Thompson Center Compass 6.5 Creedmoor

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hi folks welcome to the nerdy end of the YouTube gun community today we're gonna look at a new gun that I just picked up this is the Thompson Center compass chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor we've been wanting to get into 6.5 creamier Creedmoor here on my channel for quite some time and this was really the cheapest option I could find to do it this gun can be had for as little as 225 dollars right now Thompson sinners run in a $75 mail-in rebate so kind of normal price 299 and then with the $75 million rebate it makes this thing incredibly affordable I ended up going with the vortex combo from its sportsmen outdoor superstore I think is where I ordered I will have a ton of links down in the description about basically everywhere that's selling this gun for a decent price and the $75 rebate is still on for the rest of 2017 here until the end of the year so it's an incredible deal the vortex combo I bought ended up being after rebate 299 dollars so I got this four to twelve by 44 vortex crossfire to scope and the vortex medium rings for an additional 75 dollars that was a pretty good deal I do own one of these scopes already and they're not bad this guy's got a 22 inch barrel with a one and eight twist so it should be good for the heavy bullets another thing that kind of pulled me towards this guy's it does have a threaded barrel and I own a suppressor so actually today here on in this video we're gonna screw on a suppressor and shoot some groups we're gonna shoot some groups without the suppressor we're gonna try a variety of ammo in this guy and see what sort of accuracy we're seeing these do come with an MOA guarantee so I think we've got plenty of options to test that out so it does have an adjustable trigger the trigger feels pretty okay and I was playing around with it a little bit trying to get it adjusted for the lightest poll I possibly could and I found the adjustments on this guy very confusing and a little bit fiddly so at the end of this video once we're done shooting some groups and seeing how it performs I'll add in a little segment at the end about adjusting the trigger because it was a little bit of a pain in the butt but I think I've got it adjusted just about as light as it will go and it feels really nice it feels really nice now when I first took this guy on the the bowl was a little bit rough like those first few times I was thinking oh man this is just gnarly but I've been playing with it here over the last few days and I've got it oiled up a little bit and it seems to be getting smoother and smoother as we go and at this point it is really quite smooth to be honest with you the biggest thing let me try and get over here in the light you know when the bolt is open it is kind of sloppy here so if you're not pushing straight that's where you run into problems when the bolt is all the way back if you get it a little bit sideways it can seem like it doesn't want to go home but as long as you try to you know keep that travel as straight back and straight forward as possible it runs nicely this diet guy does come with a pretty nice little lob butt pad nice and squishy should be nice at reducing recoil 6.5 Creedmoor is not a big recoiling round anyway but a nice little squishy butt pad is nice when I first took this thing out of the box the stock seemed to be possibly rubbing just a little bit on the left-hand side of the gun but I don't know if this is what it's for but this this this guy came with this little plastic like barrel shroud thing I thought like when I took it out of the box I thought it was just a you know just a piece that's supposed to be put on the barrel while it's sitting in the rack at the gun store but I found that it works pretty well and this might actually be what it's for I don't know but if you if you put it on upside down and then slide it under the stock it does a very good job of acting as a spacer between the barrel and the stock this is a flimsy little plastic stock so this spacer keeps it lined up just right and hopefully over time in the gun safe this spacer will keep it from maybe warping and coming into contact with the barrel because just I've had this in there a couple days acting as a spacer and it already seems to have gotten rid of the possible minor rub that I saw and it seems to be spaced really nicely now so I think our barrel is nice and free-floating and I'm not gonna have to worry about that guy too much the safety on this guy is for one it's kind of loud maybe that'll work in overtime as well but it's a three-position safety all the way forward is fire there is a middle position which it's in safe but you can still load and unload your gun and work your bolt and then all the way back is a bolt lock position you cannot open the bolt and of course trigger safe can't open bolt middle position you can work the bolt but triggers still safe and then all the way forward is your normal fire position so for the plan for today's video is to get this guy sighted in first of all and then I've got several different types of ammo I want to test I've got the 129 grain Hornady american whitetail which uses the 129 grain Hornady interlock bullet this is a really nice setup for you know for a deer rifle so i wanted to test some hunting ammo so first of all the 129 and also bought some of the federal non typical whitetail that uses a hundred and forty grain soft point now this is a reloading channel so in the last video i loaded up 30 different rounds of hand loads here that we're going to try out the 129 grain interlock the 130 grain sierra game king and the 143 grain Hornady eld x bullet so I think between all of that ammo we should be able to test out that whole MOA guarantee and see what sort of accuracy this guy's capable of so this guy uses a five round rotary magazine my lighting is all screwed up and now you see if I can there we go let's try this so this guy is a five round rotary magazine so as you put the rounds in they go and it's a bit of a rotary action the magazine Li loads and unloads pretty decent and after you put the 5th round in there's still a decent amount of you know room so it's not like you're jamming that last round in or anything so I like the magazine setup and like I said it's easy to unload as well now these rounds are two point eight inches that's your maximum Sammy overall length all of your factory ammo that you buy this is the longest overall link to your to find but you can see there's still a lot of room in the magazine for longer rounds which is really good news for those of us who reload because a lot of times we like to exceed Sammy maximum length we like to go much longer and we're actually going to double check to make sure that they're gonna feed okay here in today's video I loaded some of these guys up at two point nine inches so these are quite long there's all five rounds in there you can see they they go down in there just fine there's actually still quite a bit of space left it looks like you could go all the way up to two point nine eight zero with this magazine so this is good stuff and we're gonna see how these guys feed whenever we get to a point where we're ready to shoot a group with them alright so that's quite enough of this talking garbage I'm going to put a target out at 50 yards let's see if we can get this scope dialed in then we'll move the target to 100 and do some accuracy tests alright I want to start out I've got five rounds in the magazine of the Hornady American whitetail stuff with 120 229 grain interlocked the box shows a muzzle velocity of twenty-eight hundred and twenty feet per second that's probably with a much longer barrel than the 22 inch barrel we're shooting so we'll see what sort of results we get I've got my caldwell ballistic precision chronograph out like I said I want to feed these guys from the magazine the instructions for the gun tell you to insert the magazine with the bolt open but I want to see if a full magazine goes in okay with the bolt closed yep it sure does let's get this guy on paper the target is at 50 yards I've got a three-inch grid set up I want to shoot at the top Center dot all right good we're about five inches low the brass looks outstanding nothing weird going on here alright so five inches is about 10 MOA at 50 yards so let's go up 8 MOA we want to be a little bit low I believe cuz I want to zero the gun at a hundred yards so let's shoot another one see where we're at the velocity on that guy was 27 18 so what did the box say the Box said 28 20 so we're about a hundred feet per second slower than the box alright beautiful so that shot was still just a touch right so let's come left yeah let's come left one MOA and let's go ahead and move the target to 100 yards throw this guy on safe I need to eject the previous round first actually I'll leave the bolt open and I've got a chamber chiller here that blows a little bit of air through the through the chamber and the barrel I want to try to keep this guy cool as we shoot here today you know the barrel profile on these guys I wouldn't call it exceptionally thin but it's certainly not thick at all so a little help to keep it cold won't be a bad thing alright so the velocity on that second shot was 27 52 so that's 70 feet per second below with the Box said so that's that's pretty reasonable I figure their numbers are probably from a 26 inch barrel alright our target is now at a hundred yards we've got three shots left in the magazine so let's go ahead and do a quick three shot group at the top dot and continue getting our scope just the way we want it good tell you one thing some of my previous ejections I was doing it slow trying not to lose the brass but let's see what a full power ejection you know we're in the woods hunting we're looking for a quick follow-up shot let's try to work the bolt full full speed here yeah no problem there the brass ejected nice and healthy it didn't go 10 miles but it went far enough good deal let's leave the scope where it's at and let's shoot a three shot group that second shot that went a couple inches low it didn't feel like a good shot but it didn't feel like pull that hard you know what I'm saying so here's two more shots in the magazine let's go ahead and make this a five shot group all right stringing a little bit vertical their barrels getting warmed up a touch let's give it a couple minutes to cool off all right so I'll put the suppressor on and I want to shoot a three shot group with the same ammunition through the suppressor and see what sort of change we see now tell you what let's go ahead and come up on the scope two more minutes yeah that's what that looks good let's see what it does I'm gonna shoot at the left-hand dot it looked like that one went about two inches to the right yeah that wasn't terrible a little bit of a shift to the right but nothing crazy so we did seem to pick up some velocity there those last three shots two of them were in the 27 90s and if we look at kind of our rolling average the first three shots average 27 35 the second five shots average 27 44 and then the last three were 27 85 so whether that little bump was from the suppressor or maybe the gun just breaking in you know barrel getting broken in I can't be sure and speaking of breaking in I want to shoot five more shots and then I'm gonna go in and clean the gun really well run some patches through the barrel make sure nothing weird is going on in there and for these last five I want to shoot 140 grain federal non-typical whitetail so I'm gonna give this guy just a couple more minutes to cool down a little bit it's really not getting that hot I think that the chamber chiller is doing its job this is the larger of the chamber chillers and it really moves some serious air so it's keeping things reasonably cool okay suppressor off shooting at the right hand dot with the 140s let's see how they do I'll tell you what for this group I'm gonna give it a minute between each shot with the chamber chiller in here just maybe 60 seconds or so just to maybe help keep things cool I don't like that stringing that we saw on that earlier group I don't know if it's heat related but if it is an extra minute of wait time between shots it's worth trying so the Box velocity on this stuff is twenty seven fifty and we're seeing right around 26 50 well actually we've had a 26 92 and a 2649 so it looks like with both this ammo and the other we're losing just a little bit less than 100 feet per second from the Box velocity all right so that group wasn't terrible see what our velocity was with that stuff yep average was 26 65 so a little less than 100 feet per second below the box velocity that's that's not bad for a 22 inch barrel that last group there is probably an inch and a half something like that so not bad for some factory ammo so here's what I'm going to do I want to take it inside I'm gonna run some patches through it if anything looks weird I'll let you know I'll get a fresh target up and we'll start shooting some of the hand loads and hopefully these groups will tighten up a little bit alright so I've got the gun all cleaned up and ready to rock I patched it and brushed it didn't see any signs of major copper fouling got just a touch of blue out of there but nothing that causes me any alarm so everything seems good to go it's all nice and clean now so it's time to switch over to our hand loads and see if these give us a little bit better accuracy than we saw from the factory ammunition I've got three different bullets we're testing we loaded up this ammo in the last video the first bullet is 129 grain Hornady interlocked that's the same bullet that was in our Hornady american whitetail factory ammo we're shooting an overall length of two point six nine zero the powder is real odor 17 first up is 41.0 grains we're starting low here with our reloads you know we don't want to get ourselves in trouble run into pressure or whatever so velocity might not be that impressive here but hopefully we'll see some better accuracy so we've got six loads to test this is the first one shooting at the left-hand dot [Music] all right that's a very good start like I said we're starting pretty low so our velocity was down to 26 62 which not not bad but it was most much more consistent you can see that 7.4 feet per second standard deviation and those are one-inch dots were shooting that so that group is not that much bigger maybe just a smidgen over an inch so that's great performance out of a affordable bullet 129 grain interlock is pretty darn affordable so moving on to the hundred and thirty grain Sierra game King we're gonna shoot the exact same load as the last bullet 41.0 grains of reloader 17 the overall length on these guys is two point six seven zero the hollow point on these guys is a very blunt nose so this first one here is my camera too dark I need to lighten up my camera don't let stand by there we go now you can actually see so they've got that very blunt tip so I want to make sure that they chamber okay yeah no problem at all and the one that I cycled through don't see any huge scrapes or anything on the brass or the bullet so feeding pretty well but let's find out though group holy crap folks I didn't bring out a spotting scope all I got is this 12 power scope are there any out of that group holy crap I tell you what let's go and move our scope let's go down a minute and a half and we'll go right half a minute man that is a incredible performance for a frickin $225 gun and a scope and rings that costs 75 extra bucks really good stuff velocity 2673 another single-digit standard deviation there with a nine point zero so really happy about the early signs here with reloader 17 I got to be honest with you back when we were shooting those the factory ammo I was getting a little bit worried all right so our next contender here is the hundred and forty-three grain Hornady eld X and this guy we're shooting with forty point five grains of H 43 50 and with this bullet I want to shoot two different overall links first up is gonna be two point eight inches which is our standard you know overall links straight out of the manual like I had mentioned earlier this is the sámi maximum overall length for this cartridge so I want to see how it does it 2.8 and then the next group we shoot with this bullet I want to shoot it at 2.9 and make sure that we're gonna get proper feeding with the longer rounds I was talking about in our magazine all right let's do it all right another great group amazing holy crap velocity 25 27 with a 13-point 0 feet per second standard deviation the last shot was 25 49 it was 20 feet per second faster than any of the others and it kind of screwed up our numbers I was watching the velocities as we went along and after the first four shots I think we had a standard deviation of like four but our last shot kind of screwed that up all right I'll tell you what now that I mean honestly this gun has proven its accuracy to me so I want to throw the suppressor on here for the rest of the shots we've got 15 more shots to take three more groups and I want to see if we see similar accuracy with the suppressor on we did see that point of impact shift down and to the right with our previous suppressor test with the factory ammo we'll see if the hand loads do the same thing so we're back to the 129 grain Hornady interlock last time we shot 41.0 grains of powder this time we're shooting 42.0 grains of powder yep same deal it shifted low and to the right so I'm going to come left to MOA and I'm going to come up two and a half MOA yep so this guy will be a four shot group tell you what the recoil reduction with the suppressor pretty dramatic so I annoy my neighbors less and I have less recoil to deal with you can't beat that brass is still looking good with the hotter charge the velocities up to about 27 30 from 26 62 on the previous group with this bullet alright next up we're heading back to our hundred and thirty grain Sierra game King this is also 42.0 grains of reloader 17 I'm gonna screw around and run out of daylight here so the last 10 shots here the last two groups I'm gonna go ahead and just shoot them fast nothing crazy right I'm gonna take my time and aim and all of that junk but let's see if we can get this barrel nice and warm and see if see if it starts walking around on us all right for our last group we're back to the hundred and forty-three Green Hornet EE L DX we're still shooting forty point five grains of H for H 4350 but this time our overall length is two point nine inches these would not fit in the magazine of a tikka or Remington 700 or anything like that so let's see how they feed here out of our compass magazine they seem to just feed fine that is so awesome all right let's see how they shoot yeah the guns definitely warm now I'm starting to get some mirage off the suppressor all right the gun is pretty smoking hot right now but the groups held together halfway decent I couldn't be happier so let's run inside of the reloading bench and talk all this out so this is like a reloading recruitment video if you landed here looking for gun info and our results don't make you want to start reloading I don't know what to tell you brother cuz factory ammo was just kind of pretty disappointing at this point man I was a little disappointed the two five-shot groups we shot at one point nine one inches and one point four three inches we're not impressive so we're not gonna talk that much more about this but we seem to be eighty or ninety feet per second below advertised velocity and I considered that pretty good I thought it might be worse than that all of our hand loads shot well and these were just loads you know pulled out of our butt what's this gun going to be capable of once we really start narrow down the bullets it really like sand the powder it really likes and then finding just the right charged weight my expectations are sky-high so our worst group was the first one after cleaning one point two seven inches I don't know if that had anything to do with it the clean bore had anything to do with it but one point two seven and then our next two worst groups were the last two here where I was really trying to shoot fast get the gun nice and hot and I think these these ones that were kind of dropping low into the left might be related to barrel heat I don't know we're gonna have you know we're got to put a lot more rounds through the gun and start characterizing those sorts of things but once we fouled the gun and these two groups where I was really taking my time and a little bit of chamber chiller time between each shot point seven thirty six and point eight seven eight that's excellent stuff that is really good stuff so our guns broken in and I cannot wait to start playing around with other stuff the other thing that is a it's a bigger deal than I'm able to make you understand on film here probably but this is a twelve power scope how are glasses my eyes suck I think simply putting a twenty four power I've actually got a thirty six power scope with a one inch tube maybe I'll throw that beast on here but I think switching to a higher magnification scope where I can settle in a bit better this gun will probably continue to impress or I'm hoping it will one thing I did want to show earlier that I kind of forgot about the bolt I don't know if you want to see it it is a three lug design strong like bull I'd have to say I have nothing I have nothing to complain about at this point if I had paid five hundred dollars I wouldn't have anything to complain about at this point the stock is cheap garbage so is my tikka stock man I'll tell you what you put this put this in a nice Boyd's laminated stock that would be sweet that make for a really nice gun the the vortex crossfire like I mentioned before I already own one so this is my second one happy with it it's seemed to track just fine the adjustments we made to it reacted just like they should on paper these have very clear glass an outstanding deer-hunting scope like this is just this is a perfect deer hunting setup I figured with you know with the light barrel when we threw the suppressor on there like that that's a significant amount of weight hanging out on a little ol barrel and it definitely made the gun you know front heavy actually on my rest I kept had to keep weight on the back because it was one to tip forward on me so I figured we'd probably see a point of impact shift so a couple minutes down to the right I'm not shocked by it I certainly wish it wasn't doing that I wish I could just screw the can on and off and have the same point of impact but you can't have everything in life our tests with long rounds and the magazine went awesome all of our brass I've I'm not even gonna waste my time showing there's absolutely nothing to show you on the brass zero pressure science forum in any of our loads but we you know we picked light loads for exactly that reason didn't want to have to deal with that in this video the velocity and standard deviation numbers that we saw with reloader 17 looked really good man I'm looking forward to testing a whole bunch more with reloader 17 I might go ahead and pick up another pound now that I see it's the standard deviation numbers were awesome accuracy was awesome so it's all good brother I couldn't be happier with things so I want to roll in a little segment on adjusting the trigger it is the it is boring it is confusing and I don't blame you if you just jump out just bail out right now man so if you're interested in that stay tuned too otherwise if you'd like to help support my channel you can come to slash reloading I'll have links down in the description of where to buy that gun but I'll also have some additional links some affiliate links if you're going shopping for reloading and gun stuff I have affiliate accounts at several different places consider clicking on my link before you go shopping same price for you but they kick me a couple pennies on the dollar so alright I'll see you guys next time alright guys let me try and quickly show you the trigger adjustment here the action you know you got an action screw here and then back here uses an al rinche nothing complicated here so both the front and the rear screws are the same size as far as I can tell so that's good and then we just pop this guy right out now here on the back these three nuts and this screw that goes through here this is your trigger adjustment I'll show you how the trigger works here I don't know yeah I'm cocked right now so that's all there is to it pretty simple design now so I just set off the trigger and you'll see let me zoom in all the way yeah the way I've got it set right now there is zero additional travel the trigger will not move a bit now this trigger travel or over travel I think the manual calls it the trigger over travel is one of the settings so you have to set the trigger over travel before you set the trigger wait and the less over travel you have the lighter you can set the trigger just keep that in mind for a minute so these are quarter-inch nuts and you know found a couple quarter-inch wrenches this guy is a little bit thinner than this guy but honestly neither one is thin enough because the top nut is what adjusts the spring tension the nut right below that guy is nothing more than a lock nut for this one it's a jamb nut the bottom nut is also a lock nut that just locks up against the bottom here so you've got the top guy is actually an adjustment let me see if I can break this guy loose real quick ok we screw it that way and you can see the spring we're adding tension to that spring so that's kind of step 1 to get to get the nuts free and moving around and when you first take these off there's gonna be a bit of goop on them that they used to lock them in place so you have to chip away the goop and then basically get this guy up and out of the way a little bit and then try to break the other two free okay there went that guy so now if it'll spin for me there we go so now that guy is spinning free and out of the way and that guy is spinning free so once you have everything loose if you look under here that is a slotted screw it's a little bit dainty so you want to find a screwdriver that fits it well I think this is the one that fitted halfway decent yup so this guy goes into the slot there and what I want to do real quick is loosen this guy up a good bit and by a good bit I mean like a half turn there we go so it's out about a half turn what you'll see now is that there's a whole bunch of over-travel on our trigger and as we screw this in I'll tell you what I'll screw it in all the way until it stops so I've bottomed this out it's not bottomed out on anything it's actually bottomed out up here I believe the trigger will not move at all so if we try to [ __ ] it right now or actually I probably should have done that to take tension off of it so the the bolt is up right now so now I can probably screw this in a little bit farther yup so this this is now screwed in all the way until it bottoms out the trigger will not move at all so if we go ahead and [ __ ] the trigger so the mechanism is cocked but I can't move the trigger to actually set it off so you slowly back this out and it only takes about an eighth of a turn before you can finally see it's moving but it's not quite enough to clear and actually go off so keep backing out until almost yep it's just not moving enough so let me keep backing it out until we can finally get it to go off there it is so now it will move enough to clear and actually set the trigger off now the problem is if you don't back that out enough to where this will reliably clear and set off the trigger you're going to end up in the woods or something and your gun won't go off so if your primary use for this gun is hunting I would set it to where after the trigger goes off there's a little bit of movement like right now there's really no movement so I know that I'm barely backed out enough to actually let the mechanism work if I was want to hunt with this trigger I would go an additional I mean we're talking like a 64th of a turn here see what that looks like it's still not enough there we go I don't know if I'll be able to actually get you a view of it but we've got a little bit of movement beyond what is absolutely necessary so for absolute reliability you definitely want to do that I would hate to get out in the woods and not have enough travel to get my trigger to go off so but for my case I'm going to tighten it up just a little bit more to get rid of that slop because the tighter you may get the lighter you can set the trigger a little bit too much there we go now it's just fairly able to move after the trigger goes off good deal so now that that screw is good we can kind of tighten this guy down this is the other problem as you tighten it down it's probably going to move again on you you got to try and hold the hold the screw while you tighten down the lock nut but I never quite seemed to be all that successful here yeah see that's a little bit sloppier than I wanted it but that's okay I'm gonna leave it just like that and then at that point let's get the locknut out of the way up there and loosening this reduces the spring tension and that actually is what sets the weight of your trigger yeah that's not bad at all so that's what I'm going to do is the bottom nut I've actually got it right down against that piece and then the top one is down on it so good all three nuts are tight trigger seems to be working reliably I've got a tiny little bit of over travel for reliability reasons and you're good to go now for some reason I wanted to have your trigger all I would have to do is just you know take the top nut up a little bit and then bring the bottom nut or the middle nut up to lock against it and that would make the trigger a little bit heavier I played around with it earlier and honestly it doesn't really make all that much difference the whole adjustment range available to you here is a pretty is a pretty subtle amount of difference I don't have a trigger weight scale to test it you know and actually give you real numbers but it doesn't seem to do a whole lot now the instructions tell you once you have it where you want it to use some nail polish to lock things in place or to you know make it so that you can see if something's moved so I'm gonna go with a red this is just one of my normal Reds for daily wear I picked it because it's fast dry it's supposed to dry in 60 seconds so let's just drop a big glob on here oh that that's that's a that's a big glob good grief where's a q-tip yeah try and you get it out of the spring I really shouldn't have got it in the spring like that I'm not a very smart man yep good enough so there's the trigger set I hope that was this confusing for you as it was for me to be honest what you got to do is just get your gun pull it apart and play with it because I had to read through the through the instructions about five times before I could follow what they were trying to say good luck to you
Channel: Johnny's Reloading Bench
Views: 199,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guns, shooting, reloading, 6.5 Creedmoor
Id: RMnrujab1S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 11sec (2471 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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