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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] China where the points on the board delighting their fans channel on beating Antony Silla suka gintink in straight games what a match that was we knew it would be and it lived up to its billing now on to men's doubles number one then between we Chang Jiang none against Marcus fennel the Gideon and Kevin Sanjaya Sakamoto the third ranked team in the world from China playing off their career-high ranking by four wins no losses so far this tournament they take on the might of the world number ones who have had two wins and one loss against the Thai pairing who played off their face to beat the world number ones that was a big moment I called that match and it was so exciting we are in for another absolute belter here as the athletes make their way to the court looking very pensive and relaxed Jan 9 was a smile to his compatriots at the back of the court but this should be very very interesting because well so much to talk about but for the Chinese off their career high ranking they are really playing well against the very best in the world the world number ones Eric curved in the chair for this one from Denmark to receive so it's not been all that plain sailing for the Indonesians I mentioned that before they've taken a loss already but they'll have their work cut out to date with these Chinese guys at four wins no losses there's Clio Chiang 26 years old ranked 3 in the world from Fujian there's a say off that career-high ranking they've played 12 matches this year but prior to coming in here 8 wins only 4 losses year-to-date they won the Denmark Open and the world champs as well in Glasgow some jong-nam his partner 28 years old he's been just that little bit higher one spot higher with his partner-in-crime in the past and then we are there's their wins so far as you see they haven't even dropped a game and it's all been done and dusted inside three-quarters of an hour but this a sterner test that awaits that's for sure and it should be wanted to say an absolute belter and match if it lives up to its billing you never know what's going to happen of course it's sport but in terms of rankings it doesn't come much closer than this does it the number one and the number three team toe-to-toe here in this clash Marcos finale Gideon the older of the two Indonesian 's Wallen Jakarta at the pinnacle of the game two wins here one lost dominated much of 2017 the early part of 2018 titles have abounded thick and fast for these two this man the other day had a few service faults called by the service judge and he wasn't too happy about it but the rules are the rules and there's Kevin who's five years younger of course but what a player he is I do love his showmanship but some people get a little irritated by it a note but either of the two nations doubles pairs can be trusted to swing the fourth match their way this is of course match two and there's their record so far you saw just momentarily the glimpse there the loss to the Thai pairing whose names I won't try and pronounce again but now it should be a a competitive match this charmaine yeah it's gonna be really exciting could go either way but you have the Indonesian so so tricky out there maybe a little edge I think so they're lightning fast in those flat hard exchanges aren't they from Vietnam the service judge the empire's we said before Oh Eric Curt from Denmark so little shadow badminton going on from funny isn't it each of the players have different quirky rituals in their own way to get themselves into the right state the right optimal arousal level just building up they're ready to start here men's doubles [Music] [Music] rude China with a point on the board Jiang nan to get us underway in this second match within the tie race 2/3 is what it's all about in this straight knockout semi-final first time he won the mixed doubles back in 2012 and then again in men's doubles in 2016 - so he's the one that's gonna make the difference in this game that experience alone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's a very assured individual isn't he I was in the lift with him you know at the hotel and he's just very calm you know he's ill Woodberry up together doesn't give a lot away and whatever he does you know it's tough man to read it's exactly common collective are on the courts but to hear your thoughts on there's a lot of these athletes as it across all rackets falsi sort of paved with insecurity and doubts aren't they you know they're just trying to do the best they do and make their way through life such a solid doubles player it's hard very smart door on court just his partner had a huge smash [Applause] but that was quit from the indonesia's there quick snap down here from heaven second audio of some action there right yes that's where you get the power in the Balaton nice loot you have to be loosen your wrists [Applause] tell me who these guys trained to be so quick is there things they do specifically for that I thought equipped emotions aren't on the court before you used to have the wait jackets but now it's really not like that it's more fast with twitch muscles and just so many over and over again multi shuttles really help as well [Applause] I was describing in other day is in fact hipoteca mojo particularly you know if there's another rerun at the matrix film he would be involved because I mean it just dodges bullets like like I've never seen before same as Gideon as well you know these guys are just Wyatt well the speed at fastest rackets court in the world but reflexes that you have to have a lot of talk to goalies in Canada complain play badminton for the reflexes Formula One's Michael Schumacher used to play all the time it's that ability to compliment like a you know real powers of snappy elastic fast which with subtle hand skills as well it's it really is you have to have that power that speed but then you have to have the touch agility [Applause] [Applause] the traffic was going from the Indonesian towards blue Chiang there but the last one they really redlined out to go to a jack man perhaps that tells its own story but the Chinese water time throughout really trying to break down leo but great defense nice and solid [Applause] Indonesian off to a slow start but that's what they need to do they need to get on attack they're so quick coming to the net forgive me I forgot to tell you guys that the Indonesians lead the head-to-head showings in this one three matches to one and they have the last women the Dubai World Super Series finals of last year to 2017 I was in straight games but prior to that Denmark Open last year Leo and Zhang came through in three close games [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just looked up at the last second [Applause] yeah I was an imposing blur wasn't it was yang menacingly making his way forward at pace they're closing that net down like a blanket [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] it's China in this heaven see on the turn for the cushion of six points eleven five they lead courtesy of Jiangnan bullying from the net there [Applause] [Applause] what's - 20 seconds we'll sack Emilio's guy land-speed be able to haul the intonations back into this alongside his partner who's equally as efficient Marcos Valda Gideon there's a great cutoff by Marcus that's what he does so well getting into this game the way you like it it's jamming that's setting everything up [Music] really the experience point out there [Applause] second one your end is up sort of frustrated Indonesian coach barking out some instructions and he has to emit this noisy arena yes it gets pretty loud in here [Applause] Oh miscommunication but nowhere to be seen yeah Kevin really coming quick on there just pops it over chow mein although it's early doors here is there anything that you've picked tactically that the Indonesians might do to sort of reestablish themselves on this one or are they really not that far away they're not far away but again you have to be City you have to try to get on an attack that's what you're so good at [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is when you watch and play they're phenomenal I'm so quick so double the score then the Chinese they're enjoying their time on show court to this evening cycle just that little bit faster that spilled wine that's back and push from Jiangnan so Indonesia still in the hunt here very much [Music] mistake into the net yeah an unforced error let's be short from the Olympic start twice Olympic champions don't make a that's the thing is they champagne with any of these sports you know one percent drop off and suddenly you just get savaged by an opponent is do this they're treading such a fine line these guys day in day out on the water [Music] [Applause] yeah body blow to Jang man from second what a joke and that's a strength watch I'm at the net he's first one was almost behind it wasn't that it's just to me miraculous how he turned that around in his favor and kept on the front foot respectful apology from him to his opponent beautifully in the driving seat team China here and of course if you're just you're just walk him along you're in the couple of ball handling charmaine read and won't you mr. Chen long have a win over Antony continue you have just arrived here it is that's what he does so well that's what yeah they've been complimenting very very well and as I say four wins no losses so far for these two nothing quite like winning gets to be a habit [Applause] it's like he does it all the time me that's right that stone-faced good to say that's just how I roll day today great in the pocket there pulls it off that's a tape do you see his reaction at the end [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] despite the street frame and of course the bed goes really saggy on the strengths at the mall could be the shuttle can fly anywhere but he managed to keep control he had a broken string try to put it right on the back line good front court control for these two managing to sort of hold on to the attack really well having someone like genin dictating out there nice and confident so time right well eight of them then to seize that critical opening game psychologically [Applause] damn spills there it is indeed team China courtesy of theirs first doubles pair 2112 they take the opening game back for Game two in second [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] 20 seconds 20 seconds [Applause] well it was about seven months or so ago back last October that Leo and shine scout beat world number one so it was a very closer fair they went the distance 2119 deciding game and they took the opening game the Chinese on that match as well that were pegged back immediately by the world number ones so what will unfold here China a game to the good in match two in a matchup as well [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a real substance as well as style rock in the earring with that vibe as well but he backs it up well there's real swagger to the way that he plies his trade hope you watch down hang on out on court he's in the right spot he reads the play so well doesn't he's seen it all before the twice Olympic champion oh he's so clever encore that's it's fun to watch him because he's already moving to the right spot [Music] and that's another fine example they're challenging here they thought that was good and understandably I would as well that was very very close but as you say it's really interesting because when you are that long in the tooth as a player and you've been around for so long you kind of get a read on the place so you're a millisecond faster your opponents and these guys use that time to take time and space away from their opponents yeah absolutely and that that's a key he does so well the Indonesian team they're so quick but then just taking control and you watch both they're so clever [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well the men in red have been irresistible themselves not to do them a disservice they have been incredible for the last nine months or so really owning most of 2017 and the front end the 2018 let's make no bones about it I think coming in here there was something like 19 and Oh coming into this tournament the Indonesians in terms of their winning record and then the law student ties broke their buffers that they are just incredible themselves so just you know we're kind of very much anticipating a turnaround the backlash from them yeah you're absolutely right they're so quick all your they've done phenomenally they're so fast coming in setting each other up and in so tricky but they're not there often they're rattled in this game so when they're rattled and they're under scoreboard pressure as they were in their defeat to the tie pairing a couple of days ago to three days ago it's not a nice place to be then you want to break to the front desperately and it's just allowing them if they do so to be in a little bit freer more creative more imaginative with their endeavor Thomas Thomas Cup is so important to both of these teams in the [Music] [Applause] Carroll did historic Stadium and therefore Asian game it was so loud here is phenomenal but they're just it's intimate isn't it's a tiny little stadium there it feels like it's it's very enclosed and people are on you and the fans are knowledgeable and passionate to ask any player and it's always just so fun that's a place to play so fun fast as well right yes [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on top for the first time in the match then the world number ones is this the start of the turnaround it certainly looks like it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that started to get on a roll now [Applause] seven advantage [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while in Game one this team had a run of three consecutive points and downs stifled will be other team to no more than a run of two points for the Indonesians in game 1 game 2 rather different already dealing Tunisians have managed to run at four points consecutively so there's a turning of the tide here albeit temporarily perhaps who knows certainly these men will hope so [Applause] nice and steady [Applause] [Music] service foghorn is time for a second video - hi just signaling with hands behind the back where you'll be serving and how where to to his partner [Applause] [Music] now DeMarcus nice and flat shots watch [Music] [Applause] well they've broken to the front and they're not letting go the Indonesian see it's a must-win game from their perspective otherwise they're to kneel down in this overall tie and that's a horrendous place to be isn't it in a race to three so they need this game badly they'll give trying to a breather of China's to pull this off to win [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thunderous cost smash them Gideon he pulls out the hammer on this one I just gets up nice and my whim [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so China with the serving advantage but work to do in the second game brilliant all around pretty good defense from team join upper you sense that Kevin second Monday now is really starting to have effect in the front port more than ever before yes exactly watch places a shot so beautifully but it's that pressure always snapping snapping keep that pressure on see a different team now in the second games yeah there's a different complexion on this match now to Indonesian fans delight [Applause] smash racket but no chair as they clash down the middle corridor where all the doubt is [Applause] nice and my again Marcus winning the points at the back yeah there's more sting one there's more purpose in everything they're doing now and suddenly they look freer and more comfortable can they stay on the front foot and retain control of this must-win game too he's a unit isn't it where's young man is quite sort of slight frame but very elastically powerful leo is loaded with muscle [Applause] greedy yeah we give that one out too don't we Charmaine just good decision poor execution right Johnny started playing badminton because he was a weaker smiled so that's how he got into the sport to get into the beast [Applause] Indonesian fans having a ball here at this impact arena 11,000 seater stadium and it is crackling out here on semifinal Friday Tom Scott you got away with that one [Applause] [Applause] some speed on that smash [Applause] it's Tara [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody plays Kevin second dojo I want a quick rocky Gypsys rocket on that one Machoke [Music] [Applause] [Music] their reaction for game point opportunities for the world number ones to draw level [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] good call from Gideon sacrimoni oh and leaves as a consequence they've drawn level we are going the distance in match number two here in the impact arena back for Game three in a flash [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] well the Chinese team in yellow struggling to hold on to the attack in game 2 world number ones very much back in this they've drawn level so it's gonna be a deciding third game to which will be treated badminton fans here on show pot to China and match to the good in this overall tie race two three matches of course for a place in the Thomas Cup final on Sunday [Applause] [Applause] now the Chinese kind of desperately be hoping for a run of six that they got an opening game [Applause] they are becoming increasingly dominant throughout yeah exactly you saw that in the second game they're giving on to their game nice quick cut off snaps it down kind of throw them off in the first game it was really young then taking control there's a real energy about these two now Indonesian fence fully behind them they believe the flat stuff they're so quick at the net so I'm wondering what the Chinese have to do Charmaine to combat it [Applause] the jong-nam really makes a difference hope they run for it the experience he has look how quick he was to move to the net they're really taking his chances [Applause] he's like the deadly assassin isn't he Kevin Chattanooga and they love what they're seeing we sure do what they're doing those [Applause] not getting Jiangnan too many opportunities and that's what they want to do take drum then out of those part of the strength every once in a while you get to learn about that you want to surprise him go let him dictate the matter [Music] [Applause] a perfect spot but not watch you get a wide angle on that's just watch jungyeon where he is on the court he reads a game so well he's one step ahead be even before they're hitting it buckling power again from Buffy's finality Marcus watched the Heidi gets [Music] [Applause] does the angle when he's smashing so I'm not always guessing what to do [Applause] let's put the pressure on at the net nice and quick from Nasty changer [Music] [Applause] well you try to find line when you're attacking don't you that's it and that one just kiss the tape on the way through what's up to the shot really nice and high I almost hit it on the way down and if you're gonna do that you have to change your angles [Applause] in badminton you want to go up to the shuttle you're always going after it little bit of tennis or waiting maybe serve you go up to it right on top of it so many different sir now are they missing but it gives a little bit of a lifeline soon Leo [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Johnson scored though too high well he's gonna flush that quickly from his mind he's a man of experience he's taking care of these kind of moments a lot in the past [Applause] let's rock it on it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm coming in [Music] [Applause] fans just chanting as loud as they can for names of their players to will them on [Applause] elbow drop on that one too much [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that's here Toby sir yeah my shoulders dropping after you have a go [Applause] should I pop them down all the way down put that lid 58 shot rally that one longs to the match so far and already fatigue response at the end of it for a month but this finality gideon understandably [Applause] I was begging for mercy [Applause] [Applause] suddenly the scoreboard looks a lot closer now [Applause] there's the angle yes a steep can't always hit hard and flat you have to mix it up always giving your opponents guessing for watching until they got on that one put it away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's quick rocket fastener reading it wrong so mid-game interval advantage then after 12 minutes in the third game in favor of the world number once and well complements that both teams if he said to watch will match but particularly these guys that were under the caution from the opening game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if these two can win this men's doubles at least we're going to be treated to another two matches at least salivating at the prospect of that little hesitancy there from the very experienced young man [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wild on the side [Music] [Applause] even just face it [Applause] whatever whatever they've done they've managed to dismantle and disarm the Chinese team quite substantially now it's all Indonesia with the momentum a real surge of red and white energy all over show court to hear now they have the serious momentum bubble getting on attack and that's a key for the Indonesian team for such quick rackets but it's an attack that makes a difference [Music] [Applause] darkus with a quitter rain just watch Kevin's racket how quick it is coming to the net [Applause] man drop your opponent [Applause] we love chilling his way through they're gonna give me a new all he's got attempting to get back on terms in this decider [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] because they know that psychologically that point has really rarely almost stuck the dagger in [Applause] which Marcus's coming to the net for you to think about it right before he hits it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it just hits a tee I got it please tap that as well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well expectations coming in here with the Indonesians would find a way through us often they have done over of course in the last year or so such an impeccable record coming in here 19 wins no losses into this tournament I mean I'm so high up in out there every time [Music] [Applause] two points away now than the Indonesians from drawing level [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] can you believe this [Applause] No [Applause] both man fell to the floor a couple times with amazing saves to no avail in the end China with the point the Indonesian dural what fantastic gets until the very end Issei kept the pressure on 64 shot rally look at them scrambling around like never before these are world number ones the pressure they're under from the Chinese tio something else I just fought and flew out the back on the last shot completes exceptionally well through in the point a minute easy when out the back yeah and then hanging over the advertising hoardings at the end of the point exhausted these two Wow play through the kitchen sink over the net and it kept coming back [Applause] still two points away but as the Chinese parry with the serving advantage well I did a quick clinic once with Kim Dong moon and he says until he hits the ground it's never over the players hit the ground when the shuttle did [Music] keeps a pressure washer fast [Applause] match point opportunities five of them then for the Indonesians [Applause] [Music] [Applause] commendably sokovia and Gideon to the delight of their fans really tough men's doubles match 12:21 2117 2115 to level the tie here on show court to and well we are going to be treated to at least another two matches as a consequence of that and that was a brilliant men's double show man speed great cut-offs but just really getting on the attack putting it to them and that made the difference in the third back with the second men singles very shortly don't go anywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: BWF TV
Views: 811,136
Rating: 4.728086 out of 5
Keywords: badminton, badminton championships, live, stream, 2018, Thomas Cup, Bangkok, China, Indonesia, LIU Cheng, ZHANG Nan, Marcus Fernaldi GIDEON, Kevin Sanjaya SUKAMULJO
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 15sec (3855 seconds)
Published: Fri May 25 2018
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