes again but till then it's like climbing a mountain the day I'm converted my sins are all forgiven my past is blotted out but I'm still defeated by so many sins and then I climb a mountain the top of the mountain is becoming perfectly like Christ that will happen only when Christ comes again but do I have delivered the foot of the mountain my life no it says let's press on to perfection he Hebrews chapter 6 let's press on to perfection 2nd Corinthians 7:1 it says perfecting holiness in the fear of God don't be afraid of that word perfection is at the top of the mountain which will happen when Christ comes again but we have to press on Paul says I'm pressing on in Philippians 3 I have not reached the top of the mountain I'm not perfect but I'm not going to sit at the foot of the mountain forever the trouble with a lot of God's people is they're going in circles like we saw in Deuteronomy the Lord says you're gone in circles enough you're stayin at the foot of this mountain enough now climb it press on be careful don't turn to the left or the right this book of God's Word shall not depart from your mouth where should we have God's word I said the other time in our heart we also need to have it in our mouth the trouble today is people are confessing things which they want to satisfy their lusts Lord I confess that I'll have a house lord I confess that I'll have a job lord I confess that I'll have a car no instead of that stop all that start confessing lord I confess I'll overcome anger lord I confess that I lower come lust of the eyes completely Lord I confess that I overcome the love of money these are the things we had to confess but the leaders among God's people are telling people to confess for material things material things all the time because that's what people love that's how you get crowns but you can't build the church with crowds who are interested in material things you can build the church only with people who are interested in heavenly things godly things don't attract the wrong type of people to your crowd to your church with confessing the wrong things this book of the law what does God's Word say where does God's Word say you'll get a car or a house God's Word says you can sin can be overcome God's Word says you can come into a life where you rejoice in the Lord always 24 hours every day where there's never a moment of depression or discouragement or defeat always in triumph always rejoicing always giving thanks in everything for all people this is the New Testament confess it and say Lord this is the life I want to live I remember as a young Christian I looked around and I saw believers believers Christian leaders defeated and I said lord I don't want to judge them that's not my business but I want to look at God's Word I want to look at Jesus and I won't look at your promise and I kept on confessing the life I wanted my in in my own life is the life described in God's Word rejoicing always always giving thanks always in victory always praying always having our mind set on the things about Lord I want to be like that when I'm 20 I want to be like that when I'm 30 I want to be like that when I'm 40 I want to be like that when I'm 50 60 70 80 90 till the end of my life I want to be like that let it not depart from your mouth I say that to you because these are not the type of things that you are encouraged to confess nowadays unfortunately sometimes you may find like I often find that you're a lone voice standing for God and His Word in the midst of popularity seeking preachers don't be like that this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth you shall meditate on it day and night what should you meditate on day and night God's Word not even the need of the heathen that looks like a good thing but you can help the heath and only if you meditate on God's Word day and night and be careful to obey everything that you do it that's written there then what will happen you will make your way prosperous this is the real prosperity gospel where my life becomes prosperous in a heavenly way in a spiritual way and I will have success see those two words their prosperity and success the world is seeking for prosperity and success everybody but they don't seek it the way it's written in Joshua 1 verse 8 so just keep that in mind when we go through this book and when you go through life now we want to move on to chapter 2 in Chapter 2 we see God's concern for a prostitute in a heathen country it's not only Jesus who was concerned for prostitutes in the New Testament we see their there in the Old Testament Rahab who was not a Jew but she was a prostitute but even prostitutes may be sick and tired of their prostitution Mary Magdalene was sick and tired of her evil life very few people knew that they just despised her some of those prostitutes that are today in the red-light areas of our cities they may not be there because they love it some of them have been pushed there some of them are sick and tired of that perhaps some of them need to hear the gospel I praise God for those through the changes who had a burden for such people because God has a burden for such people they may not be Christians they may be even like Rahab but God who searches all over the world irrespective of nationality irrespective over the visit represents a prostitute or a religious leader he sees a longing in that person's heart and he makes a way for that prostitutes salvation and Rahab comes down in the pages of Scripture in the book in the New Testament James write about Rahab's faith was accompanied by works he said neither where did that prostitute think that she would be an example for generations to come for 3,000 years people will talk about her faith see God is without partiality and I want to say that to encourage all of you some some of you may be like Rahab one unknown person who's lived in sin made a mess of your life living there in some place where you think nobody can reach you but God sees the longing in your heart and he's got ways to need you to become a servant now I want to tell you something even more wonderful you know if you read Matthew chapter 1 you they're that raha became one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ can you imagine that so so wonderful plans God had for this prostitute in Jericho she was not even a Jew but she married aftermath after she after she was delivered and the Israelites came and she married an Israeli and through her came Mary the mother of Jesus through her came David king of Israel through her came Joseph the husband of Mary she was the ancestor of both Joseph and Mary she was the ancestor of David amazing God's ways are so different from ours praise the Lord for his way in chapter 3 we read about how the Israelites crossed Jordan and the Lord said to Joshua in verse 7 this day I will begin to exalt you chapter 3 verse 7 in the sight of all Israel that they may know that just as I was with Moses I will be with you God told Joshua you don't see it's very difficult for Joshua to fit in the shoes of Moses imagine some great mighty leader like Moses who for forty years everybody feared and respected a man who could solve every problem and suddenly he dies and Joshua who was probably maybe 70 80 years old is now got to step into his shoes to lead these six hundred thousand men he thought how will these people respect me Who am I sometimes you may be called to go into a ministry which is formally fulfilled by some great man of God who was respected by everybody you say how can I do it and the Lord says don't worry I will begin to exhaust you do you know who exalts us so that people begin to respect us God don't wait from some man to make you a director to give you a title and say okay now I'm director are you trying to get respect through getting a college degree after your name there's some people who never get tired of making that Tales long you know the tale after the name this degree and then this degree in this degree but this long tail is not going to help you to serve God this long tail is it's God who has to exalt you it is God who has to manifest to people that you are a man of God that he's got to be with your mouth what's used in pressing people with your tail this must be an anointing upon your life the words of your mouth and then people know whether God is with you or not Jesus never had a tail he didn't have anything he was a normal human being without any tail but God was with that's the important thing that's the important thing God was with it and that's the thing we need more than anything else don't seek after degrees seek that God will be with you if you go to a Bible School go there to study the Word of God not to get a degree that's trash seek to study the Word of God and that God willeth you seek to be anointed seek to learn the fear of God very few people go for that unfortunately they go more for qualification to lengthen that tables I will be with you and I will exalt and what was Joshua's qualification for serving God God was with him what was Jesus qualification for serving God acts 10:38 says God was with him what was Moses qualification God was with him what was David's qualification to kill that giant Goliath one God was with him what is your qualification to serving God your certificate God of mercy on you you think the devil is afraid of your certificate devil doesn't care for your certificate you can get 10 more certificates he's not afraid of that he wants to see whether God is with you or not if God is with you the devil will be scared if God's not with you you can have any number of certificates it's no use when the double comes against me I don't show my certificate I don't have any certificates in any case I say if God is with me the devil will run remember this it's very very important because we live in a day of an age where we think is these things by which we serve God it's not it's the anointing of the Holy Spirit it's the presence of God standing with me many many times I've said to God Lord when I stand in the pulpit I want you to stand with me it's no use my standing there if you don't stand there with me if you stand with me I can speak your word long for that that God will be with you I will be with you I will exalt you and why did God pick on Joshua because there must have been things in his life that God saw particularly his faith we can conquer Kaman he said when he was sent two years after he came out of Egypt this young man Joshua said we can contact in an end God said that's the man I want that's the man the man who can believe me who can trust my promise he picked him and he made him work with Moses that's very often the way God dreams a man for his service make him work for 38 years with another godly man with a man of God like Elijah word with Elijah and learned how to be a prophet like Timothy worked with Paul and learned how to be an apostle and Joshua worked with Moses now if God gives you that opportunity and calls you to work with a man of God that I would say is perhaps the greatest privilege that you can have and the greatest honor that God can give you to prepare your first service that is worth a million Bible schools if you can work with a man of God if God appoints you for that it's not a question of your choosing there were a lot of people who probably wanted any close to Moses I'm sure a lot of people would have liked to take over from Moses and be close to him but God picked out Joshua and God has to pick you out in his sovereignty and I'll associate you with a godly man whose life and principles affect you so that's how Joshua was prepared his faith his experience is being called by God that was the thing and his diligent application to the Word of God he studied it understood it not to get a certificate he studied it because he wanted to obey it he studied it because he wanted to share it with others let me tell you the same thing you can be a man or a woman of God - okay we've seen in chapter 3 Joshua tells them one more verse I want to show you before I move on verse 9 come here and listen to the words of the Lord your God he himself had meditated on a day and night and now he's able to tell other people listen just like Moses listen to God came out and told the people Joshua listen to the law which Moses had written read it and told the people I want to tell you what God has said that's your calling to share to tell people to listen to what God is saying not my bright ideas I tell you I don't want to know what the higher critics are saying and what the critics of the Bible are saying and what the people who believe in evolution are saying let people who want to waste their time go and study all that I want to say come and listen to what God is saying that's what I've done for 40 years that's what I want to do till the end of my life that's what Moses did that's what Joshua did that's what Peter did that's what Paul did come and listen to what God is saying and I want to say to you don't waste your time studying what the other people are saying listen to what God is saying and when God is saying something that is the best answer to all those critics you don't have to study what they dare say further let's move on to chapter 4 you know God's ways are so different from man's ways so different chapter 4 we read of them crossing the river Jordan and it's the Ark of the Covenant which went in front we read in chapter 3 verse 15 those who carried the ark came into the Jordan and the feet of the priests carrying the are dipped and they went following the ark the ark is a picture of Jesus Christ we saw that yesterday the Ark is that rectangular box on which the mercy seat was and in the most holy place a feature of Christ and the ark went ahead into the land and the people followed let us run this race looking under Jesus it's very significant that the ark went first and when they went there Joshua said okay now that we have come here don't just rush into battle just hang on a minute don't get excited take little time to relax and let's first of all give thanks to God oh this is wonderful to learn this lesson that when God does a miracle for us the first thing is to kneel down and give thanks to God and he said go down into that river and pick up 12 stones from the middle of the river verse 8 and put them here and make a pile of these stones and make it a memorial so that years later generations later a hundred years later when somebody comes and says what is this pile of stones here some little boy asks is and the father says do you know what our great-grandfather experienced here he came through this river the river parted and they came through so God wanted to keep a memorial there for future generations and I believe the things that God has done for us we must share with our next generation so that they can have faith that it's a memorial to what God can do that's what we see in chapter 4 and chapter 5 we see that Israel is circumcised again in Gilgal because it says here in verse 5 of chapter 5 all the people who came out were circumcised of Egypt but the people who were born in the wilderness had not been circumcised there were 40 year old people there who were not circumcised that was a commandment of God so we read that the circumcised is a small thing but it was a mark of the Covenant of cutting off all confidence in the flesh Philippians 3:3 we are the true circumcision cutting off all confidence in the flesh before you go into the battle cut off all confidence in the flesh that's the first step don't think you can overcome in your own strength and the reproach of Egypt is now rolled away verse 9 after that in verse 13 the commander of the Lord's army the captain of the host of the Lord verse 13 to 15 comes before Joshua this is Jesus appearing in a vision and Joshua's thinks that is the enemy he says are you on my side or are you on our enemy's side verse 13 you know sometimes we ask God Lord are you on my side are you on that side and what is the Lord's answer you know I'm not on your side and that's it I want you to come on my side it's very different you know we say Lord I'm going there please come and bless me no we must say Lord where do you want me to go in the Lord says I'm going there you come with me that's very different well what do we say Lord I'm planning to go here tomorrow please come I hope you're on my side the Lord says I'm not on your side I want you to be on my side who is on the Lord's side so he asks are you on my side or my enemies the Lord says neither I'm the captain of the hosts of the Lord and I've come here to lead your army you just come along with me that's pretty humbling and Joshua said fine I'll just follow you life is so simple I don't have to plan to go here and there and ask you to come with me you know a lot of people are serving the Lord like that today they've made their own plans and they've asked the Lord please come here and do this for me that for me the other for me he won't come no we can't treat God like a servant he's a captain if he God was your servant what do you tell your servant what is the master tell your servant his servant I'm going here please pack my bags and come a lot of people talk to God like that but he won't come because he's not your servant you got to say Lord where are you going I'll pack my bags and come with you change your way of serving the Lord and it'll make a lot of difference in your life I know it has in mind because then I can serve the Lord more efficiently I can go where the Lord is already prepared the ground instead of planning to go somewhere do something for five years discover that God is not there and say ok I've wasted my time let me go to another place what a fool what a foolish way to serve the Lord why not wait on the Lord and say Lord where's the ground ready the Lord says here come with me and I go this is the way to serve the Lord and I've discovered the truth of that in the last 25 years I said best way to serve the Lord he knows exactly where he has to take you not somebody else but you okay those are lessons we learned there and then we go to chapter 6 and we see here the Lord tells him I have already verse to give and Jericho into your hand that's the thing we need to go when they fight against Satan I have already defeated Satan the Lord did not say I'm going to give Jericho in another seven days to you no no no no no no I have already given you just go and take it I have already defeated Satan you just go and establish my victory I believe that our calling is to go and establish the victory of Calvary wherever we go Satan's already been defeated I have given Jericho into your hand don't miss these little sentences in Scripture they have a great spiritual truth I have given you just march around and blow the trumpets on the seventh day in other words just confess Satan has been defeated like it says in Revelation 12:11 they overcame Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the trumpet in their mouth the word of their testimony to Satan Satan you've been defeated on the cross I have great joy in reminding Satan about that very frequently that he was defeated on the cross he doesn't like to hear it he doesn't like to hear it I tell you that I remember a demon-possessed lady whom I was I didn't know she was demon-possessed I told her I told her to accept the Lord I told her to confess tell the devil he's been defeated on the cross and she shouted out and said I've not been defeated on the cross I said yes you have you were defeated 2000 years ago you were defeated get out of her in Jesus name and the demon left and then she said yeah Satan you're being defeated on the cross and I learned one thing that day that the devil does not like to be reminded that he was defeated on the cross 2000 years ago I want to a small a few wonderful believers sitting here how many times do you tell the devil that he was defeated on the cross start today tell him off from you were defeated on the cross he 18 and I like it when the devil hates me because then I know I'm on the right track don't get scared oh if the devil hates me he'll trouble me no you will experience the mighty power of God to overcome Satan and put Satan under your feet be strong and courageous that's what a lot called Joshua remind the devil frequently that he's been defeated so that's the blowing of the trumpet and the city this is not a technique you know you can listen to what I'm saying ah now I got the technique I'll just get up in the morning and tell the devil saying you were defeated on the cross and you don't keep your conscience clear Satan will laugh at you you're telling me that I know all about your life I know I know Jesus and I know Paul but who are you that's what the demon told some people who try to make the right confession so I'm not teaching you a technique it's not a technique I'm saying keep your conscience clear humble yourself submit to God James 4:7 and then resist the devil if you try to resist the devil thought so many regard you're gonna have problems so then we move on to chapter 7 where we read Israel was defeated that's exactly what I said just now because they didn't keep a good conscience one man stole something now God had said very clearly in chapter 6 verse 24 that says they burnt the city and the silver and the gold and the bronze of the iron they put into the Treasury of the Lord because God had told them that you must not touch anything here in Jericho it must all be given to the Lord everything must be given to the Lord and so they did that but there was one man it says in Chapter 7 verse 20 he confesses later on I have sinned I saw verse 21 a beautiful dress from Babylon Shinar is Babylon see how Babylon comes up again these Babylonian dresses I tell you they're pretty tempting and silver gold and I I saw I coveted I took three steps in temptation and sin I saw verse 21 721 I coveted I took and fourth step I hit hit it this is how he said I see I covet I take and I hide it's all there in verse 21 and therefore Israel was defeated and when Israel was defeated Joshua said why and the Lord said there's sin in the camp and ACON was stoned to death and then now listen to this is the wonderful part of the story which some of you have missed I'm sure the Lord told them when you go to Jericho don't take anything and a cunning thought boy Here I am coming to fight a battle and if the next 20 years after killing all these Giants I get nothing I mean I'll be poor if I serve the Lord like this I'll be a poor man I want to keep a little bit for myself but it was only a test in chapter 8 verse 2 the Lord said to the people now you go and defeat I and this time you can take everything for yourself the rest of the time in Canaan whenever you defeat anybody all the spoil is yours what a fool a con was if he had just not done it the first time here to God all the rest of the spoil for the rest of life any number of Babylonian garments any amount of silver any amount of gold he missed all that because when God tested him he failed sometimes God will test you and see whether you grab something out of covetousness and if you do you would have missed God's best which he had for you for the rest of your life that was a test instead of that if you sought God's kingdom he had given you so many things you sought God's kingdom first all the other things will be added to you and in chapter 8 we read of how I was defeated in verse 26 it says Joshua lifted up his javelin just like Moses lifted up his hand on that mountaintop Joshua lifted up his javelin and I was defeated and the danger after we won a great victory is that we can become complacent it always happens after great victory we say praise the Lord finally we won and we relaxed and when we relaxed we get deceived and that's what happens in chapter 9 because these people thought they were so great and they knew God so well some gibeonites we read in Chapter 9 who were actually Canaanites who should have been killed came and met Joshua they acted not chapter 9 verse 4 very craftily and they pretended that they were coming from a long distance they wore worn-out clothes verse 5 and worn-out sandals and old bread and they came and said we've come from a very far country from the other side of Jordan perhaps and we have come here can you give us some protection and Joshua said where are you from and they said we are your servants verse 8 we have come from a very far country and we have heard they flattered Joshua and it's very dangerous servants of God when you listen to flattery I'm always scared of the people who are trying to flatter me that's deception around the corner oh we have heard the fame of the Lord your God and Joshua we've heard that you're a great man of God and we have heard the reports of what happened in Egypt and we heard the reports verse 10 of what he did to the kings of the amorite and so our elders in our country men said let's go and ask these people let's be your servants and these wine skins were new now they are thorn and listen to this verse 14 the men of Israel did not seek advice from the Lord and Joshua made a peace with them made a covenant with them okay we will not kill you and then three days later verse 16 they discovered they were not from a far country they were neighbors but they had already made a covenant and what do we learn from that be careful immediately after a time of great victory have you seen the times in the Gospels where immediately after a great time of healing Jesus would go away into the wilderness to pray to give the glory to his father because he was tempted like us that's a lesson for us Joshua did not seek counsel from the Lord when is it that you don't seek counsel from the Lord not when you are defeated when you're victorious we are more dangerous after we are in great and greater danger after a victory than after a defeat you should be after a defeat we are very close to the Lord because we have fallen it's after we have been victorious for some time that you're in real danger and that's how many people don't progress they cannot endure in victory for too long they get deceived and let's train and then we read but they come back so they told these people to be servants and then we read about five Kings attack Guinean end in chapter 10 now he's encouraged by the Lord and the Lord tells him don't be afraid 10:8 I've given always the word is I've already given them into your hands I've already given them into your hands now you're going to overcome them and Joshua came upon them and defeated them and it says in verse 21 that no one could utter a word against Israel no one could utter a word against Israel that's how God led his people on and then verse 24 we read the Joshua's called the Israelites and said put your neck put your feet the last part of verse 24 on the necks of these kings the Bible says in Romans 16:20 the God of peace will crush Satan not on Calvary whether they your feet he's already defeated Satan on Calvary under your feet he will be crushed now that is what God is going to do those are the most important chapters and I don't have time to go through all the rest I just want to say one more thing in Romans in Joshua 13 1 Joshua was old and advanced in years and the Lord says there's still much land to be possessed the Lord says is much land to be possessed and this man is dying he's old it's a sad thing there were no other leaders after Joshua that's a sad thing in Christendom today godly men are dying and still so much land has to be possessed there was one man like Caleb in chapter 14 but he was also old and he was passing on towards the end of the book in chapter 24 chapter 24 we read Joshua bidding farewell and he says in verse 15 you can serve whom you like but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord that's how Joshua lived does not only him he and his house served the Lord that's how they live and that's how they he led not only the people of Israel but he led his house he was an example in his home and he was an example for the people I believe God needs many people like Joshua in our land today to live for him and I pray that we will learn from these principles and study the other chapters in Joshua so that we can also follow in his footsteps amen let's pray
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Keywords: zac poonen, cfc
Id: rg0RPUAO2M0
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Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2013
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